ItaliAMO. Upowszechnianie wiedzy italianistycznej w środowisku akademickim i pozaakademickim
ItaliAMO. Promotion of Italian Studies in the Academic and Non-Academic Environment
Contributor(s): Justyna Groblińska (Editor), Dominika Kobylska (Editor), Katarzyna Kowalik (Editor)
Subject(s): Social Sciences, Language studies, Language and Literature Studies, Sociology, Culture and social structure , Italian literature
Published by: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
Keywords: Italian literature; Italian culture; Italian language didactics; Italian language
Summary/Abstract: In 2022 Italian Studies of the University of Lodz and the ItaliAMO Students Scientific Circle celebrated their anniversaries of activity. As a part of those two important jubilees (accordingly – eleventh and tenth) there was organized a series of cultural and scientific events related to Italian culture and language, among others the international conference a result of which is the present monograph.Referring to the SKN ItaliAMO’s mission, we chose Promotion of Italian Studies in the Academic and Non-Academic Environment as the leading topic of the conference. The volume contains scientific papers devoted particularly to Italian language didactics in various contexts, to the influence of Polish language on the Italian language or linguistic politics of fascism. Those texts in the remaining two disciplines concern, among others, such writers as Dante, Leopardi, Artusi, Svevo or Romano as well as the Renaissance art.
- E-ISBN-13: 978-83-8331-368-9
- Print-ISBN-13: 978-83-8331-367-2
- Page Count: 292
- Publication Year: 2023
- Language: Polish, Italian
Wstęp / Introduzione
Wstęp / Introduzione
- Author(s):Justyna Groblińska, Dominika Kobylska, Katarzyna Kowalik
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Editorial
- Page Range:7-14
- No. of Pages:8
L’insegnamento dell’italiano LS in Ungheria, dalla Caduta del muro di Berlino ad oggi
L’insegnamento dell’italiano LS in Ungheria, dalla Caduta del muro di Berlino ad oggi
(Teaching Italian as a Foreign Language in Ungheria, from the Fall of the Berlin Wall to Today)
- Author(s):Anna Andreini
- Language:Italian
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies, Cultural history, Foreign languages learning
- Page Range:15-36
- No. of Pages:22
- Keywords:languages; teaching; Italian LS; 1989; schoolbooks
- Summary/Abstract:This essay is about the diffusion of Italian in Hungary starting from 1989, the year in which the obligation to learn the Russian language expires, which remained in force for 40 years, excluding all other Western languages. From that moment every alternative to the choice of Russian was preferred: multiple structures for the teaching of Italian born and there were multiple changes about the diffusion of Italian as LS, which we will expose in the following report. In addition, in this essay will be presented an analysis of the Italian LS books most used in educational institutions in Hungary with the aim of seeing to date which language model is used through them. The analysis of the manuals is part of a broader research about Italian language in Hungary and whose objectives are as follows: first, monitoring the Italian LS system in Hungary through a mapping of all the structures for the dissemination of the Italian language, going specifically to identify the type of structure, a contact person or contact for each of them, the number of students and other information. Instead, the second objective is about the analysis of the specific preparation of Hungarian teachers in the linguistic and glottodidactic field of Italian LS, the method or approach they apply in the educational institutions where Italian is taught, and finally any problems related to these two issues.
L’influsso polacco “nascosto” nel lessico italiano: non solo "mazurka" e "zloty"
L’influsso polacco “nascosto” nel lessico italiano: non solo "mazurka" e "zloty"
(The “hidden” Polish Influence in Italian Vocabulary: Not Only Mazurka and Zloty)
- Author(s):Gianluca Biasci
- Language:Italian
- Subject(s):Language studies, Theoretical Linguistics
- Page Range:37-45
- No. of Pages:10
- Keywords:vocabulary; lexicography; etymology; loanwords; polonisms
- Summary/Abstract:This essay aims to shed new light on the “hidden” contributions of the polish language and culture in the formation of Italian vocabulary. The survey involves both lexicographical repertoires and the language of the Internet, from which it is possible to draw terms that our dictionaries even ignore, such as polonismo and polacchismo. To the point of realizing that not even a very Italian, indeed very Neapolitan dessert, such as babà, is immune from the Polish linguistic (and gastronomic) contribution.
