Slovo o Maku
A word about Mak
Contributor(s): Edim Šator (Editor), Dijana Hadžizukić (Editor)
Subject(s): Social Sciences, Language and Literature Studies, Literary Texts, Bosnian Literature
Published by: Fakultet humanističkih nauka, Univerzitet »Džemal Bijedić« u Mostaru
- Print-ISBN-13: 978-9958-604-74-4
- Page Count: 362
- Publication Year: 2013
- Language: Bosnian, Croatian, Serbian
Intermedijalnost u arhitekturi Makovog Spavača
Intermedijalnost u arhitekturi Makovog Spavača
(Intermediality in the architecture of Mak’s sleeper)
- Author(s):Elbisa Ustamujić
- Language:Bosnian
- Subject(s):Museology & Heritage Studies, Visual Arts, Bosnian Literature, Culture and social structure , Theory of Literature
- Page Range:11-16
- No. of Pages:6
- Keywords:intermediality; architecture; Mak Dizdar;
- Summary/Abstract:The paper tries to depict how Mak’s Stone sleeper establishes within an intermedial communication an imitative connection between poems in the traditional connected verse with visuality of medieval tombstones (bos. Stećak). One can recognize poems/stećaks in the form of a coffin, a coffin with a tombstone, a pole, a slab with or without a base and in various sizes. Relief figures from the stećaks take turns, bypass each other and plug into a compressed imagery of metaphorical-metonimical-symbolic connections and meanings. Visual monolithic property of the stećak and expession of relief signs is suggested through the medium of the language via omnipresence of euphony/eurythmy. By the means of assonance - alliteration, rhyme, anaphora, polysyndeton and parallelisms and other, they gave dimensions to the whetted reduction of the edges and polished stone form.
- Price: 4.50 €
Intertekstualnost Dizdareve poezije i srednjovjekovne epigrafke
Intertekstualnost Dizdareve poezije i srednjovjekovne epigrafke
(Intertextuality of Dizdar's poetry and medieval epigraphy)
- Author(s):Alija Pirić
- Language:Bosnian
- Subject(s):Cultural history, Bosnian Literature, Theory of Literature
- Page Range:17-27
- No. of Pages:11
- Keywords:intertextuality; poetry; medieval epigraphy;
- Summary/Abstract:Poznato je kako je u samoj osnovi pjesničke poetike Maka Dizdara figurirao postupak referiranja prema skupini starih bosanskih i apokrifnih tekstova, kako na formalnom (jezik, sintaksa, metaforika) tako i na sadržajnom planu ulaze- ći u citatnu polemiku ili naprosto odnoseći se spram toga korpusa tekstova u formi aluzije, komentara, parodiranja ili konačno sadržajnih posudbi kakvih imaju svi tekstovi i tekstopisci. Mihail Bahtin tvrdi kako je naš govor uvijek dijalog, replika na nečiji tuđi govor, uvijek s nekim razgovaramo pa svaki naš iskaz nužno ima dijalošku potku.
- Price: 4.50 €
Kameni spavač M. Dizdara: „Mjesto pamćenja”, „knjiga Bosne“ i „prostor snova“ (Mogućnosti kulturalnomemorijskog čitanja)
Kameni spavač M. Dizdara: „Mjesto pamćenja”, „knjiga Bosne“ i „prostor snova“ (Mogućnosti kulturalnomemorijskog čitanja)
(Mak Dizdar`s Kameni spavač: Place of remembrance, "Bosnian text" and "space of dreams")
- Author(s):Sanjin Kodrić
- Language:Bosnian
- Subject(s):Bosnian Literature, Culture and social structure , Theory of Literature
- Page Range:29-37
- No. of Pages:9
- Keywords:place of rememberance; Bosnian text; space of dreams;
- Summary/Abstract:Pjesnička zbirka Kameni spavač Maka Dizdara, a potom, preko nje, i ostatak pjesništva ovog autora, odavno je znatno više od puke književne umjetnine, više od umjetnosti riječi u n`jezinu uobičajenom uobličenju. Kako se to jasno vidi iz najvećeg dijela njezine književnohistorijske recepcije te pozicije koju zauzima u samom vrhu domaćeg, odnosno i šireg – bosanskohercegovačkog i užeg – bošnjačkog književnog kanona, ova jedinstvena pjesnička knjiga tokom vremena postala je, naime, i izrazito složena kulturalna tvorba, pojava sa značajnim učincima izvan čisto estetskog okvira književnosti, a zapravo mjesto koje se razumijeva ne samo kao mjesto vrhunskog pjesničkog odgonetanja „čovjekove situacije“ i „ljudske sudbine“ (što ova pjesnička zbirka nesumnjivo jeste), već i kao mjesto osobene autorski vođene potrage za identitetom čitave jedne literature, ali i cijele jedne kulture te zajednice kojoj ova pripada, baš kao što danas, u našem savremenom trenutku, zasigurno jeste i jedno od posebno važnih mjesta na kojima se na način literarne, kulturalne te kolektivne autorefleksije zasnivaju i neki od naročito značajnih, čak i temeljnih konstituenata i literarnih, i kulturalnih, i kolektivnih identiteta unutar šireg tekućeg bosanskohercegovačkog društvenog stanja.
