Pohádkové příběhy v české literatuře pro děti a mládež 1990–2010
Fairytale Stories in Czech Literature for Children and Youth, 1990-2010
Author(s): Milena Šubrtová, Ivan Nemec, Jitka Zítková, Martin Reissner, David Kroča, Miroslav Chocholatý, Naděžda Sieglová, Jiří Poláček
Subject(s): Social Sciences, Language and Literature Studies, Customs / Folklore, Studies of Literature, Comparative Study of Literature, Czech Literature, Theory of Literature
Published by: Masarykova univerzita nakladatelství
Keywords: Fairy tales; Jan Vladislav; Theory of literature; Milada Motlova; Folk material; Anglo-Saxon and domestic tradition; Václav Čtvrtek; Emil Šaloun; Parody; Travesty; Imagination;
Summary/Abstract: Předložená monografie se věnuje problematice českého pohádkového příběhu v rozpětí od roku 1990 do roku 2010. Instalace svobodného knižního trhu, proměny ediční politiky se vstupem nových nakladatelských domů na českou literární scénu, konfrontace se zahraničními vlivy a především odlišné čtenářské kompetence současných dětí ovlivnily pochopitelně i žánrovou mapu současné literatury pro děti a mládež. Od 90. let 20. století se začínají rozvolňovat tradičně vnímané hranice, jimiž se literatura určená dětem vydělovala jako subsystém navenek, ale i hranice, které ji vnitřně žánrově i hodnotově stratifikovaly a čtenářsky kategorizovaly.
- E-ISBN-13: 978-80-210-7722-5
- Page Count: 330
- Publication Year: 2011
- Language: Czech
Pohádkové příběhy v české literatuře pro děti a mládež (1990–2010)
Pohádkové příběhy v české literatuře pro děti a mládež (1990–2010)
(Fairy tales in the Czech literature for children and youth (1990–2010))
- Author(s):Milena Šubrtová
- Language:English, Czech
- Subject(s):Comparative Study of Literature, Czech Literature, Transformation Period (1990 - 2010), Theory of Literature
- Page Range:10-63
- No. of Pages:54
- Keywords:Czech literature for children; Fairy tales; 1990s;
- Summary/Abstract:It is not possible to describe the position and the form of fairy tale in the Czech literature for children and youth of the past two decades without returning to transformations of the Czech literary scene immediately after 1989. The 1990s in the Czech literature for children and youth were a turbulent period influenced by social changes brought about byde–monopolization and fragmentation of publishing activities and also by the chance of open confrontation with the international book production featuring top as well as trivial and utilitarian works. The new national production of that period remained in the shadow of edition returns to the time–tested books from the golden collection of the Czech literature and also returns to the banned authors of the previous period. Quantitatively, catchy translations prevailed on the book market.
- Price: 5.00 €
Hlasy národů v pohádkách Jana Vladislava (K některým Vladislavovým adaptacím cizojazyčných předloh)
Hlasy národů v pohádkách Jana Vladislava (K některým Vladislavovým adaptacím cizojazyčných předloh)
(Voices of nations in fairy tales by Jan Vladislav (Towards some Vladislav’s adaptations of foreign-language originals))
- Author(s):Ivan Nemec
- Language:Czech
- Subject(s):Customs / Folklore, Translation Studies, Theory of Literature
- Page Range:67-88
- No. of Pages:22
- Keywords:Fairy tales; Jan Vladislav; Foreign-language adaptations; translations;
- Summary/Abstract:Ivan Němec deals with adaptations by Jan Vladislav. His life and work were adversely affected by the political ideology after the 1948 coup. The ban of publication he had to face several times was reflected to a large extent in his creative development and translation activities as well asin his interest in literature for children. From his own rhymed fairy tales related with hislong-term interest in folklore this excellent translator gradually moved to original adaptations of fairy tales of various nations.
- Price: 5.00 €
Lidová pohádka v adaptacích Milady Motlové
Lidová pohádka v adaptacích Milady Motlové
(Folk fairy tale in adaptations by Milada Motlová)
- Author(s):Jitka Zítková
- Language:Czech
- Subject(s):Customs / Folklore, Czech Literature, Theory of Literature
- Page Range:89-102
- No. of Pages:14
- Keywords:Folk fairy tale; Milada Motlová; Czech Republic;
- Summary/Abstract:Jitka Zítková’s chapter Lidová pohádka v adaptacích Milady Motlové [Folk fairytale in adaptations by Milada Motlová] describes the adaptations by Milada Motlová. Having dealt with various genres previously Motlová focused on folk fairy tale including well-known as well as half-forgotten topics and her work resulted in an artificial fairy tale of illusively folklore type.
