Slovo o Aleksi Šantiću, Antunu Branku Šimiću i Zuki Džumhuru
A word about Aleksa Šantić, Antun Branko Šimić and Zuko Džumhur
Contributor(s): Edim Šator (Editor), Dijana Hadžizukić (Editor)
Subject(s): Language and Literature Studies, Literary Texts, Bosnian Literature, Croatian Literature, Serbian Literature
Published by: Fakultet humanističkih nauka, Univerzitet »Džemal Bijedić« u Mostaru
- Print-ISBN-13: 978-9958-604-91-1
- Page Count: 400
- Publication Year: 2015
- Language: Bosnian, Croatian, Serbian
Šantićevi poetski identiteti
Šantićevi poetski identiteti
(Šantić's poetic identities)
- Author(s):Elbisa Ustamujić
- Language:Bosnian
- Subject(s):Cultural history, Bosnian Literature, Serbian Literature, Culture and social structure
- Page Range:9-20
- No. of Pages:12
- Keywords:Herzegovina; cultural memory; Mostar; political identity; city;
- Summary/Abstract:The paper is based on the fact that, within the literary criticism, Aleksa Šantić has been recognized as a poet/bard of patriotic-social engagement, motifs from Muslim life and Mostar, as well as elegiac tones of personal misfortunes. In those social circumstanses (the Austro-Hungarian occupation, the annexation) Šantić’s Herzegovinian identities in patriot-social poetry are being represented as political identities, supported by essentialist valuables: the nation, the space, the epic tradition, myths and religion, which, on the basis of distinction WE/THEY, homogenizes „the identity of resistance“. Herzegovina is an imaginary space of cultural memory, whilst Mostar represents an authentic space of Šantić’s life and a place in which cultural context his constructive identities are being formed. It is a place of encounters with people, recognizable climate and topographic marks, Mediterranean vegetation, urban bazaar and streets, as well as family-patriarchal milieu. Inside that space Šantić has sang/lauded amorous, landscape and elegiac songs, his experiences of Mostar, specific culture of life and sensation of connection and being affiliated. Identifying himself with the people’s mentality, Šantić has transmitted poetic impulses of the city’s soul and spirit
- Price: 4.50 €
Bard za sva vremena? (Pjesničko djelo Alekse Šantića i njegova poetika i politika kulture)
Bard za sva vremena? (Pjesničko djelo Alekse Šantića i njegova poetika i politika kulture)
(The bard for all times? (Aleksa Šantić’s Poetic Oeuvre and Its Poetics and Politics of culture))
- Author(s):Sanjin Kodrić
- Language:Bosnian
- Subject(s):Cultural history, Bosnian Literature, Serbian Literature
- Page Range:21-29
- No. of Pages:9
- Keywords:Aleksa Šantić’s poetry; reception; value; literary canon; poetics and politics of culture;Bosnian-Herzegovinian literature; Serbian literature in Bosnia-Herzegovina;
- Summary/Abstract:The paper deals with the role and position of Aleksa Šantić’s poetic oeuvre in the literary canon of both Bosnian-Herzegovinian and Serbian literatures in Bosnia-Herzegovina, as well as Serbian literature as a whole and Yugoslav literature. Special attention was paid to the early reception of Šantić’s poetic work, while emphasizing the discrepancy between local and broader understanding of the character and value of the author’s poetic oeuvre. In this way, the paper points to the complex process of canonization of the poetic work of A. Šantić, but also the possibility of its understanding today, particularly in terms of respecting poetics and politics of culture of the author’s time.
- Price: 4.50 €
Šantićev sonetarij
Šantićev sonetarij
(Šantić's sonnets)
- Author(s):Vildana Pečenković
- Language:Bosnian
- Subject(s):Cultural history, Bosnian Literature, Serbian Literature, Theory of Literature
- Page Range:31-41
- No. of Pages:11
- Keywords:Šantić; sonnets; tradition; modernity; form; metametrics;
- Summary/Abstract:Šantić is one of the first Bosnian poet who promoted the sonnet form at the earliest 20th century in this region. From 1890 when was published his first sonnet, to the latest verses, Santić did spoke thru the form of sonnet about all topics that occupied his attention as a poet and as a man, but not always with the same dynamics. In the initial stage of his creation sonnets are just side form in which he tried his hands. In the period from 1905 to 1914 they become the center of his work, and at the final stage the interest for this form was decreasing. The paper examines how much did solid sonnet form had impact on the poetry of the poet, and vice versa, how did poet change form trying to adapt it to his own expression.