- Price: 4.50 €
Intertekst zbirke poezije Kameni spavač Maka Dizdara
Intertekst zbirke poezije Kameni spavač Maka Dizdara
(Intertext of Mak Dizdar's Stone sleeper)
- Author(s):Saša D. Šmulja
- Language:Bosnian
- Subject(s):Bosnian Literature, Theory of Literature
- Page Range:39-55
- No. of Pages:17
- Keywords:intertext; intermediality; dualism; citation;
- Summary/Abstract:The results of this paper can be summarised as follows. We performed the main framework task of our study – an analysis of the intertextual aspects in the poetry collection Kameni spavač [Stone Sleeper] by Mak Dizdar – through interpretation of poetic relationships established between the said collection and those texts and textual processes that led to its final form and content. These relationships and processes make up the intertext of this work in the form of a branching tree of relations and links that are contained in it. They constitute the citational structure of this work and encompass the intertextual references that are relevant and explicit in this collection. Seen in relation to other texts that are incorporated in its structure, the poetry collection Stone Sleeper is interpreted as an abundant confluence of such citational references.
- Price: 4.50 €
„Kамени спавач“ на Мак Диздар или довикување меѓу вековите
„Kамени спавач“ на Мак Диздар или довикување меѓу вековите
(Stone Sleeper by Mak Dizdar or a Dialogue between Centuries)
- Author(s):Naume Radichevski
- Language:Macedonian
- Subject(s):Visual Arts, Bosnian Literature, Cultural Anthropology / Ethnology, Culture and social structure , Theory of Literature
- Page Range:79-90
- No. of Pages:12
- Keywords:Mak Dizdar; Stone Sleeper; tombstone inscriptions; time-gate; poet thinker; poet prophet;
- Summary/Abstract:With the Stone Sleeper, his unique poetic achievement, Mak Dizdar has established himself not only as a dreamer and a remarkable thinker, but as a rare, unattainable, and never fully graspable prophet and visionary. Most impressive is the fact that he achieves this through an imaginary, and a dominantly poetic dialogue with the ancestors from the order of the Bogomils, that is, Bosnian Christians. Through the inscriptions on their tombstones in that already deepened poetic venture and project, he appears as both their reader and interlocutor. On account of this very analytical ungraspability, this contribution insists on detecting at least some of the connections between the 20th-century poet and prophet, on the one hand, and, on the other, his impossibly possible, if not doubles, then at least fellow travellers sharing his sentiments and ideas, but above all his fate in the triviality and transience of space and time. In this reading of Dizdar’s Stone Sleeper as an attempt to find the connections between the identicalities divided by temporal infinity, or as an attempt to transcend time, that is, to enter time eternal, to reach timelessness, one nevertheless humbly concludes by interpreting this poetic endeavour as an incredibly profound and endlessly existentialist and philosophical poetogram that is an expression of man’s defiance of infinity.
- Price: 4.50 €
Poetički geometrizam Maka Dizdara
Poetički geometrizam Maka Dizdara
(Mak Dizdar's Poetical Geometrism)
- Author(s):Emilija Kovač
- Language:Croatian
- Subject(s):Bosnian Literature, Theory of Literature
- Page Range:91-105
- No. of Pages:15
- Keywords:isoformic; alloformic; rhythm creating syntax; crossness and roundness;
- Summary/Abstract:Syntactic (linear) constructions of Dizdar’s expression (congruency and government) basically respect normative dictates, yet discovering possibilities of entirely distinctive entries. The result of combination of isoformic and alloformic constructions is a recognisable rhythm creating syntax which in conjunction with idiomatic versification, produces visual effects (crossness and roundness) thus confirming, with this level as well, verified motivation of this poetry generating from culturological speciphicums of the middle Bosnian and Herzegovinian areal (tombstones). The choice of lexis, especially its various levels of archaisation – phonological, morphological and lexical, plays an important role in the function of the expressivity of utterance. Archaisation adds the idea of timeness to the linear geometry of space ( length – width), in two components: horizontal (embracing the present) and vertical (embracing the relation present – future), which also emphasizes crossness as one of the basic principles of this poetry. Activating mental potencial of Dizdar’s subject – the sign reader, the time also exists as a memory which embeding itself into the contemporaneity, suggests the concept of round duration. Thus the text, beheld as a fact of space, transgresses from flatness to voluminosity of multidimensional structure, and measured by viewpoint potential, from visuality to conception.