- Price: 4.50 €
Mezi anglosaskou a domácí tradicí (Nad adaptační tvorbou Pavla Šruta)
Mezi anglosaskou a domácí tradicí (Nad adaptační tvorbou Pavla Šruta)
(Between the Anglo-Saxon and domestic tradition (Towards adaptations by Pavel
- Author(s):Martin Reissner
- Language:Czech
- Subject(s):Czech Literature, Theory of Literature
- Page Range:103-106
- No. of Pages:4
- Keywords:Anglo-Saxon; Domestic tradition; Pavel Šrut; Fairy tales of buddy Rabbit;
- Summary/Abstract:In the chapter Mezi anglosaskou a domácí tradicí (Nad adaptační tvorbou PavlaŠruta) [Between the Anglo-Saxon and domestic tradition (Towards adaptations by Pavel Šrut)] Martin Reissner deals with Pavel Šrut who mainly focuses on the American continent. In the book Pohádky brášky Králíka [Fairy tales of buddy Rabbit] (2007) Šrut introduces a prototype of joker who usually wins over intrigues of both humans and animals because he substitutes power with shrewdness, humbleness with boasting, and melancholy with story-telling. In his adaptations Šrut does not avoid attitudes close toblack humor.
- Price: 4.50 €
Ozvuky čtvrtkovské poetiky v pohádkách Emila Šalouna a Jaromíra Kincla
Ozvuky čtvrtkovské poetiky v pohádkách Emila Šalouna a Jaromíra Kincla
(Resonance of Čtvrtek’s poetics in fairy tales by Emil Šaloun and Jaromír Kincl)
- Author(s):Jitka Zítková
- Language:Czech
- Subject(s):Comparative Study of Literature, Czech Literature, Theory of Literature
- Page Range:109-120
- No. of Pages:12
- Keywords:Emil Šaloun; Jaromir Kincl; Čtvrtekian tradition;
- Summary/Abstract:The chapter Ozvuky čtvrtkovské poetiky v pohádkách Emila Šalounaa Jaromíra Kincla [Resonance of Čtvrtek’s poetics in fairy tales by Emil Šaloun and Jaromír Kincl] deals with distinct motif and language features of their texts. She analyzes similarities and differences in their work – having a lot of common features – where we do not find only similar heroes but also books that stand outside the “Čtvrtekian” tradition of modern fairy tale due to their distinctive updating character and situational comicality.
- Price: 4.50 €
Proměny pohádkových próz Františka Nepila
Proměny pohádkových próz Františka Nepila
(Transformations of fairy tales by František Nepil)
- Author(s):Jitka Zítková
- Language:Czech
- Subject(s):Czech Literature, Theory of Literature
- Page Range:121-130
- No. of Pages:10
- Keywords:Čtvrtekian; František Nepil; Czech literature; Fairy tale;
- Summary/Abstract:The chapter Proměny pohádkových próz Františka Nepila [Transformations of fairy tales by František Nepil] deals with transformations of genealogically ambiguous books by František Nepil and their gradual shifting towards the “Čtvrtekian” harmony of a fictitious universe on the boundary between the real world and the imaginative one. The world of Nepil’s texts is also formed by the author’s specific narrative style and tendency towards connecting the fairy tale story with elements of instruction.
- Price: 4.50 €
Vyprávím pohádku obrazem (K obrázkovým knížkám Pavla Čecha a Martiny Skaly)
Vyprávím pohádku obrazem (K obrázkovým knížkám Pavla Čecha a Martiny Skaly)
(Telling a fairy tale with pictures (Towards fairy tale books by Pavel Čech and Martina Skala))
- Author(s):Martin Reissner
- Language:Czech
- Subject(s):Comparative Study of Literature, Czech Literature, Theory of Literature
- Page Range:133-144
- No. of Pages:12
- Keywords:Fairy tale; Pavel Čech; Martina Skala; Czech fairy tale;
- Summary/Abstract:The topic of picture books is dealt with in Martin Reissner’s paper Vyprávím pohádku obrazem (K obrázkovým knížkám Pavla Čecha a Martiny Skaly). [Telling a fairy tale with pictures (Towards fairy tale books by Pavel Čech and Martina Skala)]. Among distinguished authors of picture fairy tale books is the painter, author of comics, illustrator and author of original books, Pavel Čech, who has been offering readers and spectators for two decades fairy tales full of sensitivity and nostalgia.
