Language, Literature and Philosophy
Language, Literature and Philosophy
Contributor(s): Aleksandar Prnjat (Editor)
Subject(s): Philosophy, Language and Literature Studies, Special Branches of Philosophy, Philosophy of Language, Theory of Literature
- Page Count: 173
- Publication Year: 2016
- Language: English
Poetry, Theory, and "Creative Criticism"
Poetry, Theory, and "Creative Criticism"
(Poetry, Theory, and "Creative Criticism")
- Author(s):Christopher Norris
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Theory of Literature
- Page Range:1-22
- No. of Pages:22
Poetry, Technology and the Completion of Humanism
Poetry, Technology and the Completion of Humanism
(Poetry, Technology and the Completion of Humanism)
- Author(s):Želimir Vukašinović
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Theory of Literature
- Page Range:23-31
- No. of Pages:9
- Keywords:Humanism; poetry; technology; time; language
- Summary/Abstract:The paper focuses on the following questions: What is the value and significance of poetry? Where does its power lie today, and where its powerlessness? Is poetry even possible in the time we live in, in any of its forms, linguistically or existentially? Who can be a poet upon the completion of humanism? Who wants to be one after the death of God? These questions are posed with the aim of attempting to respond to Adorno's 1949 dictum that „to write poetry after Auschwitz is barbaric“ as well as to the embitterment overcasting the skies of poetry ever since the World War II. Understanding the essence of poetry is, after the era of traditional anthropology, here seen as a possibility of interpretation in the reign of technology when the purpose of human existence is largely forgotten. The bitterness that gradually grows into nihilism of contemporary culture deepens the experience of futility in poetry after radical violence which finds its specific and symbolic expression in the crater of Auschwitz – violence which, as Lyotard emphasises in The Differend, leaves in its wake the silent experience of the victim which is inscribed into very essence of language. Thus if we dare wonder today about the purpose of poetry, we see nothing but its limitations against the challenges of (post)modernity: the development of technology, terrorism, media coverage of public executions, increase of poverty, „happy life“ campaigns of banking industry, scientific positivism etc. What is it anyway that poetry – lyrical in particular – can still tell us in the face of brutality of everyday language; what can it say about the meaning of history as compared to the vulgar understanding of time? This is precisely why the question one should always resort to is: however, whyever today – and literature in general?
Актуелност узајамних утицаја језика, књижевности и филозофије у античкој реторичкој аргументацији
Актуелност узајамних утицаја језика, књижевности и филозофије у античкој реторичкој аргументацији
(Actuality of Mutual Influences of Language, Literature and Philosophy in Ancient Rhetorical Argumentation)
- Author(s):Ana Elaković-Nenadović
- Language:Serbian
- Subject(s):Theory of Literature
- Page Range:33-44
- No. of Pages:12
- Keywords:ancient rhetorical argumentation; forensic oratory; Lycurgus; Aeschines; Demosthenes
- Summary/Abstract:In this paper we shall discuss about interdisciplinarity of ancient experience in rhetorical argumentation. This includes an interaction between different kinds of discourses, lingusitic, literary and philosphical. Our research is based on the oratory of three ancient rhetoricians: Lycurgus, Aeschines and Demosthenes. The main intention of our research would be directed to the role and function of some philosophical, literary or historical places in their oratory as a substitution for something which can be hard proved with the legislative instruments, material or some other testimonies. So, the above-mentioned places we can observe as a substitution or supplement for something which some orator is missing in a certain moment of his defence in the court.
Концепт другости као покушај одређења идентитета у књижевности и филозофији
Концепт другости као покушај одређења идентитета у књижевности и филозофији
(The Concept of Otherness as an Attempt to Define Identity in Literature and Philosophy)
- Author(s):Jovana Brkić
- Language:Serbian
- Subject(s):Existentialism, Structuralism and Post-Structuralism, Theory of Literature
- Page Range:45-58
- No. of Pages:14
- Keywords:Identity; Otherness; self
- Summary/Abstract:In this paper we will try to define the problem of identifying oneself as a special identity – difference dialectical game. Thus, we will try to show that identity can be actualized in two ways always with respect to the abovementioned dichotomy: as a difference between the self and the other – that is as a difference between us and other people surrounding us – and between the self and its internal others – that is as the internal self-differentiation. The stated relation is always achieved in both directions which makes it impossible to render a definite meaning to the self since it is conditioned by possible changes in the other, be it of external or internal kind. Therefore, the most suitable term to use when referring to the self is process or transformation. As the problem of identity shows its complex status even in this abstract we will try to approach the problem from two directions which have their theoretical backing in the works of Paul Ricoeur and Susan Stanford Friedman. The theoretical background obtained by analysing the works of the mentioned authors will be then applied on two literary texts, the novel Underground by Don DeLillo, and the novel Beloved by Toni Morrison. With this in mind, the key role to the attempt of analysing the novels, that is of analysing some characters in the novels, will have the concept of Otherness which has proved to be a complex phenomenon in both philosophy and literature and which has never ceased to encourage various debates.
