Życie prywatne Polaków w XIX wieku. Śmiech, humor, satyra. Tom 12
Private life of Poles in the 19th century. Laughter, humour, satire. Volume 12
Contributor(s): Jarosław Kita (Editor), Maria Korybut-Marciniak (Editor)
Subject(s): History, Social Sciences, Cultural history, Sociology, 19th Century
Published by: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
Keywords: humor; śmiech; satyra; XIX wiek; sarkazm; mężczyzna; kobieta; prasa satyryczna; satyra polityczna
Summary/Abstract: W pierwszym odruchu dziewiętnaste stulecie zdaje się być pozbawione poczucia humoru. Emocjonalny odbiór epoki przywodzi skojarzenia z obrazami cierpienia, niezgody, buntu, smutku, tęsknoty. Wyobrażenie o stanie psychiki społeczeństwa polskiego pod zaborami najczęściej wiążemy z melancholią – wynikającą z poczucia utraty wolności, mienia, bliskich osób, emigracji, będącą konsekwencją braku ojczyzny. A jednak Polacy w okresie budowania swojej tożsamości narodowej, walk narodowowyzwoleńczych, represji popowstaniowych, dynamicznie zmieniającej się rzeczywistości pod wpływem przemian społecznych, cywilizacyjnych, modernizacyjnych, gospodarczych i demograficznych nie byli pozbawieni poczucia humoru. Przeciwnie, humor, umiejętność prowadzenia dowcipnych konwersacji i zabawnych ripost były wysoko cenioną cechą mieszkańców ziem polskich. Humor i satyra pozwalały na oswojenie trudnej rzeczywistości i nierzadko stawały się formą oporu wobec autorytarnych systemów zaborczych. Śmiech stanowił narzędzie wyrażające cały wachlarz emocji: od radości i akceptacji po ironię, kpinę, szyderstwo, negację. Był to ważny i ceniony komponent „towarzyskości”. Przez szkiełko ironii obserwowano zmieniającą się rzeczywistość: wynalazki, innowacje techniczne, rozwój kolei, przenikające z Zachodu trendy kulturowe, modę, emancypację kobiet, ruchy polityczne i społeczne. W satyrze przedstawiano również trudne warunki egzystencjalne. Śmiech niwelował strach, krzepił Polaków w obliczu trudnych sytuacji, jednoczył. W prezentowanym tomie zachęcamy do spojrzenia na życie prywatne dziewiętnastowiecznych Polaków „cum humor”. Książka ukazuje, co w dziewiętnastym stuleciu Polaków bawiło, z czego żartowano, jakie były formy i rodzaje żartu, jakie zdarzenia prezentowano w obiektywie satyry, wreszcie jaką rolę odgrywały żart, dowcip, anegdota, satyra w życiu codziennym, prywatnym i publicznym.
Series: Uniwersytet Łódzki
- E-ISBN-13: 978-83-8331-413-6
- Print-ISBN-13: 978-83-8331-412-9
- Page Count: 506
- Publication Year: 2024
- Language: Polish
Śmiech XIX stulecia – garść refleksji na temat zakresu pojęcia i stanu badań
Śmiech XIX stulecia – garść refleksji na temat zakresu pojęcia i stanu badań
(Laughter of the 19th century – a handful of reflections on the scope of the concept and the state of research)
- Author(s):Jarosław Kita, Maria Korybut-Marciniak
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):History, Sociology, 19th Century
- Page Range:7-18
- No. of Pages:12
- Keywords:laughter; humor; satire; 19th century; concepts; state of research
- Summary/Abstract:At first impression, it would seem that in the 19th century. Poles deprived of their own statehood, experiencing the defeats of successive national uprisings and the trauma associated with it, may have been far from humorous. Rather, the emotional perception of the era brings to mind images of suffering, discord, rebellion, sadness and longing. And yet Poles, during the period of building their national identity, dynamically changing reality under the influence of social, civilization, modernization, economic and demographic changes, did not give up their sense of humor. It was precisely humor, the ability to hold witty conversations and funny retorts that were a valued feature of the inhabitants of the Polish lands. Humor and satire allowed them to tame a difficult reality and sometimes took the form of resistance to the authoritarian systems of the partitioning authorities. Laughter was a tool to express a whole range of emotions: from joy and acceptance to irony, mockery, derision and negation. It was an important and valued component of “sociability,” or the interaction of people with each other in 19th century daily life. The authors of the articles in this collection prove precisely that the 19th century was not without humor. They try to seek answers to the question, what was the laughter of the century? The considerations contained in the pages of the book indicate that it was, above all, a laughter that kept the spirits up, a therapeutic laughter, a compensatory laughter, a laughter that marred pain, a laughter that tamed what was foreign, threatening, difficult to accept. Certainly, the volume is just a fraction in uncovering the “smiling face of the era,” but it should have an inspiring effect on researchers of Polish society under partition.