- Price: 4.50 €
Autorské pohádkové knihy Petra Nikla a Františka Skály
Autorské pohádkové knihy Petra Nikla a Františka Skály
(Original fairy tale books by Petr Nikl and František Skála)
- Author(s):Martin Reissner
- Language:Czech
- Subject(s):Comparative Study of Literature, Czech Literature, Theory of Literature
- Page Range:145-154
- No. of Pages:10
- Keywords:Petr Nikl; František Skala; Fairy tale books; Czech literature;
- Summary/Abstract:The experimental Czech fairy tale includes some books by the artist, theatre author, musician and writer, Petr Nikl. Despite the fact that in the recent years the literary quality of his texts has not increased he still remains an important figure in the area of the modern original fairy tale. Similarly, the fairy tales by the painter, graphic, conceptual artist and writer, František Skála, are aimed at readers and fans of his multi-media works as a whole. In comparison with Nikl he fascinates readers with his ability to find and emphasize aesthetic qualities in ordinary and banal connections, stories and artifacts while originally dealing with the natural environment at the formal (artistic) as well as the story-telling (literary) level. Both the writers are dealt with by Martin Reissner in the chapter Autorské pohádkové knihy Petra Nikla a Františka Skály [Original fairy talebooks by Petr Nikl and František Skála].
- Price: 4.50 €
Prostředky humoru v pohádkách Arnošta Goldflama
Prostředky humoru v pohádkách Arnošta Goldflama
(Means of humor in fairy tales by Arnošt Goldflam)
- Author(s):David Kroča
- Language:Czech
- Subject(s):Czech Literature, Theory of Literature
- Page Range:157-168
- No. of Pages:12
- Keywords:Arnošt Goldflam; Humor; Fairy tale;
- Summary/Abstract:In the chapter Prostředky humoru v pohádkách Arnošta Goldflama [Means of humor infairy tales by Arnošt Goldflam] David Kroča deals with fairy tale of the respected dramatist and actor. The connecting element of fairy tale collections by Arnošt Goldflam Tatíneknení k zahození [Daddy’s all right] (2004) a Tatínek 002 [Daddy 002] (2006) is a selfironic detached view with which the author made a brave daddy to whom he projected himself the protagonist and at the same time the teller of fairy tales.
- Price: 4.50 €
Inspirativní posuny (Nad pohádkami Ivana Binara)
Inspirativní posuny (Nad pohádkami Ivana Binara)
(Inspirational shifts (Towards fairy tales by Ivan Binar))
- Author(s):Martin Reissner
- Language:Czech
- Subject(s):Czech Literature, Theory of Literature
- Page Range:169-172
- No. of Pages:4
- Keywords:Fairy tales; Ivan Binar; Czech fairy tales;
- Summary/Abstract:In the chapter Inspirativní posuny (Nad pohádkami Ivana Binara) [Inspirational shifts (Towards fairy tales by Ivan Binar)] his current works are dealt with by Martin Reissner. Binar’s texts influenced by fairy tale are characterized by all-embracing kindness coming out of the elaborated and emphasized topic. His fairy tales are also characterized by a high language culture and the use of dialogic means with which he accommodates the child reader.
- Price: 4.50 €
Konstanty a proměny pohádek Aloise Mikulky
Konstanty a proměny pohádek Aloise Mikulky
(Constants and transformations of fairy tales by Alois Mikulka)
- Author(s):Jitka Zítková
- Language:Czech
- Subject(s):Czech Literature, Theory of Literature
- Page Range:173-186
- No. of Pages:14
- Keywords:Alos Mikulka; Fairy tales; fictitious world;
- Summary/Abstract:In the chapter Konstanty a proměny pohádek Aloise Mikulky [Constants and transformations of fairy tales by Alois Mikulka] Jitka Zítková analyzes the development of the author’s fictitious world into which he places his fairy tale texts oscillating between funny poetics and absurd situational grotesqueness. In selected sets of short texts representing individual periods of Mikulka’s literary output are recorded transformations of one of his traditional constants – the figure of a hag.
- Price: 4.50 €
Pohádkové travestie jako žánrová inovace v současné pohádce (Nad texty Magdaleny Wagnerové)
Pohádkové travestie jako žánrová inovace v současné pohádce (Nad texty Magdaleny Wagnerové)
(Fairy tale travesties as a genre innovation in the current fairy tale (Towards the texts by Magdalena Wagnerová))
- Author(s):Milena Šubrtová
- Language:Czech
- Subject(s):Customs / Folklore, Czech Literature, Theory of Literature
- Page Range:187-196
- No. of Pages:10
- Keywords:fairy tales; Magdalena Wagnerova; Folklore elements in literature;
- Summary/Abstract:Fairy tale travesties as a genre innovationin the current fairy tale (Towards the texts by Magdalena Wagnerová) In the chapter Pohádkové travestie jako žánrová inovace v prostoru současné pohádky (Nad texty Magdaleny Wagnerové) [Fairy tale travesties as a genre innovationin the current fairy tale (Towards the texts by Magdalena Wagnerová)] Milena Šubrtová deals with the fairy tale output by Magdalena Wagnerová who has written several dozensof fairy tale books for children since the early 1990s. Apart from adaptations of folklore fairy tale topics she produces original works in which she moves over boundaries of experiment towards the genre codification of fairy tale travesties.
