Teoria i praktyka logopedyczna. Wybrane zagadnienia
Selected issues from the theory and practice of speech therapy
Contributor(s): Ewa Gacka (Editor), Monika Kaźmierczak (Editor)
Subject(s): Social Sciences, Language studies, Language and Literature Studies, Education, Theoretical Linguistics, Higher Education
Published by: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
Keywords: logopedics; speech therapist; speech-language pathology; diagnosis and speech therapy in logopedics; communication; voice disorders; speech and language therapy prevention
Summary/Abstract: All the texts in the monography “Selected issues from the theory and practice of speech ther-apy” are a development of speeches given during the nationwide speech therapy conference “Logopedics against challenges and threats of the 21st century”, organized by the Department of Polish Dialectology and and Logopedics at the Institute of Polish Language and and Logo-pedics at the University of Lódź, which took place on October 14, 2017. The publication in-cludes work in the field of diagnosis, therapy, and speech therapy prophylaxis, research results and theoretical considerations of speech therapists representing various national research centers, as well as representatives of related scientific disciplines: medicine, linguistics, peda-gogy, psychology. // Teksty zawarte w monografii pt. Wybrane zagadnienia z teorii i praktyki logopedycznej stanowią rozwinięcie wystąpień wygłoszonych podczas ogólnopolskiej kon-ferencji logopedycznej Logopedia wobec wyzwań i zagrożeń XXI wieku, zorganizowanej przez Zakład Dialektologii Polskiej i Logopedii Instytutu Języka Polskiego i Logopedii Uni-wersytetu Łódzkiego, która odbyła się 14 października 2017 r. W publikacji znalazły się prace z zakresu diagnozy, terapii, a także profilaktyki logopedycznej, wyniki badań oraz rozważania teoretyczne logopedów reprezentujących różne krajowe ośrodki badawcze, a także przedsta-wicieli pokrewnych dyscyplin naukowych: medycyny, językoznawstwa, pedagogiki, psycho-logii.
- E-ISBN-13: 978-83-8142-105-8
- Print-ISBN-13: 978-83-8142-104-1
- Page Count: 222
- Publication Year: 2019
- Language: Polish
Szanse i zagrożenia dla teorii i praktyki logopedii XXI wieku
Szanse i zagrożenia dla teorii i praktyki logopedii XXI wieku
(Opportunities and threats for the theory and practice of speech therapy in the 21st century)
- Author(s):Grażyna Gunia
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Language studies, Theoretical Linguistics
- Page Range:15-28
- No. of Pages:14
- Keywords:speech therapy; speech disorders; communication; speech therapy
- Summary/Abstract:Intense socio-cultural, economic and technological changes cause changes in the theoretical and practical fields of many scientific disciplines. The aim of the study is to reflect on the opportunities and threats for diagnosis and speech therapy for people with speech and communication disorders. The subject of discussion is the discourse related to the strengths and weaknesses of the hitherto achievements of speech therapy, as a scientific discipline, profession and field of study in view of the challenges of the 21st century. Attention was also paid to the risks to speech therapy prevention associated with globalization and technological innovation.
- Price: 4.50 €
Znaczenie mięśni w budowie i czynnościach narządów jamy ustnej
Znaczenie mięśni w budowie i czynnościach narządów jamy ustnej
(Importance of muscles for structure and function of oral cavity organs)
- Author(s):Grażyna Śmiech-Słomkowska, Małgorzata Peruga
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Language studies, Higher Education
- Page Range:29-33
- No. of Pages:5
- Keywords:structure; function; face muscles; oral cavity organs
- Summary/Abstract:Paper recalls importance of basic concepts related to oral cavity, which should be considered as a complete system of muscles and bones. There are discussed relations of muscle functions and structure of dental arches. Particular attention was concentrated on influence of the face muscles’ malfunctions on the shape of dental arches. It was emphasized that face proportions have crucial influence on the oral cavity organs. Especially stressed was importance of structure and function of muscles and dento-skeletal system on articulation of created.