- Price: 4.50 €
Funkcija mirisa u poeziji Alekse Šantića
Funkcija mirisa u poeziji Alekse Šantića
(The function of odours in the poetry of Aleksa Šantić)
- Author(s):Dijana Hadžizukić
- Language:Bosnian
- Subject(s):Bosnian Literature, Serbian Literature, Theory of Literature
- Page Range:43-57
- No. of Pages:15
- Keywords:Aleksa Šantić; poetry; odours;
- Summary/Abstract:This work tries to examine the significance and function of scents in poetry of Aleksa Šantić. Scents are poetic elements in Šantić`s poetry, and their varieties and frequencies have great importance in concepts of memory, spaces, and emotions. Their presence or absence in a poem develops poetic image, and, including that fact, their meaning is highly symbolical. Scents as poetic elements are expression of Šantić`s artistic virtuosity as well.
- Price: 4.50 €
Слика породице у поетском опусу Алексе Шантића
Слика породице у поетском опусу Алексе Шантића
(Picture of family in the poetic opus of Aleksa Šantić)
- Author(s):Bojana Anđelić
- Language:Serbian
- Subject(s):Bosnian Literature, Serbian Literature, Theory of Literature
- Page Range:59-73
- No. of Pages:15
- Keywords:family; death; memories; loneliness;
- Summary/Abstract:Човек из народа, „крв јуначка, душа девојачка“, мостарски песнички ауторитет – Алекса Шантић – творац је бројних песама породично-интимног карактера, у којима је изразио сету за изгубљеном породицом. На гробу миле ми сестре, На очеву гробу, На сестрином гробу, На одру брата Јевтана, Мајци, На гробљу, Под нашим кровом, Путник, Харфо моја, Бадња вече, Страшна је ово ноћ..., Наш стари доме, Претпразничко вече само су неке од песама које казују песникове тамне тренутке, немир, те лично дубоко осећање усамљености, узалудности, суморности, празнине и резигнације. Ипак, љубав ка речима, које су најмоћније опојно средство које користи људски род, учинила је да песникова душа оздрави засадивши у њу клице воље за животом и учинивши и тадашње часове милим.
- Price: 4.50 €
Паралелно читање Шантићеве драме Хасанагиница и истоимене Симовићеве драме
Паралелно читање Шантићеве драме Хасанагиница и истоимене Симовићеве драме
(Parallel reading of Šantić's Drama Hasanaginica and the Eponymous Simović's Drama)
- Author(s):Aleksandra Tomić
- Language:Serbian
- Subject(s):Bosnian Literature, Serbian Literature, Theory of Literature
- Page Range:77-84
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:drama; parallel; place; time; characters;
- Summary/Abstract:In this paper we deal with the following parallel reading of two different dramas that have the same literary matrix in the form of folk ballads Hasanaginica. Specifically, we analyze the parallel Santićeva Hasanaginica drama and drama of the same name Simovic. We discuss the similarities and differences from the point of the title, structure, form, time, place, plot, character, spirituality and language in the aforementioned two. We will bring the conclusions that will concern both parts separately, and their interconnections.
- Price: 4.50 €
Šantićeva dramska slika “Hasanaginice“
Šantićeva dramska slika “Hasanaginice“
(Šantić's dramatic portrait of Hasanaginica)
- Author(s):Almedina Čengić
- Language:Bosnian
- Subject(s):Theatre, Dance, Performing Arts, Bosnian Literature, Serbian Literature, Theory of Literature
- Page Range:85-95
- No. of Pages:11
- Keywords:Hasanaginica; ballad; lyrical drama;
- Summary/Abstract:„Hasanaginica“ , one of the most representative texts of Bosnian – Herzegovinian literary tradition, functions as a poetic challenge for many poets. Aleksa Šantić was inspired by ballade`s emotional qualities and he used its poetical potentials to made drama Hasanaginica. Šantić tries to present dramatical picture of a legend that functions as a synonym of our oral tradition. Following the traditional stereotypical fable of the ballade, with a few real episodic characters of the time, Šantic remains consistent in sketching the main actors and their expected actions. On the other hand, the poetic melodrama that is projected onto the aggregated monological forms, and the drama’s main character’s pathetic sentiments, in its exaggerated nature, poetically predetermines Šantić’s attitude towards the writing of the dramatic text.
- Price: 4.50 €
Metodički pristup(i) piscu i književnom djelu
Metodički pristup(i) piscu i književnom djelu
(Methodical approaches to the writer and literary work-Aleksa Šantić)
- Author(s):Edina Murtić
- Language:Bosnian
- Subject(s):Bosnian Literature, Serbian Literature, Theory of Literature
- Page Range:97-109
- No. of Pages:13
- Keywords:methodology; interpretation; poetry; Aleksa Šantić;
- Summary/Abstract:This text examines various methodical approaches to the writer and his literary work. It indicates a possibility of linking different aspects of Aleksa Šantić’s life and poetry, and in addition to traditional approaches, among which the literary history has an unavoidable part, it also introduces a rich intertextual and intermedial context in the methodical interpretation, which appears as an exceptional possibility in student motivation for reading and experiencing the poetry of Aleksa Šantić.