L’errore grammaticale nei paesaggi linguistici italiani di Buenos Aires: una doppia prospettiva, glottopolitica e glottodidattica
L’errore grammaticale nei paesaggi linguistici italiani di Buenos Aires: una doppia prospettiva, glottopolitica e glottodidattica
(The grammatical Error in the Italian Linguistic Landscapes of Buenos Aires: a Double Glottopolitics and Glottodidactics Perspective)
- Author(s):Francesca Capelli, Mariel Angeles Pitton Straface
- Language:Italian
- Subject(s):Language studies, Theoretical Linguistics
- Page Range:47-59
- No. of Pages:13
- Keywords:linguistic landscape; glottodidactics; linguistic variation; teaching unit; neostandard
- Summary/Abstract:The public space of the city of Buenos Aires is dotted with Italian linguistic landscape (LL), a legacy of the migratory waves that occurred between the end of the 19th century and the beginning of the second post-war period. During one century and a half, the attitude towards Italians has gone from contempt to idealization. Even Italian LL has turned into distinctive signs of quality and refinement, but it is also a reservoir of linguistic variation which can be used to create low-cost language teaching material. This article proposes an analysis pattern for the linguistic variation present in the Italian LL in Buenos Aires and the use of this material as an authentic text for the elaboration of a didactic unit for students of Italian for foreigners.
Un inedito manoscritto di Giacomo Leopardi “Sopra la riputazione di Q. Orazio Flacco presso gli antichi”
Un inedito manoscritto di Giacomo Leopardi “Sopra la riputazione di Q. Orazio Flacco presso gli antichi”
(An Unedited Manuscript of Giacomo Leopardi “Sopra la riputazione di Q. Orazio Flacco presso gli antichi”)
- Author(s):Vittorio Capuzza
- Language:Italian
- Subject(s):Studies of Literature, Italian literature
- Page Range:61-78
- No. of Pages:18
- Keywords:discourse; process; library; classics
- Summary/Abstract:In 2020, the author of this article found an unpublished manuscript by Giacomo Leopardi among the papers of the National Library of Naples. The title of the autograph does not correspond to the content expressed by the young Leopardi: this opens up several scenarios and parallel hypotheses, which will be discussed and further explored here.
Aspetti della cultura enogastronomica nella città di Forlì e apprendimento dell’italiano: uno studio con la app Forliviamo
Aspetti della cultura enogastronomica nella città di Forlì e apprendimento dell’italiano: uno studio con la app Forliviamo
(The Aspects of Enogastronomic Culture of Forlì and Italian Language Learning: a Study with the Forliviamo app)
- Author(s):Cristiana Cervini, Anna Zingaro
- Language:Italian
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies, Foreign languages learning, Distance learning / e-learning
- Page Range:79-94
- No. of Pages:16
- Keywords:app; Italian L2; mobile assisted language learning; context-aware language learning; incidental learning
- Summary/Abstract:This paper aims to describe the development of the Forliviamo web application, which fosters incidental learning of Italian as L2 through the promotion of the city of Forlì and its surroundings. Following a brief portrayal of the context in which the app originated, the theoretical underpinnings that supported the project will be shortly outlined. Afterwards, a general description of the app contents and functions will be given. Particular attention will be paid to the contents related to local food and wine, which were the subject of a classroom testing with international students and whose outcomes will be analysed.
Insegnare la grammatica italiana a studenti universitari stranieri principianti: un’analisi longitudinale
Insegnare la grammatica italiana a studenti universitari stranieri principianti: un’analisi longitudinale
(The Teaching of Italian Grammar to the Beginner Foreign University Students: a Longitudinal Analysis)
- Author(s):Giovanni Favata
- Language:Italian
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies, Education, Foreign languages learning
- Page Range:95-120
- No. of Pages:26
- Keywords:Italian as a second language; interlanguage; teaching Italian grammar; university students; linguistic change
- Summary/Abstract:In this paper we want to analyse written productions of university students, collected in different academic years by the researcher during his Italian as a second language courses. We will conduct a longitudinal analysis during which we will have a twofold purpose: to monitor the effects of the grammar teaching and to observe the autonomous development of the learners’ interlanguage. For our studies, we will use data coming from a control group, composed by Italian speakers, students at Polytechnic of Turin.
