Społeczny udział w tworzeniu miejskiej polityki klimatycznej. Przykład Łodzi
Public participation in urban climate policy making. The example of Lodz
Contributor(s): Kamil Brzeziński (Editor), Tomasz Jurczak (Editor), Agnieszka Rzeńca (Editor)
Subject(s): Economy, Sociology, Rural and urban sociology, Public Finances, Socio-Economic Research
Published by: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
Keywords: city; participation; citizens’ assembly; climate change; greenhouse gases; urban climate policy; natural capital; sustainable transport; circular economy; construction; energy
Summary/Abstract: Today, cities and their inhabitants play a key role in the context of anthropogenic climate change. On the one hand, cities are the nexus of the problem, as they contribute to significant greenhouse gas emissions; on the other hand, they represent a tremendous opportunity to reverse these negative processes, as they can, and should, be an area for the implementation of many innovative solutions and strategies to reduce emissions and adapt to a changing climate. Urban residents can play an active role in building climate neutrality of urban areas through their daily choices, behaviour, education, social engagement and influence on political processes. Public participation is crucial to the creation of urban climate policies, to achieve the goals of the continuous fight against a changing climate and to create more sustainable urban communities. It is an important aspect of environmental action because it allows for the inclusion of people's diverse perspectives, needs and experiences. In addition, the integration of the local community, business, academia and policy makers is nowadays key to creating effective urban policies moving towards climate neutrality.The book "Public participation in urban climate policy making. The example of Łódź." which is the result of cooperation between scientists and practitioners from various scientific centres and cities as well as representatives of local government administration, is addressed to all those for whom cities are a common good and, despite many noticeable shortcomings, are and will remain for many more years the only living environment.
Series: Uniwersytet Łódzki
- E-ISBN-13: 978-83-8331-451-8
- Print-ISBN-13: 978-83-8331-450-1
- Page Count: 242
- Publication Year: 2024
- Language: Polish
Miasta a efekt cieplarniany w świetle współczesnych ustaleń naukowych
Miasta a efekt cieplarniany w świetle współczesnych ustaleń naukowych
(Miasta a efekt cieplarniany w świetle współczesnych ustaleń naukowych)
- Author(s):Krzysztof Fortuniak
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Economy, Sociology, Rural and urban sociology, Political Ecology
- Page Range:11-25
- No. of Pages:15
- Keywords:climate change; greenhouse gas inventory; urban climate
- Summary/Abstract:Cities responsible for over 70% of global greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions are also areas with a high mitigation potential. The search for specific solutions enabling a significant reduction of GHG emissions in urban areas is therefore of key importance in the global pro-climate policy. One of the tools for this purpose may be discussions within the citizens’ assembly. The developed solutions, in order to be effective, must be consistent with the current state of knowledge. Therefore, the undertaken study provides basic information on the greenhouse effect and the role of individual greenhouse gases, methods for determining emissions from the city area and the characteristics of the urban climate. Particular attention was paid to the dangers resulting from the insufficiently thorough interpretation of the results obtained with the use of various GHG inventory methods. In terms of urban climate, the differences between the classic urban heat island regarding the air temperature in the city and the surface temperature obtained from satellite imagery were highlighted. The impact of the city on the precipitation and wind field was also characterized. Finally, urban strategies for mitigating climate change were discussed.
- Price: 2.00 €
Miasta w dobie wyzwań zmieniającego się klimatu
Miasta w dobie wyzwań zmieniającego się klimatu
(Miasta w dobie wyzwań zmieniającego się klimatu)
- Author(s):Agnieszka Rzeńca, Tomasz Jurczak
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Sociology, Rural and urban sociology
- Page Range:27-45
- No. of Pages:19
- Keywords:city; urban climate policy; urban sustainability; urban resilience; smart city; city metabolism
- Summary/Abstract:Cities are the largest contributors to pollution, which ultimately leads to climate change on a global scale. The negative, environmental, effects of cities are becoming so acute that they are mobilizing local authorities, but also citizens themselves, to take active measures. Sustainable urban development is becoming a necessity and requires the implementation of innovative instruments and solutions and the creation of an urban climate policy. An extensive review of the literature on the subject and a search of key international and national documents made it possible to outline a broad perspective on the conditions and determinants of contemporary urban development in the era of challenges caused by climate change.