- Price: 4.50 €
Tematski i stilistički aspekti u odabranim Šantićevim pjesmama
Tematski i stilistički aspekti u odabranim Šantićevim pjesmama
(Thematic and stylistic aspects in selected songs of Šantić)
- Author(s):Ivana Tomić
- Language:Bosnian
- Subject(s):Bosnian Literature, Serbian Literature, Theory of Literature
- Page Range:111-124
- No. of Pages:14
- Keywords:modernity; symbolism; denotation meaning; expression;
- Summary/Abstract:The focus of this scientific work is about reviewing thematic motives that is present in a Santić poetry. This work also includes linguistic analysis of verse expression, respecting imposing stylistic aspects feature and virtue of the voice repeating, literally and deeper figuratively meanings, performance of rhythm specificity based on syllables verification of tone, and intonation-syntactical arrangement of the text. Emphasized is on an impressive and expressive characteristic elements and effects of the poetry.
- Price: 4.50 €
Spacijalni akuzativ u Šantićevim pripovetkama
Spacijalni akuzativ u Šantićevim pripovetkama
(Spatial accusative in short stories by Aleksa Šantić)
- Author(s):Nataša Kurtuma
- Language:Serbian
- Subject(s):Syntax, Bosnian Literature, Serbian Literature, South Slavic Languages
- Page Range:125-132
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:prepositions; spatiality; accusative;frequency;
- Summary/Abstract:Given that inadequate use of cases/prepositions leads to a change in the meaning of the entire phrase, the task of the research at hand is to determine the use of accusative which functions as spatial determiner. The research is based on a corpus which comprises selected short stories by Aleksa Šantić, given that his works have been shown to be suitable for this kind of research. The aim of the paper is to define the prepositions in question using the morphosyntactic and the semantic methods, as well as to determine the frequency of prepositions used to define accusative as a spatial determiner.
- Price: 4.50 €
Šantićeva prevodilačka djelatnost s njemačkog jezika
Šantićeva prevodilačka djelatnost s njemačkog jezika
(Šantić's translational activity from the german language)
- Author(s):Ibrica Dizdar
- Language:Bosnian
- Subject(s):Bosnian Literature, Croatian Literature, German Literature, Translation Studies
- Page Range:133-152
- No. of Pages:20
- Keywords:Austro-Hungarian Monarchy; Lirski intermeco; Zora; German language; Heinrich Heine Hugo von Hofmannsthal; J.G. Schiller; translation;
- Summary/Abstract:If we compare the translational work of Aleksa Santić, it can be stated that translation of poems from German language are a continual activity throughout Santić’s working life. If we take into account the fact that Santić published somewhat over 600 of his own poems, and that the number of translated poems surpasses 300, it becomes clear that this activity plays an important role in of Santić’s poetic opus. If we follow the trail which lead us to the early stages of Santić’s translational efforts, it is clear that he commenced these activities in his most productive periods, as it also shows that it was an activity which was not of temporary character during certain stages of his poetic development, but that translation was his constant preoccupation. Generally speaking, poeticism of Santić’s translation is a prominent feature, as well as linguistic aberrations which are also typical for his translational style. Changes in respect to the content of Santić’s translations are minimal, regardless of the fact that certain deviations and misinterpretations can be recognized, which is an inescapable feature of all translational processes. The alterations made by Santić in his translations do not affect the presented images in a negative way, nor do they diminish the emotional effect. Translations are successful, as they are equally poetic compared to the originals. All aberrations and alterations are irrelevant if we keep in mind the basic aim and function of this type of translation, which is conveying an emotion expressed through an image.
- Price: 4.50 €
Prostor Hercegovine u preobraženjima A. B. Šimića
Prostor Hercegovine u preobraženjima A. B. Šimića
(The space of Herzegovina in Metamorphoses by A.B. Šimić)
- Author(s):Selma Raljević
- Language:Bosnian
- Subject(s):Bosnian Literature, Croatian Literature, Theory of Literature
- Page Range:155-162
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:the space of Herzegovina; Metamorphosis; spatial turn; third space; spatial locality;
- Summary/Abstract:The aim of the paper is to analyze the space of Herzegovina in a collection of poems entitled Metamorphoses (1920) by Antun Branko Simic (1898-1925) within the context of the modern and contemporary approaches to the poetics of space, and wider theoretical and cultural perspectives. The special attention will be given to “the reading” of the space of Herzegovina in two poems entitled „Herzegovina“ and in a poem “Mother“ that would illuminate the transformations of both the landscape and the essence of Simic’s Metamorphoses.