“Ché non è impresa da pigliare a gabbo”: echi danteschi nella "Scienza in cucina" di Pellegrino Artusi
“Ché non è impresa da pigliare a gabbo”: echi danteschi nella "Scienza in cucina" di Pellegrino Artusi
(“Ché non è impresa da pigliare a gabbo”: Dante’s Echoes in the Scienza in cucina by Pellegrino Artusi)
- Author(s):Valentina Iosco
- Language:Italian
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies, Studies of Literature, Italian literature
- Page Range:121-133
- No. of Pages:13
- Keywords:Artusi; Dante; literature; linguistic; gastronomy
- Summary/Abstract:In the wake of Unification of Italy, in Florence, Pellegrino Artusi publishes Science in the Kitchen and The Art of Eating Well, a book meant to get into the homes of all Italians and which contributed to the formation of an Italian of written and spoken use in the post-unification linguistic reality. This is not a simple cookbook: it welcomes, between one preparation and another, explicit references to Dante and the Comedy. Artusi demonstrates with good taste and common sense how Dante and the gastronomy are two strongly identifying elements for Italy. To highlight how deep this connection is, the text of the Science has been examined in search of implicit or explicit Dantean echoes. The intent of the research goes in two directions: on one hand, to hypothesize, through Artusi’s literary quotes, the type of public to which it is addressed, on the other, to highlight the educational purpose of the work, which cannot be considered only and simply a collection of recipes.
Tra "La Rigenerazione" e "La coscienza di Zeno" di Italo Svevo: alla ricerca di un nuovo paradigma drammatico
Tra "La Rigenerazione" e "La coscienza di Zeno" di Italo Svevo: alla ricerca di un nuovo paradigma drammatico
(Between La Rigenerazione and La coscienza di Zeno by Italo Svevo: in Search for a New Drama Paradigm)
- Author(s):Tomasz Kaczmarek
- Language:Italian
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies, Studies of Literature
- Page Range:135-150
- No. of Pages:16
- Keywords:Italo Svevo; modern drama; contemporary drama; new dramatic paradigm; crisis of drama
- Summary/Abstract:The article proposes a new approach to Italo Svevo’s dramaturgy based on the example of his masterpiece The Regeneration, in the context of the poetics of modern and contemporary drama. Despite the matrix of the text, which seems to respect the old formal constraints, the Italian author questions certain foundations inherent in the aesthetics of the canonical form. The different strategies that go beyond the generic rules are also manifested in Zeno’s Conscience (known also in English as Confessions of Zeno), which contains some solutions of today’s theatrical aesthetics. Concluding remarks on this matter will be reserved for this work.
Majolika włoskiego renesansu
Majolika włoskiego renesansu
(Maiolica of the Italian Renaissance)
- Author(s):Ewa Kołodziejska
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Cultural Anthropology / Ethnology, History of Art
- Page Range:151-164
- No. of Pages:14
- Keywords:majolika; renesans; ceramika; Włochy; istoriato
- Summary/Abstract:Maiolica is an earthenware ceramic coated with a white, opaque tin glaze which was decorated with paints of a characteristic and rich color range. The aim of the article is to present the development of Italian maiolica in the 15th and 16th centuries. It presents the main centers producing maiolica and examples of their work. The production process and the analysis of the role and importance of Renaissance maiolicas were also included. The article discusses the problem expressed by the question: how did Italian maiolica evolve and what processes influenced its development? The presented conclusions are based on the results of qualitative analysis, primarily content analysis, as well as comparative analysis of selected maiolica products.
“Resistenza senza la resistenza”. Storia ed invenzione nella scrittura di Lalla Romano
“Resistenza senza la resistenza”. Storia ed invenzione nella scrittura di Lalla Romano
(“Resistenza senza la resistenza”. The History and the Invention in the texts of Lalla Romano)
- Author(s):Donatella La Monaca
- Language:Italian
- Subject(s):Studies of Literature, Italian literature
- Page Range:165-177
- No. of Pages:13
- Keywords:Resistance; chronicle; history; places; memory
- Summary/Abstract:“Resistance without Resistance, an intimist Resistance, the only one possible if one does not have Fenoglio’s epic dimension” wrote Lalla Romano in 1987. On the thrust of this consideration, we will focus on the relationship between history and invention and its thematic-stylistic declination in some of the writer’s most compromised narrative and nonfiction pages with post-World War II history. It will reflect on how the web of contaminations becomes thicker and the border between private chronicle and public history more fluid in a narrative’ deliberately alien to any “celebratory rhetoric”.