- Price: 4.50 €
Zaburzenia semantyki frazeologizmów u osób w łagodnej fazie otępienia alzheimerowskiego. Wstępne wyniki badań
Zaburzenia semantyki frazeologizmów u osób w łagodnej fazie otępienia alzheimerowskiego. Wstępne wyniki badań
(Disorders within the Semantics of Phrasemes in People with Early Stage Alzheimer’s Dementia. Preliminary Research Results)
- Author(s):Justyna Antczak-Kujawin
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Language studies, Theoretical Linguistics
- Page Range:35-45
- No. of Pages:11
- Keywords:Alzheimer’s dementia; lexical and semantic skills; phraseology; phrasal idiom; semantic modifications of phrasal idiom
- Summary/Abstract:The author of this article discusses the issue of defrazeologization in dementia, it means the disruptions in realization of phrasal idioms in people with early stage Alzheimer’s dementia, which manifest in transformations of their formal structure (modifying in¬novations) and the semantic structure (semantic modifications). These phraseological innovations should be interpreted as the unconscious modifications resulting from the progressive cognitive dysfunctions of people with dementia. The author of this work presents the preliminary results of research conducted in 2015–2017 on the group of 15 people with early stage Alzheimer’s dementia with application of authorial test of lexical and semantic skills in elderly people with dementia.
- Price: 4.50 €
Sprawność językowa dzieci z uszkodzonym narządem słuchu
Sprawność językowa dzieci z uszkodzonym narządem słuchu
(Linguistic performance of hearing impaired children)
- Author(s):Katarzyna Bieńkowska
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Language studies, Theoretical Linguistics
- Page Range:47-56
- No. of Pages:10
- Keywords:linguistic efficiency; hearing impaired children; understanding; speaking; school readiness
- Summary/Abstract:The following paper presents the results of a language test for hearing impaired children. Author’s original research tools were used and 159 children from all over Poland of age ranging from 6 and half to 8 years were examined. Speech understanding and speaking abilities were diagnosed. Alternative methods of communication have also been considered. The Author determined what internal and external factors affect the language skills of hearing impaired children.
- Price: 4.50 €
Sposoby tworzenia czasownikowych gniazd słowotwórczych przez dzieci w wieku przedszkolnym
Sposoby tworzenia czasownikowych gniazd słowotwórczych przez dzieci w wieku przedszkolnym
(The ways of building verbal word-formation nests by pre-school children)
- Author(s):Izabela Ejsmunt-Wieczorek
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Language studies, Theoretical Linguistics, Preschool education
- Page Range:57-70
- No. of Pages:14
- Keywords:child’s speech; wordbuilding; verb; word-formation nest
- Summary/Abstract:The key objective of this article is to supplement few existing works concerning linguistic skills of pre-school children in relation to word building. The article discusses the topics of children’s verbal word-formation development in the speech ontogenesis. To describe this phenomenon, a nest analysis is used, which, in a clear manner allows to capture derivative techniques and word-formation means used on different levels of linguistic system by 5 year-olds. The nest description method, although wide-spread in linguistics, has not been used in speech therapy research, so far. The article is the first one which presents, how a pre-school child supplements subsequent levels of a given word-formation nest in relation to a verbal derivation.
- Price: 4.50 €
Diagnozowanie i usprawnianie funkcji oddechowej w postępowaniu logopedycznym. Ujęcie teoretyczne i praktyczne
Diagnozowanie i usprawnianie funkcji oddechowej w postępowaniu logopedycznym. Ujęcie teoretyczne i praktyczne
(Diagnosing and streamlining the respiratory function in speech-therapy proceedings. Theore-tical and practical perspective)
- Author(s):Ewa Gacka
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Theoretical Linguistics
- Page Range:71-83
- No. of Pages:13
- Keywords:respiration; respiratory system; speech-therapy diagnosis of the respiratory function; respiratory distress; therapy
- Summary/Abstract:The article is devoted to diagnosing and streamlining the respiratory function in speech-therapy proceedings. A respiration is one of primal activities with regard to the speech,and its evaluation constitutes the integral part of the speech-therapy examination. Thecorrect way of the respiration is an essential condition of the appropriate vocal emission,of saying. In the article the ways of the diagnosis and therapy of the respiratory function(of its different aspects) applied by the speech therapists were presented both at childrenas well as at adult patients.