- Price: 4.50 €
Smrt u pjesništvu Antuna Branka Šimića kao metafizička obnova za vječnost
Smrt u pjesništvu Antuna Branka Šimića kao metafizička obnova za vječnost
(Death in the poetry of A.B.Šimić as a metaphisical renewal for eternity)
- Author(s):Sanja Knežević
- Language:Croatian
- Subject(s):Bosnian Literature, Croatian Literature, Biblical studies
- Page Range:163-177
- No. of Pages:15
- Keywords:Antun Branko Šimić; transfiguration; expressionism; death; resurrection;
- Summary/Abstract:In this paper we write about Antun Branko Simic’s poetry and it’s reflects on the spiritual and reflexive level.The first part of the paper is contextualization of Simic’s work in relation to the style of expressionism with the key directions for spiritual and symbolic reading his lyrics . In the second part is interpretated poetry collection Transfiguration in the context of the New Testament and the Paul’s First and Second Letter to the Corinthians.
- Price: 4.50 €
Rima kao strukturni i semantički dio pjesničkog diskursa A. B. Šimića
Rima kao strukturni i semantički dio pjesničkog diskursa
A. B. Šimića
(The theory and praxis of rhyme from a poetic aspect of A.B. Šimić)
- Author(s):Emilija Kovač
- Language:Croatian
- Subject(s):Semantics, Bosnian Literature, Croatian Literature, Theory of Literature
- Page Range:179-193
- No. of Pages:15
- Keywords:expressiveness; rhyme; isophonia; semantics of a form;
- Summary/Abstract:The paper deals with the theory and praxis of rhyme from a poetic aspect of A. B. Šimić. The expressiveness as a basic principle of his poetics is being subversive to all prior and etablished poetic elements. The effects produced with rhyme are interpreted and standardized on the basis of declarative statements. Having in mind the fact that rhyme has mostly been mentioned obiter through the analysis of Šimić’s work/poetics, we think this analytical consideration of the problem would fulfill the void and offer some relevant conclusions. It is evident that the rhyme represents an infrequent, but vigorous phonic element of Šimić’s verse. This is not only a phenomenon on a phonic level, whereas it includes the question of its syntactic and semantic relations. In consonance with other song elements, the rhyme participates in expressing the author’s worldview/opinion.
- Price: 4.50 €
Poetska preobraženja Antuna Branka Šimića (Sastanak sa sobom, Bolesnik, Moja preobraženja, Izgubljen)
Poetska preobraženja Antuna Branka Šimića (Sastanak sa sobom, Bolesnik, Moja preobraženja, Izgubljen)
(Poetic metamorphosis of A.B. Šimić)
- Author(s):Irma Marić
- Language:Bosnian
- Subject(s):Bosnian Literature, Croatian Literature, Theory of Literature
- Page Range:195-200
- No. of Pages:6
- Keywords:poetics; metamorphosis; catharsis;
- Summary/Abstract:Antun Branko Simic’s work ‘Poetic Metamorphosis of a.b.Simic’ is going to be the basis for my attempt of pointing out the essence of the basic creative premises in poetry (selected poems) of the above mentioned poet. In this summary, I want to draw attention to a phenomenon of human’s spirit which absorbs conscious and subconscious, endeavoring to unify the two sides of a single soul and to explore its own path, the mutual path. According to Marcel Schneider, who talks about the spheres of conscious and subconscious, we can make a conclusion that there isn’t an aspect of absolute inaction. Antun Branko Simic’s poetry is also a path of restlesness. Using it as a way of reflecting, we find the mysteries, backlog of unsolved things which lead us to more questionings. Furthermore, in reading Simic’s poetry, I can rely on Schneider’s idea about dark layers which influence the course and the the shape of conscious experience, which are picturesquely interpreted as ‘subconscious’ in Psychology. Thoughts and feelings are, sometimes being playful and joyful, and sometimes the jailers and tramps, thrown and redundant, the deceitful rebels that enjoy the mental order. This explanation of ‘deceitful rebels’ I find in Simic’s ‘ poetics of metamorphosis fathoming in the redundant tragic fate and personification of the absurd on the one hand, and the ruthless struggle of internal conflict, which he uses to flee from a spider’s web, on the other hand.
