Franjevački samostan u Gučoj Gori
Franciscan monastery in Guča Gora
Contributor(s): Velimir Valjan (Editor)
Subject(s): Christian Theology and Religion, History, Anthropology, Social Sciences, Language studies, Language and Literature Studies, Fine Arts / Performing Arts, Customs / Folklore, Music, Architecture, Geography, Regional studies, Visual Arts, Sociology, Middle Ages, Modern Age, Recent History (1900 till today), Theology and Religion, Islam studies, Studies in violence and power, Theory of Literature, Sociology of Religion, History of Religion, Identity of Collectives
Published by: Franjevačka teologija Sarajevo
Keywords: BiH; Bosnia; Guča Gora; monastery; Catholic; Franciscans; publishing; art; music; literature; middle ages; modern age; Ottoman rule; Lašva; Travnik; Ahdname; muslim; Jako Baltić; Croats; religion; faith; church; architecture;
Summary/Abstract: Nakon pada Bosne pod otomansku vlast (1463) razrušeni su, spaljeni i napušteni mnogi samostani u Bosni. Jedan od njih je i Lašvanski samostan, koji se nalazio, prema izvješćima bosanskih apostolskih vikara o pohodima Lašvanskoj župi, na Guvnima, naselju današnje dolačke župe. Ne znamo ni koliko je bilo braće u njemu kad je krajem 15. stoljeća stradao ni kamo su nakon njegova stradanja otišli. U nekim šematizmima provincije Bosne Srebrene piše da su odmah nakon toga prešli u Guču Goru. Makar sjedište vjerskog i franjevačkog života u Gučoj Gori, i to za čitavu Lašvansku dolinu, sezalo tako daleko u povijest, ipak je godina 2009. jubilarna - stopedeseta godina od njegova osnutka i postojanja u pravnom smislu. Sve do tada je ondje bila kuća, kasnije franjevačka rezidencija, u kojoj su boravili franjevci odakle bi odlazili obavljati pastoralnu službu po čitavoj Lašvanskoj dolini, pa i šire. Uz dopuštenje crkvenih vlasti, general Reda Manje Braće, dekretom od 30. svibnja 1859., proglašava samostan u Gučoj Gori. Sagradio ga je biskup fra Marijan Šunjić, rodom iz Bučića, jedan od najobrazovanijih ljudi svoga vremena. Organizatori za obilježavanje stopedesete obljetnice samostana odlučili su tim povodom održati znanstveni skup i izdati malu monografiju o samostanu. Znanstveni skup je održan 25. i 26. rujna 2009. godine, a monografija je ugledala svjetlo dana nekoliko dana prije održavanja znanstvenog skupa. U životu svakog naroda važno mjesto zauzima kulturno-povijesno naslijeđe kao dokaz stvaralaštva i životne snage naših predaka, kao simbol duha i pobjede čovjeka koji je ostavio znakove svoga postojanja. Stara je i mudra izreka koja se pripisuje fra Filipu Lastriću: “Pročitao sam kako je neki ozbiljan povjesničar rekao da je za svakoga čovjeka sramota ako ne pozna kraja u kojem boravi, ako ne zna kako je u njega došao i od kojih je pređa potekao”. A fra Ljubo Hrgić piše u svom Dnevniku: “Dane i noći hodao bih pokraj Lašve i gubio se u šumama. Tražio bih po grobljima starim, tražio bih staru dušu Bosne, drevnu tišinu. Možda je sav mistični čar moje zemlje u njenoj vjekovnoj tišini”. Koliko je Bosna i Hercegovina bila “svoja” svjedoče i samostan i crkva u Gučoj Gori. Ne samo što su ondje bili odgojni zavodi provincije Bosne Srebrene, nego se u njemu nalazila i pučka škola; ne samo što su franjevci Guče Gore vodili važne kulturne i poljoprivredne ustanove već su u njemu omladinska društva nalazila svoje prostorije. Selo Guča Gora nalazi se na 11. kilometru od Travnika i devetom od naselja Doca na Lašvi. Pogled iznad sela penje se prema sivom golom brdu Humu, te Carinama, stijenama koje kao da podupiru jedan plato, borovom šumom obrastao. A dolje, s druge strane prema jugu, vrletna se konfiguracija tla blago spušta prema dolini, praćena njivama, livadama i šumom. Ondje se nalazi prelijepa građevina, kao arhitektonski dragulj, s netaknutom i neunakaženom prirodom s kojom se teško može usporediti koji drugi krajolik. Sam je objekt bio prepušten igri povijesti, čiji su vjetrovi divlje trgali bosanski mir i idilu. Međutim, samostan se uvijek ponovno kao iz pepela dizao i fratri su u njemu započinjali novi život. Tako to traje već 150 godina od njegova proglašenja, a od davne 1706., dakle više od 300 godina, kada se prvi puta spominje, kao sjedište stare Lašvanske župe. Radovi sa simpozija u povodu stopedesete obljetnice postojanja samostana u Gučoj Gori pružaju čitatelju mogućnost upoznavanja s povijesnim zbivanjima, nekad dramatičnim i sudbonosnim, tijekom ne tako lake, ali ipak poštovanja vrijedne prošlosti samostana; također upoznavanja života kako običnih ljudi i istaknutih pojedinaca tako i povijesnih i kulturnih spomenika lašvanskog kraja.. Iznoseći mnoštvo povijesnih podataka i zanimljivih zgoda i nezgoda iz burne prošlosti i iz svakodnevnog života ljudi, autori svojim radovima skidaju prašinu s temelja iz kojih je nikao gučogorski samostan, ali i pročišćavaju izvore na kojima se snagom napajaju ljudi koji vole i samostan i svoj zavičaj. U tim radovima izlaze na vidjelo heroji, znameniti pojedinci, koji su ostali nepokolebivi u vjernosti Bogu, svome narodu i svojoj državi čak i onda kad je to, ljudski gledano, bilo nemoguće; ali izdvajaju i antiheroje, koji su, posebno u otomansko vrijeme, gušili život i rušili sve što drugačije od njih misli, govori i vjeruje. U odabiru autora i radova za jedan simpozij postoji opasnost da ostane po strani nešto što je važno. Radovi sa simpozija su upravo zbog toga poziv čitatelju na traženje i čitanje literature, izvještaja i kronika o svemu što je vezano za gučogorski samostan i njegovu povijest. U tom su smislu poticajne riječi fra Jake Baltića, graditelja samostana i velikog ljetopisca: “Svakomu čoviku, koji iole ima prosvete, milo je čitati i znati povijest svojih starih. Kakvi su naši stari bili? Što se s njima zbilo? Kako su se u događajim vladali? Kad bi se tako što napisano našlo od naših starih, prije šest stotina godina barem, ako ne starije, to bi vridilo prema dragom kamenju. Jer događaje i dila svojih starih pred očima imati, mogo bi se čovik okoristiti u svom življenju. Mudrih je ljudi izreka: ‘Nauči se na primjeru mnogih, što treba nasljedovati, a što izbjegavati’. Neka ti učitelj bude tuđi život’”.
- Print-ISBN-13: 978-9958-9026-2-8
- Page Count: 686
- Publication Year: 2010
- Language: Bosnian, Croatian
- Author(s):Velimir Valjan
- Language:Croatian
- Subject(s):Editorial
- Page Range:5-7
- No. of Pages:3
- Summary/Abstract:Nakon pada Bosne pod otomansku vlast (1463) razrušeni su, spaljeni i napušteni mnogi samostani u Bosni. Jedan od njih je i Lašvanski samostan, koji se nalazio, prema izvješćima bosanskih apostolskih vikara o pohodima Lašvanskoj župi, na Guvnima, naselju današnje dolačke župe. Ne znamo ni koliko je bilo braće u njemu kad je krajem 15. stoljeća stradao ni kamo su nakon njegova stradanja otišli. U nekim šematizmima provincije Bosne Srebrene piše da su odmah nakon toga prešli u Guču Goru.
