Digital Technologies – Experience Gained, New Solutions and Future Challenges Cover Image

Дигиталните технологии – натрупан опит, нови решения и бъдещи предизвикателства
Digital Technologies – Experience Gained, New Solutions and Future Challenges

Author(s): Marin Geshkov
Subject(s): Social Sciences, Economy, Supranational / Global Economy, Business Economy / Management, Sociology, Evaluation research, Social development, Social Informatics, Economic development, ICT Information and Communications Technologies
Published by: Университет за национално и световно стопанство (УНСС)
Keywords: E-commerce; E-business; Internet marketing; Marketing 4.0; Neuromarketing
Summary/Abstract: With the invention of the Internet and the appearance of personal computers in the early 1970s, the foundations of the so-called digital revolution or Third Industrial Revolution, which in its essence represents a transition from mechanical and analog electronics to digital electronics have been set. The digital revolution marks the beginning of the Information Age. Digitization is rapidly gaining momentum, and the conversion of analog information recording into digital data entry and its storage, distribution, and add-value creation is becoming the new standard in business and economics. Innovative technologies become a catalyst for growth. Half a century later, we are no longer talking about digitalization of the economy, but about the Fourth Industrial Revolution, intelligent solutions and the transformation of society from digital to a smart, people-oriented society. This monograph tends to address this need. In a multi-method approach based on a review of the current literature, the main terms related to digital technologies in the management and economic literature have been identified, namely: digital business model, digital technologies, digital innovation, digital transformation, digital marketing, digital advertising, e-commerce and digital entrepreneurship, digital society. Through an analysis of previous literature, a common understanding and definition of these terms, as well as their potential interrelationships, are derived.

  • Print-ISBN-13: 978-619-232-505-3
  • Page Count: 262
  • Publication Year: 2021
  • Language: Bulgarian
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