- Price: 2.00 €
„Mam poczucie humoru, więc żyję”. Stefan Szuman i jego szkic psychologiczny „O dowcipie i humorze”
„Mam poczucie humoru, więc żyję”. Stefan Szuman i jego szkic psychologiczny „O dowcipie i humorze”
(I have a sense of humour, therefore I live Stefan Szuman and his psychological sketch On wit and humour)
- Author(s):Sara Kosno, Marek Przeniosło
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):History, Cultural history, Sociology, 19th Century
- Page Range:19-33
- No. of Pages:15
- Keywords:Stefan Szuman; Great Humour; Great Wit
- Summary/Abstract:The following article analyses in detail such phenomena as Great Humour, Great Wit, joy, laugh, irony, joke and other accompanying concepts discussed by Stefan Szuman in his psychological essay O dowcipie i humorze. The reflections of the philosopher are presented against a broader background of his colourful biography. Due to the depth and multithreaded nature of the text, its content can be considered at various levels, so the interpretation presented by the authors is only one of many possible readings.
- Price: 2.00 €
„Czytać w kawiarni w Warszawie wśród roztargnienia” – satyra polityczna i humor w gazecie „Nowa Polska” 1831 rok
„Czytać w kawiarni w Warszawie wśród roztargnienia” – satyra polityczna i humor w gazecie „Nowa Polska” 1831 rok
(“To be read absent-mindedly in a Warsaw café” – political satire and humour in the newspaper Nowa Polska, 1831)
- Author(s):Małgorzata Karpińska
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):History, Sociology, Modern Age, 19th Century
- Page Range:37-52
- No. of Pages:16
- Keywords:„Nowa Polska”; political satire; November Uprising 1831; press
- Summary/Abstract:Nowa Polska, a newspaper with the subtitle “Journal of Politics and Science”, began circulating in Warsaw on 5 January 1831 as an organ of radical circles. Its contributors included Kamil and Maurycy Mochnacki, Ludwik Nabielak and Adam Gurowski. From the very first issue, the paper, which was read in cafés as well as on Warsaw’s streets and squares, engaged in fierce polemics with all other political circles. However, it did not always pursue serious debates or refer to substantive or scientific arguments, as its subtitle suggests. Both the young age of most of its contributors and its audience led the editors to be uncompromising and ruthless in their criticism. Humour was very often the weapon aimed at the adversaries. Political satire, cutting bon mots and even the occasional bawdy mockery were to appeal not only to the intellect but also to the emotions of the readers. They also greatly expanded the readership. This article presents the main trends of satire, the people who became the object of ridicule and the attitudes and decisions that were most often mocked. The type of humour used to discredit political opponents is also analysed.
- Price: 2.00 €
Satyryczny obraz polityki mocarstw europejskich w obliczu kryzysu bułgarskiego (1885–1886) w krakowskim „Diable”
Satyryczny obraz polityki mocarstw europejskich w obliczu kryzysu bułgarskiego (1885–1886) w krakowskim „Diable”
(A satirical depiction of the policy of European powers during the Bulgarian Crisis (1885–1886) in Krakow journal “Diabeł”)
- Author(s):Waldemar Chrobak
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):History, Cultural history, Sociology, Modern Age, 19th Century
- Page Range:53-66
- No. of Pages:14
- Keywords:Polish press in XIX century; history of Bulgaria in XIX century; satirical magazine „Diabeł”; Bulgarian crisis 1885–1886; Serbo-Bulgarian war 1885; Balkan peninsula; foreign policy in XIX century
- Summary/Abstract:The Bulgarian crisis (1885–1886) depicted the growth of the particular interests of the European powers and constituted a violation of the rules of the Berlin Congress (1878) regarding the balance of power in the Balkan region. The ambiguous attitude of the powerstowards the dynamic events taking place from the revolution in Eastern Rumelia in April 1885 to the short Serbian-Bulgarian war (November 1885) and the conclusion of the Tophanen Peace (April 1886) was widely commented on in the Polish press of that period. This topic was also taken up by “Diabeł”, an illustrated satirical magazine published since 1869 in Krakow. It featured texts and illustrations mocking the cynical policy of European powers towards the nations of the Balkan Peninsula.
- Price: 2.00 €
Karykaturalny wizerunek Wilhelma II w europejskiej i polskiej prasie satyrycznej w latach 1888–1914
Karykaturalny wizerunek Wilhelma II w europejskiej i polskiej prasie satyrycznej w latach 1888–1914
(The caricatured image of Wilhelm II in Polish satirical press between 1888–1914 European context)
- Author(s):Romuald Rydz
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):History, Cultural history, Sociology, Modern Age, 19th Century
- Page Range:67-90
- No. of Pages:24
- Keywords:Political caricature; satirical press; emperor Wilhelm II; history of Polish caricature
- Summary/Abstract:The second half of the 19th century was a period of rapid development of the satirical press in Europe, which quickly became an important tool for shaping public opinion. With the development of printing technology, one of the main forms of influence of this type of publication became satirical drawings – caricatures. Thanks to the use of humor in such works, publishers of satirical periodicals could reach a much wider audience with their messages than before. The popularity of satirical press was also influenced by the topics that were addressed by caricature artists. Although they initially focused mainly on social issues, over time political issues became important for them. In particular, the caricaturists began portraying those involved in the struggle for power. For this reason, monarchs were a common subject of their interest. Among the European monarchs, the German Emperor Wilhelm II was of particular interest to satirists from the beginning of his reign. Due to his character traits, style of governance, and imperial ambitions, he became the subject of numerous caricatures printed in Europe and North America. Polish satirical publications also devoted a lot of attention to him. Many of them published caricatures of Wilhelm that were inspired by his actions on the international stage. However, what distinguished Polish caricaturists from their European counterparts was their use of themes related to the German policy towards the Polish community in the Prussian partition. As a result, the caricatures of Wilhelm and the satirical publications dedicated to him contributed to the consolidation of his image as a person responsible for the Germanization policies and the problems of Poles at the beginning of the 20th century.