- Price: 4.50 €
Od lašvanskog do gučogorskog samostana
Od lašvanskog do gučogorskog samostana
(From Lašvanian to Guča Gora monastery)
- Author(s):Velimir Valjan
- Language:Croatian
- Subject(s):Christian Theology and Religion, History, Governance, Recent History (1900 till today), 19th Century
- Page Range:11-40
- No. of Pages:30
- Keywords:Lašva; Travnik; Dolac; Guča Gora; parish; monastery; church; 1859; 2009;
- Summary/Abstract:The monastery in Guča Gora was built from 1857 to 1859, when it was legalized to exist in full juridical sense. In the building of the monastery the bishop fra Marijan Šunjić especially was engaged. Although 2009 celebrated the 100-year anniversary of the monastery, its history is much longer and reaches back deep into the middle age history of Lašva’s monastery and Lašna-Travnik parish. The goal of the article From the Lašva to the Guča Gora Monastery is to shed more light upon its stormy history. The article is composed of two parts. In the first part the monastery in Lašva and Lašva-Travnik parish are presented according to the reports of the provincials and apostolic vicars in Bosnia and concludes with the moving of the parish residence to Guča Gora. In the second part the division of Lašva parish, Guča Gora as curacy office of the parish Dolac, the parish Guča Gora as an independent parish, and finally the erection of the church and the monastery and their legalization are described.
- Price: 4.50 €
Katolici i franjevci u srednjovjekovnoj župi (županiji) Lašva
Katolici i franjevci u srednjovjekovnoj župi (županiji) Lašva
(Catholics and Franciscans in the medieval parish (county) of Lašva)
- Author(s):Milko Brkovic
- Language:Croatian
- Subject(s):Christian Theology and Religion, Middle Ages, Other Christian Denominations, Sociology of Religion
- Page Range:41-112
- No. of Pages:72
- Keywords:Bosnia; Bosnian Banate; Catholic; Franciscans; medieval age; Lašva; parish;
- Summary/Abstract:The middle-age parish and district Lašva were spread out on both sides and on the full length from the source to the mouth of the homonymous river Lašva; probably the name of the residence originates from that fact. From the 12th century and up to conquest of the Ottomans in 1463, the district Lašva was incorporated in the Bosnian State like one of the seven middle age districts composing the original Banate of Bosnia. The Bosnian Catholics were a component of the Bosnian middle-age Christians. The parishes in middle ages belonged to the Bosnian Catholic Diocese, which had existed before the question on the orthodoxy of Bosnian Christians was asked. The term Bosnian Church according to the sources is the same as the Bosnian Diocese. The Bosnian Church from the beginning belonged to the West, in other words to the Roman Church, and its bishop was the teacher of the local community as he was the bishop of Rome. When the Bosnian Christians and their bishop became suspected of heresy, in the same way the Church of Dubrovnik with its archbishop was also groundlessly suspected because allegedly he didn’t take enough care of the people when he appointed for the Bosnian bishop. There is the argument that the Bosnian Church never broke its community and connections with the Roman Church, although it was accused of being heretical. But the Bosnian Church had to suffer, to experience rejection, and even once be without its head bishop and without connection to its archdiocese community. Beginning in the 13th century, the Pope’s authoritative representatives demonstrated the orthodoxy of local Christians, but conflicts arse when the Hungarian Church and civilian authorities took e over the role of Rome. The real problems were with the liturgical language, different taxes and political aspirations of the Hungarian and Venetian authorities. The consequence was first the exclusion of the Bosnian Diocese from the jurisdiction of Dioceses Split, Bar and Dubrovnik, and subsequently replacing the residence of the Bosnian Metropolis. On one side was the weakened Bosnian Diocese and Bosnian vassal rulers, and on the other. the strong Hungarian Church and government which, after establishing of Zagreb Diocese, removing the Croatian bishop and installing a group of Hungarian people at the Archdiocese curia in Split, dividing and absorbing the Bosnian Diocese, it replaced its residence and subjugated it to the head of Hungarian Church. The Bosnian Church community kept acting outside of the official Catholic Church, which automatically subjected it to be considered disobedient to the discipline of the Catholic Church, but not to heterodoxy. The faith of the Bosnian Church is the Catholic one. There is no contemporary treatise disputing a Credo or structure of Bosnian Christians, but there are other different contemporary sources testifying almost all the truths of the Apostolic Credo. According to foreign sources, the Bosnian Christian community fell to heterodoxy, but according to the documents of Bosnian rulers and nobility, there was no heterodoxy. The middle age Scriptures of Bosnian Christians, as the Old Testament, and also the New One, have no difference in regular orthodox Biblical codex from West or East tradition. An excellent example of middle age Bosnian New Testament codex is Zbornik krstjanina Hvala from 1404 year. One bishop during the Church Council in Basel witnessed on Bosnian Christians: “When they saw me dressed in bishop suit, I could not lift my legs because of their kissing.” The Bosnian middle age Franciscans were correct Catholics and true representatives of Catholicism in Bosnia, and thus in Lašva. The well-known indiscipline and licentiousness of higher clergy in the Catholic Church in 12th and 13th century were contrasted to the simple and sincere believers in Bosnia. In historical sources there is no evidence that Franciscans tortured alleged Bosnian heretics. The official Franciscan mission in Bosnian Banate, and thus in Lašva parish, started during pope Nikola IV (1288-1292).
- Price: 5.00 €
Translatio sedis i uspostava novog konfesionalnog identiteta u srednjovjekovnoj Bosni
Translatio sedis i uspostava novog konfesionalnog identiteta u srednjovjekovnoj Bosni
(Translatio sedis and the establishment of a new confessional identity in medieval Bosnia)
- Author(s):Dubravko Lovrenović
- Language:Croatian
- Subject(s):Christian Theology and Religion, History, Middle Ages, Other Christian Denominations, History of Religion, Identity of Collectives
- Page Range:113-125
- No. of Pages:13
- Keywords:Translatio sedis; confession; confessional identity; identity; medieval age; Bosnia; church; heresy;
- Summary/Abstract:Namjera je ovog priloga – zapravo uvodne bilješke u jednu širu znanstvenu raspravu – ukazati na vanjske faktore koji su međusobnom uvjetovanošću doveli do dislokacije biskupskog sjedišta iz Bosne u Đakovo a to su: clunyjevska reforma, pravna teorija o univerzalnom papinstvu i patronatsko pravo ugarskih kraljeva. U tom okviru iskrsava problem dekonstrukcije hereze, odnosno traži se odgovor na pitanje: “Kada je hereza istinski hereza?” Ovom pitanju raste cijena ima li se u vidu narativno-pozitivistički mainstream historiografije obilježen razumijevanjem hereze iz perspektive velikih crkava od kojih je, osobito nakon raskola 1054. godine, “pravu vjeru” na temelju vjerske isključivosti svaka rezervirala za sebe. U tako zakovanoj vjersko-ideološkoj matrici “pravovjeran” se moglo biti samo vlastitim uklapanjem u jedan od postojećih blokova, svaka alternativa (opozicija) vodila je u herezu. Smještanje šizmatičke Crkve bosanskih krstjana u povijesni ovir zapadnoeuropskih heterodoksnih pokreta poput valdenza, katara i lolarda, kasnije i husita, nastalih u specifičnim vjerskim, socijalnim i političkim okolnostima srednjeg vijeka, otkriva sve njezine specifičnosti odnosno njezinu nesvodivost na te kriterije. Već sama ta činjenica, o drugim da se i ne govori, fokusira istraživačku pozornost na jedan od prijelomnih događaja crkveno-političke povijesti srednjovjekovne Bosne: na izmještanje njezinog biskupskog sjedišta na teritorij druge države (Ugarske), i lanac posljedica proistekao iz ovog historijskog čina. Je li pojava Crkve bosanske prethodila odlasku biskupa iz Bosne, je li ga ona prouzročila, ili je pak njezin nastanak posljedica tog događaja, jedno je od nezaobilaznih još uvijek otvorenih pitanja koja u stopu prate ovu raspravu.