- Price: 4.50 €
Odnos između kulturnog spomenika i revitalizacije srednjevjekovne kulture u pjesništvu Maka Dizdara
Odnos između kulturnog spomenika i revitalizacije srednjevjekovne kulture u pjesništvu Maka Dizdara
(The relationship between cultural monuments and revitalization of medieval culture in poetry of Mak Dizdar)
- Author(s):Sanela Sarkić, Mirela Šertović
- Language:Bosnian
- Subject(s):Cultural history, Middle Ages, Bosnian Literature, Culture and social structure , Theory of Literature
- Page Range:107-122
- No. of Pages:16
- Keywords:bogomils; tombstone; culture; translation;
- Summary/Abstract:It is a known fact that the lapidary literacy was pushed to the side a long time and the interest in her show were mostly professionals several profiles, while the broader mass is stirred much interest. It is also known that, that it is this literacy engraved on the stone served as the motive for the creation of Mak Dizdar, primarily on his Stone Sleeper and collectors radove.This work deals with the cultural elements in the poetry of Mak Dizdar, in the first part of it as a fundamental reference appears Tombstone, monument and unique works of art created by Bogomil ideology. Showing how intertwined Mak and messages from the tombstones, and to revitalize the cultural and religious beliefs Bosnian Patarins through archaic words and enlivened proceedings diac. Furthermore, explains how to restore the medieval source helps the new reading texts of culture and a new poetic expression and how this culture implement into contemporary culture in BiH that is being experienced and vrednovana.Last part of the starting point is found in the style of Mak Dizdar, which is important for the segment direct experience of the reader, with an emphasis on the problem of translation and interpretation in other cultures, and the stylistic possibilities prezentacje in other languages and their impact on the readers’ experience and passing on messages universally Bogomil culture.
- Price: 4.50 €
Poezija Maka Dizdara u kontekstu perenijalne flozofje
Poezija Maka Dizdara u kontekstu perenijalne flozofje
(Mak Dizdar's poetry in the context of Perennial Philosophy)
- Author(s):Rosana Ratkovčić
- Language:Croatian
- Subject(s):Philosophy, Cultural history, Bosnian Literature, Theory of Literature
- Page Range:123-134
- No. of Pages:12
- Keywords:Mak Dizdar; Rusmir Mahmutćehajić; philosophia perennis;medieval Bosnian tombstones;
- Summary/Abstract:This paper focuses on the launch of Mak Dizdar›s poetry in the context of the Perennial Philosophy (philosophia perennis) as interpreted by Rusmir Mahmutćehajić. The central idea of the Perennial Philosophy is that the Divine Truth is one, timeless and universal, while different religions are nothing more than different languages used to express the Unique Truth. In this context are interpreted some motives on stećci (medieval Bosnian tombstones) that are represented in the poetry of Mak Dizdar, such as universal symbols of the sun and moon, cross, grapevine and dance. Recent information on interconfesionallity of stećci, according to research by Dubravko Lovrenović, can be linked with the idea of Perennial Philosophy represented by Rusmir Mahmutćehajić, about the search for the Unity and Truth revealed both in the symbols on stećci and in the Mak Dizdar’s poetry
- Price: 4.50 €
Poezija Maka Dizdara nakon Kamenog spavača
Poezija Maka Dizdara nakon Kamenog spavača
(Mak Dizdar’s Poetry after Stone Sleeper)
- Author(s):Dijana Hadžizukić
- Language:Bosnian
- Subject(s):Bosnian Literature, Theory of Literature
- Page Range:135-146
- No. of Pages:12
- Keywords:Modra rijeka; Splav; Doskoci;Neizvjesnost; Nesuglasja;
- Summary/Abstract:The aim of the text is to analyze Mak Dizdar’s poems first published in his last collection, that have not been treated much by critics, mostly due to their predominant infatuation by The Stone Sleeper. In our intentions to diachronically treat Mak Dizdar’s poetry and barely brush some of the most important motifs and manner of his artistic shaping, one can find an attempt to find the answer: which way would Mak’s poetry have turned in some later, unwritten collections? That is why we will select a few poems one may find different and genuinely new, and we can perceive as a possible path the poet would have taken. As more representative examples of this sort we will take the following poems: “Outwits”, “Completely literal dream amongst naked parallels”, “Raft”, “Disagreements” and “Uncertainty” in which, along side experimenting with sound the poet experiments with the language thus demanding readers’ active participation and contribution. Mak’s duality is present from the first collection, dominant in The Stone Sleeper, so it found its place in the last collection as well. But, instead of a man torn between the Heaven and Earth through history and religion, in Blue River we can more commonly find a man torn between silence and words, between his quest to find the truth and his cognition about not being able to find it, between the quest for peace and beauty of restlessness brought by wondering about. By extending his metaphorical-poetic range Dizdar also extended possibilities from lexical-syntactic variants of totally canceling the most commonly obligatory second part of the syntagm to burdening with meaning semantically dependent words. In all the analyzed poems it is possible to recognize Jacobson’s theory of the artistic meaning of grammatical forms as well as examples of semantization of formal elements of the lyrical texts.