- Price: 4.50 €
Drugi u poeziji Antuna Branka Šimića i Alekse Šantića
Drugi u poeziji Antuna Branka Šimića i Alekse Šantića
(Otherness in poetry of A.B. Šimić and Aleksa Šantić)
- Author(s):Lejla Žujo-Marić
- Language:Bosnian
- Subject(s):Bosnian Literature, Croatian Literature, Serbian Literature, Theory of Literature
- Page Range:201-214
- No. of Pages:14
- Keywords:A.B. Šimić; Aleksa Šantić; Other/Otherness; imagology; différance;
- Summary/Abstract:This work tries to examine the poststructuralist concept of otherness in poetry with social themes whose authors are poets Antun Branko Šimić and Aleksa Šantić. Following the idea that Balkan is settled at the margines of Europe and that it symbolizes place of war, social insecurity and political tensions, from the first side, and following the fact that Antun Branko Šimić and Aleksa Šantić are poets whose work is part of Balkan`s literature, from the other side, this work focuses on the poetic figures of workers, cripples, lost women and their attempt to express their social position.
- Price: 4.50 €
Konceptualizacija boja u lirskom diskursu A. B. Šimića
Konceptualizacija boja u lirskom diskursu A. B. Šimića
(Conceptualisation of colours in the poetry of A.B. Šimić)
- Author(s):Mirjana Popović
- Language:Bosnian, English, Croatian, Serbian
- Subject(s):Bosnian Literature, Croatian Literature, Theory of Literature
- Page Range:215-223
- No. of Pages:9
- Keywords:corpus analysis; color fenomenon; conceptualisation; rhetoric code;
- Summary/Abstract:The paper focuses on the coloristic code in the poetry of A. B. Šimić in relation to the metaphysical and ontological space of colors. This corresponds to a modern linguo-stylistic understanding of rhetoric code. Conceptualization of colors in Complete poems (Sabrane pjesme) and Metamorphoses (Preobraženja) by A. B. Šimić is being observed though the prysm of expressionism in visual arts. In this regard, the paper analyzes frequency of colors and their role in transforming perception into a subconscious sphere. Colors are observed as a structural element that in the poetry of Šimić establishes links between external and internal sensations, while the combination of these two creates a coherent poetic image within a specific rhetoric code.
- Price: 4.50 €
Šimićeva poezija u prijevodu na njemački jezik
Šimićeva poezija u prijevodu na njemački jezik
(Šimić's poetry in translation to the german language)
- Author(s):Belma Prndelj-Šator
- Language:Bosnian
- Subject(s):Bosnian Literature, Croatian Literature, Translation Studies, Theory of Literature
- Page Range:225-232
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:A.B. Šimić; theory of translation; German language;
- Summary/Abstract:In diesem Text analysiert die Autorin die Nachdichtung des Gedichtes „Ljubav“ („Liebesnacht“) von Antun Branko Šimić in die deutsche Sprache. Im ersten Teil der Arbeit werden die Postulate der Übersetzungstheorien von K. Reiß / H. J. Vermeer, W. Koller und Ch. Nord erläutert und dienen als Grundlage für diese Untersuchung. Im zweiten Teil des Beitrags wird ein kurzer Überblick über die Sammlung Kroatiens Seele im Lied gegeben, worin die Nachdichtung des Gedichtes „Ljubav“ veröffentlicht wurde, als auch die wichtigsten Informationen über Alfred Freiherrn von Buttlar-Moscon, den Übersetzer. Im nächsten Teil der Arbeit wird etwas über den Dichter Antun Branko Šimić gesagt, als auch über sein Wirken. Im letzten Teil dieses Beitrags wird die Übersetzung von Šimićs Gedicht „Ljubav“ in die deutsche Sprache durchgeführt.
- Price: 4.50 €
Estetički univerzalizam – Osobnost i osebujnost putopisa Zuke Džumhura
Estetički univerzalizam – Osobnost i osebujnost putopisa Zuke Džumhura
(Aesthetic universalism-distinctness of Zuko Džumhur's travelogues)
- Author(s):Rašid Durić
- Language:Bosnian
- Subject(s):Bosnian Literature, Theory of Literature
- Page Range:235-256
- No. of Pages:22
- Keywords:aesthetic universalism; encyclopedism; travelogue; Zuko Džumhur
- Summary/Abstract:In die Studie sind die Elemente der sprachlicher Kunst und der Enzyklopedismus bearbeitet und als wertvollsten Bestandteilen des universellen Ästhetizismus in Dzumhurs Reisebeschreibungen interpretiert. Diese beide Werte sind bisher in der Rezeption des Dzumhurs Werk als unbemerkte Werte geblieben und oberflächlich in der Literaturkritik angenommen worden. Mit der Erläuterung das Wesentlichen im Dzumhurs Werk in der Vertiefung und Erweiterung der fundamentaler Erkenntnis über Gleichwertung der Weltanschauungen, Kulturen und Religionen in der Zeit und Raum. Diese These ist durch die meine Interpretation der textuellen Selbstidentifizierung Dzumhurs mit der materiell-geistlichen menschlichen Erbe bewiesen. Dabei ist auch die universelle Ästhetik in der Reisebeschreibungen durch die Erzeugung der Freude und Begeisterung im Text nachgewiesen. Solche Erzeugung des Entzückens mit der menschlichen Schaffung macht den gemeinsamen Ethos der Reisebeschreibungen und dieser Studie aus. Mit gemeinsamen Versuch zu finden: auf welche Art und Weise kann der Mensch das Leben zu lieben und zu genießen.