- Price: 4.50 €
Prvi lašvanski samostan prema vrelima, predaji i literaturi
Prvi lašvanski samostan prema vrelima, predaji i literaturi
(The first Lašva's monastery according to sources, teachings and literature)
- Author(s):Pejo Ćošković
- Language:Croatian
- Subject(s):Christian Theology and Religion, History, History of Church(es), Middle Ages, Other Christian Denominations
- Page Range:127-152
- No. of Pages:26
- Keywords:The parish of Lašva; the town of Lašva; Franciscans; monastery; Sasi; Dubrovnik inhabitants; Batalo Šantić; Bosnian Church; Catholics;
- Summary/Abstract:Autor u ovom radu nastoji sagledati povijest lašvanskoga samostana, jednoga od četiriju najstarijih, na području uže Bosne, odnosno u sastavu bosanske kustodije. U radu se ističe da je on neupitno postojao što je zasvjedočeno njegovim upisivanjem u djelo Bartolomeja iz Pise i dva rukopisna zbornika, poznata kao Codex Impressus i Codex Aracoelitanus. U franjevačkoj se predaji čuva uspomena na samostane koje su “porušili barbari”, ali bez pobližeg kronološkog oslonca za utvrđivanje vremena kad se to zbilo. Prema predaji, razaranje lašvanskoga samostana zabilježio je F. Lastrić. Ljetopisac M. Krističević je upotpunio slijed događaja podatkom o raseljavanju katolika i franjevaca nakon propasti grada Lašve, a zaklonište su dijelom našli u obližnjoj Gučoj Gori. Sumarni popis Bosanskoga sandžaka iz 1468/69. ne spominje grad Lašvu niti franjevački samostan, iako je evidentirano više naseljenih, pa i pustih sela u nahiji Lašvi. Tako skromne obavijesti suvremenih povijesnih vrela i predaje nisu pogodovale istraživačima u traganju za odgovorima o najstarijem lašvanskom samostanu, pa su iznošene različite pretpostavke o mjestu na kojemu bi ga valjalo tražiti. Na takvo stanje izvornih vijesti i skromnu ulogu koju je imao u odnosu na druga tri samostana bosanske kustodije izravno su utjecale crkvene prilike u lašvanskom kraju potkraj XIV. i u početku XV. st., gdje je najmoćniji velikaš, tepčija Batalo Šantić, pristajao uz Crkvu bosansku.
- Price: 4.50 €
Fojnička ahdnama u zrcalu paleografije, pravne povijesti i politike. Kontekstualizacija Ahdname bosanskih franjevaca
Fojnička ahdnama u zrcalu paleografije, pravne povijesti i politike. Kontekstualizacija Ahdname bosanskih franjevaca
(Fojnica Ahdname in the mirror of paleography, legal history and politics. Contextualization of Ahdname of Bosnian Franciscans)
- Author(s):Srećko M. Džaja
- Language:Croatian
- Subject(s):Christian Theology and Religion, Law, Constitution, Jurisprudence, Middle Ages, Modern Age, History of Religion
- Page Range:153-180
- No. of Pages:28
- Keywords:Balkan Catholicism; Bosnian Franciscans; Bosnian Catholic traders; Dubrovnik merchants; The Jesuits in the Danube; the Ahdnam; capitulation; the Berat; Patronage right of the Ugar Kings;Tridentine reform;
- Summary/Abstract:Ahdnama bosanskih franjevaca je temeljni dokument, kojim je islamskoosmanski zakonodavac legitimirao prisutnost i djelovanje bosanskih franjevaca u Osmanskom carstvu nakon osvojenja Bosanskog Kraljevstva 1463. Povijest toga dokumenta jednako je burna kao i povijest bosanskih franjevaca i njihovih samostana. Kao ni brojni franjevački samostani i crkve, ni Ahdnama u svom izvornom obliku nije preživjela paljevine i ratna razaranja. Naime, original Ahdname je negdje izgorio ili nestao na neki drugi način. Uz nekoliko prijepisa i prijevoda sačuvao se i jedan rekonstruirani oblik toga dokumenta, koji je u političkom i pravnom pogledu fungirao kao original. U prvom dijelu ovoga priloga napravljen je osvrt na političke prilike i pravni okvir u kojima je Ahdnama nastala; drugi dio posvećen je stručnim paleografskim i diplomatičkim analizama s naglaskom na paralelama između Fojničke ahdname i sličnih dokumenata; treći dio bavi se političkim stanjem katoličanstva pod osmanskom vlašću u 16. i 17. st. odnosno Ahdnamom u političkoj praksi. Prilog završava s kratkim zapažanjem o Ahdnami kao metafori za kojom se poseže u suvremenoj BiH, i to tako da se – uz ostalo i na temelju toga dokumenta - na jednoj strani idealizira osmansko razdoblje bh. povijesti, a na drugoj to isto razdoblje demonizira.
- Price: 4.50 €
Toponimi o povijesti župe Guča Gora (Povijest župe Guča Gora na prvi pogled)
Toponimi o povijesti župe Guča Gora (Povijest župe Guča Gora na prvi pogled)
(Toponyms About History of Guča Gora Parish (History of Parish Guča Gora at a Glance))
- Author(s):Nikola Lovrinović
- Language:Croatian
- Subject(s):History, Geography, Regional studies, Archiving, Modern Age, 15th Century
- Page Range:181-206
- No. of Pages:26
- Keywords:Guča Gora; parish; toponyms; history; archives; surnames;
- Summary/Abstract:Povijesnom istraživanju bilo kojega prostora ili zajednice može se pristupiti na različite načine i može se istraživati različite oblasti života i djelovanja čovjeka u nekom prostoru. Pristup koji je zastupljen u ovome prilogu bilo je istraživanje podrijetla imena pojedinih lokaliteta na prostoru župe Guča Gora. Cilj je bio pomoći drugim istraživačima iz različitih grana znanosti da dobiju početnu sliku i da nepotrebno ne gube vrijeme na lociranju interesantnih ciljeva za svoj rad. Prije svih željelo se pomoći arheolozima i etnolozima - etnografima. Za rad je, uglavnom, korištena građa koja se nalazi u zemljišnim knjigama suda u Travniku (Gruntovnici), a posebice onaj dio građe, koji je nastajao prigodom izrade prvih zemljišnih knjiga 1892. godine. Osim toga dio građe prikupljen je radom na terenu. Očekujemo da ovaj prilog povijesti župe Guča Gora nju barem malo više osvijetli jer tko ju pozornije pročita, kao da pred sobom ima živu povijest kroz nazive njiva i livada na kojima ovi ljudi žive. Nas su nazivi lokaliteta upućivali na postojanje zgrada, putova, crkava ili molitvišta, grobalja, načine privređivanja, zanimanje pučanstva i slično. Osim toga, sporadično smo se dotaknuli i nekih drugih pitanja kao što su nestanak i nastanak nekih prezimena, vlasničkih odnosa u to vrijeme, te povijesti nastanka samih zemljišnih knjiga. Potenciramo vrijednost ove građe posebice za one koji se bave poviješću kraja XIX. stoljeća i XX., a posebice pitanjem društvenih odnosa toga vremena.