- Price: 4.50 €
Tema ljubavi u pjesništvu Maka Dizdara (dvojstva i odrazi zvuka i slike)
Tema ljubavi u pjesništvu Maka Dizdara (dvojstva i odrazi zvuka i slike)
(The Theme of Love in the Poetry of Mak Dizdar (The Dualisms and Reflections of Sound and Imagine))
- Author(s):Sanja Franković
- Language:Croatian
- Subject(s):Bosnian Literature, Theory of Literature
- Page Range:147-170
- No. of Pages:24
- Keywords:the theme of love; the metaphor of season; synecdoche; antimetabole; paradox; homophony;
- Summary/Abstract:The theme field of love in the poetry of Mak Dizdar is revealed as the love of lyrical subject towards girl and woman, fidelity to the life ideals, and mother’s love towards son. The poems dedicated to woman’s beauty are the most numerous. The parts of woman’s body are equated with the manifestations of nature as synecdoches and the external indications of spirit. Woman’s deceptive love is mysteriuosly represented by motifs and language of oral literature’s poem. In poem Femaleswimmer mermaid symbolizes the ideal love, and since it is not from this world, no one is worthy of it. The young day-dreamer, still pure under the sun of life, is the closest to it. The poems on mother’s love as the unity of mother and son carry the special emotional heaviness, expressed in human, but also in animal world (poetical ekphrasis of stećak perpetuates the protective love of a doe to its fawn). In formal sense, the accoustic reflection of the words one in another is important, which also confirms the amalgamation of their contents: man is equated with the nature, and body with spirit. The unity of opposites expresses the aspiration for the overcoming of dualism as a prinicple of being, but also the ancient tone of Bosnian Bogumile spirituality. Key words: the theme of love, ekphrasis, the metaphor of seasons, synecdoche, antimetabole, paradox, syntactic paralelisms, homophony
- Price: 4.50 €
Ženske figure i koncepcija tjelesnosti u poeziji Maka Dizdara
Ženske figure i koncepcija tjelesnosti u poeziji Maka Dizdara
(Feminine figures and conception of physicalness in poetry of Mak Dizdar)
- Author(s):Elvira Mezit
- Language:Bosnian
- Subject(s):Gender Studies, Aesthetics, Bosnian Literature, Structuralism and Post-Structuralism, Phenomenology, Theory of Literature
- Page Range:171-182
- No. of Pages:12
- Keywords:body; physicalnees; poetry; feminine figures;
- Summary/Abstract:Die traditionelle universalistische Interpretation der Welt in binären Oppositionen, die den Vorrang dem Verstand anstatt dem Körper gab, bewies sich beim Vortreten der Dekonstruktion auf die theoretische Szene als eine Illusion des Logozentrismus. Die feministische Literaturkritik rückt ins Zentrum des literaturkritischen Interesses den Körper als ein komplexes kulturologisches Konstrukt, während aber der französische Philosoph Maurice Merleau - ponty in seinem Werk „Phänomenologie der Perzeption“ den menschlichen Körper in den Fokus unseres Verhältnisses zur Welt rückt. In der Hinsicht verfolgt dieser Beitrag die zweifache Darstellung der Körperlichkeit, mit der Apotheose des weiblichen Körpers im Gedicht „Pilivačica“ und der Sammlung „Koljena za Madonu“ anfangend bis zur existenzialistischen Bestreitung der Körperlichkeit beim Erreichen, mit den Worten der Phänomenologie, des Kerns ihres Daseins im Gedichtzyklus „Kameni spavač“. Der Beitrag untersucht unter anderem die Rolle der Frauenfiguren in der Poesie Mak Dizdars, sowie die Aspekte des Auftretens der weiblichen Stimme in der Rolle des lyrischen Subjekts. In einer Poesie, in der mittelalterliche Schreiber (dijaci), Gefangene (sužnji), Gerechte dominieren, werden Frauenfiguren nur marginalle Rollen, wohingegen Hauptrollen in Gedichten, die von Diesseitswerten sprechen, u.z.: von Liebe und Mutterschaft, verliehen.
- Price: 4.50 €
Grad kao prostor pamćenja u Kamenom spavaču Maka Dizdara
Grad kao prostor pamćenja u Kamenom spavaču Maka Dizdara
(Town as a Place of Remembrance in Mak Dizdar`s Stone Sleeper)
- Author(s):Lejla Žujo-Marić
- Language:Bosnian
- Subject(s):Bosnian Literature, Sociology of Culture, Theory of Literature
- Page Range:183-192
- No. of Pages:10
- Keywords:city; culture; space; remembrance;
- Summary/Abstract:This work tries to analyze a town as a symbolic place in Mak Dizdar`s Stone Sleeper and to answer what is its function and meaning. Town has symbolical meaning that is a product of culture, so it is perceived as a cultural metaphor. Metaphorical meaning of the town in Dizdar`s Stone Sleeper has its roots in medieval Bosnian tradition, in oral poetry, Bosniak`s poetry on Oriental languages and modern poetry.
