Wybrane problemy współczesnego świata w refleksji socjologicznej
Selected problems of the modern world in sociological reflection
Contributor(s): Elżbieta Firlit (Editor), Jolanta Gładys-Jakóbik (Editor)
Subject(s): Social Sciences, Sociology
Published by: Szkoła Główna Handlowa w Warszawie
Keywords: sociology;advertisig; mass media; organization analysis; city;identity – individual and collective;activity;
Summary/Abstract: Refleksja nad rzeczywistością społeczną, nad problemami społecznego świata, jest immanentną częścią socjologii od zarania jej istnienia, a zarazem jej powinnością wypływającą z aplikacyjnych funkcji wiedzy socjologicznej. W socjologicznej refleksji nad współczesnością, dokumentowanej licznymi publikacjami dotyczącymi wszystkich poziomów społecznego świata i jego zróżnicowanych wymiarów, wspólnym mianownikiem wydaje się być tempo zmian cywilizacyjnych, kulturowych i mentalnych, niespotykane we wcześniejszych epokach. (...) W nurt refleksji socjologicznej nad problemami współczesnego świata wpisuje się niniejsza monografia, która jest zapisem fragmentu prac badawczych realizowanych w Zespole Zakładu Socjologii SGH. Zawarte w niej teksty mają na celu przybliżenie Czytelnikowi złożoności zjawisk i dylematów, przed jakimi stanęły współczesne, fundalmentalnie zróżnicowane społeczeństwa, w tym także społeczeństwo polskie.
- Page Count: 237
- Publication Year: 2016
- Language: Polish
Przemiany rzeczywistości społecznej w analizach socjologów
Przemiany rzeczywistości społecznej w analizach socjologów
(Transformations of social reality in the analysis of sociologists)
- Author(s):Jolanta Gładys-Jakóbik
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Social Sciences
- Page Range:17-36
- No. of Pages:20
- Keywords:sociological theory; grounded theory; theory of society experience structuralism; interactionism; change
- Summary/Abstract:After 1989, Polish sociology became a sociology of change. The contemporary scientific reflection formed part of the social trying to understand the new and changing reality and, like her, subject to change with successive stages of transformation. Illustrative of the issues discussed was the issue addressed in subsequent meetings sociological over the past decades. In the text, I assumed that the unceasing variability and dynamics of social life, forcing sociologists to reflect over the legitimacy of the use of previously developed concepts, tools and theories. There can be divided into two positions: a radical, involving the rejection of the old and the need to develop completely new concepts, tools and theories, and moderate, assuming the need to revise existing, but with the use of the concepts and theories of well-established in the existing tradition of sociological thought. The conclusions of this research show that sociological theories follow social transformations, systematically confronting the old ideas with the changing reality and building new ones that expand the existing capabilities of explanation, or simply replace them.
Wspólnota i tradycja w ewolucji społecznej
Wspólnota i tradycja w ewolucji społecznej
(Community and tradition in social evolution)
- Author(s):Jacenty Siewierski
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Social Sciences
- Page Range:37-62
- No. of Pages:25
- Keywords:social bond; community; association; source of the authority; kinship ties; bonds of the work
- Summary/Abstract:In the study the notions of community and associations opposite kinds of social bonds are being analyzed. In principle a community is subordinated to the authority of the tradition, and association for rational criteria. Towards evident evolution from communities to associations is justified the question about the possibility of the existence of rational community and/or traditional association. In the opinion of the author such realities exist now in East Asia. They are a result of the different as compare with the West evolution of community on that cultural area. In the Confucian cultural range are continually vital social bonds filled in with traditional values as the honour, attachment, loyalty, faithfulness, but simultaneously rational in economic meaning. In Japanese economic organizations (associations) a greater participation have traditional duties and informal obligations than the calculation as the motivators of economic actions.