- Price: 4.50 €
Guča Gora i graditeljski val u Bosni Srebrenoj pod konac osmanske vlasti
Guča Gora i graditeljski val u Bosni Srebrenoj pod konac osmanske vlasti
(Guča Gora and church engineering in Bosnia Argentina in the setting of ottoman empire)
- Author(s):Fra Marko Karamatić
- Language:Croatian
- Subject(s):Christian Theology and Religion, Architecture, History of Church(es), Modern Age, 15th Century, 19th Century
- Page Range:207-238
- No. of Pages:32
- Keywords:Guča Gora; monastery; "Bosna Srebrena"; Ottoman rule; modern age; construction; sacral architecture;
- Summary/Abstract:From the beginning of the conquest of Bosnia in 1463, the number of sacral buildings had been continuously decreasing. The Ottoman authorities didn’t allow new ones to be built. The most sacral buildings were destroyed at the end of 17th century during the Austrian-Turkish war. So it happened that in beginning of 19th century only five churches and three of numerous middle age monasteries remained in Bosnia Argentina. Worship was performed in the open. In the forties of the 19th century reforms attempting to accommodate Ottoman Empire to West-European standards in politics, economy and equality of citizens were initiated. The Sultan’s decree of 1839 permitted the increase of freedoms to the Christians, and the decree of 1856 made Christians equal to the Muslims. The result was that it was easier to get licenses to build churches, bringing about the real building wave in Bosnia Argentina: monasteries in Livno, Plehan, Tolisa, among others the monumental one in Guča Gora, monastery churches in Sarajevo, Kreševo, Sutjeska, Jajce, Petrićevac,, and parish churches in Vidoši, Ovčarevo, Dolac, Vareš, Dubica…
- Price: 4.50 €
Svjedočenje o rušenju crkve i samostana u Gučoj Gori
Svjedočenje o rušenju crkve i samostana u Gučoj Gori
(Testimony on the demolition of the church and monastery in Guča Gora)
- Author(s):Branko Neimarević
- Language:Croatian
- Subject(s):Christian Theology and Religion, Architecture, History of Church(es), Studies in violence and power, WW II and following years (1940 - 1949)
- Page Range:239-240
- No. of Pages:2
- Keywords:Guča Gora; monastery; church; demolition; testimony; WWII; partisans; Nazi Germany;
- Summary/Abstract:Ove godine se navršilo 150 godina od službenog proglašenja samostana u Gučoj Gori. U povodu proslave 150. godišnjice samostana organizirana je tribina o povijesti ovog samostana. U tu povijest spada, nažalost, i rušenje najvećeg samostana na Balkanu. Da nas budućnost ne bi osuđivala s nemarnosti opisat ću jedan “detalj” iz ratnog (ne)vremena s tragičnim posljedicama. Dok su se njemačke vojne formacije u veljači 1945. povlačile prema Bosanskom Brodu, ostala je jedna jedinica njemačkih vojnika u gučogorskom samostanu. Poslijepodne u nedjelju 18. veljače 1945. godine, partizani su počeli stezati obruč oko Guče Gore. Uvečer, oko osam sati, zauzeli su mjesto, a njemački vojnici, koji su branili Guču Goru, povukli su se u samostan i ondje se zabarikadirali.
- Price: 4.50 €
Borbe kod Guče Gore. Požar crkve i samostana
Borbe kod Guče Gore. Požar crkve i samostana
(Battles at Guča Gora. Fire at the church and monastery)
- Author(s):Miroslav Džaja
- Language:Croatian
- Subject(s):Christian Theology and Religion, History of Church(es), WW II and following years (1940 - 1949)
- Page Range:241-246
- No. of Pages:6
- Keywords:Guča Gora; battle; fire; monastery; church; WWII;
- Summary/Abstract:Borbe oko Guče Gore počele su u drugoj polovini g. 1942. kao i po drugim selima obližnje okolice Travnika, a sve su bile dio plana za osvajanje toga grada. Jedinice NOV-e pojavile su se prvi put u Gučoj Gori 15. pros. 1942. navečer. Polazeći od Vlašića i Gorčevice, prethodno su zauzeti Mehurići, gdje je zapaljena škola, iz koje su protivnički oružnici davali otpor. Popodne spomenutog dana NOV je zauzela Brajkoviće, a predvečer Maljine. Trojica su svećenika, koji su se tada desili u samo stanu, mirno večerali, ne očekujući ništa izvanredno, kad je nastala uzbuna u selu i čuli se povici: “Maljine gore”! Izašavši pred samostan svećenici su opazili žar vatre i ljude, gdje panično bježe iz Maljina. U Gučoj Gori je odmah nastao metež, jer je to bio prvi dolazak partizana, o kojima se samo zlo čulo. Narod se spremao na bijeg, a svećenici također, zajedno sa službom, prepuštajući samostan njegovoj sudbini. Gvardijan fra Ivo Marković s vikarom fra Franjom Strukarom krenuo je cestom prema Travniku, a fra Putnik Brković, kapelan, odvojio se od njih i krenuo niz selo prijekim putem na Gostunj, te nesmetano došao u Dolac. Kako je NOV presjekla put u Mosoru, gučogorski su bjegunci pohvatani, te natrag vraćeni. Iz Guče Gore svećenici su odvedeni u Ma ljine, pa u Dub i konačno u Gluhu Bukovicu, gdje je bio štab komande. Tu su zatekli brajkovićkog župnika o. Zorislava Čolića, u čijem su župskom stanu, prije dolaska partizana, boravili ustaše, koji su iznenađeni naglo pobjegli, ostavivši iza sebe na stolu dva revolvera, 10 bombi i sanduk puščanih metaka. Zato je Zorislav poveden na ratni sud, a kuća mu zapaljena, ali su susjedi složnim radom vatru brzo ugasili, pa nije bilo znatnije štete. Zorko je triput suđen, ali se vješto branio. Kad je pušten i krenuo kući, sustigao je prije puštene svećenike kod Duba, ali je kurir na konju dotrčao i ponovno ga povratio. Sutradan je definitivno pušten, dok su 4 oružnika iz Guče Gore, koji su davali otpor (kasarna im je bila u kući Rajić-Cakalina, koja je tada izgorjela), kao i gučogorski trgovac Edo Vučer i još jedan musliman - strijeljani. Kad su se vratili kući 18. prosinca svećenici su zatekli u samostanu njemačku vojsku, koja je napravila pravu pustoš u samostanu, pa tek na gvardijanov protest, stavljena je straža na obijeni podrum, da se spasi barem nešto od hrane i deponiranih samostanskih stvari. Dva dana iza toga povukli su se Nijemci, a i NOV je krenula prema Vlašiću i Korićanima, pa božićni mir te godine nije pomućen, a izostala je i ratna kontribucija nametnuta samostanu.