- Price: 2.00 €
Partycypacja społeczna na rzecz miasta neutralnego klimatycznie
Partycypacja społeczna na rzecz miasta neutralnego klimatycznie
(Partycypacja społeczna na rzecz miasta neutralnego klimatycznie)
- Author(s):Anna Wasiak
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Economy, Sociology, Rural and urban sociology
- Page Range:47-62
- No. of Pages:16
- Keywords:social participation; deliberative democracy; citizens’ assembly
- Summary/Abstract:The article presents social participation as a concept that is still new and yet developing very dynamically. In parallel with the development of the approach of cooperation and joint decision-making between local authorities and the local community, there are overlapping processes that have not yet existed in the awareness, and therefore in the debate. Climate threats, reducing greenhouse gas emissions, drought, and weather anomalies are issues so far beyond the sphere of action of local authorities. Cooperation, cooperation and co-decision-making with residents require the development of social and climate participation tools.
- Price: 2.00 €
Panel obywatelski jako instrument włączenia mieszkańców w sprawy miasta
Panel obywatelski jako instrument włączenia mieszkańców w sprawy miasta
(Panel obywatelski jako instrument włączenia mieszkańców w sprawy miasta)
- Author(s):Kamil Brzeziński
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Economy, Sociology, Rural and urban sociology
- Page Range:63-79
- No. of Pages:17
- Keywords:participation; deliberative democracy; deliberative processes; citizens’ assembly
- Summary/Abstract:The last decade has been a period of growing popularity of public participation and innovative instruments for involving residents in co-decision processes. Processes inspired by the concept of deliberative democracy are increasingly being used in practice. One of such mechanism is the citizens’ assemblies, which are willingly being utilized by local authorities in large Polish cities. The article aim is to synthetically present the idea of a citizen assembly and to analyse its potential strengths and drawbacks as an instrument to involve citizens in decision-making processes.
- Price: 2.00 €
Kapitał naturalny miast w łagodzeniu skutków antropogenicznej zmiany klimatu
Kapitał naturalny miast w łagodzeniu skutków antropogenicznej zmiany klimatu
(Kapitał naturalny miast w łagodzeniu skutków antropogenicznej zmiany klimatu)
- Author(s):Kinga Krauze, Tomasz Jurczak
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Economy, Sociology, Rural and urban sociology
- Page Range:83-96
- No. of Pages:14
- Keywords:natural capital; ecosystem services; urban greening; blue-green infrastructure; urban adaptation to climate change
- Summary/Abstract:Natural capital plays a key role in mitigating the effects of climate change in cities. It includes all resources of nature, ecosystems as such and the ecological processes that occur within them. We use a percentage of nature’s potential in the form of goods (food, fossil resources, water) as well as services, e.g. soil formation, pollination, climate regulation. The share of goods and services used by humans is called ecosystem services. In a city, natural capital is formed by fields, meadows and forests as well as parks, squares and common lawns, in addition to water bodies. Green spaces help to absorb carbon dioxide, improve air quality and reduce the urban heat island effect. They thus improve the living conditions of residents while reducing the risks associated with phenomena such as droughts, heat and flooding. The risks arise not only directly from weather conditions, but also from a number of adverse feedbacks. Prolonged droughts, for example, result in increase in airborne allergens. Green areas through increasing air humidity, prevent dust formation and bind particles due to the increased roughness of the substrate and the structure of leaves and greenery (density, size, stratification, individual characteristics of species). Green areas also influence the water cycle. Plants use water, capture rainfall it in their crowns, their roots improve infiltration, mulch increases the water holding capacity of the soil. Ecosystem services depend on the health of nature as measured, among other things, by biodiversity. Strengthening public awareness of the importance of natural capital and the impact of human activities on the environment is therefore a prerequisite for sustainable urban development.
- Price: 2.00 €
Zrównoważona mobilność w miastach – wyzwania i perspektywy
Zrównoważona mobilność w miastach – wyzwania i perspektywy
(Zrównoważona mobilność w miastach – wyzwania i perspektywy)
- Author(s):Szymon Wójcik
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Economy, Sociology, Rural and urban sociology
- Page Range:97-114
- No. of Pages:18
- Keywords:sustainable urban transport; shared mobility; micromobility; greenhouse gases emission
- Summary/Abstract:This chapter aims to discuss perspectives for shaping urban mobility in the context of climate change and to identify solutions that reduce urban emissions in the transportation sector. The environmentally harmful externalities generated by motorized transport, as revealed by current scientific research, are discussed. Subsequently, the developmental status of selected Polish cities’ sustainable transport solutions is characterized. Data analysis indicates upward trends in expanding dedicated bus lanes, developing public bicycle roadnetworks, constructing Park & Ride facilities, and increasing popularity of electric scooters. These positive trends are contrasted with a consistent increase in motorization ratios within the analyzed cities, posing a challenge for emissions reduction within their boundaries. The chapter concludes with recommendations for urban transport policies that promote sustainable mobility.