- Price: 4.50 €
Egzistencija samoprepoznavanja u poetici Kamenog spavača (Iskustvo života i nadiskustvo smrti u Slovu o čovjeku)
Egzistencija samoprepoznavanja u poetici Kamenog spavača (Iskustvo života i nadiskustvo smrti u Slovu o čovjeku)
(Existence as self-recognition in the poetics of Stone sleeper (the experience of life and over-experience of death in a Word about man))
- Author(s):Irma Marić
- Language:Bosnian
- Subject(s):Bosnian Literature, Theory of Literature
- Page Range:193-199
- No. of Pages:7
- Keywords:self-recognition; Consciousness; self-consciousness; identity;
- Summary/Abstract:The most complex spirituality is exposed in art. Spiritualization is a process of human analytic attitude towards one self and others. The human spirit engages in different processes which it can, but doesn’t necessarily have to grasp. Sometimes we are conscious of such situations, but sometimes we aren’t. Consciousness and self-consciousness; recognition and self-recognition are key spiritual elements on the verge of the 21st century. Mental makeup of research process is recognized in slightest oscillation, exhalations, memories, events, experiences registered or just touched on. At first glance, the unreachable is sought to be reached; to escape the imposed circle as a finished life circle, make prominent thought and think about it. That is the way of seeking for the self, meaning, happiness, love… In this way the understanding of the duality of the self is born; the duality which absorbs consciousness and sub consciousness in the aim to explore the sides of one sole in the course of one own, or, more precisely – shared way.
- Price: 4.50 €
Mak Dizdar i Tin Ujević – čitanje pjesme Meki jastuk za mrtvace
Mak Dizdar i Tin Ujević – čitanje pjesme Meki jastuk za mrtvace
(Mak Dizdar and Tin Ujevic - reading of the poem “Meki jastuk za mrtvace”)
- Author(s):Perina Meić
- Language:Croatian
- Subject(s):Bosnian Literature, Theory of Literature
- Page Range:201-220
- No. of Pages:19
- Keywords:Mak Dizdar; Tin Ujević; Meki jastuk za mrtvace; semiotic processes;
- Summary/Abstract:Mak Dizdar’s poem Meki jastuk za mrtvace which was dedicated to Tin Ujević will be analyzed in the text. The analysis will include research of semiotic processes with regard to the semantic, syntactic and pragmatic aspect of poetic sign, and of the comparison poetic conception of two poets.
- Price: 4.50 €
Dizdar i Kazantzakis o Penelopi
Dizdar i Kazantzakis o Penelopi
(Dizdar and Kazantzakis about Penelopa)
- Author(s):Panajiotis Asimopulos
- Language:Bosnian
- Subject(s):Bosnian Literature, Greek Literature, Theory of Literature
- Page Range:221-228
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:Penelopa; Kazantzakis; Dizdar;
- Summary/Abstract:The female presence has a special place in the poetic firmament of the homeric Iliad and Odyssey where the poet in parallel with the men’s moral idols forms and notes heroines’ character.He celebrates the beauty,the charm and the virtues that should adorn every mortal creating timeless ideals, incomparable standards.Among his heroines emerges Penelope,the extremely loyal and exemplary sensible partner of shrewd and resourceful Odysseus.Reflecting modest grace,spontaneity she is the perfect hostess at the court,dignified,with an original magnificence.From different point of view the poetic inspirations of Greek Nikos Kazantzakis and dominant Herzegovinian poet Mak Dizdar approach to her.This paper focuses on the way in which Homeric Penelope is presented at the verses and words of these important creators.
- Price: 4.50 €
Smisao razumijevanja i/ili razumijevanje smisla Dizdareve „Poruke“
Smisao razumijevanja i/ili razumijevanje smisla Dizdareve „Poruke“
(Sense of understanding and / or interpretation of the meaning of Dizdar’s “Messages”)
- Author(s):Vildana Pečenković
- Language:Bosnian
- Subject(s):Aesthetics, Bosnian Literature, Hermeneutics, Theory of Literature
- Page Range:229-239
- No. of Pages:11
- Keywords:sense; denotation; internalisation; message;
- Summary/Abstract:To understand is to be able to go back to something. Comprehensive texts remain available to any new understanding, and continuously appear in different perspectives. It’s the case with the poems Roads and Message from Mak Dizdar’ collection Stone Sleeper the first of which opens and the other closes a unique poetic circle. Essential familiarity of their understanding is in reference on the history and tradition, because tradition and history have their primary meaning in it. They represent materialized memory – they carry the spirit of the past and their connotative meaning erases the boundaries of time and existence. The poetic text here is shown in the world in which it was constructed, and in certain limits allows us to live it through experience. In the Bosnian literature, the poetry of Mak Dizdar is a unique example of connection between art and reality, poetry and country, tradition and modernity, language and people. Dizdar’s dedication is aesthetically mature, ready on warning and truth about the country and its people and those Others. This paper analyzes the poetic paths and messages, and the ways in which these are internalized.
