Croatia in Central Europe: Cultural Transfers Between Two World Wars: Works Dedicated to the Memory of Julije Benešić Cover Image

Hrvatska u Srednjoj Europi. Kulturni transferi između dvaju svjetskih ratova. Zbornik u spomen Julija Benešića
Croatia in Central Europe: Cultural Transfers Between Two World Wars: Works Dedicated to the Memory of Julije Benešić

Contributor(s): Patrycjusz Pająk (Editor), Maciej Falski (Editor)
Subject(s): History, Language and Literature Studies, Cultural history, Studies of Literature, Croatian Literature, Polish Literature
Published by: Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego
Keywords: Croatia; Central Europe; interwar period (1918–1939); Julije Benešić
Summary/Abstract: Julije Benešić (1883–1957) was a Croatian writer, essayist, translator and, in the interwar period, a cultural activist and emissary of the Kingdom of Yugoslavia to Poland, where he, among other activities, he taught the first Croatian language course at the University of Warsaw. To this day he remains the most prolific translator of Polish literature into Croatian. The papers comprising this volume are based on presentations given at a conference commemorating Benešić, but are not mere reminiscences. They put the life and work of Benešić, as well as his entire generation, in the perspective of the cultural exchange taking place in Central Europe since the times of the Austro-Hungarian monarchy. The aim of the articles presented in the monograph is to analyse the changes in cultural and social practices that occurred in the area after 1918. No culture exists in a vacuum, and in the case of the polycentric states of interwar Central Europe the question about directions of cultural transfers seems crucial.

  • E-ISBN-13: 978-83-235-6415-7
  • Print-ISBN-13: 978-83-235-6407-2
  • Page Count: 222
  • Publication Year: 2024
  • Language: Croatian


Hrvatska i kulturni transferi u posthabsburško doba. Uvod u problematiku

Hrvatska i kulturni transferi u posthabsburško doba. Uvod u problematiku
(Croatia and Cultural Transfers in the Post-Habsburg Periods. An Outline of the Problem)

Julije Benešić i njegovi kritičari. Prilog kritičkoj bibliografiji

Julije Benešić i njegovi kritičari. Prilog kritičkoj bibliografiji
(Julije Benešić and His Critics: a Contribution to a Critical Bibliography)

Suradnja Julija Benešića i Vojeslava Molèa u međuratnom i poslijeratnom razdoblju (1928.–1957.)

Suradnja Julija Benešića i Vojeslava Molèa u međuratnom i poslijeratnom razdoblju (1928.–1957.)
(Cooperation of Julije Benešić and Vojeslav Molè in the Interwar and Postwar Periods (1928–1957))

Pisma Julija Benešića Czesławu Jastrzębiec-Kozłowskom. Uvod

Pisma Julija Benešića Czesławu Jastrzębiec-Kozłowskom. Uvod
(The Letters of Julije Benešić to Czesław Jastrzębiec-Kozłowski)

"Šešir" Oktavijana Miletića u svjetlu frojdizma

"Šešir" Oktavijana Miletića u svjetlu frojdizma
(Oktavijan Miletić’s "The Hat" in the Light of Freudianism)

Između Vuka i strukturalizma. Stjepan Ivšić prema starim i novim lingvističkim pristupima

Između Vuka i strukturalizma. Stjepan Ivšić prema starim i novim lingvističkim pristupima
(Between Vuk and Structuralism. Stjepan Ivšić’s Attitude towards Old and New Linguistic Approaches)

Ogledi o jugoslavenstvu i Srednjoj Europi u očima umjetnika – homo politicusa. Memoari Ivana Meštrovića "Uspomene na političke ljude i događaje"

Ogledi o jugoslavenstvu i Srednjoj Europi u očima umjetnika – homo politicusa. Memoari Ivana Meštrovića "Uspomene na političke ljude i događaje"
(The Image of Yugoslavism and Central Europe through the Eyes of a Homo Politicus Artist. Ivan Meštrović's Memoirs: "Uspomene na političke ljude i dogaᵭaje")

"U agoniji": zagrebačka građanska elita između održavanja tradicije i prihvaćanja novih obrazaca

"U agoniji": zagrebačka građanska elita između održavanja tradicije i prihvaćanja novih obrazaca
("In Agony": Zagreb’s Civic Elite between Maintaining Tradition and Acceptance of New Forms)

Srednja Europa u odabranim putopisima Miroslava Krleže

Srednja Europa u odabranim putopisima Miroslava Krleže
(Central Europe in Selected Travelogues of Miroslav Krleža)

Jedinstvenost i različitost. Bilješke o književnom jeziku (1918–1941)

Jedinstvenost i različitost. Bilješke o književnom jeziku (1918–1941)
(Unity and Diversity. Notes on Standard Language (1918–1941))

Promjena granica 1918. i hrvatska arhitektura – novi centri, novi uzori, novi stilovi

Promjena granica 1918. i hrvatska arhitektura – novi centri, novi uzori, novi stilovi
(Change of Borders in 1918 and Croatian Architecture: New Centres, New Models, New Styles)

Revolucijska imaginacija 1918. Hrvatsko hrvanje s europskim kontekstom

Revolucijska imaginacija 1918. Hrvatsko hrvanje s europskim kontekstom
(Revolutionary Imagination of the Year 1918 – Croatian Struggle with the European Contexts)

Kazalo imena

Kazalo imena
(Index of names)

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