- Price: 2.00 €
Miejska gospodarka o obiegu zamkniętym
Miejska gospodarka o obiegu zamkniętym
(Miejska gospodarka o obiegu zamkniętym)
- Author(s):Agnieszka Sobol
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Economy, Sociology, Rural and urban sociology
- Page Range:115-130
- No. of Pages:16
- Keywords:circular economy; local development; resource efficiency; low-carbon emissions
- Summary/Abstract:One of the strategic directions of the development of modern cities is a circular economy (CE). The circular economy is a way of conducting social and economic processes oriented towards resource efficiency and minimization of waste production. Its effect is low-carbon emissions contributing to building climate neutrality. The complex approach to the development of the circular economy includes responsible and economical management of resources and their repeated use in the process of exchange or change of use. The multifaceted approach requires linking technological and organizational changes with economic and social impact mechanisms as well as continuous ecological education. The key area of circular economy is the partnership and cooperation of many local entities. An import- ant role in coordinating the development of the urban circular economy is played by local governments, which should actively and on an ongoing basis initiate, support and promote activities for its development. At the same time, these are the inhabitants who are the real agents of change toward the circular economy. Ultimately, it is their awareness and attitudes that contribute to its realization.
- Price: 2.00 €
Budownictwo zrównoważone w mieście – oszczędność i racjonalizacja
Budownictwo zrównoważone w mieście – oszczędność i racjonalizacja
(Budownictwo zrównoważone w mieście – oszczędność i racjonalizacja)
- Author(s):Daniel Tokarski
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Economy, Sociology, Rural and urban sociology
- Page Range:131-144
- No. of Pages:14
- Keywords:low-energy construction; sustainable construction
- Summary/Abstract:The aim of the study is to systematize knowledge about the rationalization of construction in Poland. Based on the literature review, the author identifies guidelines and indicates all regulations regarding the design of energy-efficient buildings, with particular emphasis on the legal conditions for energy performance, thermal modernization and energy audits of buildings. The text introduces the theories of low-energy, sustainable and ecological construction and shows that properly planned and implemented investments can meet legal requirements and reduce operating costs, without sacrificing comfort of use. The publication combines an interdisciplinary approach from the areas of engineering and technical sciences and social sciences.
- Price: 2.00 €
Energetyka w mieście wczoraj, dziś i jutro
Energetyka w mieście wczoraj, dziś i jutro
(Energetyka w mieście wczoraj, dziś i jutro)
- Author(s):Jacek Biskupski
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Economy, Sociology, Rural and urban sociology
- Page Range:145-167
- No. of Pages:23
- Keywords:energy transition; urban energy; prosumerism; local energy initiatives; low carbon; bottom-up energy innovation
- Summary/Abstract:The author analyses the paths of societal participation in the energy transition in Germany and the Netherlands, comparing them to the situation in Poland. He analyses energy development in Poland, taking into account scenarios realised in Germany and the Netherlands. He describes several experiments with the application of RES in cities in these three countries, which leads to conclusions on the necessity to undertake a broad social debate on the future of energy in Poland.
- Price: 2.00 €
Inicjatywy obywatelskie łodzian na rzecz neutralności klimatycznej miasta
Inicjatywy obywatelskie łodzian na rzecz neutralności klimatycznej miasta
(Inicjatywy obywatelskie łodzian na rzecz neutralności klimatycznej miasta)
- Author(s):Anna Wasiak
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Economy, Sociology, Rural and urban sociology
- Page Range:171-192
- No. of Pages:22
- Keywords:participation; deliberative democracy; deliberative processes; citizens’ assembly; citizen budget; local initiative; tree map; forest parks; community gardens; vegetable gardens; ecology in the city;
- Summary/Abstract:The Anthropocene is not yet a known term for the geological era in which we live. Many scientific communities are calling for the adoption of this name, which would not only mean recognizing that predatory human activity has influenced the bad situation of our planet like never before. It would also mean official recognition of responsibility for the dramatic situation of loss of diversity. It should also be recognized that it is man as the perpetrator who should be responsible for stopping, but also partially reversing the trend. As modern individuals, we have no influence on shaping the policies of states and global corporations. However, we have a tangible impact on stopping the destruction and working for our local biodiversity. The article is an attempt to present what civic initiatives are undertaken by the inhabitants of Lodz.