- Price: 4.50 €
Reflektiranje orijentalnog i mediteranskog prostora i duha u putopisu Zuke Džumhura
Reflektiranje orijentalnog i mediteranskog prostora i duha u putopisu Zuke Džumhura
(Reflections of oriental and mediterranean space and spirit in the Zuko Džumhur's travelogues)
- Author(s):Alija Pirić
- Language:Bosnian
- Subject(s):Cultural history, Bosnian Literature, Cultural Anthropology / Ethnology, Culture and social structure , Theory of Literature
- Page Range:257-281
- No. of Pages:25
- Keywords:Zuko Džumhur; Mediterranean; spiritual place;
- Summary/Abstract:This text shows Zuko Džumhur`s view of Mediterranean spirit , its values and history. On the other hand, this text pictures Zuko Džumhur`s perception of cultural interferentions between East and West, and also shows his modernist poetics which corresponds with the poetics of city and urban life. Zuko Džumhur`s texts have elements such as literarization and supplementary thematisation, and those elements are part of the text about Počitelj.
- Price: 4.50 €
Slika Španije u putopisima i ilustracijama Zuke Džumhura
Slika Španije u putopisima i ilustracijama Zuke Džumhura
(The image of the Spain in travelogues illustrations by Zuko Džumhur)
- Author(s):Nadija Rebronja
- Language:Bosnian
- Subject(s):Cultural history, Bosnian Literature, Theory of Literature
- Page Range:283-290
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:travelogues; Zuko Džumhur; imagology; Spain; intermediality;
- Summary/Abstract:The paper offers a view of Spain in the travel literature of Zuko Džumhur, as well as the Spanish landscape given in the illustrations, connecting the intermedia of these travel journeys with imagological reading. Travel writers often recognise what they expect to see on their journeys, bringing along various predefined photos of the places and cultures they are visiting. In the travel journeys Hodoljublje, one of the most famous south Slavic travel writers, Zuko Džumhur, paints a picture of Spain in a specific manner through the text of the travel journey, illustrations and accompanying verses. By dealing with the Mediterranean areas of this country, he often recognises and defines them through the comparison of the landscapes found in his birthplace and country of origin.
- Price: 4.50 €
Grad i smrt i grad kao palimpsest u Nekrologu jednoj čaršiji Zuke Džumhura
Grad i smrt i grad kao palimpsest u Nekrologu jednoj čaršiji Zuke Džumhura
(The town and the death as a polimpset in Nekrolog jednoj čaršiji by Zuko Džumhur)
- Author(s):Nehrudin Rebihić
- Language:Bosnian
- Subject(s):Bosnian Literature, Theory of Literature
- Page Range:291-299
- No. of Pages:9
- Keywords:city; death; destruction semiology; memory; carnival; travel;
- Summary/Abstract:The paper aims to offer several possible models for reading poetry of itinerary Obituary of a čaršija (the downtown/main street Ottoman-Turkish style bazaar) of Zuko Džumhur. First part of the paper is talking about culture trip to Bosnia, then the indications semiotics demolition and destruction of the city in individual itineraries from already mentioned collection of itineraries. Subsequently, the paper seeks to offer models of reading the city as a palimpsest, and as a place of memory. Besides all this, it aims to detect ways of Džumhur confrontation with the cities which are burdened with the past and history. That loads in history were created by religious, mythical and great historical events tied to these cities and thus create their personal identity.
- Price: 4.50 €
Čitanja grada u prozi Putovanje bijelom lađom Zuke Džumhura
Čitanja grada u prozi Putovanje bijelom lađom Zuke Džumhura
(Readings of urban/city space in Zuko Džumhur's Putovanje bijelom lađom)
- Author(s):Fatima Trbonja
- Language:Bosnian
- Subject(s):Bosnian Literature, Theory of Literature
- Page Range:301-309
- No. of Pages:9
- Keywords:Putovanje bijelom lađom; travels; city topoi; spaces of memory;
- Summary/Abstract:The paper offers potential readings of urban / city space in Zuko Džumhur’s Putovanje bijelom lađom. Interpretation of space as a structural element in literature has already been extended to the inquiry of producing the space through the literary text, ie. to the question: how does the urban / city space become a metaphor for the text we are trying to read and perceive. The poetics of space has already been studied during the twentieth century by Gaston Bachelard and contemporary readings of urban/city space in literature have been analyzed by, inter alia, Mirko Kovač, Dževad Karahasan and Krešimir Nemec. Enumerating the topoi (atelier, streets, parks, hotels, restaurants, pastry shops) in this book, Džumhur has formed tithe Yugoslavian cities (spaces of nostalgia and memory) and represented few significant artists, mostly writers and painters, who exist as figures memories.
