Lucrările conferinţei de cercetare în construcţii, economia construcţiilor, urbanism şi amenajarea teritoriului
Paper proceedings of the research conference on constructions, economy of constructions, architecture, urbanism and territorial development
Contributor(s): Alexandru-Ionuţ Petrişor (Editor), Vasile Meita (Editor)
Subject(s): Politics / Political Sciences, Social Sciences, Economy, Fine Arts / Performing Arts, Architecture, Geography, Regional studies, Human Geography, Regional Geography, Environmental Geography, Governance, Sociology, Socio-Economic Research
ISSN: 2393-3208
Keywords: urban planning; architecture; civil engineering
Summary/Abstract: Includes full papers presented in the esearch conference on constructions, economy of constructions, architecture, urbanism and territorial development, 9th edition. Individual abstracts available for each article.
- Page Count: 90
- Publication Year: 2015
- Language: English, Romanian, French
Contributions of ecosystem services to a framework for sustainable regional competitiveness
Contributions of ecosystem services to a framework for sustainable regional competitiveness
(Contributions of ecosystem services to a framework for sustainable regional competitiveness)
- Author(s):Catrinel Cotae
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Environmental Geography, Socio-Economic Research
- Page Range:3-12
- No. of Pages:10
- Keywords:integrative propositional analysis; ecosystem services; regional competitiveness; framework; operational
- Summary/Abstract:Bringing competitiveness and environmental aspects together, in an attempt to measure the outcomes of human activities on the environment and vice-versa, requires a cross-disciplinary approach. Aiming to move beyond current scientific barriers towards a more operational understanding of competitiveness prominent studies refer to sustainability sciences to convey a more robust methodological framework. Consequently, targeting a clarification of the systemic complexity, common to the vast theoretical framework of competitiveness, environmental elements are regarded in this perspective as being ‘adjustment mechanisms’ or components to either boost or decrease the regional potential. Within this research it is argued that existing literature provides a vague understanding of how territorial competitiveness is influenced by environmental factors and as a response, the perspective of ecosystem services [ES] is introduced. In order to assess the resulting ES mechanisms, integrative propositional analysis technique is used. Addressing a broad range of sustainability issues and furthermore, presenting key overlapping domains from both of the investigated concepts, the resulting construct contributes to the existing literature by providing an integrated analysis and, later on, measurement instrument and implementation tool.To illustrate the process more clearly, the study presents the condensed schematics of the proposed construct, examining several spatial dimensions and exemplifying one of the possible scenarios. The broader discussion focuses on identifying the outcomes of bridging the two concepts from a conceptual and operational perspective. This study represents an alternative approach on understanding the interwoven relationship between the human activities and the environment, following the ES research perspective. The use of integrative propositional analysis as a research method determines an emerging research areas.
Locuirea socială în Franţa – caracteristici şi finanţare
Locuirea socială în Franţa – caracteristici şi finanţare
(Social housing in France - characteristics and funding)
- Author(s):Alina Chicoş, Constantin CHIFELEA, Cristina Ivana, Thibaut Maraquin
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Human Geography, Sociology, Socio-Economic Research
- Page Range:13-22
- No. of Pages:10
- Keywords:social housing; HLM housing; housing finance
- Summary/Abstract:During the economic crisis, the difficulty to access housing has increased due to the shrinking of purchasing power, which accentuated the preference for rented social housing. Persistent jobs crisis, accentuated during of economic recession periods, makes housing to become a central issue of public policies against poverty and exclusion. By mobilizing all social actors involved in housing policy, France may be one of the best examples in Europe on addressing social housing sector. In this context, in 2014, HLM organizations were involved in increasing the supply of rented housing, thereby supporting the needs of French population. They were able to form a partnership with the State in order to implement a plan for investment in housing, which resulted in the HLM Agenda for 2015 – 2018, including a number of specific objectives and concrete measures designed to achieve each objective established.
Produse, procedee şi echipamente pentru construcţii: evaluarea performanţei prin agrement tehnic 1995 – 2015
Produse, procedee şi echipamente pentru construcţii: evaluarea performanţei prin agrement tehnic 1995 – 2015
(Civil engineering products, procedure and equipment: avaluation of performance through technical agreements, 1995-2015)
- Author(s):Alina Cobzaru, Cristian GRIGORASENCO
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Architecture
- Page Range:23-35
- No. of Pages:13
- Keywords:Romanian Technical Approvals Body; construction products; performance evaluation
- Summary/Abstract:Dedicated within the contextual framework of the events of NIRD URBAN-INCERC anniversary ninth edition of the research conference, the paper proposes a synthetic retrospective appreciation of 20 years standing of URBAN-INCERC, between 1995-2015, to assess the performance of systems, materials, elements or equipments for applications in construction, by Technical Approvals. Methods of analysis used in this paper include: - European and international literature survey on technical documents that regulate the activity of developing national technical approvals or European technical assessments. - Legislative framework and methodological specification, which made possible NIRD URBAN-INCERC in Romania during 1995 - 2015, to be a representative Technical Approval Body in the construction sector, consecutively with Romania EU integration. Impact provided by these national technical approvals elaborated in this period at NIRD URBAN-INCERC specialized groups, as professional services of technical expertise for manufacturers, suppliers, investors or developers in construction.
