Мултикултурният човек. Сборник в чест на прод. д.и.н. Камен Гаренов (отец Петър Гарена). Археология и история, Език и литература
The multicultural person. Collection in honor of prof. Kamen Garenov (Father Petar Garena). Archaeology and history, Language and literature
Contributor(s): Stanislav Boyanov (Composer), Zapryan Kozludzhov (Editor), Mariya Shniter (Editor), Georgi Mitrev (Editor), Georgi Markov (Editor)
Subject(s): History, Language studies, Archaeology, Cultural history, Essay|Book Review |Scientific Life, Studies of Literature, Ethnohistory, Local History / Microhistory, Social history, Middle Ages, Special Historiographies:, Theology and Religion, Bulgarian Literature, South Slavic Languages, 6th to 12th Centuries, 13th to 14th Centuries, 15th Century, The Ottoman Empire, Obituary, Philology
Published by: Издателска къща "Гутенберг"
Keywords: collective works; collection; obituary; archaeology; history; literature; language; Balkan history; Balkan; South eastern Europe; Balkan history; Bulgarian literature;
Summary/Abstract: This volume contains studies, articles and research reports dedicated to Prof. Petar Garenov and the 60-th anniversary of his death. In his life Prof. Garenov was part of the academic department of History and Archaeology of Povdiv University "Paisii Hilendarski". The title of the collection represents the person Prof. Garenov was - an outstanding theologian, Doctor of history, sculptor and painter, who received various awards in all these areas during his life. All the studies and articles in this volume cover a large area of topics and subjects in the spheres of History, Archaeology, Language and Literature. Some of the works contain illustrations and images used to support the arguments of a concrete author. All the Bulgarian and foreign authors of this edition are prominent scientists and experts in different scientific areas.
- Print-ISBN-13: 978-619-176-079-4
- Page Count: 875
- Publication Year: 2016
- Language: English, Bulgarian, Russian, German
- Author(s):Ivan Mitev
- Language:English, Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Christian Theology and Religion, History, Essay|Book Review |Scientific Life, History of ideas, Special Historiographies:, Theology and Religion, History of Communism, Post-Communist Transformation, Scientific Life
- Page Range:33-48
- No. of Pages:16
- Keywords:Biography; Life; Deeds of Garena; Balkan history; Bulgarian history; Documentary
- Summary/Abstract:In this article is being discussed the life of Prof, Kamen Garenov, alaso known as Father Peter Garena to his friends. In it are described some of the problems he encountered in life. Often he has been brought to the point of physical survival. After his ordination in 1990 he undertook a number of dangerous missions in lands inhabited by Bulgarians that were outside the borders of the country. Lands such as the Western Outlands (now in Serbia), Bessarabia, the territories around the Sea of Azov and such around Bitolja, among others. Besides being an author of articles and scholar papers and lecturer at Plovdiv Unversity, Father Garena was also an artist, writer and builder. He restored the abandoned church "St. George" in the town of Kurdzhali, himself taking part in the construction, and he frequently used unorthodox methods for helping people to follow the path of their spiritual revival.
- Price: 4.50 €
За култа към нимфите в провиния Тракия и светилището им в Diocletianopolis
За култа към нимфите в провиния Тракия и светилището им в Diocletianopolis
(About the cult of the nymphs in Thracia and their sanctuary in Diocletianopolis)
- Author(s):Bogdana Krivoshieva, Bozhidar Draganov, Mariana Draganova
- Language:English, Bulgarian
- Subject(s):History, Archaeology, Cultural history, Architecture, Comparative history, Ancient World, Theology and Religion, Religion and science
- Page Range:51-83
- No. of Pages:33
- Keywords:Antiquity; Cult of the nymph; Pagan Europe; Thracian cults; Balkan history;
- Summary/Abstract:The cult of the nymphs in the province of Thracia is a subject that has barely been studied and is unpopular as a whole. It is probably due to this circumstance that there are omissions in the discovery and identification of nymphaeums from Roman times. It was precisely in this period that the tradition of building this type of sanctuary by mineral springs was introduced, along with the so-called thermae spas. To date, four such sanctuaries have been identified on the basis of votive materials: Aquae Calidae, Stara Zagora mineral baths, Diocletianopolis and Pancharevo. Another two nymphaeums of the so-called rural type were uncovered on the territory of Thracia - one near Ognyanovo and the private sanctuary by Kasnakovo. A logically founded and clearly supported with arguments hypothesis about the location of the nymphaeum in the thermal complex of Diocletianopolis has been developed by means of comparative analysis of the finds from the former, the architecture of the latter and the clarification of the essence of the cult.
- Price: 4.50 €
За мултикултурните аспекти във възприятията на Хермес-Меркурий - между "Ψυχοπόμπος" и "добрия пастир"
За мултикултурните аспекти във възприятията на Хермес-Меркурий - между "Ψυχοπόμπος" и "добрия пастир"
(About the multicultural aspects in Hermes-Mercury perceptions: Between Ψυχοπόμπος and the 'good shepherd')
- Author(s):Bozhidar Draganov
- Language:English, Bulgarian
- Subject(s):History, Cultural history, Comparative history, History of ideas, Ancient World, Theology and Religion, Comparative Studies of Religion, History of Religion
- Page Range:84-96
- No. of Pages:13
- Keywords:Hermes; Ancient deities; deities; Polytheism; Monotheism; Religion; Religious believes; ancient world; History;
- Summary/Abstract:This article is an attempt to discuss the "conventional" image of Hermes-Mercury in a rather unconventional way. The author has sought the substratum of perceptions that condition the "long" life of a deity in the complex of Indo-European religious beliefs. The aspects relating Hermes-Mercury to the essence of the notion of Ψυχοπόμπος have been pointed out, to which end the author has analysed mythological information, as well as the semantics of part of Hermes' sacred animals. With the help of glyptic and miniature bronze figurine monuments, he has sought the connection with Egyptian, eastern and Asia Minor deities predisposing the "synthesis" to uniform religious perceptions in the period of transition from polytheism to monotheism. In spite of the danger of extreme interpretation, there is also an analysis of some parallels with Mithra, the 'Good Shepherd' and St. Nicholas, which mark the complex semantics and multiple layers of the seemingly 'gradual' and 'natural' process of consolidation that accompanied the age of consolidation of the Christian idea.
- Price: 4.50 €
Раннохристиянски храмове в Карловския район през V-VI в.
Раннохристиянски храмове в Карловския район през V-VI в.
(Early Christian churches in the region of Karlovo dated V-VI century)
- Author(s):Mariya Deyanova
- Language:English, Bulgarian
- Subject(s):History, Archaeology, Cultural history, Local History / Microhistory, Middle Ages, Theology and Religion, 6th to 12th Centuries, History of Religion
- Page Range:97-105
- No. of Pages:9
- Keywords:Places of fate; Fate; Church; Churches on the Balkans; Fifth century; Sixth century
- Summary/Abstract:Several early Christian basilicas have been discovered in the region of Karlovo up to now: down the route to the Roman road Oescus-Philipopol at the Roman station Soubradice and the ancient settlement nearby the village of Hristo Danovo, on the lands of the ancient settlement nearby the village of Hristo Danovo, on the lands of the village of Voynyagovo, in the monastery complex of the Medieval stronghold Kopsis nearby the village Anevo. Another Christian church is located down the route of the Balkan Roman road from Serdica to the Black Sea on the lands of the village Iganovo nearby the late ancient settlement. On the lands of the village of Vasil Levski in a late ancient settlement an early Christian basilica - the only one in the region with baptistery and synthronon - has been studied. Religious building found had played a great role for Christianization of the local population, whereas it is suggested to be the Yoanica episcopate during VII-IX century
- Price: 4.50 €
Епископски центрове по Северното българско Черноморие
Епископски центрове по Северното българско Черноморие
(Episcopal centers in the Northern Bulgarian Black Sea coast, IV-VI century)
- Author(s):Danail Petrov
- Language:English, Bulgarian
- Subject(s):History, Cultural history, Comparative history, Local History / Microhistory, Ancient World, Middle Ages, Theology and Religion, 6th to 12th Centuries, History of Religion
- Page Range:106-114
- No. of Pages:9
- Keywords:Centers of religion; Balkan history; history; Religion; Churches;
- Summary/Abstract:Northern Bulgarian Black Sea coast was colonized by the ancient Greeks who created the colonies Odessos (Varna), Dionisopolis (Balchik), Bison (Kavarna) was Tirizis-Acre (Kaliakra). Following the imposition of Roman power in these lands here were disseminated the official Roman cults, and later - Christianity. In Late Antiquity (IV-VI c.) Christianity became the official religion and with agreements of the central government were created Episcopal centers. Despite the lack of written sources it could be assumed that these cities were becoming Episcopal centers in the province Secon Mizia.