- Price: 2.00 €
Lwowski humor drobnomieszczański na przykładzie czasopisma „Goniec i Iskra” oraz „Wesołego Kurjerka”
Lwowski humor drobnomieszczański na przykładzie czasopisma „Goniec i Iskra” oraz „Wesołego Kurjerka”
(Lviv petit-bourgeois humor on the example of the magazines “Goniec i Iskra” and “Wesoły Kurierek”)
- Author(s):Piotr Fałat
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):History, Cultural history, Sociology, Modern Age, 19th Century
- Page Range:91-118
- No. of Pages:28
- Keywords:petty-bourgeois humour; 19th century humour; Lviv; humorous press; “Goniec i Iskra”; “Wesoły Kurierek”
- Summary/Abstract:“Wesoły Kurjerek” is a humorous supplement to the magazine “Goniec i Iskry”, which was arranged in Lviv from July 1, 1893 to August 1899. on: “Happy Kurjerek Illustrowany” or “Happy Kurjerek for All”. The petty-bourgeois joke of “Wesoły Kurjerek” was presented in the form of humorous dialogues, poems or charades. They concerned love, family and economic and living matters. The aim of the article is to recreate the issues that were laughed at in Lviv at the end of the 19th century. Examination of the detailed subject of jokes in “Wesoły Kurierek” will indicate the areas which were interesting for its recipients. The typographic and graphic aspect of the journal will also be analyzed in order to check to what extent these elements served to emphasize the humorous nature of the published content. The study fills the research gap in the field of 19th-century Lviv satirical and humorous magazines and opens the field for further discussion.
- Price: 2.00 €
Ironia vs sarkazm „Przewodnika po Krakowie” Kazimierza Bartoszewicza w kalendarzu humorystycznym „Ananas” z 1889 roku
Ironia vs sarkazm „Przewodnika po Krakowie” Kazimierza Bartoszewicza w kalendarzu humorystycznym „Ananas” z 1889 roku
(Irony vs. sarcasm of Kazimierz Bartoszewicz’s Guide to Krakow in the humorous calendar “Ananas” of 1889)
- Author(s):Paweł Glugla
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):History, Cultural history, Sociology, Modern Age, 19th Century
- Page Range:119-139
- No. of Pages:21
- Keywords:irony; sarcasm; humour; Kazimierz Bartoszewicz; Krakow; 19th century; humour calendar
- Summary/Abstract:One of the most frequently cited Polish authors of the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries in the field of irony, sarcasm and humour was Kazimierz Bartoszewicz. He can be called a master in this field. His wide-ranging interests, versatile journalistic, publishing and political activities, as well as his patrician work, deserve attention. The text attempts to outline his uncommon talent on the example of the text Guide to Krakow. In this publication of ironic and sarcastic characteristics, he humorously presented to the readers the advantages and disadvantages of both the city, its infrastructure, the functioning of its various institutions, the naming of streets, buildings and, in particular, the inhabitants and administrators of the city. It should be remembered that this was a time of national slavery, and publications of this kind were also intended to snap people out of their stupor and inability. Bartoszewicz was a master at his craft. As a bookseller and publisher of historical works, he wrote accurate, humorous poems and published the equally excellent humour calendar “Ananas”. Many of his personal and situational diagnoses and assessments are still relevant today. He owed this to his sharp mind, uncommon sense of perception and accurate analysis of events, behaviour and assessments. Most importantly, he was not a pamphleteer or a panderer. Over the years, he developed his own style and class. His innate talent, family tradition and extensive academic background predisposed Bartoszewicz to journalistic, editorial and satirical work.
- Price: 2.00 €
Humor i satyra w prasie Polonii amerykańskiej (do 1918 roku). Przegląd problematyki
Humor i satyra w prasie Polonii amerykańskiej (do 1918 roku). Przegląd problematyki
(Humor and satire in the press of the Polish community in America (to 1918.) An outline)
- Author(s):Daniel Kiper
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):History, Cultural history, Sociology, Modern Age, 19th Century
- Page Range:141-174
- No. of Pages:34
- Keywords:Polish press in the United States in the 19th century; humour and satire; Polish journalism in the USA
- Summary/Abstract:The article makes a cross-sectional characterisation of the satirical and humorous press of the Polish diaspora in America between 1886 and 1918. Using selected examples, it shows how the satirical magazines of the Polish diaspora in the United States tried to meet the needs of the mass audience and to influence the public ideologically. The publishers of the Polish diaspora were forced to adapt the humour magazines they published to their vision of the world and the expectations of their audiences. They did not compete with American magazines but tried to find a separate niche in the media macrocosm of the time and develop it independently of the mainstream. To maintain a colloquial style in the media message, an attempt was made to balance linguistic conventions, journalistic forms, and illustrative material in order to be comprehensible not only to the first generation of immigrants but above all to the representatives of the Polish diaspora born in the New World who learnt American humour.