Încercări fizice şi mecanice pentru evaluarea performanţei materialelor de construcţii 1975 – 2015. Factori de progres
Încercări fizice şi mecanice pentru evaluarea performanţei materialelor de construcţii 1975 – 2015. Factori de progres
(Physical and mechanical tests for evaluating the performance of construction materials, 1975-2015. Progress factors)
- Author(s):Alina Cobzaru, Monica Cherecheş,, Adrian-Alexandru Ciobanu
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Architecture
- Page Range:36-44
- No. of Pages:9
- Keywords:physical and mechanical tests; performance evaluation; building materials
- Summary/Abstract:Occasioned by the events within the ninth edition of the NIRD URBAN-INCERC anniversary conference, this retrospective paper speaks about the development progress reported by HTS laboratory Iaşi Branch, in the domain of physical and mechanical tests to assess the performance of construction materials, since 1975-2015. In relation to the first 20 years of experimental research (1975-1995) from 1996 to 2015, the laboratory has sought to gradually introduce and recover the technological leap that occurred in the conception and the manufacturing of the measurement systems, recording, monitoring and control of the testing conditions and data processing - especially the transition from analogue to digital - by purchasing and introducing new categories of specific equipment. This paper presents how the laboratory, during three generations of specialists, gradually developed specific activities for physical and mechanical tests to assess the performance of construction materials, from the technical level of the years 1975 to the European and technological level of 2010-2015. Are highlighted the progress factors in approaching the directions of research and testing activity, that substantially enriched the laboratory field and content of activity.
Experimentând relaţia dintre spaţiul arhitectural şi fobiile spaţiale majore (rezumatul unei teze de doctorat)
Experimentând relaţia dintre spaţiul arhitectural şi fobiile spaţiale majore (rezumatul unei teze de doctorat)
(Experienceing the relationship between the architectural space and major spatial phobias (abstract of a doctoral thesis))
- Author(s):Dana Pop
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Psychology, Architecture
- Page Range:45-55
- No. of Pages:11
- Keywords:space perception; virtual reality; space; place; spatial phobias
- Summary/Abstract:During the past decades, there is a noticeable effervescence characterising the space-psychology related studies - the effects of overcrowding, the need for intimacy, the ability of the human brain to navigate a space, the exhibition of territoriality-related needs or the perception of the environment. These studies established a connection between the characteristics of the environment and behaviour. Thus, this work would like to join this field of research. Consequently, the first issue raised is whether architecture is about a space in itself, or whether it is about perception, of a mental image or of a mental representation, the idea one builds of a space? Does architecture create only space or spatial perception, as well? A second issue is whether a space has qualities of its own, or whether its characteristics actually depend on the subjectivity of the perceptual process. This hypothesis generated an entire field of research which disputes the differences between space - associated with the rigidity of mathematical abstraction, a rather conceptual understanding of the notion - and place - seen as lived, experimented and acquired space. The last and probably most important issue would be the role played by architecture in the context of the space-place-perception discussion. Thus, the field of architecture could be redefined as being a device - an interface between the individual and the environment. The environment itself is being transformed, modified in order to respond to the needs of the group. However, the environment manages to alter the behaviour and habitudes of the individual, by reversing this process, as it will be shown. Thus, architecture finds itself in the middle of the debate, being the instrument which carves the environment we inhabit. The question which surfaces is whether the architecture can change the environment so that it can cause behavioural alterations in the group it hosts. In order to provide a practical answer to this last question, the paper bases its conclusions on the result obtained in an experiment. This experiment tested certain situations in which the natural adaptation process has been short-circuited. These are phobic reactions. Phobias are seen by the evolutionary psychologists as an error of the natural adaptation process in our evolution. The final part of the theoretical construct tries to look at this individual-environment relationship, the cause of phobias, from an architectural perspective. Thus, the endeavour wishes to lay the first theoretical ‘brick’ at the foundation of an interdisciplinary research project between architecture, psychology, sociology and virtual reality.