Calvino tra mito e scienza. Le riflessioni cosmologiche mediate dai classici latini
Calvino tra mito e scienza. Le riflessioni cosmologiche mediate dai classici latini
(Calvino Between Myth and Science. Cosmological Reflections Mediated by the Latin Classics)
- Author(s):Ginevra Latini
- Language:Italian
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies, Studies of Literature
- Page Range:179-192
- No. of Pages:14
- Keywords:myth; science; cosmos; cosmology; cosmogony; cosmography; cosmological story
- Summary/Abstract:Italo Calvino describes cosmological issues both through narrative reworkings, as in the case of many stories, and with essay reflections. He divulges the most recent scientific discoveries and hypotheses relating to the world’s birth and development through myth, following the model of some Latin authors such as Lucretius, Ovid and Pliny the Elder. The methodology of this study aims to compare the Calvinian critical readings of the three authors, highlighting the affinities, in order to understand the role they play in his reworkings. After having identified some thematic and stylistic constants, the emphasis is placed on the differences between the three authors and on the three level of analysis of their “cosmicity” in a cosmological, cosmogonic and cosmographic point of view. The cosmicomic story La forma dello spazio is a specific example of how Calvino analyzes and re-elaborates cosmological elements of Latinity with the aim of finding an expedient to address scientific topics through the literary medium. The purpose of this analysis is to identify the influences of these authors in Calvino’s essay production in the 1970s and 1980s and to examine the rewriting of some Latin elements in his cosmicomic stories and in Palomar. In the perspective of understanding how the analysis of Latin classics’s reception allows the ancient to relive in the contemporary, the research question is if Calvino’s proposal takes on a new light, certainly free from the postmodern canon, in the panorama of literature of the second half of the twentieth century. Calvin himself, in the footsteps of the Latin authors, would become a classic among the classics.
L’italiano L2 per lo studio: un percorso didattico per studenti universitari
L’italiano L2 per lo studio: un percorso didattico per studenti universitari
(Italian as the Second Language for the Study: a Didactic Path for University Students)
- Author(s):Maria Vittoria Lo Presti
- Language:Italian
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies, Education, Foreign languages learning
- Page Range:193-204
- No. of Pages:12
- Keywords:Italian L2; foreign university students; Italian for general communicative purposes; Italian for general study; Italian for specific study
- Summary/Abstract:Courses for foreign students that integrate linguistic and subject-specific learning represent a resource for Italian universities, as they guarantee effective learning in Italian L2 and in the subject studied. In this paper we illustrate, analyse and comment on the proposal offered by an Italian course for specific study purposes – the Esercitazioni di Linguistica generale per studenti cinesi – active at the Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, in order to design and share good teaching practices.
Il fascismo e l’italianizzazione forzata di nomi e toponimi al “confine orientale"
Il fascismo e l’italianizzazione forzata di nomi e toponimi al “confine orientale"
(Fascism and the forced italianization of names and toponyms on the “eastern border”)
- Author(s):Chiara Nencioni
- Language:Italian
- Subject(s):Theoretical Linguistics, History of ideas, Fascism, Nazism and WW II
- Page Range:205-219
- No. of Pages:15
- Keywords:border fascism; denationalization; annexation; italianization; language
- Summary/Abstract:The essay deals with the violent denationalization process of the Slavic minorities in the territories of Venezia Giulia annexed to Italy after the First World War. Liberal Italy already adopted policy that tend to assimilate the Slavic populations; but fascism adds a strong charge of violence feeling an evident sense of ethnic superiority. The fire of the Narodni Dom is the announcement of the forced denationalization policy implemented by the so-called border fascism. The fascist state implemented the forced Italianization of names and toponyms and imposed the Italian language in every aspect of public life: courts, schools, churches. The essay aims to analyze the role that the authoritarian change of names, surnames and toponyms had in the process of forced assimilation into the Italian state of the eastern territories acquired after World War I. We use information from essays, literature, testimonies and legal texts.
