«Активні заходи» СРСР проти США: пролог до гібридної війни
"Active measures" of the USSR against the USA: a prologue to a hybrid war
Author(s): D. V. Dubov, Anastasiia Barovska, T.O. Isakova, I. O. Kovalchuk, Vladimir Pavlovich Gorbulin
Subject(s): Geopolitics, Peace and Conflict Studies, Hybrid Warfare
Published by: НІСД Національний інститут стратегічних досліджень
Keywords: Russian relation to USA;
Summary/Abstract: Dedicated to the subject of the Soviet Union's use of "active measures" against the United States during the Cold War in order to achieve its own foreign policy goals. "Active measures" included the dissemination of disinformation, the use of agents of influence and cover organizations, manipulation of the ZMK and other methods. Today, these same methods are used within the framework of the hybrid war waged by the Russian Federation against Ukraine. Studying the experience of the Soviet-American confrontation will improve the tools for countering the modern challenges of hybrid warfare. It is intended for civil servants, specialists in the security and defense sector, as well as for the general public.
Series: Аналітична доповідь
- Print-ISBN-13: 978-966-554-277-3
- Page Count: 52
- Publication Year: 2017
- Language: Ukrainian
- eBook-PDF
- Table of Content
- Introduction