Play - a Philosophical and Literary Concept
Play - a Philosophical and Literary Concept
(Play - a Philosophical and Literary Concept)
- Author(s):Milena Z. Ćirić
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Phenomenology, Hermeneutics
- Page Range:59-68
- No. of Pages:10
- Keywords:Play; will to power; phenomenology; hermeneutics; fundamental phenomenon
- Summary/Abstract:After many centuries of the strict reign of the rationality, philosophy of the late 19th and especially the 20th century has widen its range to include something that the ancient Greek philosophers would highly oppose to and that is play. This paper will try to show that since the revolutionary teachings of Friedrich Nietzsche and his concept will to power which presupposes creative play the scale has been shifted and traditional metaphysics no longer has a firm stronghold in philosophy. Moreover, the emergence of phenomenology and its focus on subjectivity created many pathways, and Eugen Fink considered play to be one of the founding phenomena and the essential mode in which the being exists in the world. That reflections have influenced contemplation about art and language, and when it comes to art, the role of play is, in Hans Georg Gadamer’s theory, crucial to the idea of mimesis and truth in art and literature.
Deconstructing the Deconstruction of Fiction: Ratiocination and the Special Case of the Detective Novel
Deconstructing the Deconstruction of Fiction: Ratiocination and the Special Case of the Detective Novel
(Deconstructing the Deconstruction of Fiction: Ratiocination and the Special Case of the Detective Novel)
- Author(s):Jane Mattisson Ekstam
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Philosophy of Language, Theory of Literature
- Page Range:69-85
- No. of Pages:17
- Keywords:Ratiocination; evidence; clues; morality; language
- Summary/Abstract:Detective fiction depends on the examination of clues and the drawing of logical conclusions, a process that involves the detective and the reader in a game in which the reader strives to solve the crime before the detective does. The language of detective novels can be neither arbitrary nor contradictory because the evidence must be comprehensible through a process of ratiocination, i.e. the belief that the mind can, given sufficient time, understand everything. My paper examines two novels by Jacqueline Winspear: the first, Maisie Dobbs (2005), and the eleventh and most recent addition to the Maisie Dobbs series, A Dangerous Place (2015). The paper demonstrates how Dobbs’s skills as a private investigator are honed by experience: the murder case investigated in A Dangerous Place is particularly complex not only because of the physical situation in which Dobbs finds herself but also because of the unusually complex nature of the evidence.
Језички знак у светлу философије именославља
Језички знак у светлу философије именославља
(Language Sign in the Light of Philosophy of Imiaslavie)
- Author(s):Ksenija J. Končarević
- Language:Serbian
- Subject(s):Semiology, Eastern Orthodoxy, Other Christian Denominations, Philology
- Page Range:87-105
- No. of Pages:19
- Keywords:onomatodoxy; imiaslavie;
Neoliberalism in a Cognitive Key: Decoding the Deixis of Contemporary American Novelistic Discourse
Neoliberalism in a Cognitive Key: Decoding the Deixis of Contemporary American Novelistic Discourse
(Neoliberalism in a Cognitive Key: Decoding the Deixis of Contemporary American Novelistic Discourse)
- Author(s):Mihai Mindra
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Culture and social structure , Theory of Literature
- Page Range:107-113
- No. of Pages:7
- Keywords:American fiction; Neoliberalism; cognitive narratology; deixis
- Summary/Abstract:This paper discusses Dave Eggers’s A Hologram for the King (2014) in point of its engagement with neoliberalism. My close reading relies on cognitive narratology, specifically on story world spatialization criteria that are instrumental in the identification, within the literary discourse, of mental representations of distinctive fictional places. As illustrated below, by analyzing spatialization in Dave Eggers’s novel one can identify the author’s criticism of the neoliberal, global free flows of people, capital, and culture.