- Price: 4.50 €
Античната крепост "Боровец" край с. Разлив, община Правец
Античната крепост "Боровец" край с. Разлив, община Правец
(The ancient fort of Borovets near Razliv village, Pravets municipality)
- Author(s):Tatiana Borisova
- Language:English, Bulgarian
- Subject(s):History, Archaeology, Cultural history, Local History / Microhistory, Ancient World, Middle Ages, 6th to 12th Centuries
- Page Range:115-161
- No. of Pages:47
- Keywords:Antiquity; Middle ages; Medieval Age; Buildings; Defensive Buildings; Balkan History; History;
- Summary/Abstract:In this article the author examines the ancient fort of Borovets as historical archaeological object. She is explaining what changes have been made to the buildings and the fortification for the time it was populated from the Late Antiquity to the Early Medieval period.
- Price: 4.50 €
Непубликувани предмети на въоръжението, конското снаряжение и бита от с. Марково, Шуменско
Непубликувани предмети на въоръжението, конското снаряжение и бита от с. Марково, Шуменско
(Unpublished items of armoury, horse trappings and everyday objectives from the village of Markovo, Shumen region)
- Author(s):Stojan Vitljanov
- Language:English, Bulgarian
- Subject(s):History, Archaeology, Cultural history, Ethnohistory, Local History / Microhistory, Ancient World, Middle Ages, Modern Age, 6th to 12th Centuries, 13th to 14th Centuries, 15th Century, 16th Century, 17th Century, 18th Century, 19th Century
- Page Range:162-170
- No. of Pages:9
- Keywords:Archaeology; Balkan history; Bulgarian history;
- Summary/Abstract:The paper presents part of a hoard containing items of armaments, horse trappings and everyday objects discovered accidentally on the land of the village of Markovo, Shumen region. While inspecting the site of the discovery on the surface the author came across an array of heavily decayed iron items from tools, cattle-breeding equipment, animal bones as well as some fragments of building ceramics and pots of engraved linear decoration and polished strips from the VIII-th - X-th c. The Old Bulgarian signs engraved on some of them refer to the same period and have numerous analogies from Pliska, Madara and Preslav. Then the author assumed that a medieval settlement probably existed in the site of the discovery or the objects fell there by obscure circumstances most probably from the nearby large but insufficiently studied Hambarluk fortress from late Antiquity and the Middle Ages which came into existence in the V-th - Vi-th centuries and continued existing until the XIV-th c. The published materials by analogies fall withing the chronological boundaries of the early Bulgarian Middle Ages and specifically in the mid-X-th - late XI-th centuries.
- Price: 4.50 €
Две средновековни църкви в землището на с. Драгойново, община Първомай
Две средновековни църкви в землището на с. Драгойново, община Първомай
(Two Medieval Churches in the vicinity of Dragoinovo village, Purvomai municipality)
- Author(s):Stoyan Popov, Ivan Djambov
- Language:English, Bulgarian
- Subject(s):History, Archaeology, Cultural history, Local History / Microhistory, Middle Ages, 6th to 12th Centuries, 13th to 14th Centuries, History of Religion
- Page Range:171-182
- No. of Pages:12
- Keywords:Churches; Medieval church; Middle Ages; Balkan History; Bulgarian History; History
- Summary/Abstract:The present preliminary report concerns two churches (Nos 1 and 2) dating from the Middle Ages and located in the Hissarya locality by Dragoinovo village in the region of Purvomai. They are single-naved, single-apse churches with narthexes and entrances from the west. Church № 1 is part of a larger complex including another two Christian churches dated from the second half of the 10-th or the 11-th century, while church № 2 is dated from the 12-th - 13-th century.
- Price: 4.50 €
Църква "Св. Никола" в с. Гинци
Църква "Св. Никола" в с. Гинци
(St. Nichilas Church in Gintsi village)
- Author(s):Zdravka Kosturkova
- Language:English, Bulgarian
- Subject(s):History, Archaeology, Cultural history, Local History / Microhistory, Middle Ages, Theology and Religion, 6th to 12th Centuries, 16th Century, 17th Century, 18th Century, 19th Century, History of Religion
- Page Range:183-191
- No. of Pages:9
- Keywords:Medieval churches; Medieval Age; Balkan history; History; Religion;
- Summary/Abstract:The village of Gintsi is located in Western Bulgaria, at the foothills of the Western Balkan Range and at about 50 km of Sofia. Once a road connecting Moesia and the river Danube with Sardica and Macedonia used to pass through the village. There were also fortifications around it, as evidenced by the toponym "Kaleto", relevant to two elevations at both sides of the route to Petrohan pass. According to a record dated from 1490, the village had an entirely Christian population, as did the entire area in the vicinity of Sofia. A Turkish register shows that the church in the village, that can be dated from the Middle Ages, continued to exist. According to its plan, the St. Nicholas of Myra belongs to the most widespread type of churches in Bulgarian lands in the Middle Ages and the National Revival, the single-naved basilica. The church has a semi-circular central apse inside and out, a naos and a narthex (added later). The entrance is one from the west, through the narthex into the naos. It has a barrel vault and has a gable roof with wooden casing and tiles, completely in the style of West Bulgarian single-naved churches in the period from the end of the 12-th to the 19-th century. The building technique is traditional for West Bulgarian lands. The material used was hewn and river stone, joint with white mortar. The church was decorated with murals. There were three distinctive period of decoration, with almost nothing remaining from the first murals. The murals are in three artistic layers.
- Price: 4.50 €
"Скорозрейно" и "нетрайно" ли е българското развитие?
"Скорозрейно" и "нетрайно" ли е българското развитие?
(Is Bulgaria's development "Too immature" and "inconsistent"?)
- Author(s):Hristo Matanov
- Language:English, Bulgarian
- Subject(s):History, Cultural history, Sociology, Comparative history, Local History / Microhistory, Modern Age, Special Historiographies:, Social development, 19th Century, Period(s) of Nation Building, Historical revisionism
- Page Range:192-198
- No. of Pages:7
- Keywords:Balkan history; Bulgarian history; Nation building; Country development; Sociology; History
- Summary/Abstract:This paper analyses the critically well-known thesis of Prof. Peter Moutafchiev about the raises and falls in Bulgaria's development. We know that, counting the studies of the Russian scholar Alexander Hilferding, Prof. Moutafchiev came to the conclusion that Bulgaria's development was erratic and did not have periods of "peace" - everything featured rapid progress and equally rapid decline and crises. The Bulgarian scholar cited Serbia as an example of slower for more regular progrss. The author attempts to question the general validity of this opinion. First of all, it was dedicated by the historical period in which Prof. Moutafchiev lived and worked. Then Bulgarian history itself was transmitted under the influence of the notion that it consisted of a series of successes and failures. Serbia could hardly be a comparison factor as the main sources about its development are the vitas of its rulers written by their sons and close relatives. Third, there are hardly societies and countries on a European or world scale that have not been subject to the "historical sine" of which Moutafchiev speaks. The author of the article appeals for abandoning the romantic approach in reconstructing the Bulgarian past, which demands rapid events with a fatal outcome. Instead, he offers a narration based on Fernand Braudel's idea of continuity and longue duree.