- Price: 2.00 €
Opieka zdrowotna i relacje lekarz – pacjent w satyryczno- -humorystycznych interpretacjach czasopisma „Kolce” (1871–1914)
Opieka zdrowotna i relacje lekarz – pacjent w satyryczno- -humorystycznych interpretacjach czasopisma „Kolce” (1871–1914)
(Health care and doctor-patient relations in satirical and humorous interpretations of the magazine “Kolce” (1871–1914))
- Author(s):Anita Napierała
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):History, Cultural history, Sociology, Modern Age, 19th Century
- Page Range:175-202
- No. of Pages:28
- Keywords:humorous-satirical magazines of the 19th century; satire; humor; health; medical care of the 19th century; doctors; patients
- Summary/Abstract:The changes that took place in the second half of the 19th century in the Polish lands in the area of health care, related to its, increasing accessibility, popularization of medical and preventive knowledge, gradually increased public confidence in medicine and its representatives. On the other hand, there was a growing criticism that focused on various infirmities and flaws in the health care of the time. One form of this criticism was humor and satire presented in satirical magazines. In the form appropriate to this genre of journalism, the “realities” of medical care were presented, while at the same time creating – in a distorting mirror – the image of the doctor of the 19th century. The article discusses the above-mentioned issues in the context of medical humor contained in the humorous-satirical magazine “Kolce,” which was published in Warsaw in 1871–1914 and was among of the most popular magazines of its kind. The image of health care, including doctors and their relations with patients, created in “Kolce”, although to some extent based on stereotypical and schematic depictions, shows interesting social aspects of the functioning of health care in the second half of the 19th century.
- Price: 2.00 €
Emancypantka na łamach „Kolców” – warszawskiego pisma satyryczno-humorystycznego w latach 1871–1914
Emancypantka na łamach „Kolców” – warszawskiego pisma satyryczno-humorystycznego w latach 1871–1914
(A suffragist in the pages of “Kolce” – a Warsaw satirical and humorous magazine in the years 1871–1914)
- Author(s):Aleksandra Staniszewska
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):History, Cultural history, Sociology, Modern Age, 19th Century
- Page Range:203-219
- No. of Pages:17
- Keywords:suffragist; feminist; ‘Kolce’ weekly; Kingdom of Poland; 19th century
- Summary/Abstract:The 19th-century world observed through the prism of satirical and humorous magazines was full of imperfections and hypocrisy. In such newspapers, absurdities in the moral and cultural sphere were criticized. The existing order was criticized and areas requiring changes were indicated. Although at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries, the satirical and humorous press was not appreciated by the intellectual and artistic elite, its creators cannot be denied the perceptiveness and lightness of conveying information about the observed phenomena. Therefore, it is worth considering the satirical and humorous press as a very valuable source for research on the history of societies and culture, because it was the press that served the functions of agitation, moral and teaching, and at the same time, entertainment. The aim of the article is to present the image of women fighting for equal rights in the light of the weekly “Kolce”. This magazine, next to “Mucha”, boasted the largest readership, which resulted in a significant influence on public opinion. The pages of “Kolce” often referred to the women’s issue. Although the creators were aware of the need to change and re-discuss the position of women in the family and society, in accordance with the form of the magazine, they placed emphasis on presenting the incompetence of women. In the article, the author will try to answer the question – what features of appearance and character were attributed to emancipated women in the pages of “Kolce”? In conclusion, the author will consider whether showing the mockery of feminists and their activities could have had positive effects.
- Price: 2.00 €
O kobiecych troskach w sposób żartobliwy na łamach czasopisma „Mucha”
O kobiecych troskach w sposób żartobliwy na łamach czasopisma „Mucha”
(About women’s concerns in a humorous way in the pages of the magazine “Mucha”)
- Author(s):Marta Milewska
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):History, Cultural history, Sociology, Modern Age, 19th Century
- Page Range:221-234
- No. of Pages:14
- Keywords:woman; magazine; satire; joke; concern; worry
- Summary/Abstract:One of the satirical and humorous magazines in the Kingdom of Poland was “Mucha”. The editors of “Mucha” carefully observed the fair sex, and then transferred their observations to the pages of the magazine. Women’s worries about education, finding a suitable candidate for a husband, marriage, raising children, etc. became the subject of satire. The editors of “Mucha” showed the above-mentioned women’s concerns in a distorting mirror, while criticizing women’s vanity. In the texts published in the “Mucha” magazine, women’s ills regarding various aspects of their lives were aptly hidden.