- Price: 4.50 €
Znamenite osobe gučogorskog samostana
Znamenite osobe gučogorskog samostana
(Notable persons of the monastery of Guča Gora)
- Author(s):Velimir Valjan
- Language:Croatian
- Subject(s):Christian Theology and Religion, History of Church(es), History of Religion
- Page Range:249-272
- No. of Pages:24
- Keywords:Guča Gora; monastery; notable; persons; Franciscans; church; builders; "uncles"; bishops;
- Summary/Abstract:A long and stormy history of Lašva’s monastery is interwoven with strong persons who lived really human, Franciscan-monkish and priestly consistent lives. In a geographic map of the Franciscan movement, Bosnian Franciscans are a unique historical experience because of historical coalescing with the common Bosnian people, with their homeland – although they always were “strangers and newcomers” there. Very often they were exposed to unbearable difficulties, also to death, but it didn’t stop their enthusiasm and ideals. Their ideals are Franciscan ones and rooted in the Bible; it is deep faith, stable hope, and above all the love of Christ, of the Church and of the people they lived for. Celebrating the 100-aniversary it is impossible to mention all of the persons woven into life of the monastery, but in the form of a small reading, there are mentioned some of those who built the monastery and the church, those “uncles” whose footprints are deeply imprinted in its history as writers, bishops, persons with historical meaning.
- Price: 4.50 €
Fra Marijan Šunjić – apostolski vikar i pisac
Fra Marijan Šunjić – apostolski vikar i pisac
(Fra Marijan Šunjić - Apostolic Vicar and Writer)
- Author(s):Petar Jeleč
- Language:Croatian
- Subject(s):Christian Theology and Religion, History, Cultural history, 18th Century, 19th Century
- Page Range:273-290
- No. of Pages:18
- Keywords:Marijan Šunjić; Franciscans; vicar; writer; literature; culture; language;
- Summary/Abstract:Fra Marijan Šunjić is an unavoidable figure for each researcher of the history of Bosnia and Herzegovina. The main features of his character were good education, tenderness and decisiveness in implementing drafted plans. While studying in Vienna and Rome he achieved very high results and he could have stayed there, but he came back to his Bosnia and Herzegovina burdened with different problems. Šunjić was touched and moved by the situation and he decided to dedicate his entire life to easing these difficulties. Knowing several foreign languages, skillful in befriending and communicating with foreign diplomats were all very facilitating in the success of his work. In order to give people a place for prayer and education, he built churches and established schools. His small steps announced wide changes. He imposed these tasks on himself of building churches and schools throughout Bosnia, but his weak health shadowed him from his youth and it slowly grew worse. He had most famous people of his time as friends, but he knew he could only be happy by loving the most simple people. After all, he had donated his whole life to these people. The people recognized that and they repaid him with a magnificent funeral procession in Guča Gora. He enjoyed special respect by members of all religions in Bosnia of that period. Therefore during the funeral procession in 1860 more than five thousand people, among them Catholics, Muslims, and others, said their farewell to the late fra Marijan Šunjić. After the funeral in Guča Gora Dervish-beg Teskeredžić said, “I am very sorry for erudite bishop Šunjić. I remember six late people that were my relatives, but, please, believe me, I have lamented no one like the bishop.” And the bishop from Đakovo, Josip Juraj Strossmayer. said about Šunjić, that he was “greatest and most reputable man Bosnia had had in recent times.”
- Price: 4.50 €
Fra Jako Baltić (1813-1887), svjedok svoga vremena
Fra Jako Baltić (1813-1887), svjedok svoga vremena
(Fra Jako Baltić (1813-1887), Witness to His Time)
- Author(s):Andrija Zirdum
- Language:Croatian
- Subject(s):Christian Theology and Religion, Cultural history, 19th Century, History of Religion
- Page Range:291-306
- No. of Pages:16
- Keywords:Bosnia; Travnik; Jako Baltić; Franciscans; Fojnica; monastery;
- Summary/Abstract:Besides Bishop fra Marijan Šunjić, the central figure in the Travnik region in the 19th century was fra Jako Baltić (1813-1887). He spent two years in Istanbul, but the whole rest of his life he spent in the region of the Fojnica Monastery: in Fojnica, Brestovsko, Kotor Varoš, Vitez, Dolac and Ovčarevo. When it was possible for him, in addition to his other obligations, for some forty years took notes on the area life and so he created most important annals in the 19th century. The Annals reflect how he was well educated, talented and an engaged Franciscan. In his Annals he follows the life of the Franciscan community, political and social occurrences. There are many data on the life of the common people, important persons, economy, education, and cultural monuments. Baltić wrote his Annals without fear of public opinion, but courageously and decisively he represented his experiences and views. He did it to enable to his co-friars to have broader insights in local history and to learn from these experiences. Many writings in his Annals are related to the last decades of Ottoman rule in Bosnia and Herzegovina, but the life and behavior of the people in the region Travnik over and above all was preferred.
- Price: 4.50 €
Fra Jako Baltić kao pripovjedač
Fra Jako Baltić kao pripovjedač
(Fra Jako Baltić - Narrator)
- Author(s):Iva Beljan
- Language:Croatian
- Subject(s):Christian Theology and Religion, Language and Literature Studies, Cultural history, 19th Century, Theory of Literature
- Page Range:307-339
- No. of Pages:33
- Keywords:historiograpphic; narration; annals; Bosnian Franciscans;
- Summary/Abstract:The work deals with Baltić’s narrative methods as a distinctive feature which his Yearbook (Godišnjak), and his annals in general, share with literature. At the same time it is not the intent to simply declare this historiographic text to be a literary one, nor shall narration, i.e. the literary value of the Yearbook, be considered only as a concurrent feature, or as a successful ornament which makes the text more attractive to readers. It is considered that Baltić’s narrative methods are not random but that they are tightly connected with the meaning of the text and the effects which it produces. Therefore the narrative methods and Baltić’s attitude towards the conventions of the chronical genre are considered to be a narrative equivalent, i.e. an expression of the way in which the historical reality is being experienced, presented and explained through the text. Hence it is the intent to try to arrive at Baltić’s way of understandig and interpreting reality through narrative techniques.
- Price: 4.50 €
O jeziku Baltićeva Godišnjaka – još jedanput
O jeziku Baltićeva Godišnjaka – još jedanput
(On the language of the annals of Fra Jakov Baltić – once again)
- Author(s):Ivo Pranjković
- Language:Croatian
- Subject(s):Christian Theology and Religion, Language studies, Language and Literature Studies, 19th Century, Philology
- Page Range:341-361
- No. of Pages:21
- Keywords:Jako Baltić; Franciscans; yearbook; language;
- Summary/Abstract:The point of this article are some linguistic peculiarities in The Annals of Church and World Events and Time Changes in Bosnia (Godišnjak od događaja crk venih, svietskih i promine vrimena u Bosni) by fra Jako Baltić and how they were not subject in former reflection of the author (see “Jezik fra Jake Baltića”, in: Hrvatski jezik i franjevce Bosne Srebrene, Zagreb, 2000, 80-115). The points are the adjective mnogi (many) in singular (e.g. drže mlogu kozu), the use of different adverbs as vrlo, jako (very, strongly), (e.g. krupno, vele, naglo, plaho, comp. naše stvari krupno podupiraše or vino rodi naglo dobro), unusual changes of verbal reaction (e.g. rade o nadnici), the intensifying function of adjectives isti (e.g. otimaju novce and iste opanke skidaju), constructions with the so called predicate accusative (e.g. naziva tu zahvalnicu heretičnu), numerous examples of accusative constructions with the infinitive (e.g. odrediše pomoć kupiti), and numerous utterances (terms, phases, sentences, proverbs, citations from the Bible) in Latin. Attention was also drawn to many errors and/or inconsistencies of the philological nature in preparing the second enlarged edition of the Annals 2003, separately when the point was writing about the reflexes of jat, in addition to the interpretation of some issues. Among other things there are interpretations of words like pobuloga, žapati, izjedra, pometenik, iskopajnik, kučinjaša, pitnjak, dimka, oprašica, fulica, ustribik ect.