Kłopoty z tożsamością w ponowoczesnym świecie
Kłopoty z tożsamością w ponowoczesnym świecie
(Problems with identity in the postmodern world)
- Author(s):Elżbieta Firlit
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Social Sciences
- Page Range:63-88
- No. of Pages:26
- Keywords:social identity; the identity of the individual; collective identity; cultural identity; typologies of identity; postmodern society; society networks
- Summary/Abstract:The paper presents the main theoretical approach, on the basis of which an interest for the identity of the individual, discusses the concerns and arguments that spoke in favor of extending the sociological analyzes on the collective identities. Among collective identities are discussed in more detail the cultural identity and the legitimacy of the use of this category of conceptual changes in the study of contemporary societies. The basic question is problematic utility category of identity (both individual and collective) in the description and analysis of the structure and dynamics of society era of late modernity, also called “network society”. In the context of this question invoked the theoretical concepts of identity, formulated by Zygmunt Bauman, Anthony Giddens, Bronisław Misztal, and Manuel Castells. The key finding emphasizes the importance of the question of the identity of individuals and groups in the modern globalized world of liquid modernity and the search for such research paradigms, which would recognize the new identity of the actors individual and collective ways of their construction, as well as the relationships between traditional and new identities, and the feedback coupling between identity dynamics and the dynamics of the structure and form of contemporary society.
Wzory kultury a rozwój gospodarczy
Wzory kultury a rozwój gospodarczy
(Patterns of culture and economic development)
- Author(s):Jacenty Siewierski
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Economy
- Page Range:89-114
- No. of Pages:26
- Keywords:cultural pattern; civilizing instrument; model of development; modernization; Christianity; Confucianism
- Summary/Abstract:As a subject of consideration is an influence of cultural patterns on economic development. The comparison of two different models of development, the West model erected from the Christianity and East-Asiatic model based on the Confucianism proves the influence and vitality of the cultural legacy in the formation of both of them. Some elements of the Confucian legacy have great importance, such as a mentality in categories of the duty vs categories of rights, primacy of community over the unit and primacy of the morality over the constituted law. The Confucianism constitutes the store of the irrational tradition and cultural base of the modern society and its social order. It is proved in text that modern economic and political institutions are acting more efficiently if they are underpinned with norms originating from the cultural tradition. Future prospects of East-Asian economy are more promising than the future of the West economy.
Współczesne organizacje – nowe wyzwania i kierunki badań
Współczesne organizacje – nowe wyzwania i kierunki badań
(Contemporary organizations - new challenges and research directions)
- Author(s):Jolanta Gładys-Jakóbik
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Social Sciences
- Page Range:115-138
- No. of Pages:23
- Keywords:organization; change; research; concepts
- Summary/Abstract:A major challenge for today's organizations, are occurring in their environment changes. This implies the need for a reassessment of existing paradigms used for their analysis. It is very important that it is precisely at the organizational level, we can observe the emergence of many problems characteristic of global society. They have a different weight, it is difficult to disregard them or ignore. Their analysis, is the purpose of this study.
Przestrzeń miejska i jej przemiany w koncepcjach socjologicznych
Przestrzeń miejska i jej przemiany w koncepcjach socjologicznych
(Urban space and its changes in sociological concepts)
- Author(s):Joanna Zuzanna Popławska
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Social Sciences
- Page Range:139-154
- No. of Pages:15
- Keywords:urban public space; urban consumption space; place; space
- Summary/Abstract:The aim of this study was to present selected sociological concepts related to urban space and changes occurring in it. Specifically I focused on the issue of public space, its importance and functions. A significant part of the study was to discuss issues related to the urban consumption space and its relationship with public space. At the end I presented selected theoretical concepts that explain the impact of globalization and metropolisation on urban space.