- Price: 4.50 €
Putopisi Zuke Džumhura i njihov pripovjedač (Od bijega u djetinjstvo do povratka u historiju)
Putopisi Zuke Džumhura i njihov pripovjedač (Od bijega u djetinjstvo do povratka u historiju)
(Zuko Džumhur's travelogues and their narrator (from escaping to childhood to the return to history))
- Author(s):Mirzana Pašić Kodrić
- Language:Bosnian
- Subject(s):Bosnian Literature, Theory of Literature
- Page Range:311-318
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:homo-autodiegetic and heterodiegetic narrator in travel writing; childhood; history; fiction and faction;
- Summary/Abstract:The paper deals with the question of narrator in the travel writing by Zuko Džumhur. It particularly focuses homo-autodiegetic and heterodiegetic narrator as typical of the author’s travelogues. In this connection, the paper examines the return of the narrator to childhood and history as important characteristics of Džumhur’s travelogues.
- Price: 4.50 €
Predaje u putopisu Zuke Džumhura
Predaje u putopisu Zuke Džumhura
(Tradition in Zuko Džumhur's Itinerary)
- Author(s):Amira Dervišević
- Language:Bosnian
- Subject(s):Customs / Folklore, Bosnian Literature, Theory of Literature
- Page Range:319-324
- No. of Pages:6
- Keywords:travelogue; oral prose; tradition;
- Summary/Abstract:The oral-prose forms as parts of narrattive structure in Zuko Džumhur’s Itenerary have been analysed. The emphasis of this analisis is to separate the oral tradition and revealing its function in additional thematisation of itenerary narration.
- Price: 4.50 €
Specifičnost jezičkog izraza Zuke Džumhura
Specifičnost jezičkog izraza Zuke Džumhura
(Specific of linguistic expression of Zuko Džumhur)
- Author(s):Aida Kršo
- Language:Bosnian
- Subject(s):Theoretical Linguistics, Bosnian Literature, Theory of Literature
- Page Range:325-330
- No. of Pages:6
- Keywords:Zuko Džumhur; humor; present; aorist; imperfect;
- Summary/Abstract:The linguistic analysis separates different stylistic methods: the use of verb forms which evoke a categorical trait, the humor as a pragmatic-semantic dominant of Zuko’s micro-discourse, and the description stylemes which stick out with their expressiveness, making the language of Zuko Džumhur so convincing. On the linguistic plan, the experienced speech is best recognised in the use of verb forms, where the experience represents a categorical attribute: present, aorist, and less comonly imperfect. Cenral parts of the story are best painted in the manner of present-woven storytelling. Using the narrative present tense, instead of present perfect tense, enables the author to make the story more convincing. The use of modifiers „here, there, well,“ occupies the focus of the listener and is associated with the actual storytelling time. Additionally, there is the inevitable humor as a textual dominant of Zuko’s micro-discourse. The author almost does not even use the dialogic form, because he is the observer and the notary, but not the direct participant of the events.
- Price: 4.50 €
Dijalogičnost u putopisnim tekstovima Zuke Džumhura
Dijalogičnost u putopisnim tekstovima Zuke Džumhura
(Dialogue properties of Zuko Džumhur's travelogue text)
- Author(s):Bernisa Puriš
- Language:Bosnian
- Subject(s):Theoretical Linguistics, Bosnian Literature, Theory of Literature
- Page Range:331-342
- No. of Pages:12
- Keywords:Zuko Džumhur; travelogue; speech acts; linguistic strategies;
- Summary/Abstract:This paper deals with speech acts, linguistic strategies and structures that provide explicit dialogicality as one of the specific stylistic features of Zuko Džumhur’s travelogue texts.