- Price: 4.50 €
Fluencja słowna w otępieniu naczyniopochodnym – ujęcie kliniczne
Fluencja słowna w otępieniu naczyniopochodnym – ujęcie kliniczne
(Verbal fluency in vascular dementia – clinical approach)
- Author(s):Renata Gliwa
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Theoretical Linguistics
- Page Range:85-104
- No. of Pages:20
- Keywords:verbal fluency test; semantic fluence; formal fluency; vascular dementia
- Summary/Abstract:The assumption of this study was the characterization of verbal fluency in vascular dementia. The verbal fluency test was used for the tests. The experimental group included 42 people. Quantitative and qualitative analysis of the research material was made. Problems with verbal fluency have been described: formal and categorial in patients with vascular dementia in the light, middle and deep degree.
- Price: 4.50 €
Logopeda wobec konsekwencji kolczykowania narządów zespołu ustno-twarzowego
Logopeda wobec konsekwencji kolczykowania narządów zespołu ustno-twarzowego
(Speech therapist facing consequences of oral piercing)
- Author(s):Katarzyna Jachimowska, Agata Korycka
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Theoretical Linguistics
- Page Range:105-118
- No. of Pages:14
- Keywords:dyslalia; piercing; complications after piercing
- Summary/Abstract:Piercing of different parts of human body is a phenomenon that can be met in medical practices of doctors of almost all specialties. Piercing cannot be considered harmless and people with oral piercing are a risk group of nourishment and respiratory activities disorders and articulation deterioration. Research results presented in the article prove the existence of “piercing dyslalia”. As a result of gathered material analysis it was also noted that orofacial group disorder can lead into new movements of compensatory character, including parafunctions. Oral piercing can cause abnormal habits of breathing and eating, which are important for the quality of articulation.
- Price: 4.50 €
Superwizja w zawodzie logopedy
Superwizja w zawodzie logopedy
(Supervision for speech therapists)
- Author(s):Aleksandra Jastrzębowska-Jasińska
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Psychology, Theoretical Linguistics, Educational Psychology
- Page Range:119-129
- No. of Pages:11
- Keywords:supervision; speech therapist; superwizja; logopeda
- Summary/Abstract:Supervision is a method of work to help a therapist to deal with the challenges that arisein his work and increase the quality of his services by working with himself. This methodhas so far been reserved in Poland for psychologists. However, taking into consideration problems and burdens at the therapist’s work, it is nowadays noticeable that the speech therapists also need to apply this method. The article will present the results of own research carried out on a group of 95 speech therapists focusing on the problems, alsothose psychological, arising in the work with a patient or cooperation with carer. Theanalysis presented in the article contains the answer to the question whether supervision, which is a kind of support for a practicing therapist, is needed and should also beintroduced for speech therapists.
- Price: 4.50 €
Rola gestów fonicznych w wychowaniu komunikacyjnym dzieci w wieku przedszkolnym
Rola gestów fonicznych w wychowaniu komunikacyjnym dzieci w wieku przedszkolnym
(Role of phonic gestures in communication education in kindergarten age children)
- Author(s):Monika Kaźmierczak
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Theoretical Linguistics, Preschool education, Sociology of Education
- Page Range:131-140
- No. of Pages:10
- Keywords:kindergarten age children; communication interaction; phonic gesture
- Summary/Abstract:Phonic gestures are a communication tool and a regulator of social relationships, and their meaning depends on the intention of the sender, which is understood in a particular consituation. In speech therapy every subject performs them: a speech therapist, a parent/carer, a patient. The performed research proved that phonic gestures of various kinds are employed very effectively by kindergarten children. Owing to sonic mimic movements, they build their dialogues, shape and perfect communication skills, very effectively communicate with their environment, express themselves in the course of various communication processes based on a word and/or non-standard verbal elements. Learning to consciously apply signs that act audibly is an important part of (self)reflection of a speech therapist who prepares a little patient for the full and active participation in linguistic interaction.