- Price: 2.00 €
Humor i satyra na polowaniu na podstawie czasopism „Łowiec Polski”, „Łowiec Wielkopolski” oraz archiwów ziemiańskich
Humor i satyra na polowaniu na podstawie czasopism „Łowiec Polski”, „Łowiec Wielkopolski” oraz archiwów ziemiańskich
(Humor and satire on the hunt based on “Łowiec Polski”, “Łowiec Wielkoposki” and landed gentry archives)
- Author(s):Piotr Hubicki, Karolina Studnicka-Mariańczyk
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):History, Cultural history, Sociology, Modern Age, 19th Century
- Page Range:235-246
- No. of Pages:12
- Keywords:Polish landed gentry; hunting; hunting culture; hunting magazines of the 19th century; humour; satire
- Summary/Abstract:Hunting has accompanied man since the dawn of time. The history of hunting is directly intertwined with the history of society. As society changed, the social aspect of hunting developed. This article deals with the second half of the 19th century; its aim is to show hunting humour and satire. It has been developed on the basis of the archives of the landed gentry, the stories, poems and rhymes related to hunting contained in them. Another source of hunting humour and satire are magazines describing rural culture and hunting, which were very popular at the time. Funny stories were published in the magazines “Wieś i Dwór”, “Wieś Ilustrowana” and in the pages of “Łowca Polski”. The authors’ aim in this article is to show and discuss the characteristic hunting humour of the second half of the 19th century.
Śmiechem w narodowe smutki. Na marginesie lektury polskich pism satyrycznych wydawanych we Lwowie w II połowie XIX wieku
Śmiechem w narodowe smutki. Na marginesie lektury polskich pism satyrycznych wydawanych we Lwowie w II połowie XIX wieku
(Laughter in national sorrows. On the margins of reading Polish satirical writings published in Lvov in the second half of the 19th century)
- Author(s):Jolanta Załęczny
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):History, Cultural history, Sociology, 19th Century
- Page Range:247-265
- No. of Pages:19
- Keywords:satirical press; Galicia; humor; satire
- Summary/Abstract:The 19th century was a period of intensified independence efforts, which ended – unfortunately – in defeats. Intensified Russification and Germanization, as well as repression by the partitioning authorities, were to break the Poles. The antidote to national sorrows became humor, the manifestations of which could be found in the pages of the press. Newspaper titles coming out in Galicia show a wide spectrum of topics and modes of communication. Reading selected satirical writings gives an answer to the question of what Poles laughed at in the second half of the 19th century.
- Price: 2.00 €
„Profesorska katarynka”. Kultura śmiechu na Uniwersytecie Wileńskim
„Profesorska katarynka”. Kultura śmiechu na Uniwersytecie Wileńskim
(“Professor Catharine”. The culture of laughter at Vilnius University)
- Author(s):Maria Korybut-Marciniak
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):History, Sociology, Modern Age, 19th Century
- Page Range:269-290
- No. of Pages:22
- Keywords:satire; Vilnius University; students; professors
- Summary/Abstract:In the first three decades of the 19th century, Vilnius was buzzing with humour and vibrancy, mainly due to the Vilnius Imperial University established in 1803. Imperial University of Vilnius. The community of laughter included Vilnius’ intellectual elite, students and social elites. Around 1815, Vilnius saw the appearance of the so-called Sheynekatarynka, a magic lamp that made a great impression on the city’s inhabitants. The memory of the characters depicted in it – professors of the Vilnius Academy – survived in the memoir literature of students: Edward Odyniec, Otto Sliźnia, Stanisław Morawski, Stanisław Małcużyński, Michał Czarnocki and Hipolit Klimaszewski. The humorous poems pointed out the flaws and weaknesses of the professorial body. They were also a criticism of the quality of university education.
- Price: 2.00 €
„Śmialiśmy się nieźle…”. Śmiech, humor i kpina Wielkiej Emigracji w Anglii
„Śmialiśmy się nieźle…”. Śmiech, humor i kpina Wielkiej Emigracji w Anglii
(Laughter, humor and mockery of the Great Emigration in England)
- Author(s):Krzysztof Marchlewicz
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):History, Sociology, Modern Age, 19th Century
- Page Range:291-304
- No. of Pages:14
- Keywords:Great Emigration; England; political satire; sense of humor; laughter; mockery
- Summary/Abstract:Political emigration does not seem to favor merriment, cheerfulness and jokes. But refugees, like everyone else, feel the need for laughter and joy, and very often they are the best escape from the sorrow of exile. This article is an attempt to present what and under what circumstances made Polish political refugees who took refuge in Victorian Britain laugh. They often manifested their sense of humour during political disputes and mockingly presented both Russian tsarism and their opponents. They tame the unknown British environment and reacted to their own inferiority complex by joking about their British hosts. The male loneliness of emigrants meant that one of the favorite threads of jokes and mockery for them was female-male relations. Everyday life also provided them with numerous occasions for not necessarily malicious laughter. They laughed at themselves, their own weaknesses, unhealthy ambitions, and funny misunderstandings. The preserved archival sources indicate that many emigrants did not lose their sense of humour and were eager to express it in various forms, despite the hardships od the émigré existence.