- Price: 4.50 €
Германия на границата между двете епохи (края на XV и началото на XVI век)
Германия на границата между двете епохи (края на XV и началото на XVI век)
(Germany on the brink of two ages (the end of 15-th and the beginning of the 16-th century))
- Author(s):Simeon Katsarov
- Language:English, Bulgarian
- Subject(s):History, Cultural history, Middle Ages, Modern Age, Special Historiographies:, Theology and Religion, 15th Century, 16th Century, Historical revisionism, History of Religion
- Page Range:199-213
- No. of Pages:15
- Keywords:Germany; German humanism; humanism; History; German history; Sixteenth century; Religion; Religious changes;
- Summary/Abstract:In the begining of the 16-th century, the German states were experiencing one of the unruly and problematic periods of their history. That was the time when these parts of Europe passed through a considerable social and political transformation. It was also then that the situation of the lower social strata deteriorated, which led to varied in type and scope discontent among the population naturally demanding most generally political and social reconstruction, as well as having a negative attitude attitude to the clergy. The negative attitude to the church quite naturally developed into a general desire for reform. German humanism itself "sank" more and more into the problem field of religious, theological and church issues. These were all nuances of the then existing German reality which will help us understand the later inception of the reform movement.
- Price: 4.50 €
САЩ, 1865: Робството е мъртво! Да живее робството!
САЩ, 1865: Робството е мъртво! Да живее робството!
(USA, 1865: Slavery is dead! Long live slavery!)
- Author(s):Simeon Simeonov
- Language:English, Bulgarian
- Subject(s):History, Anthropology, Social Sciences, Law, Constitution, Jurisprudence, Cultural history, Human Rights and Humanitarian Law, Sociology, Comparative history, History of ideas, Local History / Microhistory, Modern Age, Studies in violence and power, 18th Century, 19th Century
- Page Range:214-236
- No. of Pages:23
- Keywords:slave ownership; tradition; conservatism; liberalism; market; middle class; Adam Smith; John Locke; Thomas Hobbes; Max Weber; society;
- Summary/Abstract:The study focuses on the problem of 'master-slave' relations in Modern Times. Analysing the ideology of slave ownership in the United States, the author puts forward the arguments about the continuity of the 'master' attitude in the conditions of the liberal democratic West.
- Price: 4.50 €
Към въпроса за създаването на първите читалища в Родопите
Към въпроса за създаването на първите читалища в Родопите
(On the matter of the establishment of the first community centres in the Rhodopes)
- Author(s):Tanya Mareva
- Language:English, Bulgarian
- Subject(s):History, Social Sciences, Education, Cultural history, Library and Information Science, Library operations and management, Other, Sociology, History of ideas, Local History / Microhistory, Social history, Modern Age, Special Historiographies:, Adult Education, History of Education, Sociology of Culture, Environmental interactions, 19th Century, Period(s) of Nation Building
- Page Range:237-258
- No. of Pages:22
- Keywords:European Enlightenment; Balkan history; History; Community centers; Community establishments; Culture; Library and information science; Libraries
- Summary/Abstract:In this paper are being discussed the locations, the conditions and the participants in the establishment of the first National Revival community centers, also calld chitalishta, in the Rhodopes. They were established in three micro-regions - the central part, the northern foothills and the southwest Rhodopes. The community centers were connected to and influenced by Plovdiv, the main cultural and educational centre for Bulgarian territories in the 1860's and the 1870's. The beginning of the Rhodope community centers was influenced by the establishment of the Bulgarian Exarchate as an independent church institution and the participation of the most enlightened strata of Bulgarian society in the struggle for a Bulgarian church.
- Price: 4.50 €
Църковно и просветно дело в град Разград през 40-те - 70-те години на XIX век
Църковно и просветно дело в град Разград през 40-те - 70-те години на XIX век
(Church and enlightenment in the town of Razgrad in the 40-s - 70-s of XIX century)
- Author(s):Todorka Simeonova
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):History, Social Sciences, Education, Cultural history, Comparative history, History of ideas, Local History / Microhistory, Social history, Modern Age, Special Historiographies:, Theology and Religion, School education, History of Education, State/Government and Education, 19th Century, Period(s) of Nation Building, History of Religion
- Page Range:259-265
- No. of Pages:7
- Keywords:Religion; Churches; State of Church; Education; Razgrad town; Bulgaria; Balkan history; Bulgarian history;
- Summary/Abstract:The town Razgrad from today was established in the XV century on a early Thracian, Roman and Bulgarian settlement. During the Renaissance and the period from the middle of the XIX century Bulgarians in Razgrad created their own municipality and joined the struggle for church independence and establishing a new school. In 1860 was built the current church "St.Nikolai" and the authority of the Ecumenical Patriarchate was rejected. For the educational and spiritual development of the city worked many of the citizens from whom more notable were S. Petrov, D. Hranov, A. Tsanov, N. Georgieva and others.
- Price: 4.50 €
Религиозен живот в Източна Румелия
Религиозен живот в Източна Румелия
(Religious life in Eastern Roumelia)
- Author(s):Stanislav Boyanov
- Language:English, Bulgarian
- Subject(s):History, Cultural history, Comparative history, Diplomatic history, Ethnohistory, History of ideas, Local History / Microhistory, Political history, Modern Age, Special Historiographies:, Theology and Religion, 19th Century, Period(s) of Nation Building, The Ottoman Empire, History of Religion
- Page Range:266-272
- No. of Pages:7
- Keywords:Balkan history; History; History of religion; Ottoman empire; XIXth century; nineteenth century
- Summary/Abstract:Eastern Roumelia received its fundamental law drafted by a specially European commission. It is quite a detailed document providing for all aspects of life of the Roumeli citizens. The Organic Statute of Eastern Roumelia defined the new political formation in the Balkans as a state of modern (for that time) bourgeois-liberal type. It had all the features of and independant state: its own government, a representative authority elected by the people and a national army. The sovereignty of the sultan was included in the Statute, but thanks to the efforts of Eastern Roumeli political figures, it soon became nominal, without any serious power in the region. Unlike the neighboring countries (the Ottoman Empire, the Principality of Bulgaria, Serbia, Greece and Romania) there was no legalized and preferred religion in Eastern Roumelia. All religious issues were placed in the hands of the religious communities and the state did not involve itself with them. The only condition was that they should not violate any of the laws valid to the region.
- Price: 4.50 €
Идеята за славянско единство във възгледите и дейността на Стефан Савов Бобчев
Идеята за славянско единство във възгледите и дейността на Стефан Савов Бобчев
(The idea of Slavic unity in the views and work of Stefan Savov Dobchev)
- Author(s):Dimitar Sazdov
- Language:English, Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Politics / Political Sciences, Politics, History, Social Sciences, Cultural history, Comparative history, Diplomatic history, Local History / Microhistory, Political history, Social history, Modern Age, Recent History (1900 till today), 19th Century, Pre-WW I & WW I (1900 -1919), Inter-Ethnic Relations
- Page Range:273-290
- No. of Pages:18
- Keywords:Politics; WWI and intellectuals; Balkan history; Bulgarian history
- Summary/Abstract:Stefan S. Dobchev was a noted Bulgarian public figure, scholar and statesman. Even in his early years he established contacts with the Russian Slavic societies. At the end of the 19-th century and the beginning of the 20-th century, when the blocks in the future world war were formed, he became an active participant in the movement for unity of Slav peoples. The idea was that they should not be placed in a confronting position in the world military conflict that that was forming. Stefan Bobchev was one of the active organizers of the Slavic associations of the intelligentsia and other such estates. Stefan Bobchev stood out as an active organizer and political figure in the field of the struggle for Slavic unity. Until the end of his life, he remained a firm believer in the unity of Slav peoples.
- Price: 4.50 €
Американското признание за милосърдието на царица Елеонора - "коронованият ангел на България"
Американското признание за милосърдието на царица Елеонора - "коронованият ангел на България"
(America's acknowledgement of the charity of Queen Eleonore, Bulgaria's 'royal nurse')
- Author(s):Annie Zlateva
- Language:English, Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Politics / Political Sciences, Politics, History, Cultural history, Comparative history, Diplomatic history, Economic history, Ethnohistory, History of ideas, Local History / Microhistory, Military history, Social history, Recent History (1900 till today), Special Historiographies:, Economic policy, International relations/trade, Military policy, Welfare systems, Pre-WW I & WW I (1900 -1919), Period(s) of Nation Building
- Page Range:291-324
- No. of Pages:34
- Keywords:Royalties; Bulgarian History; Queen Eleonore; Bulgarian philanthropy; Bulgarian politics; Diplomatic activities; Diplomatic history; America; American relations;
- Summary/Abstract:The paper aims to acquaint the readers with the exceedingly active multifarious activity of Queen Eleonore in the field of charity and philanthropy in Bulgaria, naturally related to the political, cultural and economic life in the country in the first years of the 20-th century, marked as they were by the struggle for national unification. The subject is researched for the first time, mainly on the basis of Bulgarian sources and the till sparse contemporary studies dedicated directly to the life and work of Queen Eleonore in Bulgaria and Europe in the field of charity. For the first time, the paper follows the appearance of the new queen in Bulgaria's social, political and cultural sphere: it marks out the parameters of action in the organization of charity in this country, as well as the first more widely advertised Bulgarian efforts on the international field on the part of the Bulgarian Red Cross (BRC) and the 'Samaritan' society she founded, which also had supporters across the ocean. It also speaks of the participation of Queen Eleonore in organizing nursing activities in support of the army during the Balkan War in 1912-1913 and the opportunities she constantly sought and found to provide medical aid to the army and the front lines during the Second Balkan War and in the years of the Treaty of Bucharest, which was determental to the Bulgaria. Her preparations for the official visit across the ocean at the invitation of the United States government allows us to follow her extremely responsible attitude to this top-ranking diplomatic mission which she considered extremely important and which she undertook in the name of Bulgaria's welfare.