- Price: 4.50 €
Historijski i kulturnopovijesni metanarativi o Osmanskoj Bosni
Historijski i kulturnopovijesni metanarativi o Osmanskoj Bosni
(The histro-graphical and cultural-historical meta-narrative on ottoman Bosnia)
- Author(s):Enver Kazaz
- Language:Bosnian
- Subject(s):History, Modern Age, 15th Century, Identity of Collectives
- Page Range:363-393
- No. of Pages:31
- Keywords:BiH; Bosnia; meta-narrative; Ottoman rule; cultural; historical; histro-graphical; identity;
- Summary/Abstract:This research paper proposed the thesis that the model of cultural-historical identity construction in B&H was continually under ideological influence absorbing a meta-narrative system produced in histro-graphical science. In creating the historical image of the Ottoman rule in B&H this meta-narrative system developed a Manichean matrix of knowledge. Ottoman-phobic and Ottomanphylous meta-narratives absorb and remodel different ideological configurations and construct with them corresponding historical monologue concepts. In the article this concept is analyzed from the perspective of Hayden White and Dominic La Capare and there is an attempt to show how using its meta-narrative bases as interpretation strategies producing an image of past reality in the histro-graphical narrative negates the manifoldness and hybridism of identity in Ottoman Bosnia. By analyzing the order of identity in Ottoman Bosnia from a theoretical perspective a hierarchy of identities derived from perspective Ottoman-concentricity and Islam-concentricity was established, and from that relation all other identities became peripheral and marginal. So Bosnia won the status of inner otherness, which in the periphery of the empire, possesses the inner symbol of the outside enemy in the Christian community. Everyday culture and praxis of identity hybridism negate the Ottoman-phobic Islam-phylous meta-narrative, and the research paper derived from examples of Bogdanovich’s Annals of Kreševo Monastery with the identity point of view showing that in everyday life praxis the rights from the famous Ahdnama were negated and suspended, and afterwards, from ideological base of milet system. The conclusion is that the chronicles of the Bosnian Franciscans are like a model of history of quotidian life in one peripheral, marginal and discriminating identity in the Ottoman Empire and were attempting to establish a new model of culturalhistorical knowledge in B&H.
- Price: 4.50 €
Franjevačko dječačko sjemenište (probandat) u Gučoj Gori (1883-1900)
Franjevačko dječačko sjemenište (probandat) u Gučoj Gori (1883-1900)
(Franciscan boys seminary (probandat) in Guča Gora (1883-1900))
- Author(s):Vitomir Silić
- Language:Croatian
- Subject(s):Christian Theology and Religion, Education, 19th Century
- Page Range:397-408
- No. of Pages:12
- Keywords:Guča Gora; monastery; education; teachers; Franciscans; Visoko;
- Summary/Abstract:This title was chosen by educators and teachers coming to Guča Gora on the 23rd December 1883. The education of the Bosnian Franciscans was an obligatory aspect for creating their human, Christian and Franciscan profiles. The acceptance of candidates coming to schools at this particular monastery in this province was in the care of the Franciscans from the beginning. A higher level was achieved 1892 when in Kreševo a unique school started opened, overtaking the task of single monasteries. The school had three teachers and lasted three years. In Guča Gora from 1883 to 1900 the school was kept open in the same way with additions, improving and perfecting the education. Gradually five classes were introduced and the number of teachers was increased. There was an attempt to achieve the standards of state schools and to equip the school with expedients and also plans to create better conditions, such as a new place, a new building, which was realized already 1890 by moving the school to Visoko. The province administration kept a vigilant eye on this institution. The difficulties were material, political, but also inner indolence and individual selfishness, a tendency to satisfy particular interests and an inert look at the future. Despite all difficulties, an improvement was more or less achieved and the monastery in Guča Gora gave its contribution. At that time Guča Gora was the best solution for high school and seminary.
- Price: 4.50 €
Kulturno-umjetničko blago samostana Guča Gora
Kulturno-umjetničko blago samostana Guča Gora
(Cultural and artistic treasures of the Guča Gora Monastery)
- Author(s):Fatima Maslić
- Language:Bosnian
- Subject(s):Christian Theology and Religion, Fine Arts / Performing Arts, Museology & Heritage Studies, Archiving
- Page Range:409-430
- No. of Pages:22
- Keywords:Guča Gora; monastery; culture; art; BiH; heritage;
- Summary/Abstract:Prosvjetiteljski i kulturni rad neodvojiv je od pastoralnog djelovanja bosanskih franjevaca koji su, u okviru Bosne Srebrne, u jednoj od najvećih i najstarijih redovničkih zajednica na svijetu, preko sedam stoljeća prisutni na tlu Bosne i Hercegovine. Slijedeći devizu “Ne samo sebi živjeti, nego i drugima koristiti”, bosanski franjevci su oduvijek bili otvoreni prema sredini u kojoj su služili, nastojeći kroz različite aspekte svoga rada na najbolji način širiti dobro i mir u svojoj zajednici.
- Price: 4.50 €
Sakralni prostori gučogorskog samostana u drugoj polovici dvadesetog stoljeća
Sakralni prostori gučogorskog samostana u drugoj polovici dvadesetog stoljeća
(Sacral spaces of the Guča Gora monastery in the second half of the twentieth century)
- Author(s):Mirko Jozić
- Language:Croatian
- Subject(s):Christian Theology and Religion, History, Fine Arts / Performing Arts, Architecture, History of Church(es), Visual Arts, Recent History (1900 till today)
- Page Range:431-448
- No. of Pages:18
- Keywords:Guča Gora; monastery; sacral spaces; 20th century; art; visual arts; architecture;
- Summary/Abstract:Referat predstavlja likovni aspekt djelovanja franjevaca od polovice dvadesetog stoljeća do danas. U središtu pozornosti su sakralne građevine i njihovi interijeri jer se u uređenju sakralnih prostora uzajamno prepliću i dopunjaju vjera u Boga i povjerenje u čovjeka – temeljna odrednica života i rada franjevca. Uređenje sakralnih prostora gučogorskog samostana u naznačenom može se podijeliti na dvije faze. Prvu fazu čine sedamdesete i osamdesete godine dvadesetog stoljeća kada su u većini crkava i kuća učinjeni veliki pomaci: nastala su dobra interijerska rješenja i stvorene su jezgre mogućih budućih zbirki u samostanu i po kućama. Rat je prekinuo sve poduhvate i nanio neprocjenjivu štetu. Druga faza počinje nakon rata i traje cijelo prvo desetljeće novoga stoljeća: nju karakteriziraju nesustavno prikupljanje umjetnina i parcijalni zahvati u sakralne prostore. Nastaju velike zbirke umjetnina bez velike likovne vrijednosti. Sretnu iznimku predstavlja župa župna crkva u Novoj Biloj kao i filijalna crkva u Zabilju – gdje su uvažavaju najviši likovni kriteriji.
- Price: 4.50 €
Kulturno-umjetnička društva Lašvanske doline
Kulturno-umjetnička društva Lašvanske doline
(Cultural-artistic clubs in Lašva’s valley)
- Author(s):Vladimir Grganović
- Language:Croatian
- Subject(s):Fine Arts / Performing Arts, Customs / Folklore, Music, Geography, Regional studies, Cultural Essay
- Page Range:449-466
- No. of Pages:18
- Keywords:Cultural-artistic clubs; Lašva; valley; Jajce; Bila; tradition; customs; culture; folklore; BiH;
- Summary/Abstract:The Croatian country people from Jajce to Bila over the centuries wore the same national costumes, varying only in single tiny details in men and women’s dress. Traditional tunes have been preserved in singing by folklore clubs in this region and are types of older or recent polyphone praxis. Heterogeneousness and creativity are expressed in forming strophe-melodiousness and short and long song-sentence. The poetic text is mostly primary, but often the text is subordinated to the expression of the melody. In the article folk clubs in Lašva’s Valley are described as keeping vivid traditional folk memory: Paklarevo, Napredak Novi Travnik and Vitez, KUD “Žena” from Nova Bila, and the most famous ”Sloga” from Guča Gora, also renowned outside Bosnia and Herzegovina.