- Price: 4.50 €
Lokalizacja nowotworów głowy i szyi oraz jej znaczenia dla skutecznej terapii logopedycznej
Lokalizacja nowotworów głowy i szyi oraz jej znaczenia dla skutecznej terapii logopedycznej
(The influence of the tumor location of HNC (head and neck cancer) on effective speech and swallow therapy)
- Author(s):Dominika Kozłowska
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Theoretical Linguistics, Sociology of Education
- Page Range:141-150
- No. of Pages:10
- Keywords:head and neck cancer; dysphagia; speech therapy; swallow therapy; abnormal articulation
- Summary/Abstract:The author describes functional disorders of the mouth, throat and larynx after oncological treatment of head and neck cancer. This work presents the significance of the location for undertaking the appropriate speech therapy and the therapy schedule and its most important assumptions. Interdisciplinary treatment of head and neck cancer leads to improved prognosis and survival of patients. However, radical treatment is associated with a significant reduction in the quality of life. In order to obtain the maximum improvement in the quality of life of patients, it is crucial to start speech therapy and physiotherapy during the treatment and continue it after its completion.
- Price: 4.50 €
Logopedyczne badania dzieci i młodzieży z zaburzeniami mowy i języka uwarunkowanymi korowo. Projekt badań własnych
Logopedyczne badania dzieci i młodzieży z zaburzeniami mowy i języka uwarunkowanymi korowo. Projekt badań własnych
(Logopedic researches of children and youth with cortical based speech and language disorders. Own research project)
- Author(s):Marlena Kurowska
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Theoretical Linguistics, School education
- Page Range:151-161
- No. of Pages:11
- Keywords:logopedic diagnosis; speech and language of cortical type; developmental aphasia of children; acquired aphasia of children; linguistic and non-linguistic symptomps
- Summary/Abstract:The speech and language disorders of children caused by trauma and/or malfunction of CNS are currenttly an important issue in the Polish logopedic. The disorders can have developmental or acquired form. The most researches report about developmental disorders. Speech and language therapy practice shows that symptomps are of aphasic character, such as difficulty in updating the correct word, paraphasias. In the paper I would like to present my own research project. The main objective is the comparison of the level of language competence of children and youth with structural or functional changes in the brain. The key issue is the time of occurrence of a pathogenic agent: before and during language acquisition or after the patients learn the basics of language. The project is also about linguistic and non-linguistic behavior conditioned by the changes and their location in the brain.
- Price: 4.50 €
Jak logopeda może pomóc dziecku z mutyzmem wybiórczym?
Jak logopeda może pomóc dziecku z mutyzmem wybiórczym?
(How a speech therapist can help children with selective mutism?)
- Author(s):Renata Marciniak-Firadza
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Theoretical Linguistics
- Page Range:165-175
- No. of Pages:13
- Keywords:selective mutism; speech therapy; exercises suggestions
- Summary/Abstract:The need to communicate with others is one of the most important mental needs of people. Children with selective mutism want to communicate with others but they are unable to do it. Selective mutism is the condition that does not disappear spontaneously, therefore it is necessary to provide children and their families with the therapeutic treatment as early as possible. The most important thing to do is to increase self-confidence of children, among others by trying to help them overcome their fear of verbal contact or any other anxiety that makes that contact difficult. There is no single therapeutic strategy or procedure in the treatment of children with selective mutism because of the specificity of this condition and its complex etiology.
- Price: 4.50 €
Mowa w zaniku wieloukładowym – problem diagnozy logopedycznej. Studium przypadku
Mowa w zaniku wieloukładowym – problem diagnozy logopedycznej. Studium przypadku
(The speech in multiple system atrophy – issue of language disorders diagnosis. Case study)
- Author(s):Justyna Sochacka
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Theoretical Linguistics, Sociology of Education
- Page Range:177-188
- No. of Pages:12
- Keywords:speech; multiple system atrophy; diagnosis of speech defects; dysarthria
- Summary/Abstract:The article describes some relations between the central nervous system and language usage by a multiple system atrophy patient. It shows some complex sources of speech processes found in multiple system atrophy in reference to speaking without any disorders. It characterises some speech disorders and term them. This article emphasises a great importance of diagnosis of speech defects and shows some steps made by the author in a complex diagnostic process. The article doesn’t ignore some theoretical issues based on the results presented by speech therapists, podiatrists, neurologists, otolaryngologists over the years.