- Price: 4.50 €
Приносът на генерал Георги Взов за историческата география и мемоаристиката
Приносът на генерал Георги Взов за историческата география и мемоаристиката
(General Georgi Vazov's contribution to historical geography and memoaristics)
- Author(s):Roumyana Choukova
- Language:English, Bulgarian
- Subject(s):History, Cultural history, Comparative history, Diplomatic history, Ethnohistory, Local History / Microhistory, Recent History (1900 till today), Pre-WW I & WW I (1900 -1919)
- Page Range:325-340
- No. of Pages:16
- Keywords:History; Balkan history; Bulgarian history; memoirs; General Georgi Vazov;
- Summary/Abstract:This paper is a historiographical analysis of Gen. Georgi Vazov's memoire-cum-travellogue titled 'In the Deserts of Central Asia'. It pinpoints the exceedingly valuable information about the history, the ethnic and religious identity of the region and mainly the Russian colonial penetration in Central Asia, the geopolitical relations between the two powers dominant in the region - Russia and the British Empire, and the dynamics of the borders, among others. It also follows the untraditinal approach of the military campaigns as a civilizational phenomenon expanding the outlook and the historical truthfulness of the nation. Parallels are sought between the linguistic and religious identity of Turkmens, Kalmyks, and Tajiks with first-hand tales about the distant ancient land of Bulgarians. Last, but not least, it comments on the participation of the general in the construction of the Trans-Siberian Railway. In conclusion, the paper speaks of Gen. Vazov's contribution to the treasury of Bulgarian historical geography and memoiristics.
- Price: 4.50 €
Влизането на България в Първата световна война: причини и предпоставки
Влизането на България в Първата световна война: причини и предпоставки
(Bulgaria's entry into World War I: reasons and conditions)
- Author(s):Georgi Markov
- Language:English, Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Politics / Political Sciences, Politics, History, Cultural history, Comparative history, Diplomatic history, Ethnohistory, Local History / Microhistory, Military history, Political history, Social history, Recent History (1900 till today), Government/Political systems, International relations/trade, Military policy, Pre-WW I & WW I (1900 -1919), Interwar Period (1920 - 1939)
- Page Range:341-348
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:WWI; Bulgarian history; Balkan history; Bulgaria in WWI;
- Summary/Abstract:At the beginning of World War I Bulgaria remained neutral, waiting for favourable conditions to engage in the conflict. Its supreme political objective was national unification. The Balkan countries were under constant pressure of the warring coalitions that were trying to win new allies. No Balkan state was a master of the situation and each was afraid about it's back. Because of its geographic location Bulgaria had a strategic position in the Balkans and its joining one of the warring groups would have ensured its geopolitical advantage in the war. In the "Bulgarian summer of 1915" both warring coalitions tried to attract the country on their side, offering territorial compensations or awards. Germany's promises were taken as more reliable by the politicians and Bulgaria entered World War I as part of the Central Powers. The choice of the great allies proved wrong. What was more, the manner of selection was also wrong - not according to the possibility of final victory, but according to the bidding in the territorial auction the profit of which would be lost at the loss of the war.
- Price: 4.50 €
Българите в Украйна до разпадането на Руската империя
Българите в Украйна до разпадането на Руската империя
(Bulgarians in Ukraine until the disintegration of the Russian Empire)
- Author(s):Vladimir Kaloyanov
- Language:English, Bulgarian
- Subject(s):History, Cultural history, Comparative history, Diplomatic history, Ethnohistory, Local History / Microhistory, Recent History (1900 till today), Special Historiographies:, Interwar Period (1920 - 1939), WW II and following years (1940 - 1949), History of Communism
- Page Range:349-396
- No. of Pages:48
- Keywords:settlers; Bulgarian history; Ukraine; Ukraina; Bulgaria; emigrant; emigrants; politic events; World War I; communism; Russian Empire; Soviet; Krastyo Rakovski;
- Summary/Abstract:The numerous and once monolithic Bulgarian national enclave, which had lived for many years in the Northern Pryazovia steppes, suffered numerous calamities. The first settlers arrived in the Pryazovia in the summer and fall of 1861 and the settlement was finally completed only in 1863. The social and economic development of the Bulgarian colonies was under the influence of the system of assimilation policy of the Russian Empire in respect to national minourities. In spite of the conditions, some Bulgarian port settlements quickly turned into commercial and industrial centres. The Bulgarian settlers upheld their Bulgarian national identity against the pressure of the assimilation policy mainly by preserving their native language, everyday life, customs, rites, feasts and folklore. In the first years of settlement the Bulgarians, particularly those in the Crimean Peninsula (Tauris) focused on and managed to achieve the opening of schools, at first only in several large settlements and later in all Bulgarian villages. In Preslav there was even a Central Bulgarian School subordinate to the Ministry of State Properties. Russia's assimilatory imperial policy also influenced the cultural development of the Bulgarian settlers. Official lay and church authorities were hostile to the language and some elements of the traditional life of Bulgarians under the pretext that they were heathen. Bees and other youth gatherings of definitely Bulgarian outlook were presecuted. Theatical and other amateur performances n Bulgarian were banned. At the same time, as loyal subjects, Bulgarians were active participants in World War I, in both recruitment and requisition. The Civil War did not pass by the Bulgarian settlements either. In some parts they formed armed bands and became part of the Free Territory organized along anarchist lines. At the establishment of Soviet power, the Ukrainian government was headed on three occasions by the Bulgarian Krustyu Rakovski. When Tauris became Soviet, the mayors, clerks and popular guards who enjoyed confidence in the Bulgarian settlements were s wept away. About then or more thousnad Bulgarians perished in the turbulent period of 1917-1922. The intelligentsia, which usually came from broad-minded affluent families, war a particular victim. The road to inveigle the authorities to grant some cultural (and partly administrative) "autonomisation" of the Tauris Bulgarians was opened with the establishment of a Bulgarian Bureau with the Central Commitee of the Communist Party (Bolshevik) of Ukraine and the publication of the 'Surp i Chuk' (Hammer and Sickle) newspaper in Bulgarian. The resistant against collectivization and the subsequent artificially induced famine in 1932-1933 cost the live of 20 000 Tauris Bulgarians. This also continued during the unprecedented Great Purge until Stalin's death in 1953 to which many Ukrainian Bulgarians fell victim.
- Price: 4.50 €
България след преврата на 9.IX.1944 в дописките на турския журналист и публицист М. Н. Делиорман
България след преврата на 9.IX.1944 в дописките на турския журналист и публицист М. Н. Делиорман
(Bulgaria after the coup on September 9, 1944 in the reports of Turkish journalist and publicist M. N. Deliorman)
- Author(s):Zeynep Zafer
- Language:English, Bulgarian
- Subject(s):History, Cultural history, Comparative history, Diplomatic history, Ethnohistory, History of ideas, Local History / Microhistory, Political history, Social history, Recent History (1900 till today), Special Historiographies:, WW II and following years (1940 - 1949), Post-War period (1950 - 1989), History of Communism
- Page Range:397-414
- No. of Pages:18
- Keywords:history; Balkan history; Bulgarian history; Communism in Bulgaria; History of Communism; Coup; M. N. Deliorman; Deliorman;
- Summary/Abstract:The life and work of the Turkish journalist and publicist M. N. Deliorman, packed as they are with plenty of valuable information about the history of the Turkish community and the political history of Bulgaria, deserve to be reached. After presenting the most important points in the biography of M. N. Deliorman, this paper discusses in great detail his reports from Bulgaria, which he sent as a correspondent in the course of nearly two months directly after the coup on September 9, 1944.