- Price: 4.50 €
Boje i teorija prototipa u djelima Zulfkara Džumhura
Boje i teorija prototipa u djelima Zulfkara Džumhura
(Color and prototype theory in literary works of Zulfikar Džumhur)
- Author(s):Indira Šabić
- Language:Bosnian
- Subject(s):Semantics, Cognitive linguistics, Bosnian Literature
- Page Range:343-356
- No. of Pages:14
- Keywords:anthropology and cognitive linguistics; theory of prototypes; scale focali; peripheral members;
- Summary/Abstract:According to the theory of prototypes and cognitive approach to categories, in this paper will be to study the names of colors in Bosnian culture of literary creativity of Zulfikar Džumhur, with the task of discovering what color prominently on perceptual and cognitive level. In this paper will be tested a possible developmental basis for the universality of focal colors, those areas of the color space previously found to be the most exemplary of basic color names in Bosnian language. The material of this study consists of all adjectival words for colors and their shades of literary works Zulfikar Džumhur, and will observe the distribution and occurrence of colors, variety of colors and their effects, and will define the degree focali certain color.
- Price: 4.50 €
Leksičko-semantičke posebnosti Džumhurovog putopisa
Leksičko-semantičke posebnosti Džumhurovog putopisa
(Lexico-semantic distinctiveness of Džumhur's travelogue)
- Author(s):Nermin Šušić
- Language:Bosnian
- Subject(s):Lexis, Semantics, Bosnian Literature, Theory of Literature
- Page Range:357-375
- No. of Pages:19
- Keywords:lexicon; lexeme; lexical semantics; travelogue; onomastics; phrases; polysyndeton; apostrophes; ellipses;
- Summary/Abstract:The work which we have titled Lexico-semanic distinctiveness of Dzumhur’s travelogue has several objectives: • Actualization of lexicological and general semantic study of the Bosniak travelogue; • Spotting, separating and defining the broad lexico-semantic structure of the Bosnian language, which Zuko used in his own way; • The specific combination of lexical units is monitored by different criteria: by belonging to certain aspects of the use, origin, status, frequency of occurrence...the emphasis is on onomastics and phrases; • Reinterpretation of theoretical principles of lexical semantics in the Bosnian language using examples from the corpus; • Without figurative lexicon, language wouldn’t be able to express all shades of meaning, i.e. fuller and more comprehensive meaning. Therefore, some attention will be devoted to stylistic procedures.
- Price: 4.50 €
Karakteristična leksika u djelu Zuke Džumhura
Karakteristična leksika u djelu Zuke Džumhura
(Specific lexic in the work of Zuko Džumhur)
- Author(s):Sanja Merzić
- Language:Bosnian
- Subject(s):Lexis, Bosnian Literature, Theory of Literature
- Page Range:377-384
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:synonyms; antonym; anthroponym; toponym;
- Summary/Abstract:Our paper focused on presence of specific lexic in the work of Zuko Džumhur, primarily in Letters from Asia, chapter Ariana and Hodoljublja. Subject of our analysis was presence and use of synonyms, antonyms, words of foreign origin, antroponyms and toponyms in these books.
- Price: 4.50 €
Povijesni minimalizam u putopisima Zulfikara Zuke Džumhura
Povijesni minimalizam u putopisima Zulfikara Zuke Džumhura
(Historical minimalism in travelogues of Zulfikar Zuko Džumhur)
- Author(s):Salih Jalimam
- Language:Bosnian
- Subject(s):Cultural history, Local History / Microhistory, Bosnian Literature, Cultural Anthropology / Ethnology
- Page Range:385-399
- No. of Pages:15
- Keywords:microhistory; historiography; historian; memory; historical narration; historical method and interpretation; long duration;
- Summary/Abstract:In this article, the author analyzes the development of historiography in the past thirty years. She stresses her opposition to the predominant influence of ideology, and at the same time she questions the new directions and viewpoints in historical research and professional historiography. She draws attention to the appearance of a lack of certainty among historians as a consequence of polemics and the effect of postmodern points of view. Her conclusion is that despite these developments, new approaches can produce valuable scholarly results and justifies historical research. Ambiguous in the intermediate communication intertextual creativity Zuke Džumhur defined in specific trend travelogue minimalism where he created an attractive and very distinctive style of travel writing . His travelogue a crystal are close to his daily habits in communications with the man , the work place and in which resides. Džumhur skillfully , with certain historical constants writes about what he saw then what is heard , and only after that what is felt and eventually what he meant. Džumhur travelogue records are scientific / geographic- historical- ethnographic/, often šehren - giz / travelogue/, but the pilgrimage, chronicles, sometimes memoirs. Presentation: Historical minimalism in travel Zulfikara-Zuke Džumhura, a basic guideline that, in addition it is a great itineraries true literary creations, indicate that there is, in fact, preserves the incentive and the historic core of minimalism, interesting connective tissue that connects the past, literary observation but it upgraded and surpassing long duration of history. This combination of minimalism and historical travelogue Džumhur “hodoljublja“ through unforced communication and distinctive gift to the limit extends the possibility that the Džumhur travelogue videos covering travel, walk and recognize the past tense.
- Price: 4.50 €