- Price: 4.50 €
Pjesničko uobličenje sižejnih obrazaca bajke u pjesmi Labud djevojka Maka Dizdara
Pjesničko uobličenje sižejnih obrazaca bajke u pjesmi Labud djevojka Maka Dizdara
(Poetic shaping of topic patterns of a fairy tale in the poem Labud djevojka by Mak Dizdar)
- Author(s):Amira Dervišević
- Language:Bosnian
- Subject(s):Customs / Folklore, Bosnian Literature, Theory of Literature
- Page Range:241-245
- No. of Pages:5
- Keywords:oral literature; oral prose; fairy tale; Labud djevojka;
- Summary/Abstract:Oral literature for Mak Dizdar represented, among other things, inexhaustible source of motifs and expressions. In distinction from the oral love lyric poetry, which is more present in Dizdar’s poetic opus, the oral prose - first of all tradition and a fairy tale – is recognized in fewer examples. The objective of this paper is to show the ways of a poetic shaping of topic patterns of a fairy tale in the poem Labud djevojka by Mak Dizdar.
- Price: 4.50 €
Interpretacija Makove poezije u metodičkim aspektima tumačenja teksta „Kameni spavač“ Mehmedalija Mak Dizdar
Interpretacija Makove poezije u metodičkim aspektima tumačenja teksta „Kameni spavač“ Mehmedalija Mak Dizdar
(Interpretation of Mak's poetry in methodical aspect of text interpretation "Kameni spavač" Mehmedalija Mak Dizdar)
- Author(s):Almedina Čengić
- Language:Bosnian
- Subject(s):Bosnian Literature, Theory of Literature
- Page Range:247-257
- No. of Pages:11
- Keywords:Interpretation; methodics of literature; Kameni spavač; poetry;
- Summary/Abstract:Mehmedalija Mak Dizdar as one of the most prominent Bosnian poet, in reciprocity with his extraordinary artistic creativity, very little represented in the plans of the educational program. Animosity, conditionally speaking, according to his poetry does not follow from the rejection of this writer, but on the contrary, it is the result of insufficient knowledge and recognition of the value of his poetry among wider circles of lecturers in the teaching-scientific process. Ease of key messages contained in the titles of historical concretization cycles and thematic sections, the traditional interpretation of certain underlying values in life and existence of man and humanity, would not in its extreme interpretation, especially in the teaching process should be the only distinctively directed through a critical and artistic and creative reading Mak, but universal application of the overall process of educating and informing the general public. The basic message stylistic variables Mak lies a very complex and the significance of ethnological and etymological treasure of the cultural legacy that would be in its final definition, should initiate much hidden wealth of terms, phrases, and whole poetic phraseology units, which are pushed into oblivion. This would be a wealth of language and its own accumulated reserves that the scientific research process and the placement of appropriate information, provide high quality innovated vocabulary, which would no doubt be sure to significantly enrich the value of our mother tongue and spread information about the complexity of its creation and development. “
- Price: 4.50 €
Interpretacija lirske pjesme - Mak Dizdar: Uspavanka
Interpretacija lirske pjesme - Mak Dizdar: Uspavanka
(Interpretation of Mak Dizdar’s lyric poem Uspavanka (Lullaby))
- Author(s):Edina Murtić
- Language:Bosnian
- Subject(s):Bosnian Literature, Structuralism and Post-Structuralism, Theory of Literature
- Page Range:259-267
- No. of Pages:9
- Keywords:interpretation; structuralism; poststructuralism; lyric poem;
- Summary/Abstract:The first section of this Paper deals with the concept of interpretation as well as with the sense of explaining a text, in this case, a lyric poem. Not disregarding post-structural understandings that it is almost impossible to get through the final meanings, in the second part of this Paper we place the text of the poem Uspavanka of Mak Dizdar in the center of our interpretation.
- Price: 4.50 €
Mak Dizdar stizanje i prestizanje u prepjevu na ruski jezik
Mak Dizdar stizanje i prestizanje u prepjevu na ruski jezik
(Mak Dizdar´s stizanje i prestizanje (arriving and overtaking) in translation into Russian language)
- Author(s):Adijata Ibrišimović Šabić
- Language:Bosnian
- Subject(s):Bosnian Literature, Eastern Slavic Languages, Baltic Languages, Translation Studies, Theory of Literature
- Page Range:269-275
- No. of Pages:7
- Keywords:arriving and overtaking;Russian language; target language; target culture; translation;
- Summary/Abstract:In this article the author, analyzing the translation into Russian language of a Mak Dizdar´s poem Stizanje i prestizanje (Arriving and overtaking), from the collection of poems Koljena za Madonu (Madonna’s Knees, 1963), from the cycle Vidim te a ne čujem (I can see you not hear), examines what happens in cases where the interpreter is primarily focused on the target language and target culture, and when he decides to adapt the original work in accordance with the expectations of the target culture and readers of another language and other cultural code, and when the interpreter adjusts the translation in accordance with his own “horizon of expectation”.