- Price: 4.50 €
Stradanje župe Guča Gora u domovinskom ratu 1991-1995.
Stradanje župe Guča Gora u domovinskom ratu 1991-1995.
(The suffering of the parish of Guča Gora in the homeland war, 1991-1995)
- Author(s):Tomislav Rajić
- Language:Croatian
- Subject(s):Christian Theology and Religion, History, Studies in violence and power, Transformation Period (1990 - 2010)
- Page Range:467-490
- No. of Pages:24
- Keywords:Guča Gora; monastery; suffering; homeland war; 1991-1995; BiH;
- Summary/Abstract:Referat govori o ljudskim i materijalnim stradanjima u župi Guča Gora, najvećima u njezinoj povijesti, želji agresora da očisti sve tragove Hrvata-katolika metodom spaljene zemlje u selima, grobljima, sakralnim objektima, te o njihovim posljedicama. Početak povratka je bio veoma težak zbog straha i živog sjećanja, opstrukcije vlasti i politike hrvatskih čelnika. Ključnu ulogu u povratku odigrali su fratri franjevačkog samostana u Gučoj Gori na čelu s fra Franjom Križancem, koji se kao gvardijan samostana vratio u samostan u ljeto – srpnja 1994. godine. Župljani su se djelomice vratili u sva sela osim u Bikoše. Potrebno je činiti dodatne napore kako bi se potaknulo i pomoglo povratku onih koji to još nisu učinili u svako ovo naše selo.
- Price: 4.50 €
Stećci gučogorskog kraja
Stećci gučogorskog kraja
(Sanding tomb-stones in the Guča Gora region)
- Author(s):Marinko Slipac
- Language:Croatian
- Subject(s):History, Museology & Heritage Studies, Geography, Regional studies, Middle Ages
- Page Range:491-535
- No. of Pages:45
- Keywords:middle ages; Lašva parish; Stećak; Guča Gora;
- Summary/Abstract:Bosnian up-right tomb-stones are sepulchral gravestones renowned from the middle of the 12th to the end of the 15th century. The culmination form of trunk and roof-ridge was prominant in the times of the civil governor Stjepan Kontromanić (1322-1353), and especially in the times of Tvrtko I Kotromanić (1353-1391). Developmental growth ended in the form of the cross. “Lašva’s cross” is particular to the homonymous valley, and in fact it is a tombstone with a stressed head and undeveloped sides. Also “Lašva’s sarcophagus” is to be seen exclusively in the region of Lašva and characterized by ornamental motives and epitaphs with the original Bosnian lettering “bosanica”. During the Ottoman occupation the Catholics from this region inherited and preserved the continuity of middle-age tombstone construction in the form of Lašva’s cross. It was especiallz preserved in a diminished version, but preserved monuments are mostly from the 17th, 18th and 19th century.
- Price: 4.50 €
“Niki botanik dojde iz Nimačke”. Bavarski botaničar Otto Sendtner i njegov boravak u Travniku 1847. godine
“Niki botanik dojde iz Nimačke”. Bavarski botaničar Otto Sendtner i njegov boravak u Travniku 1847. godine
(“Niki botanik dojde iz Nimačke”. Bavarian botanist Otto Sendtner and his stay in Travnik in 1847)
- Author(s):Jozo Džambo
- Language:Croatian
- Subject(s):Christian Theology and Religion, Studies of Literature, Religion and science , 19th Century
- Page Range:537-564
- No. of Pages:28
- Keywords:Travnik; Otto Sendtner; botany; 1847; yearbook; Jako Baltić; Franciscans;
- Summary/Abstract:Iza kratkog kroničarskog zapisa u Godišnjaku fra Jake Baltića “Niki botanik dojde iz Nimačke ...” krije se bavarski botaničar i sveučilišni profesor u Münchenu Otto Sendtner (1813–1859). Baltić je registrirao djelatnost ovog stručnjaka i njegovu tragičnu sudbinu u Travniku, ali ni izbliza nije mogao uočiti opseg i sadržaj njegova rada koji je ne samo u onovremenim relacijama bio od visoke sustavnosti i strukovne promišljenosti. Sendtner je po nalogu i uz financijsku potporu Bavarske akademije nauka za vrijeme višemjesečnog boravka u Bosni 1847. godine vršio prirodoznanstvena, u prvome redu botanička istraživanja i rezultate toga posla objavio u opširnom putopisu u časopisu Das Ausland. Da je pri tome pored stručnih zapažanja bilježio i mnoge druge pojedinosti izvan svoje prvotne zauzetosti čini njegov putopis još zanimljivijim, sadržajnijim i čitljivijim. Sendtnerove političke, etnološke, antropološke i povijesne reminiscencije upotpunjuju našu sliku Bosne sredinom 19. stoljeća. Sendtner je iz praktičnih razloga kao polazište za svoja istraživanja izabrao Travnik, ondašnje upravno mjesto bosanskog ejaleta, i u tome mjestu i njegovoj bližoj okolini proveo najveći dio vremena i istraživanja. Tim dijelom putopisa bavi se i ovaj prilog, pri čemu se strogo prirodoznanstveni aspekti ostavljaju po strani i pažnja usredotočuje na “usputne” autorove bilješke i zapise o Travniku i travničkom kraju.
- Price: 4.50 €
Refleks franjevačkog pastoralnog djelovanja na pučku vjeru lašvanske doline
Refleks franjevačkog pastoralnog djelovanja na pučku vjeru lašvanske doline
(A reflection of franciscan pastoral work on people’s faith in the Lašva’s valley)
- Author(s):Ivo Marković
- Language:Croatian
- Subject(s):Christian Theology and Religion, Geography, Regional studies, Pastoral Theology, Sociology of Religion
- Page Range:567-594
- No. of Pages:28
- Keywords:Guča Gora; monastery; Lašva; valley; Franciscans; pastoral work; reflection;
- Summary/Abstract:People’s faith is a basic standard of faith in Bosnia, and despite this fact it has not been sufficiently theologically researched. The goal of this article is to compensate for this deficiency. First, there was a precisely defined concept of people’s faith, its characteristics and standards, its presence in the history and tradition of the Church, especially in theology; the relation of Church teaching to that faith, and the destiny of that faith facing the spiritual trends of modern times. Afterwards people’s faith in Bosnia, the spirituality of the Bosnian Franciscans, their theological, especially homiletic and didactic paradigm are analyzed in an attempt to find its influence on people’s faith in Bosnia. The article also contextualizes most actual phenomena and events in people’s faith, like the appearances of Jesus’ Mother Mary in Međugorje, and the general need of the people’s faith to be lived and expressed according to the model of Blessed Virgin Mary. The article is a good base for research on broader elements of people’s faith in Bosnia like pilgrimage, the worship of saints, and relating to the deceased. At the end there are some textual examples of people’s faith whose importance and recurrence of experience is very evident and because of that, they look like logical conclusions for the article.
