The Universal Declaration of Human Rights - an Important Moment in The Development of Human Rights Law Cover Image

Declaraţia Universală a Drepturilor Omului – moment important în dezvoltarea dreptului drepturilor omului
The Universal Declaration of Human Rights - an Important Moment in The Development of Human Rights Law

Contributor(s): Tudor Avrigeanu (Editor), Iolanda VASILE (Editor), Versavia Brutaru (Editor)
Subject(s): Law, Constitution, Jurisprudence, Civil Law, EU-Legislation, Commercial Law, Administrative Law
Published by: Universul Juridic
Keywords: Universal Declaration of Human Rights; Human Rights Law; International Law; Historical Context; Global Human Rights;
Summary/Abstract: This volume presents the significance of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) in the evolution of international human rights law. It examines how the UDHR laid the foundation for the development of subsequent human rights treaties and frameworks, influencing both national and international legal systems. It delves into the historical context of the UDHR's adoption, the key principles it enshrines, and its lasting impact on global human rights discourse. It also addresses the challenges and criticisms faced by the UDHR over the decades, highlighting its role as a cornerstone of modern human rights advocacy and legislation.

  • E-ISBN-13: 978-606-39-1521-5
  • Page Count: 135
  • Publication Year: 2024
  • Language: Romanian
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