Miasto jako przestrzeń konfliktów
Miasto jako przestrzeń konfliktów
(City as a space of conflicts)
- Author(s):Joanna Zuzanna Popławska
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Social Sciences
- Page Range:155-174
- No. of Pages:20
- Keywords:urban conflicts; street trade; urban market; shopping mall; revitalization; civic participation; urban movements
- Summary/Abstract:The aim of the text is to show which decisions of city authorities contribute to social discontent and protests, even conflicts, in the urban space, to clarify the sources of disputes and analyse their progress. The article consists of two parts. The first presents theoretical concepts explaining the source of urban conflicts. In the second, I discuss examples of social discontent, protests and conflicts that occurred in Białystok, Kielce and Warsaw. In the text I’m analysing three groups of cases, distinguished because of the factor, that initiated them. The first group of authorities' actions, causing social discontent, were attempts to eliminate street-trade and urban markets. The second group, was related to the revitalization of the city centers. As a third group, I discuss the efforts of municipal authorities and investors to build shopping malls in places where there was no social approval for it.
Reklama. Pomiędzy informacją a manipulacją
Reklama. Pomiędzy informacją a manipulacją
(Advertising. Between information and manipulation)
- Author(s):Anna Kozłowska
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Economy
- Page Range:175-194
- No. of Pages:20
- Keywords:ad; consumer; information; persuasion; manipulation
- Summary/Abstract:An advertisement affects consumer’s attitudes and behaviors – and therefore is a message, using all possible means and techniques to inform about the product and encourage its purchase. The ad helps to build a positive relationship between the consumer and the product. This happens due to the impact on emotions, the development of aesthetic experience and glorification of the product. We have to try products like something special, without which we are not able to function. Moreover, advertising affects the consumer through all sorts of ambiguity, understatement. This kind of treatment make it difficult for rational verification of advertising content. It is therefore important to take action to increase the awareness of consumers of how advertising affects their attitudes (and behavior) consumption.
Wpływ mass mediów na życie społeczne
Wpływ mass mediów na życie społeczne
(The impact of mass media on social life)
- Author(s):Anna Kozłowska
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Social Sciences
- Page Range:195-216
- No. of Pages:21
- Keywords:media; mass media; new media; recipient
- Summary/Abstract:Man lives in a world created by the media. The media are a source of information about the world, allow you to take a break from reality, connect us with other people. It seems that we could not live without a mobile phone, the internet or your favorite newspaper. Media gradually been making us of indirect communication techniques, creating new forms of human existence in the world. The media create our reality, are used in the education system, in medicine, in politics and in everyday life. The text takes the issue of media influence on social life, with particular emphasis on changes that occur in the process of interpersonal communication. The article can be a contribution to the discussion on the changes taking place in the public consciousness under the influence of media development.
Wpływ przemian cywilizacyjnych na poziom zaufania publicznego w Polsce
Wpływ przemian cywilizacyjnych na poziom zaufania publicznego w Polsce
(Influence of civilization changes on the level of public trust in Poland)
- Author(s):Dorota Konopka
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Social Sciences
- Page Range:217-234
- No. of Pages:18
- Keywords:trust; glocalization; uncertainty; risk; the public sector
- Summary/Abstract:The universal feature contemporary civilizational change is progressing process of globalization. It is accompanied by increasing levels of uncertainty, risk and deepening distrust (mistrust) among the participants of this process. These developments take multiple forms and are characterized by different degrees intensity in different spheres of social and economic life. They also do not miss the public sector. The increase in uncertainty and risk is at the same time increasing negative impact on the individual and the public trust. Today, in response to this state of affairs they have become the processes that are called glocalization, or a combination of the general trend of globalization of simultaneous attempts of adaptation and adjustment to local conditions. Particularly interesting direction of theoretical research in this area, it becomes an area which in this section refer to as glocalization public trust. Glocalization processes provide an opportunity to increase public trust. Glocalization of public trust, as new theoretical and methodological approaches in the public sphere is not only need the approval of another way of seeing local processes through the prism of global phenomena, but also the need to introduce adapted to his new governance mechanisms in the public sector in Poland.