- Price: 4.50 €
Леврентий Павлович Бериа - технократ и реформатор
Леврентий Павлович Бериа - технократ и реформатор
(Lavrentiy Pavlovich Beria: Technocrat and reformer)
- Author(s):Boiko Belegov
- Language:English, Bulgarian
- Subject(s):History, Cultural history, Comparative history, History of ideas, Local History / Microhistory, Political history, Recent History (1900 till today), Special Historiographies:, Post-War period (1950 - 1989), History of Communism
- Page Range:415-440
- No. of Pages:26
- Keywords:Stalin; Nikita Khrushchev; L. Beria; G. Malenkov; History; Russian History; Communism; History of communism
- Summary/Abstract:Joseph Stalin died on 05.03.1953. The lack of legitimate mechanisms for the transfer of power caused a continuous crisis related to a heated struggle for his heritage. The fate of the country fell into the hands of the people who were Stalin's closest associates. The most powerful positions were held by G. Malenkov, L. Beria and Nikita Khrushchev. Having abundant information about the situation in the country and heading the Interior Ministry of the USSR, Beria concentrated enormous power in his hands. He, however, had no intention of fighting any of Stalin's "heirs". Beria realized that the established collective leadership, in which there was a certain system of equality, was the most favourable for the implementation of the reforms he had devised. The new documents published from the declassified archives reveal that he became actively involved in both domestic and foreign policy. Beria's reformist activity was doomed from the very beginning. His activity and unpredictability at the solution of the tasks set forth made him a deadly dangerous competition in the eyes of Malenkov, Khrushchev and the other loyal associates of Stalin. The factor that united them was the fear of the "man with the pince-nez". He knew too much about them. The practice from previous years showed them that the most convenient way in which they could dispose of the dangerous adversary was his complete discreditation before the party and the people, and his physical removal.
- Price: 4.50 €
Възникване и развитие на македонските бежански културно-просветни и благотворителни братства в България (1878-1951)
Възникване и развитие на македонските бежански културно-просветни и благотворителни братства в България (1878-1951)
(Establishment and development of Macedonian refugee cultural, educational and charity fraternities in Bulgaria (1878-1951))
- Author(s):Stoyan Raychevski
- Language:English, Bulgarian
- Subject(s):History, Social Sciences, Education, Cultural history, Sociology, Comparative history, History of ideas, Local History / Microhistory, Political history, Social history, Recent History (1900 till today), History of Education, State/Government and Education, Sociology of Culture, Sociology of the arts, business, education, Pre-WW I & WW I (1900 -1919)
- Page Range:441-469
- No. of Pages:29
- Keywords:Macedonia; Bulgaria; History; Balkan History; Bulgarian history; Social activism;
- Summary/Abstract:The Macedonian charity, cultural and educational fraternities in Bulgaria were established by the refugees from Macedonia who came to this country after Kresna-Razlog Uprising in 1878, the Illinden (St. Elijah's Day) Uprising in 1903, the Second Balkan War in 1913 and World War I. They originated on a purely fraternity basis with the aim of charity work, mutual support and preservation of family roots. The number of fraternities established by the refugees grew with their number in Bulgaria, running parallel to and enrichment of the forms of organization: clubs emerged, ephorie (boards of trustees), cooperatives, cultural and educational scocieties, orphanages, including banks such as the Macedonian Cooperative Bank and the Macedonian Popular Bank, and the Macedonian Research Institute among others. At the beginning of May 1934 there were about 540 Macedonian refugee structures established all acros Bulgaria with 50634 regularly reported members. The activity of the Macedonian fraternities was officially terminated with Decree № 130 of 1951 of the Presidium of the National Assembly. A special circular letter of the Ministry of Justice was issued whereby the company cases of the refugee organization were transferred to the regional and district courts where single-member panels presided. The decree of the Presidium transferred the entire property of the Macedonian charity fraternities and other Macedonian organisations to the newly-established Gotse Delchev Society in Sofia.
- Price: 4.50 €
Неизвестен ръкопис от писмо на акад. Тодор Павлов до Тодор Живков по македонския въпрос (документален разказ)
Неизвестен ръкопис от писмо на акад. Тодор Павлов до Тодор Живков по македонския въпрос (документален разказ)
(An unknown manuscript from a letter of Academician Todor Pavlov to Todor Zhivkov on the Macedonian issue (documentary story))
- Author(s):Ivan Dzhambazov, Silvia Dzhambazova
- Language:English, Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Politics / Political Sciences, Politics, History, Cultural history, Comparative history, Local History / Microhistory, Social history, Recent History (1900 till today), Special Historiographies:, Post-War period (1950 - 1989), History of Communism, Historical revisionism
- Page Range:467-482
- No. of Pages:13
- Keywords:Todor Zhivkov; Todor Pavlov; documentary; Bulgarian history; Balkan history; History; Totalitarian regime; Politics
- Summary/Abstract:The paper of the two authors essentially provides the academic, cultural and political audience with the opportunity to have contact with an authentic document which was preserved for over 40 years. It is a tale of what was heard, seen and particularly experienced in the 1970's in the relations between the two political colossi in Bulgaria at that time. The account of the meetings with Todor Pavlov and the facsimiles of the published documents provoke the way of thinking of contemporary times and the conclusions that can be made.
- Price: 4.50 €
Македонският въпрос, югославизмът, османският патриотизъм и модерната антропология
Македонският въпрос, югославизмът, османският патриотизъм и модерната антропология
(The Macedonian question, Yugoslavism, Ottoman patriotism and modern anthropology)
- Author(s):Ivan Nikolov
- Language:English, Bulgarian
- Subject(s):History, Anthropology, Social Sciences, Cultural history, Sociology, Comparative history, Ethnohistory, History of ideas, Local History / Microhistory, Social history, Recent History (1900 till today), Cultural Anthropology / Ethnology, Culture and social structure , Pre-WW I & WW I (1900 -1919)
- Page Range:483-497
- No. of Pages:15
- Keywords:History; Balkan history; Dubravka Ugrešić; Fikret Adanir; Anastasia Karakasidou; Revisionism; Macedonian question; Ottoman; anthropology;
- Summary/Abstract:Civilizational accumulations, the deformations of various nature and the need to rationalize them give rise to contradictory opinions about identical processes and events. Several Balkan authors are presented, as well as their views and methods and models they use. The Croatian DubravkaUgrešić and her painful nostalgia for the disintegrated Yugoslavia in 'The culture of Lies'; Turkish historian Fikret Adanir with his work on the Macedonian Question 'Die makedonische Frage. Ihre Enstehung und Endwicklung bis 1909', in which the leitmotif of the study is the principle of the Ottoman 'milliyet' system; as well as the book of Greek author Anastasia Karakasidou 'Fields of Wheat, Hills of Blood: Passages to Nationhood in Greek Macedonia, 1870-1990', first published in the United States. It speaks of the Bulgarians in Aegean Macedonia, as well as the fate of the Macedonian citizen Vladimir Paunovski and his report revealing the ideology of Yugoslavism and Titovism, which generated Macedonism and the Macedonian language. The paper also reveals the connection between their views and their attitude towards the doctrinal framework of Benedict Anderson's fundamental for modern anthropology work, 'Imagined Communities'.
- Price: 4.50 €
Съветът на Европа: от пропилени надежди към откриване и преоткриване на своята мисия
Съветът на Европа: от пропилени надежди към откриване и преоткриване на своята мисия
(The council of Europe: From spent hopes to discovering and rediscovering its mission)
- Author(s):Nikola Avreyski
- Language:English, Bulgarian
- Subject(s):History, Cultural history, Comparative history, History of ideas, Social history, Recent History (1900 till today), WW II and following years (1940 - 1949)
- Page Range:498-551
- No. of Pages:54
- Keywords:Churchill; European Union; European history of the 20th century;
- Summary/Abstract:This article is dedicated to the process of inception, contradictory development, topical condition and the main problems of one of the most authoritative international organisations, the Council of Europe. It follows the movement of ideas regarding its different visions: the initial hopes that it will achieve the centennial idea for unification of Western Europe, the subsequent disappointment and its transformationa into a second-tier West European organization, its development after the Cold War as prestigious 'club of European democracies' and a sort of first anteroom to the European Union. Some of the main problems it faces as challenges in the XXI c., particularly the policy of protection of national minorities, the application of double standards and the notion that precisely this organization outlines the visible frontiers of United Europe, have been analyzed.
