"Šešir" Oktavijana Miletića u svjetlu frojdizma
Oktavijan Miletić’s "The Hat" in the Light of Freudianism
Author(s): Patrycjusz Pająk
Subject(s): Cultural history, Studies of Literature, Croatian Literature, Polish Literature
Published by: Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego
Keywords: Oktavijan Miletić; Croatian film; Sigmund Freud; psychoanalysis; fetishism
Summary/Abstract: Oktavijan Miletić is the most famous Croatian film director of the interwar period. A breakthrough for his career, as well as for Croatian cinematography, was the short film "The Hat" from 1937. It is Miletić’s first professional feature film and the first Croatian sound film. It combines the features of a psychological drama and surreal film. The article proposes its psychoanalytic interpretation, based on Sigmund Freud’s views on the Oedipus complex, castration anxiety and fetishism. Such an interpretation allows us to consider "The Hat" as a film about the crisis of masculinity. Also, for this reason, it is a precursor for Croatian cinematography. The patriarchal tradition is an important topic in modern Croatian culture because of the significant role that patriarchal tradition plays in it.
- Page Range: 75-91
- Page Count: 17
- Publication Year: 2024
- Language: Croatian
- Content File-PDF