- Price: 4.50 €
Kazališni potencijal „Kamenog spavača“
Kazališni potencijal „Kamenog spavača“
(Theatrical potential of „Kameni spavač“)
- Author(s):Tina Laco
- Language:Bosnian
- Subject(s):Theatre, Dance, Performing Arts, Bosnian Literature, Theory of Literature
- Page Range:277-284
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:theater; potential; Kameni spavač;
- Price: 4.50 €
Artizam smrti kroz simbiozu estetike i svetosti u Kamenom spavaču Maka Dizdara
Artizam smrti kroz simbiozu estetike i svetosti u Kamenom spavaču Maka Dizdara
(Artism of death through a symbiosis of aesthetics and sanctity in Mak Dizdar's Stone Sleeper)
- Author(s):Rašid Durić
- Language:Bosnian
- Subject(s):Aesthetics, Bosnian Literature, East Asian Philosophy, Theory of Literature
- Page Range:57-77
- No. of Pages:21
- Keywords:sacrality; philosophie perennis; aesthetic;
- Summary/Abstract:In dieser Studie interpretiere ich der heilige Kraft und ästhetisch sprachkünstlerischen Wirkungen des poetischen Lietmotivs des Todes auf dem Basis der metaphysischer Transformation des biotisch-materialistischen Lebens in seine kosmische und geistliche Ewigkeit. Es handelt sich dabie um eine Metamorphose des Materiellen durch ihre ständige Transmutation in einer ewigen Bestehens des mikro-makrokosmischen Daseins. Damit wird sich Der steinerne Schläfer als transcendentale Psychoterapie erweist in deren sich das poetische Wort in die heilige Kraft umwandelt. Solche Umwandlung wird in der Erforschung der mittelalterlicher Epigraphic der bosnisch-humischer Heretiker als sgn. “bosnische Schule des Todes” genannt. In meiner Studie ist solche Todeskunstschule anhand der Interpretation von (un)trenbaren Symbiose zwischen des Heiligtums (und der heiligen Wirkung) und des Ästhetischen bewiesen worden. Mit dem Hauptthese, dass das biologische Tod in Dizdar Poesie eine Umwandlung in andere Art des Daseins bedeutet. Unten den Verwendung der Philosophie perennis kann man Des steinerne Schläfers als eine Art der künstlerischer Psychoterepheutik sehr ernst annehmen, um durch deren Anwendung eine gewisse Todesüberwindung zu erlangen.
- Price: 4.50 €
Saglasje jedne slike-zapisa Maka Dizdara sa filozofijom kompozicije Edgara Alana Poa
Saglasje jedne slike-zapisa Maka Dizdara sa filozofijom kompozicije Edgara Alana Poa
(Compatibility between a “text-image” of Mak Dizdar and The Philosophy of Composition by E. A. Poe)
- Author(s):Mirjana Popović
- Language:Bosnian
- Subject(s):Comparative Study of Literature, Bosnian Literature, Theory of Literature
- Page Range:287-295
- No. of Pages:9
- Keywords:figural composition; poetic effect; Edgar Allan Poe;
- Summary/Abstract:This paper explores a “text-image” of Mak Dizdar from linguistic, thematic and philosophical point of view. The polysemy of this image in Dizdar’s style is analyzed at the lexico-semantic level and compared with the principles of composition elaborated by E. A. Poe in his essay The Philosophy of Composition. The similarity and main parallel between the two texts is marked by the aesthetic principle of compatibility. Dizdar’s figurative language provides visual motifs that follow segments of poeticconstructs, corresponding to the understanding of this term within the aesthetic principles of E. A. Poe. In the poetry of Dizdar, the polysemic aspect of his literary images include the historical background, together with elements of a coherent compositional structure in which the lexemes acquire special cultural and moral values. Through comparative lexical and semantic analysis of Dizdar’s writings, the paper investigates communicative and symbolic functions of various lexemes and their effects in the domain of poetic style. The paper gives examples of the creation of a polysemic image in Dizdar’s “text-image” by using a set of specific lexemes. The author of the article observes this as Dizdar’s intention to join visual and linguistic elements together, forging both an idiosyncratic poetic style and a universal message.
- Price: 4.50 €
Ekspresivnost poetskog jezika Maka Dizdara
Ekspresivnost poetskog jezika Maka Dizdara
(Expressiveness of the poetic language of Mak Dizdar)
- Author(s):Miroslav Artić
- Language:Croatian
- Subject(s):Bosnian Literature, Theory of Literature
- Page Range:297-309
- No. of Pages:13
- Keywords:expressiveness; poetic language; phonetic approach;
- Summary/Abstract:The text starts from a stand point of the expressiveness of the poetic language of Mak Dizdar with the intention to once again hear his poetry considering it was created in a primal language, as Dizdar himself put it, in a language that screams of “apocalyptical question marks”. And this language was precisely brought to life from “primordial”. Suddenly this primordial “silent language has become vocal”. How can readers recognize a primordial call to life in that awoken primordial language that screams with question marks? This is the reason time and time again his language is read, the language of questions, the language of the primordial wondering and a constant openness. In that targeted analysis, the starting point is the phonetic approach to the poem (Vuletić, 2005), according to which, as Vuletić suggest, the poetic meaning is not realized in the singular, individual but in a relationship with other meanings. Mak Dizdar’s poems would be heard using this approach, guided by an inner organization, with the intention to determine the function of the rhyme, in order to find out in what way the regularity in repetition and the rhythm is formed and realized. Motivation is also questioned, which is present in the relationship of the content and the frequency of return to the original text in the poem, which according to Lotman, has already fulfilled its basic information role. The main starting point in the analysis of the poem is its vocal organization, and it is especially important as even Guberina pointed out that the whole of a man speaks, not just his vocal organs. He suggests that other, non-lingual signs are also sent, apart from the lingual ones.