- Price: 2.00 €
Łódzki Panel Obywatelski „Zieleń w mieście” – jak rozwijać partycypację społeczną, gdy kryzysy nawarstwiają się?
Łódzki Panel Obywatelski „Zieleń w mieście” – jak rozwijać partycypację społeczną, gdy kryzysy nawarstwiają się?
(Łódzki Panel Obywatelski „Zieleń w mieście” – jak rozwijać partycypację społeczną, gdy kryzysy nawarstwiają się?)
- Author(s):Agata Burlińska
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Economy, Sociology, Rural and urban sociology
- Page Range:193-207
- No. of Pages:15
- Keywords:green cities; citizens assembly; participation; climatic crisis; COVID-19 pandemic
- Summary/Abstract:This article is an analysis of the process of the I Lodz Citizens Assembly “Greenery in the City” in the context of the two crises that were piling up when it was conducted in 2020: the climate crisis and the COVID-19 pandemic. While the climate crisis was the subject of this deliberation process, the pandemic posed a challenge in terms of the conduct and organization of the process itself. The purpose of this article is to show the added value from conducting this process, taking into account (1) the way in which the first Lodz Citizens Assembly was organized, (2) the merits of the panel – in terms of the selection of themes and the recommendations developed, and (3) the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on both the way the panel was conducted and its substantive results. In the conclusions, recommendations were given to the public sector for the implementation of citizen assemblies on issues related to the climate crisis as well as the development of public participation during a crisis such as the pandemic.
- Price: 2.00 €
„W jaki sposób zredukować szkodliwą emisję gazów cieplarnianych na terenie Łodzi o 55% do 2030 roku?” –II Łódzki Panel Obywatelski w praktyce
„W jaki sposób zredukować szkodliwą emisję gazów cieplarnianych na terenie Łodzi o 55% do 2030 roku?” –II Łódzki Panel Obywatelski w praktyce
(„W jaki sposób zredukować szkodliwą emisję gazów cieplarnianych na terenie Łodzi o 55% do 2030 roku?” –II Łódzki Panel Obywatelski w praktyce)
- Author(s):Tomasz Jurczak, Agnieszka Rzeńca
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Economy, Sociology, Rural and urban sociology
- Page Range:209-225
- No. of Pages:17
- Keywords:public participation; citizens’ assembly; 2nd Lodz Citizens’ Assembly; greenhouse gas reduction
- Summary/Abstract:In the last few years, two citizens’ assemblies have been held in Lodz, focusing on the mitigation and adaptation of the city to climate change, and consequently, improving the quality of life for the residents of Lodz. The first panel addressed greenery in the city, while the second focused on finding answers to the question, “How to reduce harmful greenhouse gas emissions in Lodz by 55% by 2030?”. This chapter highlights the key conditions and determinants of the implementation of the 2nd Lodz Citizens’ Assembly, from the planning stage through execution to completion. As a result, the chapter should provide practical knowledge and inspiration for city leaders and authorities to conduct social participation processes using citizens’ assemblies as a tool of urban policy.
- Price: 2.00 €
Wnioski i refleksje wynikające z ewaluacji II Łódzkiego Panelu Obywatelskiego
Wnioski i refleksje wynikające z ewaluacji II Łódzkiego Panelu Obywatelskiego
(Wnioski i refleksje wynikające z ewaluacji II Łódzkiego Panelu Obywatelskiego)
- Author(s):Kamil Brzeziński
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Economy, Sociology, Rural and urban sociology
- Page Range:227-242
- No. of Pages:16
- Keywords:public participation; citizens’ assembly; 2nd Lodz Citizens’ Assembly; evaluation research
- Summary/Abstract:In recent years, two thematically related citizens’ assemblies have been implemented in Lodz, focusing on the mitigation and adaptation of the city to climate change, and consequently, improving the quality of life for its residents. The first panel addressed greenery in the city, while the second focused on finding answers can the question: “How to reduce harmful greenhouse gas emissions in Lodz by 55% by 2030?”. This chapter presents and discusses the key results of the evaluation survey conducted with the participants of II ŁPO. The objective of this chapter is to provide practical knowledge and enrich the experiences of cities authorities in conducting social participation processes, utilizing the citizens’ assembly as an instrument of urban policy.
- Price: 2.00 €