- Price: 2.00 €
Śmiech także na poważnie. Kilka refleksji o roli humoru, dowcipu i śmiechu w galicyjskiej kulturze politycznej doby autonomii, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem galicyjskiego Sejmu Krajowego
Śmiech także na poważnie. Kilka refleksji o roli humoru, dowcipu i śmiechu w galicyjskiej kulturze politycznej doby autonomii, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem galicyjskiego Sejmu Krajowego
(A serious laugh. A few reflections on the role of humour, joke and laughter in the Galician political culture of the era of autonomy, with particular emphasis on the Galician Sejm)
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):History, Sociology, Modern Age, 19th Century
- Page Range:305-319
- No. of Pages:15
- Keywords:The Diet of the Kingdom of Galicia and Lodomeria; Galician autonomy; political culture; laughter
- Summary/Abstract:Satire, caricature, wit, and laughter are important elements of political culture, and can be employed in serious political struggles. Up to now, research on the role of laughter and humour in the political life of Galicia has been limited to the analysis of the press and literature and has been conducted primarily by literary historians. There has, as yet, been no analysis of the role of wit and laughter in the deliberations of the Diet of the Kingdom of Galicia and Lodomeria. This parliament was generally regarded as serious and even boring, yet there was no shortage of laughter. Moreover, it played an important role as a political weapon. The ability to use witticisms and to ridicule political opponents in the chamber of the Galician diet was highly valued. This paper represents an examination of this phenomenon and will propose a new research agenda.
- Price: 2.00 €
Rosjanie, Białorusini i Polacy kresowi w anegdocie historycznej, czyli z czego się śmiano ponad 100 lat temu
Rosjanie, Białorusini i Polacy kresowi w anegdocie historycznej, czyli z czego się śmiano ponad 100 lat temu
(Russians, Belarusians and Borderland Poles in a historical anecdote, or what people laughed at over 100 years ago)
- Author(s):Roman Jurkowski
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):History, Cultural history, Sociology, Modern Age, 19th Century
- Page Range:321-332
- No. of Pages:12
- Keywords:the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries; the Taken Lands; borderland nations; historical anecdotes
- Summary/Abstract:The article presents several anecdotes from the late 19th and early 20th centuries in the Taken Territories of the First Polish Republic. They talk about Russians, Belarusians and Poles. In addition to the dose of humor and joke that is indispensable in every anecdote, they differ from each other in their attitude to the nation they refer to. In the anecdotes referring to the Russians, one can see criticism, sharper satire, even malice – they were, after all, the invaders. Belarusians have been part of the borderland society for a long time, so they are treated with understanding due to the youngest member of the family. And the Poles were different. From freaks through patriots to jokers. The presented anecdotes are part of the history of the Taken Lands and the nations living there.
- Price: 2.00 €
Stygmatyzacja poprzez wyśmianie osób w wieku starczym i osób samotnych w XIX-wiecznej społeczności chłopskiej
Stygmatyzacja poprzez wyśmianie osób w wieku starczym i osób samotnych w XIX-wiecznej społeczności chłopskiej
(Stigmatization through ridicule of the aged and the lonely in the 19th century peasant community)
- Author(s):Bartłomiej Gapiński
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):History, Cultural history, Sociology, Modern Age, 19th Century
- Page Range:333-353
- No. of Pages:21
- Keywords:old people; celibate; unmarried; peasants; ridicule; customs in the 19th century
- Summary/Abstract:The article is on the verge of historical and ethnological reflection. It deals with the stigmatisation of the elderly and single (celibate and unmarried) in the 19th century peasant community. The author focused on selected aspects of stigmatisation: the old spouse-young wife relationship, the ridicule of such a relationship, the evocation of the humorous beggar’s ball, the humiliation of the celibate and unmarried on a daily basis. Finally, the author focused on rituals that depreciate the lonely, particularly evoking “kłoda popielcowa” and “podkoziołek”. The conclusions reached allow to find peculiarities corresponding to the division of Poland into partitions. Notarial tradition (for the transfer of estates) and the metaphorical nature of rituals conditioned old age and loneliness in the Prussian partition. The Russian partition represented a version of the culture where the tradition of notarial contracts also developed, but the rituals were still linked to the vexed, bodily stigmatisation. Yet the worst situation was in Galicia: there was no notarial tradition for the inheritance of estates and only customary law, while rituals and practices of daily life were characterised by metonymy and involved genuine violence.