- Price: 4.50 €
Ponavljanje kao stilski postupak u pjesmi Hiža u milama
Ponavljanje kao stilski postupak u pjesmi Hiža u milama
(Repetition as a stylistic procedure in the poem of “Hiža u Milama”)
- Author(s):Edim Šator
- Language:Bosnian
- Subject(s):Bosnian Literature, Theory of Literature
- Page Range:311-319
- No. of Pages:9
- Keywords:repetition; Hiža u milama; alliteration; assonance;
- Summary/Abstract:The paper analyzes various repetitions in the poem Hiža u Milama and tries to point out to its importance in meaning, but also hearing the poem. The paper starts with the Jacobson’s theory that repetition is the key principle in poem building. We will stress repetitions on all linguistic levels and try to explain in what manner they influence the total understanding of the poem, but also its hearing.
- Price: 4.50 €
Sintaksičke osobenosti ciklusa pjesama „Radimlja“ Maka Dizdara
Sintaksičke osobenosti ciklusa pjesama „Radimlja“ Maka Dizdara
(Syntactic characteristics of Mak Dizdar’s cycle of poems „Radimlja“)
- Author(s):Zenaida Karavdić-Meco
- Language:Bosnian
- Subject(s):Syntax, Bosnian Literature
- Page Range:321-334
- No. of Pages:14
- Keywords:phrase; simple sentence; complex sentence; Mak Dizdar; syntactic characteristics;
- Summary/Abstract:This article gives a detailed syntactic description of Mak Dizdar’s cycle of poems „Radimlja“. The corpus was analised first at the level of phrase, then simple sentence and finally complex sentence. In a separate chapter gives a detailed description of word order in a sentence. Through the analyses are given syntactic features, either as the presence or absence of certain syntactic phenomena, or as specific phenomena unusual or less common in the standard language. Although these features are also the syntactic stylemas, this paper does not deal with stylistics comments, but in the end only gives a list of syntactic characteristics of this cycle of poems.
- Price: 4.50 €
Pozicija glagola i njihovih dopuna i/ili dodataka u poetskoj sintaksi Kamenog spavača Maka Dizdara
Pozicija glagola i njihovih dopuna i/ili dodataka u poetskoj sintaksi Kamenog spavača Maka Dizdara
(The position of verbs and their Complements and/or adjuncts in the poetic syntax of Mak Dizdar’s Stone Sleeper)
- Author(s):Jasmin Hodžić
- Language:Bosnian
- Subject(s):Syntax, Bosnian Literature, Theory of Literature
- Page Range:335-346
- No. of Pages:12
- Keywords:verbs; complement; adjunct; Mak Dizdar;
- Summary/Abstract:This paper analyzes sentential word order as a poetic characteristic of Mak Dizdar’s Stone Sleeper. The focus is on the examination of certain peculiarities in verb positions and their complements and/or adjuncts. The goal is to display the syntax of Stone Sleeper and to what extent it resembles the syntax of Old Bosnian, Old Slavic and Old Church Slavonic texts as they are an intertextual and metatextual frame of Mak’s poetry. The assumption is that the position of syntactic elements can be determined by both the specific demands of poetic syntax and the syntactic patterns adopted from the corpus of Old Slavic (Bosnian) texts.
- Price: 4.50 €
Arhaizmi i neologizmi u Kamenom spavaču – leksikografski pristup
Arhaizmi i neologizmi u Kamenom spavaču – leksikografski pristup
(Archaisms and neologisms in Stone Sleeper – lexicographic approach)
- Author(s):Alen Kalajdžija
- Language:Bosnian
- Subject(s):Lexis, Bosnian Literature, Theory of Literature
- Page Range:347-359
- No. of Pages:13
- Keywords:archaisms; neologisms; lexicographic approach; Stone Sleeper;
- Summary/Abstract:The paper pays special attention to analyzing lexis that belongs to a group of neologisms and archaisms. Based on the conducted analysis we can conclude that it is a case of a particular sort of which is archaic by its origin, but thanks to Dizdar’s innovative linguistic procedures also neologic, so we can perceive them as neologic archaisms, that is „neoarchaisms“. According to the paper, there is a classification of the analyzed lexis by various criteria that can relate to inner linguistic levels, but also some extralinguistic conditions.
- Price: 4.50 €