Studiu privind influenţa zonei de evaluare asupra determinării modului de elasticitate din încovoiere la panourile din lemn
Studiu privind influenţa zonei de evaluare asupra determinării modului de elasticitate din încovoiere la panourile din lemn
(Study on the influence of the evaluation area on determining the bending modulus of elasticity of glued laminated timber panels)
- Author(s):Andreea Hegyi, Carmen Dico, Gabriela Calatan
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Architecture
- Page Range:56-66
- No. of Pages:11
- Keywords:glued laminated timber panels; bending strength; bending modulus of elasticity
- Summary/Abstract:Achieving glued laminated timber panels is a process that contributes to the efficient use of wood, making possible to obtain quality products from a raw material of lower quality. Since was observed differences in the evaluation of bending behavior of the wood elements, depending on the norm in whose area belongs, in this paper is presented a study on the influence of evaluation area on determining the bending modulus of elasticity to the wood panels. The purpose of this paper is to draw attention to the importance of correct choice of evaluation/method standard, as well as understanding and interpretation of the experimental results. The used materials were beech glued panels, with the wood fiber arranged in the longitudinal direction of the board respectively, in the transversal direction of the board. The mechanical characteristics of the bending behavior were determined according to EN 789, respectively to EN 408, by analogy. Based on experimental results it has been analyzed the influence of evaluation area on the recorded parameters and discussed their local or global nature. In conclusion, it should be underlined the importance of correct framing of the tested element in the properly standard method and correct understanding of the evaluated parameters and their reporting and interpretation.
Materiale de rostuire pentru plăcile de gips carton. Determinarea încărcării de rupere prin metoda tracţiunii
Materiale de rostuire pentru plăcile de gips carton. Determinarea încărcării de rupere prin metoda tracţiunii
(Grouting materials for gypsum plasterboards. Determining the breaking strength by the traction method)
- Author(s):Carmen Dico, Andreea Hegyi, Oana Cazan, Horia Constantinescu
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Architecture
- Page Range:67-76
- No. of Pages:10
- Keywords:gypsum plasterboards; breaking strength; grouting material; products compatibility
- Summary/Abstract:Gypsum plasterboards, together with a variety of other gypsum products continue to provide an efficient and economical solution for interior walls, ceilings, etc. in residential and commercial construction. Till now, the conducted research in this area are not many and are mainly focused on the evaluation of mechanical resistance, earthquake behavior of structures and capacity of thermal insulation of gypsum plaster boards or of various composite systems which include them. The purpose of this paper is to carry out a comparative study on the influence of using multiple grouting materials, for bonding gypsum plasterboards on breaking load, determined by the traction. Initially it was considered the hypothesis of maximum compatibility between products recommended by the manufacturer (the gypsum board and the grouting material). As a measure of the compatibility degree was used the breaking load resistance determined by the traction. The used materials were: gypsum plasterboards (3 types), grouting materials (3 types) and reinforcement glass fiber tape, which was the same in all the specimens made. The experimental results showed that the initial assumption regarding a maximum compatibility between the materials of the same manufacturer, or recommended by the manufacturer of gypsum plasterboards was invalidated. The degree of compatibility between materials, especially measured against the chosen indicator is influenced by many parameters, some of them being analyzed (adhesion of the grouting material to gypsum board, the surface water absorption of the board, geometric profile of the board edges), others of them have not been analyzed or identified. Further research is needed to identify the essential feature of the gypsum plasterboard which showed a high compatibility with all grouting material, regardless of its origin.
What makes ultra-high performance concrete (uhpc) a special material?
What makes ultra-high performance concrete (uhpc) a special material?
(What makes ultra-high performance concrete (uhpc) a special material?)
- Author(s):Gheorghe-Alexandru Bărbos
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Architecture
- Page Range:77-84
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:applications; physical and mechanical properties; durability
- Summary/Abstract:Ultra - High Performance Concrete (UHPC) is a special material with compressive strength higher than 150 MPa and an increased durability, which is reflected in its name. Besides its high - strength it has an enhanced ductility, due to the presence of steel fibers in the concrete matrix. It can be used as structural material for buildings located in areas with high seismic risk and also in marine or industrial (where chemical attack is possible) environments. This type of concrete is still in the research-development stage, no design standard being available.
Evaluarea infrastructurii verzi din Municipiul Bucureşti pe baza datelor „CORINE” şi „Atlas urban”
Evaluarea infrastructurii verzi din Municipiul Bucureşti pe baza datelor „CORINE” şi „Atlas urban”
(Assessment of the Green Infrastructure of Bucharest using CORINE and Urban Atlas data)
- Author(s):Alexandru-Ionuţ Petrişor
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Environmental Geography
- Page Range:85-90
- No. of Pages:6
- Keywords:urban ecology; ecosystem services; footprint; fragmentation
- Summary/Abstract:Urban ecology provides the theoretical foundation for assessing the interaction between man and nature in cities. Nature seems to be reduced and malfunctioning, resulting into a decrease in the ecosystem services provided to humans. The new method, based on assessing the green infrastructure, is designed to replace monetary and carbon footprint assessments and be particularly relevant for the urban areas, which grow and change fast and are the main drivers of environmental changes. This study uses 2005-2007 CORINE and Urban Atlas data to look at Bucharest. The results show that, despite of the method, the area occupied by the green infrastructure represents about 1/3 of the total area, corresponding to 50 m2/person, although the green spaces only account for 6.5 m2/person, which is far below the European average (26 m2/person).