- Price: 2.00 €
Staropanieństwo i konwenanse, czyli humor w okowach sarkazmu
Staropanieństwo i konwenanse, czyli humor w okowach sarkazmu
(Old-fashionedness and conventions, or humor in the shackles of sarcasm)
- Author(s):Kinga Raińska
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):History, Cultural history, Sociology, Modern Age, 19th Century
- Page Range:355-370
- No. of Pages:16
- Keywords:19th century; woman; spinster; old bachelor; humor; sarcasm
- Summary/Abstract:In the 19th century, it was widely believed that the overriding goal of every woman’s life should be to become a good wife and an exemplary mother. Throughout the epoch in question, a woman was treated as a dependent being, dependent on and subordinate to a man. For a woman, a male guardian was not only a guarantee of security, mainly in the physical and material sense, but also of many freedoms and social status. He gave her dignity, esteem, enabled her to dispose of financial resources, and was responsible for her behavior if necessary. A lonely woman, deprived of male care, was exposed to many unpleasant situations. She was treated insultingly as an inferior being. She had limited opportunities to participate in public and social life. Only getting married was a source of social privileges for her and socially ennobled her. In view of the above, the only right way to a fulfilled girl’s life was marriage. In addition, a society with a traditional division of roles did not tolerate differences. Every aspect deviating from the usual patterns was treated with contempt and mockery, which meant that spinsters were openly mocked. It was commonly believed that these people were funny, malicious, with a tendency to devotion, bizarre dispositions and sticking their noses into other people’s affairs. There was no end to jokes about people in a state of celibacy. Unrefined jokes were told about spinsters, and mocking graphics were published in newspapers. In press illustrations, they were caricatured as wrinkled, ugly, with indispensable attributes such as cats or canaries.
Osobistości polskiego świata muzyki i teatru przełomu XIX i XX wieku w karykaturze Elego Kochańskiego
Osobistości polskiego świata muzyki i teatru przełomu XIX i XX wieku w karykaturze Elego Kochańskiego
(Personalities of the Polish world of music and theater at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries in the caricature of Eli Kochański)
- Author(s):Kinga Fink
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):History, Cultural history, Sociology, Modern Age, 19th Century
- Page Range:371-403
- No. of Pages:33
- Keywords:Eli Kochański; caricature; musical culture of Warsaw in the first thirty years of the 20th century
- Summary/Abstract:Eli Kochański (1885–1940), a musician now forgotten, was one of the famous figure of interwar Warsaw. He was an excellent cellist, concertmaster of the Warsaw Philharmonic Orchestra and professor at the State Conservatory of Music in Warsaw. He also became famous as the author of a series of caricatures depicting personalities of the world of music at time and from the circle of the Warsaw music community. His drawings were published in music magazines („Wiadomości Muzyczne”, „Muzyka”), cultural and social magazines („Tygodnik Ilustrowany”) and daily newspapers („Kurier Warszawski”, „Dziennik Poznański”) in the years 1925–1936 and caused a lively resonance among the inhabitants of the capital. This article will discuss selected caricatures by Kochański published in interwar magazines and from the collections of the National and Jagiellonian libraries. Among them are e.g. humorous portraits of Bronisław Huberman, Paweł Kochański, Ignacy Jan Paderewski, Mieczysław Frenkiel. The iconographic sources has been submitted to analyses, focusing above all on deciphering the author’s intentions and allusions to current events in the artistic life of Warsaw in the first thirty years of the 20th century.
„Zasuszone kwiatki”. Komiczny obraz edukacji w polskiej literaturze popularnej XIX wieku na tle ówczesnej kultury śmiechu
„Zasuszone kwiatki”. Komiczny obraz edukacji w polskiej literaturze popularnej XIX wieku na tle ówczesnej kultury śmiechu
(“Dried Flowers”. A comic picture of education in Polish popular literature of the 19th century and the culture of laughter at that time)
- Author(s):Przemysław Paweł Grzybowski
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):History, Cultural history, Sociology, Modern Age, 19th Century
- Page Range:405-424
- No. of Pages:20
- Keywords:laughter; laughter culture; comedy; education; literature
- Summary/Abstract:This article presents a research report on comic content related to education in Polish popular literature of the 19th century. This content concerns both the family environment and the element of the public education system. Based on the analysis of the content of 47 literary works, the author indicates the most important personal patterns and comic threads related to education. It presents them against the backdrop of the contemporary culture of laughter and the circumstances of the reception of comic.