- Price: 4.50 €
O głosie „wrażliwca” (wybrane zagadnienia)
O głosie „wrażliwca” (wybrane zagadnienia)
(About voice of very sensitive person (selected problems))
- Author(s):Anna Stefan
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Theoretical Linguistics, Sociology of Education
- Page Range:189-198
- No. of Pages:10
- Keywords:voice; emotional sensitivity; voice disorders
- Summary/Abstract:“Voice is an extension of a person; reflection of their personality”. It is believed, that voice is just an action of muscles and organs, but we must remember, that it is shaped with our personality, character, temperament and emotions. Everybody has their own level of sensitivity, which is determined to some extent genetically as well as socially. High sensitivity is not bad, unless it does affect negatively on our functioning. In recent years there have been diagnosed adaptive disorders under stress, which applied to large group of patients with personality profile called “very sensitive”. Occupational voice disorders are noted as considerable social problem. It is related to the development of civilization, omnipresent stress and problems that arise from neuromuscular mechanisms within the vocal organs. Most exposed to the larynx diseases and their effects are people, who are supposed to use their voices excessively, e.g. singers, teachers, academic lecturers, radio and tv journalist, politicians, priests, lawyers. The purpose of the paper is to present characteristics of disfunction of vocal organs based on personal experiences of some very sensitive individuals. It is preceded by short consideration on emotional sensitivity, negative influence of stress, as well as by a brief description of vocal disorders.
- Price: 4.50 €
Przesiewowe badania mowy jako działania służące identyfikacji dzieci z grupy ryzyka zaburzeń mowy
Przesiewowe badania mowy jako działania służące identyfikacji dzieci z grupy ryzyka zaburzeń mowy
(Screening examination of speech as a means of identyfing children at risk of speech disorders)
- Author(s):Mateusz Szurek
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Theoretical Linguistics, Preschool education
- Page Range:199-211
- No. of Pages:13
- Keywords:speech screening; SLP prevention; pre-school children
- Summary/Abstract:Screening diagnosis of speech helps single out children from the risk group of the appearance of the speech impediments and taking the speech-therapy early intervention towards them. The current speech-therapy care at the pre-schools is embracing only children with statements about the need of the special education, however recent research data is showing high level of speech defects in pre-school children and the majority from them isn’t provided with specialist therapy at the pre-school. The screening is contributing to the reduction in the number of children with the speech impediments thanks to more accurate further diagnostics and therapeutic action. Detecting the defect at a young age is precipitating therapy and is helping in building the correct speech system. The screening prevention of speech defects allows additionally to notice other developmental abnormalities which can become apparent in the course of conducted examinations. The aim of the article is to show the scale of the problem of undiagnosed speech defects and to emphasize the importance of early diagnose of said defects. The research results allowed to show the current scale of speech defects appearance in one of the pre-schools in Lodz Voivodeship.
- Price: 4.50 €
Wpływ zaburzeń mowy u dzieci sześcio- i siedmioletnich na naukę czytania i pisania
Wpływ zaburzeń mowy u dzieci sześcio- i siedmioletnich na naukę czytania i pisania
(The influence of speech disorders in six- and seven-year-old children on learning to read and write)
- Author(s):Ewelina Zając
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Theoretical Linguistics, School education
- Page Range:213-221
- No. of Pages:9
- Keywords:reading and writing; speech disorders; risk of developmental dyslexia
- Summary/Abstract:The aim of this article was to investigate how and which speech disorders affect learning to read and write in six-year-old children preparing to start schooling and in first-graders. The study involved 36 first-grade students and 27 six-year-old children attending reception class. The speech therapy diagnosis showed that almost 62% of the students tested had particular speech disorders. Among the diagnosed disorders, the most common were defects in articulation due to peripheral reasons. The group of sounds not articulated correctly were the dented (humming and hissing), the [r] and the voiced sounds. The causes of speech defects are of great importance for the relationship between reading and writing difficulties and speech defects. The research shows that a significant proportion of students have impaired phonemic hearing, which affects the occurrence of articulation defects, and thus errors in reading and writing. Also, a clear relationship can be observed between the delayed speech development and specific reading disorders, because writing difficulties are the result of delayed speech development, especially the delayed acquisition of the language system.
- Price: 4.50 €