- Price: 4.50 €
Архивистът като архитект и медиатор на колективната историческа памет
Архивистът като архитект и медиатор на колективната историческа памет
(Archivists as architects and mediators of collective historical memory)
- Author(s):Rusalena Pendzhekova-Hristeva
- Language:English, Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Library and Information Science, Archiving, Preservation, Education and training
- Page Range:552-566
- No. of Pages:15
- Keywords:Archivists; Archives; History; Archive Strategies; Preservation;
- Summary/Abstract:The article focuses on the contemporary mission of archivists as architects and mediators of the retrospective documentary memory of society. In this aspect, the stress is laid on the need to use more up-to-date and adequate from a scientific point of view terms in the disciplinary field of archivology, corresponding to the complicated nature of the documents in their capacity as historical sources. The author's thesis is that, in the process of filing, expertise and scientific and technical processing of the funds, before historians archivists consecutively pass through the following logical and interrelated stages: euristic, textological, hermenuetic, archaeographic and historiographic. Archival processes and activities implemented within the above-mentioned stages prove that it is precisely archivists who have the primary responsibility in the contemporary complicated world to be co-creators and translators of collective historical memory to ensure that will be an objective base for future search.
- Price: 4.50 €
Децентрализацията в България - същност, проблеми и перспективи за развитие
Децентрализацията в България - същност, проблеми и перспективи за развитие
(Decentralization in Bulgaria: Essence, problems and prospects for development)
- Author(s):Hassan Azis
- Language:English, Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Politics / Political Sciences, Politics, Governance, Public Administration, Sociology, Economic policy, Government/Political systems, International relations/trade, Economic development, Environmental interactions
- Page Range:567-584
- No. of Pages:18
- Keywords:Decentralization; Administrative decentralization; financial decentralization; market decentralization; political decentralization
- Summary/Abstract:A historical review of municipal governance and decentralization. Essence, types and forms of decentralization. The paper presents the role of self-governance and the connection between municipality, local self-governance and decentralization. It points out some of the starting points in the discussion to formulate decentralization: according to the general approach to the transfer of responsibilities; the approach to analysis of decentralization as dynamic process based on interaction and partnership. The types of decentralization are presented in detail: financial, political, spatial, market and administrative and their interaction and mutual influence. The paper discusses four main trends in the development of decentralization: in a historical aspect (from the 1960's until now); decentralization as a counterpoint to globalization; based on the concept that individuals set store by integrity of real existence; decentralization as a complex of four dimensions (local collectivity) external milieu, local collectivity/internal milieu, individual/internal milieu. It touches on topical problems at the implementation of decentralization in Bulgaria from 1991 to 2015. Finally, it presents the prospects for the development of decentralization in Bulgaria in the context of the implementation of the Decentralization Strategy for the period until 2025.
- Price: 4.50 €
Употребата на етникони в тракийските земи
Употребата на етникони в тракийските земи
(Ethnicon usage in Thracian lands)
- Author(s):Georgi Mitrev
- Language:English, Bulgarian
- Subject(s):History, Language studies, Language and Literature Studies, Cultural history, Comparative history, Ethnohistory, Ancient World, South Slavic Languages
- Page Range:587-597
- No. of Pages:11
- Keywords:Thrace; morpheme; morphology; ethnicons; Ancient Greece; Macedonia; Balkan history; History;
- Summary/Abstract:As names and part of the system of names, ethnicons are characteristics for both ancient and contemporary societies. In the world of Ancient Greece where two names were used traditionally at the presentation of citizens, their given and their paternal names, these names complement the information about the origin of the persons which are also indicative of their native land. With the gradual establishment of Greek settlers in various parts of Thrace, after the age of antiquity these traditions also infiltrated Thracian territories. In the time of the Roman emperors, rising monuments with inscriptions spread among broader strata of the Thracian provincial population in Macedonia, Thrace, Moesia, Dacia, Bithynia and elsewhere. In these conditions, epigraphic heritage also began to include elements and influences coming from the living Thracian language. Against the backdrop of those processes and in relation to the different factors necessitating the use of ethnicons or other similar means to present origins, we see a tradition that is characteristic of Thracians and the Thracian language. The ethnicons that have reached to us are such that can be linguistically defined as Thracian in origin. The sources show that the Thracians also had their tradition in the use of ethnicons based on a model typical of their language. Those were twofold names with first or second root Dentu- or -dentes.
- Price: 4.50 €
Посланията на кирилицата
Посланията на кирилицата
(The message of cyrillic)
- Author(s):Axinia Dzurova
- Language:English, Bulgarian
- Subject(s):History, Language studies, Cultural history, Comparative history, History of ideas, Local History / Microhistory, Ancient World, Middle Ages, South Slavic Languages, 6th to 12th Centuries
- Page Range:598-607
- No. of Pages:10
- Keywords:Cyrillic alphabet; History; Balkan history; Antiquity; Bulgarian history; Cyril and Methodius;
- Summary/Abstract:The article follows the issue of the spiritual outlook of Europe in the context on the continental literary traditions, the role of the saintly brothers Cyril and Methodius and their disciples, of Prince Boris and Tsar Simeon, coming to the conclusion that, if we try to ask ourselves what is Europe today, what defines it most precisely is Graeco-Roman Antiquity, Christian culture and the three main alphabets - Latin, Greek and Cyrillic - by means of which our Old World has carried its heritage and memory through the centuries.
- Price: 4.50 €
Симеоновият "Златоструй" - пътят към истината
Симеоновият "Златоструй" - пътят към истината
(Simeon's 'Zlatostruj' - the way to the truth)
- Author(s):Dimitar Kenanov
- Language:English, Bulgarian
- Subject(s):History, Cultural history, History of ideas, Local History / Microhistory, Middle Ages, Theology and Religion, 6th to 12th Centuries, History of Religion
- Page Range:608-631
- No. of Pages:24
- Keywords:John Chrysostom; Tsar Simeon; Tsar Simeon the Great; Monastery of Annunciation in Suprasl; Suprasl; translation;
- Summary/Abstract:This study summarises the author's way of finding the initial contents of the famous translated anthology of homilies by and excerpts from John Chrysostom. It was compiled by educated Bulgarian ruler, Tsar Simeon the Great (893-927) and was translated in the 9th century, after 893. The exceedingly apt title of 'Zlatostruj' (literary 'Golden Stream') is a symbolic expression of the blessed word of Chrysostom and the book surely has the objective to transform the unenlightened Bulgarian people by means of persuasion, not by force, as it was until 893. The initial translation features 45 homilies. This thesis is confirmed by two Vilnius copies of the 'Zlatostruj' from the Monastery of the Annunciation in Suprasl, currently located at the library of the Wroblewski Library of the Lithuanian Academy of Sciences in Vilnius, Lithuania.
- Price: 4.50 €
Кратка княжеска хроника на Тудор Доксов
Кратка княжеска хроника на Тудор Доксов
(Short princely chronicle by Tudor Doks)
- Author(s):Hristo Trendafilov
- Language:English, Bulgarian
- Subject(s):History, Cultural history, History of ideas, Local History / Microhistory, Middle Ages, Theology and Religion, 6th to 12th Centuries, History of Religion
- Page Range:632-660
- No. of Pages:29
- Keywords:Tudor Doks; Chronicle; History; Bulgarian History; Balkan History; Medieval Age; Christian chronicles;
- Summary/Abstract:This paper discusses the Afterword of 907 added by Preslav monk Tudor Doks to the Four Orations against the Arians of St. Athanasius of Alexandria translated by Bishop Constantine and copied by him. The orations were translated and copied by order of Prince Simeon, who was probably a relative of the monastic writer. Tudor's Afterword, rich in cultural and historical evidence, is analysed in the discourse of the short Byzantine chronicles and Old Bulgarian epigraphic sources, the Nominalia of the Bulgarian Khans and the afterwords to the 10th century works from Preslav. It is concluded that Tudor's Afterword is a sort of chronicle of the creative works of the family of the princes Boris-Michael and Simeon which ruled Bulgaria. It is assume that the Afterword is written in the so-called family monastery of the rulers from Preslav, located in the direct proximity to the Round (Golden) Church.
