Life transitions in the (self-)transforming village: memory, identity, inheritance Cover Image

Жизнени преходи в трансформиращото (се) село: памет, идентичност, наследяване
Life transitions in the (self-)transforming village: memory, identity, inheritance

Contributor(s): Meglena Zlatkova (Editor), Stoyka Penkova (Editor), Milena Tasheva (Editor)
Subject(s): Anthropology, Social Sciences, Customs / Folklore, Cultural Anthropology / Ethnology, Culture and social structure
Published by: Пловдивски университет »Паисий Хилендарски«
Keywords: life transitions; generations; biographical strategies; village; festivity; identity
Summary/Abstract: This book presents summarized results of the work on a research project entitled Life transitions in the (self-)transforming village: memory, identity, inheritance, funded by the National Science Foundation of the Ministry of Education and Science in the period of 2019 to 2024. Thе book reflects both the multidimensionality of the project’s problematic and the many faces of the Bulgarian village as a research object. The transformations in the Bulgarian village are explored through the transforming biographical and life experiences of its inhabitants. Our approach includes building an interdisciplinary methodology based on ethnological and anthropological methods, grounded theory and socioanalysis of self-inheritance. People living in the Bulgarian village are a heterogeneous group, composed of individuals with different biographical experiences, life strategies and everyday practices. Our research allowed us to see the different people we interacted with – young retirees, returnees, village citizens, digital villagers – as figures of transformation, who provide us with a different perspective on the socially active population in Bulgarian villages and on the ways in which they adapt their social experience accumulated in different social and biographical times and places, transforming times and places and becoming a driver of change in them.

  • Print-ISBN-13: 978-619-7768-09-1
  • Page Count: 275
  • Publication Year: 2024
  • Language: Bulgarian
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Жизнените преходи като праксеологическа нагласа: методологически контексти и аналитични интерпретации
(Life transitions as a praxeological attitude: theoretical and methodological contests)

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(Transformations and distinctions in the Bulgarian village: how the ‘Georgi Dimitrov’ agricultural cooperative in Razhevo Konare became a ‘demonstrative model farm’)

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(Life transitions and transformations into digital narratives by vloggers of the Bulgarian village)

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