Dante attraverso gli occhi dei suoi contemporanei: una collezione di testi poetici trecenteschi minori politici e civili toscani su Dante
Dante attraverso gli occhi dei suoi contemporanei: una collezione di testi poetici trecenteschi minori politici e civili toscani su Dante
(Dante Through the Eyes of his Contemporaries: a Collection of the Fourteenth-century Minor Tuscan Political and Civil Poetry on Dante)
- Author(s):Marialaura Pancini
- Language:Italian
- Subject(s):Literary Texts, Studies of Literature, Italian literature
- Page Range:221-237
- No. of Pages:17
- Keywords:Dante; 14th century; politic and civil poetry; Tuscan; minor poetry
- Summary/Abstract:This paper analyses a selection of political and civil 14th-century minor Tuscan lyrical texts, where authors use Dante’s biography and literature to compose political and civil verses. Through biographical and informatics research I selected a corpus of texts regarding the selected topic and genre. The purpose was to find similarities and differences between different texts, authors, and contexts. What emerges is a heterogeneous landscape that demonstrates some recurring themes in different texts.
Casa Cogollo w Vicenzy zwana “domem Andrei Palladia”
Casa Cogollo w Vicenzy zwana “domem Andrei Palladia”
(Casa Cogollo in Vicenza knowned as “Andrea Palladio’s house”)
- Author(s):Bartłomiej Bartelmus
- Language:Polish, Italian
- Subject(s):Architecture, History of Art
- Page Range:241-259
- No. of Pages:19
- Keywords:renaissance; Vicenza; Andrea Palladio
- Summary/Abstract:The author concentrates on the silhouette of a famous Italian Renaissance architect Andrea Palladio. His work is presented on the basis of the history of “Casa Cogollo” – a building situated in Vicenza.
Compiuta Donzella, czyli kobiecy głos w poezji "volgare"
Compiuta Donzella, czyli kobiecy głos w poezji "volgare"
(Compiuta Donzella or a Feminine Voice in Volgare Poetry)
- Author(s):Katarzyna Hapon
- Language:Polish, Italian
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies, Poetry, Studies of Literature
- Page Range:261-266
- No. of Pages:6
- Keywords:Compiuta Donzella; Middle Ages; volgare; Italian literature
- Summary/Abstract:The paper introduces the silhouette of medieval Italian poetess Compiuta Donzella. The authoress introduces basic information about her work and interprets chosen passages of her texts.
"Scrocco" jako styl życia (także mojego)
"Scrocco" jako styl życia (także mojego)
(Scrocco as a Lifestyle (Also Mine))
- Author(s):Justyna Konarska
- Language:Polish, Italian
- Subject(s):Culture and social structure , Sociology of Culture
- Page Range:267-274
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:Scrocco; Italy; culture; travels
- Summary/Abstract:The paper assumed the form of an interview with young Italian people who describe and exemplify a generally unknown cultural phenomenon named scrocco.
Opery włoskie – od fiaska do sukcesu
Opery włoskie – od fiaska do sukcesu
(Italian Opera – from Failure to Success)
- Author(s):Zofia Kozłowska
- Language:Polish, Italian
- Subject(s):Music, History of Art
- Page Range:275-280
- No. of Pages:6
- Keywords:Italian Opera; music; Verdi; Puccini; Rossini
- Summary/Abstract:The paper shows the history of chosen Italian opera’s masterpieces, which didn’t get recognition of the audience and of the critics in the very moment of their creation. The authoress concentrates on the circumstances of their stage exhibition, on the contemporary reactions and on their reception evolving over time.
Wywiad z pianistą Jakubem Kamińskim
Wywiad z pianistą Jakubem Kamińskim
(Interview with the Pianist Jakub Kamiński)
- Author(s):Elżbieta Dziąg, Wojciech Grodzki, Krzysztof Jankowski, Paulina Michalak, Zuzanna Suska, Miłosz Szymczak, Martina Wilińska, Dagmara Milińska-Tran
- Language:English, Polish, Italian
- Subject(s):Music
- Page Range:281-291
- No. of Pages:11
- Keywords:music; pianist; concerts; science
- Summary/Abstract:The text presents the interview with the pianist Jakub Kamiński conducted by a group of first grade students of Italian Studies. The musician talks about his professional path, inspirations, didactic work and shares the memories from his concerts. The interviewed is translated to Italian and English.