Po(etika) nasilja - uticaj filozofskog diskursa na tumačenje savremene ruske proze
Po(etika) nasilja - uticaj filozofskog diskursa na tumačenje savremene ruske proze
(The Po(Etics) of Violence - Influence of Philosophical Discourse on the Interpretation of Contemporary Russian Prose)
- Author(s):Kristina Stevanović
- Language:Serbian
- Subject(s):Russian Literature, Structuralism and Post-Structuralism, Culture and social structure , Theory of Literature
- Page Range:115-126
- No. of Pages:12
- Keywords:types of violence; contemporary Russian prose; Zakhar Prilepin; Victor Pelevin; mechanisms of violence
- Summary/Abstract:This study deals with the analysis and understanding of the violence phenomenon in contemporary Russian prose in light of the philosophical premise of Hannah Arendt and Slavoj Žižek. Starting from the thesis that violence must be studied as a structure, not as a part of a life process, three current types of violence are noticeable: “symbolical” violence that is embodied in language and forms, objective or systematic violence and subjective violence. Objective violence is continuously produced and thus becomes an integral part of the political and economic world in which we live, losing the characteristics of the construct and imposes itself as natural and necessary. On the other hand, the act of subjective violence is performed by invisible people, people who do not have any vital function in the modern organized world, and use violence in order to fight visibility or functionality that gives meaning to a life in a community of any kind. Our research is based on the Zizek’s assumption that the focus on subjective violence is actually mimicry of essential source of violence, and that subjective violence is the product of hidden but systematic violence. Types of violence and mechanisms of their action are studied on the selected corpus of the contemporary Russian prose (novel Sankya by Zakhar Prilepin and novels “Assassin”, “The Hall of the Singing Caryatids” by Victor Pelevin) which question the boundaries when it comes to onesided and orchestrated understanding and definition of violence in contemporary society. In that sense, our work tries to show the necessity of including philosophical assumptions in the process of understanding, interpretation and evaluation of literary texts.
Пут ка битку (егзистенцијализам у роману Пут Кормака Макартија)
Пут ка битку (егзистенцијализам у роману Пут Кормака Макартија)
(The Road to Essence (Existentialism in Cormac McCarthy's The Road))
- Author(s):Kristijan E. Vekonj
- Language:Serbian
- Subject(s):Existentialism, Theory of Literature
- Page Range:127-138
- No. of Pages:12
- Keywords:Existentialism; humanism; Jean-Paul Sartre; Cormac McCarthy
- Summary/Abstract:Although it originates from the period between the two World Wars, existentialism, as a philosophical movement, remains timeless and always current. Whenever human existence is in crisis and whenever human survival is shattered by wars, natural and man-made cataclysms or announcements of doomsday, people are turning to Sartre and the existentialists who claim that "existence precedes essence". In the last fifteen years, the motif of apocalypse is increasingly used in literature. In his novel The Road (2006), Cormac McCarthy is showing us a post-apocalyptic journey of father and son and their struggle for survival, where this struggle reflects the ideas of Sartre and other existentialists. Having received the Pulitzer Prize, this novel has pointed to the importance of asking questions concerning human existence and humanism, two very important concepts between which Sartre puts the sign of equality.
Kitsova metafizička potraga: Femme Fatale arhetip u baladi "La Belle Dame Sans Merci"
Kitsova metafizička potraga: Femme Fatale arhetip u baladi "La Belle Dame Sans Merci"
(Keats' Metaphysical Quest: Femme Fatale Archetype in the Ballad "La Belle Dame Sans Merci")
- Author(s):Ivana M. Krsmanović
- Language:Serbian
- Subject(s):Psychoanalysis, Theory of Literature
- Page Range:139-152
- No. of Pages:14
- Keywords:John Keats; archetype; femme fatale
- Summary/Abstract:Taking into account the Jung’s idea that ,,archetypes create myths, religions and philosophical ideas’’ in this paper I argue that the femme fatale archetype in Keats’s ballad ,,La Belle Dame Sans Merci’’ is a piece of a romantic narrative which dramatizes the issue of female emancipation and emphasizes the importance of imagination as a basically creative power.
Словенски неологизми у академским радовима на српском и енглеском језику у сфери православне теологије
Словенски неологизми у академским радовима на српском и енглеском језику у сфери православне теологије
(Neologisms in Academic Works in Serbian and English Languages in the Sphere of Orthodox Theology)
- Author(s):Ivana Knežević, Zoran A. Ranković
- Language:Serbian
- Subject(s):Lexis, Eastern Orthodoxy
- Page Range:153-164
- No. of Pages:12
- Keywords:Theolinguistics; stylistics; nomenclatures; Slovenian neologisms; theological academic papers
- Summary/Abstract:This study indicates that each branch of science, including theology, has a particular terminology in accordance with the object and method of its research, and it is the most distinctive characteristic of the language of science. In this work, the authors limited themselves to the study of nomenclatures of Slavonic origin in the theological academic papers. Numerous Slovenian neologisms represent the essential characteristic, richness and a special layer of lexis of theological works. They permeate the language of scientific papers at the level of generally used lexis, linking it in this way with the works of religious style, and making it special and very different from the style of the works of other fields of science. In Serbian language they are phonologically and morphologically adapted or sometimes copied in its original form, while in the English language they are adapted mainly by the means of a kind of "adapted transliteration", or the combination of methods of transcription and transliteration.