„…by Bachusa uczcić należycie…” Tragiczna śmierć marszałka szlachty guberni mińskiej Leona Osztorpa (1851) w satyrycznej refleksji Ignacego Legatowicza
„…by Bachusa uczcić należycie…” Tragiczna śmierć marszałka szlachty guberni mińskiej Leona Osztorpa (1851) w satyrycznej refleksji Ignacego Legatowicza
(…in order to honor Bacchus as he should be… Tragic death of Minsk Governorate Marshall of Nobility Leon Osztorp (1851) in satirical reflection of Ignacy Legatowicz)
- Author(s):Yury Snapkouski
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):History, Cultural history, Sociology, Modern Age, 19th Century
- Page Range:425-456
- No. of Pages:32
- Keywords:satire; epigrams; the Minsk Governorate; marshals of nobility; Leon Osztorp; Ignacy Legatowicz; Janusz Iwaszkiewicz; Michalina Horwattowa (née Woyniłłowicz)
- Summary/Abstract:The article explores history of the perceived image of one of the brightest leaders of gentry of the Belarusian-Lithuanian region of 19th century – a rich landlord Leon Osztorp (1786–1851), who had been unbroken 24 years (1823–1847) Marshall of Nobility for Minsk Governorate. His unexpected accidental death on the eve of Easter shocked the society and was satirized by local famous satirist, master of epigrams Ignacy Legatowicz (1796–1867). Legatowicz wrote several darkly humorous epigrams on Osztorp’s death, which depicted with a certain phycological depth tendences of social changes connected to end of serfdom era. These epigrams became very popular, being spread orally and literally. At the first part of 20th century, they were used by polish historian Janusz Iwaszkiewicz (1879–1944), Professor of Vilnius University. Iwaszkiewicz published Edward Woyniłłowicz’s memoirs, who was an outstanding contemporary (and Leon Osztorp’s godson). These memoirs were contributed by Prof. Iwaszkiewicz placed to anti-imperial (anti-Russian) discourse. In the mid-1930s, Legatowicz’s epigrams supplemented by Prof. Iwaszkiewicz’s negative comments towards Osztorp became a subject of a one-way discussion of an elderly Michalina Horwatt, a younger sister of Edward Woyniłłowicz. She was the second wife of Leon Osztorp’s son-in-law, Otton Horwatt. Being an important source of oral history but hardly grasping the essence of satire, Michalina Horwatt presented her own biased view of Leon Osztorp’s personality.
Wątki humorystyczne w „Wierszach” Stanisława Apolinarego Zambrzyckiego
Wątki humorystyczne w „Wierszach” Stanisława Apolinarego Zambrzyckiego
(The humorous aspect of Stanisław Apolinary Zambrzycki’s poems)
- Author(s):Ignacy Karpiński
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):History, Cultural history, Sociology, Modern Age, 19th Century
- Page Range:457-474
- No. of Pages:18
- Keywords:Stanislav Apolinary Zambrzycki; poet; Minsk gubernia of the Russian Empire; Belarus; Polish borderland landed gentry; January Uprising
- Summary/Abstract:The subject of the article is humorous, satirical and ironic aspects of poems written by Stanisław Apolinary Zambrzycki who was a polish landowner living in 1824–1908 in his Wiazynka estate situated in Minsk governorate, in Russian Empire. Poems were being created from 60s in XIX to the death of poet in 1908. In work author presented the history of the poet’s family, his social and material position, personality and environment in which he existed. Cross-sectionally were displayed pieces of poems describing important events ocurring in poet’s life but also everyday life affairs. Poems refer to author’s family, neighbours, friends and whole groups of the society. Poetry presents personality, mentality, the way of thinking and sense of humor of Polish, middle class, provincional landowner.
O życiu z humorem, o żarcie poważnie – „Trzy po trzy” Aleksandra Fredry w kontekście twórczości oraz życiorysu autora
O życiu z humorem, o żarcie poważnie – „Trzy po trzy” Aleksandra Fredry w kontekście twórczości oraz życiorysu autora
(About life with humor, about jokes seriously – Three for Three by Aleksander Fredro in the context of the author’s work and biography)
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):History, Cultural history, Sociology, Modern Age, 19th Century
- Page Range:175-189
- No. of Pages:15
- Keywords:Aleksander Fredro; diary Three by Three; a joke in the 19th century
- Summary/Abstract:Much can be said about Aleksander Fredro. He is a very important figure for Polish culture and art. He is commonly known as a cheerful character – considering the literary achievements of this artist in the field of comedy. Aleksander Fredro’s jokes are also known. However, the question arises whether Aleksander Fredro was joking just for the sake of a joke? The aim of the article is to present the issue of a joke in the 19th century through the prism of Aleksander Fredro’s diary Three by Three. Although the diary itself is full of jokes, it presents the difficult experiences of the author, his broken hopes regarding the Napoleonic Wars and many other events that, in the author’s opinion, left a powerful mark on him.
Janowe poczucie humoru – uśmiechnięte oblicze Jana Matejki
Janowe poczucie humoru – uśmiechnięte oblicze Jana Matejki
(Jan’s sense of humour – the smiling face of Jan Matejko)
- Author(s):Marta Kłak-Ambrożkiewicz
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):History, Cultural history, Sociology, Modern Age, 19th Century
- Page Range:491-505
- No. of Pages:15
- Keywords:Jan Matejko; self-irony; distance; a sense of humour
- Summary/Abstract:Jan Matejko (1838–1893) was above all a painter, and his artistic activity revolved around historical interests, a passion for research, the exploration of relics of the past, and their preservation from destruction. He developed these interests in parallel with his talent. He travelled extensively, visited museums and monuments, conducted in-depth historical and ethnographic studies. There was another Matejko – a man full of emotions, reflections, a sense of humour, self-irony, and distance. In his work, he did not shy away from allusive and often piquant pieces related to Poland’s past. The work presents Matejko’s works as well as occasional satirical drawings, which portray Matejko as a humorous and self-reflective individual. The artist’s character is illuminated through preserved satirical works, epistolary sources, memoirs, and a journal kept by Matejko’s secretary.