Birth of the New Dominion. The Anglo-Irish treaty of 1921. Cover Image
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Narodziny nowego dominium. Traktat brytyjsko-irlandzki z 1921 r.
Birth of the New Dominion. The Anglo-Irish treaty of 1921.

Author(s): Antonina Pawłowska
Subject(s): History, Local History / Microhistory, Political history, Recent History (1900 till today)
Published by: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
Keywords: Anglo-Irish Relations; History of Ireland; Irish War of Indenepdance
Summary/Abstract: The dissertation consists of an introduction, six chapters of a problem-chronological nature divided into subchapters, and a bibliography. The first chapter is dedicated to discussing the political transformations in Ireland. It presents the genesis of the creation of Irish governmental structures alternative to the British administration and the birth of Irish diplomacy in the 20th century. The second chapter, titled International, Imperial, and Domestic Context of British-Irish Negotiations, presents the perspective of the British Empire, for which the Irish issue was just one of many pressing problems after the end of the Great War. The third chapter, titled Negotiations, focuses on discussing the most important stages of the peace process. It outlines the path to the ceasefire, profiles of negotiators and other politicians responsible for the course of talks on both the British and Irish sides, as well as the evolution of tactics of both delegations, contentious issues, and methods of reaching an agreement. The fourth chapter analyzes the content of the agreement reached and discusses individual articles in terms of their political, financial, and military consequences. The fifth chapter provides a detailed discussion of the process of treaty ratification in the House of Commons and the Dáil Éireann. The final chapter, meanwhile, is dedicated to research on the social reception of the agreement.

  • E-ISBN-13: 978-83-8331-513-3
  • Print-ISBN-13: 978-83-8331-512-6
  • Page Count: 332
  • Publication Year: 2024
  • Language: Polish
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