- Price: 4.50 €
Štovanje svetog Franje u tradiciji bosanskih franjevaca
Štovanje svetog Franje u tradiciji bosanskih franjevaca
(Worship of St Francis in the tradition of the bosnian franciscans)
- Author(s):Luka Markešić
- Language:Croatian
- Subject(s):Christian Theology and Religion, Customs / Folklore
- Page Range:595-611
- No. of Pages:17
- Keywords:Bosnia; Franciscans; St Francis; worship; tradition; BiH;
- Summary/Abstract:On the occasion of 150-anniversary of the Franciscan monastery in Guča Gora dedicated to St Francis of Assisi the article addresses his worship in the tradition of Bosnian Franciscans. It was done through presenting the preaching of Fra Stjepan Margetić Na svetoga Oca Frančeska Patriarka našega, O čudo i veselje (On the Feast of our Patriarch St Francesco – Oh, miracle and joy). St Francis is described as a marvel to God, angels and humans, attesting to the tradition of justified correlation and differentiation of mystics and politics (J.B.Metz) in the worshiping St Francis by the Bosnian Franciscans: the religious and social meaning of Christian monkhood, meaning the more mystic, the more social! The mysticism of Bosnian Franciscans is especially visible in their faith and love of God and in imitating St Francis – marvel to God, angels and humans. The Franciscan politics is manifested in their (1) continuing protection of Bosnia and Herzegovina as followers of the Bosnian middle-age kingdom and the hope of ridding Bosnia of Ottoman slavery as Israel rid Egypt of slavery; (2) Accepting B&H not only as a political, but also as a mystic reality through metaphysical ideas and physical praxis of the country being in God’s providence – a marvel to God, angels and humans. This attitude of the Bosnian Franciscans to B&H takes rise from St Francis sprit of love for Triune God revealed in Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, but also for God’s creation which includes loving land, as seen in Song of Brother Sun by St Francis: Be praised, my Lord, for our sister, mother earth, who sustains and governs us and produces diverse fruits and colored flowers and grass.
- Price: 4.50 €
Narodna vjera bosansko-hercegovačkih muslimana
Narodna vjera bosansko-hercegovačkih muslimana
(People’s faith according to a bosnian-herzegovinian muslim)
- Author(s):Enes Karić
- Language:Bosnian
- Subject(s):Geography, Regional studies, Theology and Religion, Islam studies, Sociology of Religion
- Page Range:613-630
- No. of Pages:18
- Keywords:BiH; people; faith; muslim; Islam;
- Summary/Abstract:Suppose people were before faith, but it also legitimate to suppose the contrary, faith was before people. In the multitude of encounters and relations between people and faith over many decades, but also centuries, the phenomenon, moreover the phenomena of “people’s faith” have been growing. As such “people’s faith” has come from theological systems, orthodox fundamentalisms, refined dogmatic systems… So people’s faith has almost always emerged to measure of people, their conventions, their “pre-religious” experiences, their dreams and own answers to human encounters with the “the last questions” – of birth, joy, death, disease, work, war, gender… In short, people’s lives are the birth places of “people’s faith,” People’s faith is created from people’s mythology, magic, tradition, in sum, from integral tradition not yet improved enough to be official and systemized. In this research paper “ the people’s Islam” on a world level, on the local, Balkan and Bosnian, and on the micro local in the region of Travnik is predominantly addressed. Special attention is given to the phenomena of the “hygienic” purifying of people’s faith and its eradication through modernistic, reformist and fundamentalist projects.
- Price: 4.50 €
Tradicijski nakit Hrvata Lašvanske doline iz 19. i početka 20. stoljeća
Tradicijski nakit Hrvata Lašvanske doline iz 19. i početka 20. stoljeća
(Traditional ornaments made by Croats from Lašva’s valley from the 19th and beginning of the 20th century)
- Author(s):Zvonko Martić
- Language:Croatian
- Subject(s):Christian Theology and Religion, History, Customs / Folklore, Recent History (1900 till today), 19th Century
- Page Range:631-657
- No. of Pages:27
- Keywords:BiH; Lašva; valley; Croats; tradition; ornaments; 19th century; 20th century;
- Summary/Abstract:Traditionalistic ornaments made by Croats who lived along river Lašva in the 19th and at the beginning of the 20th century are to be divided according residence: rural or urban ornaments worn by men and women; but also according to body parts when single ornament objects were worn. People didn’t use the word “nakit”, but gizdanje (decoration) – the present participle of the verb meaning the act of decorating or adorning something, Special ornaments of silver for the chest were called stamp (kov); there were three types and had not only an aesthetic purpose, but also served as boxes for blessed objects. Ornamental objects as craft art products have an immanent meaning in communication with family and a wider social community, like lending ornaments to poor girls, but some ornaments functioned as signs of betrothal. An Ornament is also the discrete right of women to free disposal. Generally common people give more importance to dress than to ornaments.
- Price: 4.50 €
Pučki dvoglasi u travničkom kraju
Pučki dvoglasi u travničkom kraju
(People’s diphthong in the region of Travnik)
- Author(s):Slavko Topić
- Language:Croatian
- Subject(s):Christian Theology and Religion, Fine Arts / Performing Arts, Music, Geography, Regional studies
- Page Range:659-671
- No. of Pages:13
- Keywords:BiH; Travnik; diphthong; people's diphthong; people’s songs;
- Summary/Abstract:In Bosnia there are two types of people’s songs: songs accompanied with a major second spread out in Nord-East Bosnia, and songs accompanied with thirds and fifths are typical for SouthWest Bosnia. The Travnik region is characterized by accompaniment with thirds and fifths in church singing, while in secular singing ancient songs are also accompanied with a major second, but still accompaniment with thirds and fifths prevails. At the mouth of the river Lašva meeting the river Bosnia the third-fifth singing suddenly discontinues and from there to the mouth of the river Bosnia meeting Sava melodies accompanied with a major second predominantly echo. People’s singing with thirds and fifths in churches in the region of Travnik is a great indescribable spiritual and musical pleasure. As it is when Zdravo tijelo Isusovo (Hail the body of Jesus), Ponizno se teb’ klanjamo” (We Humble Adore to You), Fanjen Isus, Marijo (Ave Jesus, Mary) and other church, originally Bosnian people’s songs, are sung. The same is to applicable to secular tunes in the region of Travnik, e.g. “Ja se zakle, ja se prikle, huj!”, “Ovako se biber melje”, “Igra kolo na vrh Kočarina”, “Majka Maru sitno pletijaše” ect.). In the article these songs are analyzed more precisely.
- Price: 4.50 €
- Author(s):Author Not Specified
- Language:Croatian
- Subject(s):Christian Theology and Religion, History, Architecture, Modern Age
- Page Range:675-682
- No. of Pages:8
- Summary/Abstract:Šematizam Bosne Srebrene - Plodne Misijske Provincije Reda Serafskoga Oca Franje, godine Gospodnje 1887, str. 47-49. SAMOSTAN U GUČOJ GORI Serafskoga sv. Franje U travničkom okrugu i distriktu; u Vrhbosanskoj nadbiskupiji.; Povijesni, topografski i statistički pregled Provincije Bosne Srebrene iz Reda Manje Braće,god. 1935, str. 52-54. SAMOSTAN U GUČOJ GORI SA ŽUPOM Serafskog sv. Franje (u Vrhbosanskoj nadbiskupiji)
- Price: 4.50 €
- Author(s):Željko Grahovac, Ladislav Z. Fišić
- Language:Croatian
- Subject(s):Christian Theology and Religion, Book-Review
- Page Range:683-686
- No. of Pages:4
- Keywords:reviews; Guča Gora; 150th anniversary;
- Summary/Abstract:"Oživljena prošlost", by: Fra Ladislav Z. Fišić; "Uz stopedesetu obljetnicu samostana u Gučoj Gori", by Željko Grahovac
- Price: 4.50 €