- Price: 4.50 €
Свети Йоан Дамаскин, Теодор Абу Кура и ранният ислям
Свети Йоан Дамаскин, Теодор Абу Кура и ранният ислям
(St John of Damascus, Theodore Abu Qurrah and the early Islam)
- Author(s):Yuliyan Velikov
- Language:English, Bulgarian
- Subject(s):History, Cultural history, Comparative history, History of ideas, Middle Ages, Theology and Religion, Islam studies, Comparative Studies of Religion, 6th to 12th Centuries, History of Islam, History of Religion
- Page Range:661-674
- No. of Pages:14
- Keywords:Islam studies; Muslim Studies; Religion; Religion studies; History; Comparative studies
- Summary/Abstract:With the formation of Islam as a religion in the 7th century, initially spread over the Arabian Peninsula, Christianitu faces a new challenge, which the Christian theologians are not entirely prepared to meet since this "doctrine" can not be "seen" through the eyes of the Antiquity. Saint John of Damascus and Theodore Abu Qurrah represent the early polemics with Islam. Their answer to the call of the minaret reveals two important aspects of the Christian polemics with Islam: through knowledge of the Qur'an as a text and highly competent polemical presence. These two features, in one way or another, were later recognized, assembled and followed by all Christian polemicists in the East and West.
- Price: 4.50 €
Взаимовлияние восточной и западной книжных традициих в структуре пересопницкого евангелия
Взаимовлияние восточной и западной книжных традициих в структуре пересопницкого евангелия
(The mutual influence of Eastern and Western writing traditions in the Peresopnitsia Gospel)
- Author(s):Natalia Kotova
- Language:English, Russian
- Subject(s):History, Language and Literature Studies, Cultural history, Comparative history, History of ideas, Middle Ages, Theology and Religion, Comparative Studies of Religion, History of Religion
- Page Range:675-687
- No. of Pages:13
- Keywords:religions, Christianity; Russia; lexical usage;lexicological analysis; Christian texts; religious texts
- Summary/Abstract:The Peresopnitsia Gospel (PG) is manuscript created in the second half of the 16th century in the contact zone of two traditions, the West and the East. The manuscript was made in a way that allowed it to be used by representatives of both the Roman and the Byzantine rites, which is evidenced by several type of textual breakups: liturgical, one approaching Byzantine lectionaries in the large chapters also continues the Latin tradition reflected in Gennady's Bible (GB) and other manuscripts related to it.
- Price: 4.50 €
Das Нежит-Amulett von Кърджали und die rekontruktion seines Textes
Das Нежит-Amulett von Кърджали und die rekontruktion seines Textes
(The Nejit-amulet from Kyrdjali and the reconstruction of its context)
- Author(s):Ulrich Schweier
- Language:Bulgarian, German
- Subject(s):History, Anthropology, Social Sciences, Language and Literature Studies, Cultural history, Customs / Folklore, Applied Linguistics, Comparative history, History of ideas, Middle Ages, Comparative Linguistics, Sociolinguistics, Cultural Anthropology / Ethnology, Culture and social structure , 6th to 12th Centuries
- Page Range:688-697
- No. of Pages:10
- Keywords:Folklore; Text analysis; Linguistics; Comparative studies; Germany; Bulgaria; Bulgarian History; History
- Summary/Abstract:In the past years a lot of lead amulets have been found in Bulgaria and some of them enchantments on them against Nejit, who are believed to be a humanoid spirit in the folklore. The oldest amulet found is dated from 10-11th century. This paper is focused on an amulet that has been found recently near the town of Kyrdjali. The uniqueness of this amulet is that a mix of cyrillic and glagolic letters have been written on it. Two copies of the text exist that were analysed and described once by German and second time by Bulgarian linguists. The interval between the two examinations was 10 years. In this article a comparison between the Bulgarian and the German reconstruction of the text is being made as the two texts are evaluated in the context of the newest information.
- Price: 4.50 €
Две кратки редакции на чина на Свето Богоявление
Две кратки редакции на чина на Свето Богоявление
(Two short redactions on the Blessing of the Waters on the Eve of Epiphany)
- Author(s):Hristina Toncheva
- Language:English, Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Christian Theology and Religion, History, Cultural history, Comparative history, History of ideas, Middle Ages, Modern Age, Theology and Religion, Comparative Studies of Religion, 6th to 12th Centuries, 15th Century, 16th Century, 17th Century, Sociology of Religion, History of Religion
- Page Range:698-703
- No. of Pages:6
- Keywords:epiphany; religion; religious texts; Christianity; Christianity and culture; History; Bulgarian history; Balkan history; History of religion;
- Summary/Abstract:The Old Bulgarian Blessing of the Waters on the Eve of Epiphany from X-XI centuries is the earliest Slavic copy of that work, giving an account of the very old routine of the Holy Sanctification of the Water, which is performed nowadays on the eve of Epiphany (January 6 - new stile). During the examination of the later Slavic copies of this Convention from the XV-XVII centuries, were discovered two unknown short redactions - one of them from the XVth c. - in Russia, Serbian, and Bulgarian Books of divine services and Prayer-books, and the other - from the year 1782 (in a Church Slavic prayer-book from Hilandar monastery, in Mount Athos). In the article, for the first time, is published the text of the short redaction of the Blessing of the Water on the Eve of Epiphany, from the above mentioned XVIIIth c. Preayer-book.
- Price: 4.50 €
Надгробен надпис в чест на шейх
Надгробен надпис в чест на шейх
(An epitaph honouring a sheikh)
- Author(s):Katerina Venedikova
- Language:English, Bulgarian
- Subject(s):History, Language and Literature Studies, Cultural history, Applied Linguistics, Comparative history, Ethnohistory, Local History / Microhistory, Middle Ages, Modern Age, 15th Century, 19th Century
- Page Range:704-716
- No. of Pages:13
- Keywords:history; Balkan history; Bulgarian history; Ottoman inscriptions; inscription; inscriptions;
- Summary/Abstract:The author makes a short review of publications of Arabic Ottoman inscription in honour of a sheikh. The paper provides a facsimile, a deciphered text transcribed in Latin, a translation in Bulgarian and coments on the monument. The inscription shows that there were members of the Qadiri tariqa (Sufi order) in the 18th century in Plovdiv and maybe that there was a tekke of this brotherhood.
- Price: 4.50 €
За особеностите и мястото на Станимашкия (Асеновградския) говор от първата половина на XX век сред останалите български говори
За особеностите и мястото на Станимашкия (Асеновградския) говор от първата половина на XX век сред останалите български говори
(The specifics and place of the Stanimaka (Assenovgrad) subdialect of the first half of the 20th century among the other Bulgarian sub-dialects)
- Author(s):Ivan G. Iliev, Margarita Georgieva
- Language:English, Bulgarian
- Subject(s):History, Language and Literature Studies, Applied Linguistics, History of ideas, Local History / Microhistory, Recent History (1900 till today), Language acquisition, Cognitive linguistics
- Page Range:717-728
- No. of Pages:12
- Keywords:dialects; dialect studies; Bulgarian history; History; Language; Bulgarian language;
- Summary/Abstract:The paper describes the main peculiarities of the Stanimaka (Asenovgrad) subdialect in the first half of the 20th century based on a literary text written by Hristo Daskalov. A comparison with some neighbouring sub-dialects has also been made.
- Price: 4.50 €
Еднокракият език
Еднокракият език
(The one-legged language)
- Author(s):Rumen Stoyanov
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Language studies, Language and Literature Studies, Applied Linguistics, Cognitive linguistics, Descriptive linguistics, South Slavic Languages
- Page Range:729-732
- No. of Pages:4
- Keywords:language; linguistic; Bulgarian language;
- Summary/Abstract:The article is dedicated to the problems that emerged in Bulgarian after the eradication of the so-called, double "е" pronounced differently in East and West Bulgaria. The author discusses the reasons, political ones included, which led to the maiming of the Bulgarian language.
- Price: 4.50 €
Българската съдба в три разказа на Ангел Каралийчев
Българската съдба в три разказа на Ангел Каралийчев
(Bulgarian fate in three short stories by Angel Karaliichev)
- Author(s):Tanya Kazandzhieva
- Language:English, Bulgarian
- Subject(s):History, Language and Literature Studies, Studies of Literature, Recent History (1900 till today), Comparative Linguistics, Bulgarian Literature
- Page Range:733-742
- No. of Pages:10
- Keywords:literature; Bulgarian literature; literature analyses; Bulgaria; Angel Karaliichev
- Summary/Abstract:In this study on Angel Karaliichev literary critic Simeon Soultanov wrote that, in order to illustrate his idea of literature that elevates our souls, Emilian Stanev first listed the names of Vazov and Yovkov, and then added the names of Elin Pelin and Angel Karaliichev. "But what does Bilgarian writes mean?" the critic asks and answers: "the more pottery, baggy trousers and woolly caps there were, the more customs were reproduced, the more a writer was one of the people... Maybe, the aspect of the people lives particularly in the Bulgarian national character, too, has different aspects. Numerous faces." (Султанов: 1987:269). In his three stories published in 'Makedonia' newspaper, Karaliichev drew the painting of the multifaceted life of the exiled Macedonian Bulgarians. Defiled and tortured, denigrated and divided, Macedonia eternally remained of the highest standing in Bulgarian hearts.
- Price: 4.50 €
"Свешената книга" в романовата структура на "Хайка за вълци" от Ивайло Петров - релации и трансформации
"Свешената книга" в романовата структура на "Хайка за вълци" от Ивайло Петров - релации и трансформации
(The Bibile in Ivailo Petrov's 'Wolf Hunt': Relations and transformations)
- Author(s):Zapryan Kozludzhov
- Language:English, Bulgarian
- Subject(s):History, Language and Literature Studies, Cultural history, Studies of Literature, Local History / Microhistory, Special Historiographies:, Theology and Religion, Bulgarian Literature, History of Communism, History of Religion
- Page Range:743-750
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:literature; Bulgarian literature; literature analyses;
- Summary/Abstract:Ivailo Petrov's novel 'Wolf Hunt' is a dramatic saga with a story covering a long and contradictory period of Bulgarian history, from the first years after World War II to 1965. The fates of Ivan Shibilev, Mona Zhendo, Kalcho, Nikolin, Stoyan Kralev and their sons and daoughters intertwine and grow apart in passions and conflicts. This book is the story of people who are born during a totalitarian regime or die, frequently because of what they love. The hunt is the symbol of their thirst for revenge, the Old Testament 'an eye for an eye', with the outcome/redemption being presented as a pain of the soul caused by the loss of human happiness. The study discusses the presence of biblical motifs and images and the manner in which the author of the novel works with them. The moral categories through which each individual considers his/her life are skilfully woven in the book by the careful use of biblical symbols and messages. The characters in 'Wolf Hunt' fully experience the passions and sufferings of the Old Testament characters, thereby redeeming the original human sin.
- Price: 4.50 €
Християнското светоусещане в лириката на Атанас Далчев
Християнското светоусещане в лириката на Атанас Далчев
(The Christian outlook in Atanas Dalchev's Poetry)
- Author(s):Kamen Rikev
- Language:English, Bulgarian
- Subject(s):History, Language and Literature Studies, Semiotics / Semiology, Poetry, Theoretical Linguistics, Studies of Literature, Recent History (1900 till today), Semantics, Bulgarian Literature
- Page Range:751-776
- No. of Pages:26
- Keywords:Atanas Dalchev; religious poetry; Christian poet; poetry; 20th century Bulgarian literature; Bulgarian literature; allegory;
- Summary/Abstract:This article focuses on the Christian interpretation of Atanas Dalchev's poetry, which would reveal not only to the abundance of religious images and motifs of the critical reviews of Dalchev's poetry in Bulgaria is offered, as well as a definition of Christian outlook in modern art and concrete works of Dalchev containing key Christian concepts.
- Price: 4.50 €
Балканские очерки
Балканские очерки
(The anecdote in the system of public relations: people and power)
- Author(s):Viktor Kossyk
- Language:English, Russian
- Subject(s):Politics / Political Sciences, History, Social Sciences, Language and Literature Studies, Applied Linguistics, Studies of Literature, Theory of Literature
- Page Range:777-795
- No. of Pages:19
- Keywords:anecdote; Balkan history; Balkans; politics; public life; everyday life;
- Summary/Abstract:The text is related to the consideration of the anecdote in the Balkans, more specifically with the subject of nationalism, the "own" and the "alien" in the relations between Balkan people. The text itself is a rife with varied anecdotes in the capacity of the quintessence of political, public and everyday Balkan life in all its variety.
- Price: 4.50 €
Перформативные высказывания в системе средств выражения семантики вежливости в русском языке
Перформативные высказывания в системе средств выражения семантики вежливости в русском языке
(Performative statements in the system of semantics of means of expression of politeness in Russian language)
- Author(s):Tatyana Fedorovna
- Language:English, Russian
- Subject(s):Language studies, Language and Literature Studies, Theoretical Linguistics, Syntax, Lexis, Semantics, Eastern Slavic Languages
- Page Range:796-821
- No. of Pages:26
- Keywords:linguistic; syntax; syntax highlighting; lexicology; Russia; Russian language; Semantics;
- Summary/Abstract:This paper undertakes an attempt to analyse the performative statements of different type as one of the means to represent the semantics of politeness in the situation of request. At that, politeness is considered as a functional and semantic category whose plane of expression is formed linguistic means at different levels.
- Price: 4.50 €
Параметри на социално функциониране на турския език в България
Параметри на социално функциониране на турския език в България
(Parameters of the social functioning of Turkish in Bulgaria)
- Author(s):Harun Bekir
- Language:English, Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Language studies, Language and Literature Studies, Applied Linguistics, Language acquisition, Sociolinguistics, Cognitive linguistics, Descriptive linguistics
- Page Range:822-845
- No. of Pages:24
- Keywords:Linguistic situation; Turkish; Bulgaria; Turkish language;
- Summary/Abstract:The linguistic picture in Bulgaria is far from monolinguistic. Turkish is in a strong position in Bulgarian linguistic situation because it is really used and is a key element of the group identity of its bearers. Turkish in Bulgaria enjoys a high prestige withing the framework of its own group. It has real communication functions and is handed down in the family. The distribution and social function of Turkish as one of the minority languages is also important for the linguistic situation in the country. In connection with this, it is one of the linguistic formations participating in the Bulgarian linguistic situation. In analyzing the functioning of Turkish in Bulgaria, we have also tried to define the spheres of its usage and to present the place of Turkish in the life of the Turks, in addition to the spheres of communication and the individual social strata; the main trends related to Turkish and the factors that determine them, as well as to evaluate the conditions with a view to the future of Turkish among the Turkish community in Bulgaria.
- Price: 4.50 €
За Кипър с любов и малко носталгия
За Кипър с любов и малко носталгия
(For Cyprus with love and a bit of nostalgia)
- Author(s):Maya Zhilieva
- Language:English, Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Essay|Book Review |Scientific Life, Societal Essay
- Page Range:846-860
- No. of Pages:15
- Keywords:essay; Cyprus; Bulgarian community; Balkans
- Summary/Abstract:The author of this paper lived in Cyprus for four years, working as a cultural attache at the Bulgarian embassy. And, in spite of the fact that she missed her homeland, this land touched her and fascinated her in an incomparable manner. The quiet and empty streets that do not scare you because you can hear the voices of people from the gardens, sitting around the garden tables and drinking coffee. The bright blue sky that engulfs you. The sapphire endlessness of a calm sea. Palms and pink bougainvillea, parks with olive trees, oranges and tangerines tumbling down in the streets. And Cypriots - curious, smiling and well-wishing. Such as the author's neighbor, Mama Marrula, who turned 85 every one of these four years and drove her car to the supermarket so confidently. And the sun that gently touches you in the winter months and burns you in the summer. But you smile and you feel light and happy. Her gratitude goes to Father Peter, who really provoked her to write this essay about Cyprus with love and a bit of nostalgia.
- Price: 4.50 €