- Price: 4.50 €
Mezi fantazií a realitou (Nad knihami pro děti Violy Fischerové)
Mezi fantazií a realitou (Nad knihami pro děti Violy Fischerové)
(Between fantasy and reality (Fairy tales by Viola Fischerová))
- Author(s):Miroslav Chocholatý
- Language:Czech
- Subject(s):Czech Literature, Theory of Literature
- Page Range:199-206
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:Fairy tales; Viola Fischerova; Czech literature;
- Summary/Abstract:Miroslav Chocholatý in the chapter Mezi fantazií a realitou (Pohádky Violy Fischerové) [Between fantasy and reality (Fairy tales by Viola Fischerová)] analyzes the fairy tales by one of the outstanding figures of the Czech post-1989 literature. Readers became acquainted with Viola Fischerová especially through her poems for adults. Nevertheless, her books for children were met with favorable response, too. Chocholatý analyzes their motif constants as well as the basic means of metaphorization.
- Price: 4.50 €
Ve znamení mytologizující obraznosti (Nad autorskými pohádkami Karla Šiktance)
Ve znamení mytologizující obraznosti (Nad autorskými pohádkami Karla Šiktance)
(Under the sign of mythologizing fantasy (Fairy tales by Karel Šiktanc))
- Author(s):Miroslav Chocholatý
- Language:Czech
- Subject(s):Czech Literature, Theory of Literature
- Page Range:207-216
- No. of Pages:10
- Keywords:Mythologizing fantasy; Karel Šiktanc; King's fairy tales;
- Summary/Abstract:The chapter Ve znamení mytologizující obraznosti (Pohádky Karla Šiktance) [Under the sign of mythologizing fantasy (Fairy tales by Karel Šiktanc)] Miroslav Chocholatý analyzes books of fairy tales by Šiktanc, namely, Královské pohádky [King’s fairy tales](1994) that originated in the late 1960s, O dobré a zlé moci [On the good and the bad power] (2000) and Hrad Svícen [The castle of Svícen] (2009). He points out common features with the author’s works for adults in the area of motifs as well as in the construction of metaphors or the sonic (rhythmic) organization of the text.
- Price: 4.50 €
Lyrizace v prozaickém textu (Nad pohádkovou tvorbou Radka Malého)
Lyrizace v prozaickém textu (Nad pohádkovou tvorbou Radka Malého)
(The poetic in a prosaic text (Towards fairy tales by Radek Malý))
- Author(s):Miroslav Chocholatý
- Language:Czech
- Subject(s):Comparative Study of Literature, Czech Literature, Theory of Literature
- Page Range:217-224
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:Radek Malý; poetic elements in a prosaic text; fairy tale; Frank the chestnut;
- Summary/Abstract:Various literary works by Radek Malý include poetry, translations, drama, literary science and also books for children. Miroslav Chocholatý’s chapter Lyrizace v prozaickém textu (Nad pohádkovou tvorbou Radka Malého) [The poetic in a prosaic text (Towards fairy tales by Radek Malý)] is an analysis of the author’s modern fairy tale called František z kaštanu, Anežka ze slunečnic [Frank from the chestnut, Agnes from the sunflowers] (2006). He analyzes the author’s metaphors and peculiarities of the compositional build-up of that book. He also point out the postmodern character of the text, especially in the area of the multi-layer meaning character.
- Price: 4.50 €
Pohádkové příběhy pro dvojího adresáta (Tvorba Michala Viewegha a Pavla Šruta)
Pohádkové příběhy pro dvojího adresáta (Tvorba Michala Viewegha a Pavla Šruta)
(Fairy tales for a double addressee (Works by Michal Viewegh and Pavel Šrut))
- Author(s):Naděžda Sieglová
- Language:Czech
- Subject(s):Comparative Study of Literature, Czech Literature, Theory of Literature
- Page Range:225-236
- No. of Pages:12
- Keywords:Fairy tales; Michal Viewegh; Pavel Šrut; reader-interpretation;
- Summary/Abstract:A consequence of the changing position of the child in the world of the adults, shifts within genres, syncretic tendencies in arts as well as in life, is the growing number of books labeled as books with uncertain orientation. Naděžda Sieglová deals with them in the chapter Pohádkové příběhy pro dvojího adresáta (Tvorba Michala Vieweghaa Pavla Šruta) [Fairy tales for a double addressee (Works by Michal Viewegh and Pavel Šrut)]. Out of individual personal experience respecting the possible child reader and reflecting parental experience arose the book by Michal Viewegh Krátké pohádky pro unavenérodiče [Short fairy tales for tired parents].
- Price: 4.50 €
Pohádky Ludmily Klukanové a Jiřiny Salaquardové
Pohádky Ludmily Klukanové a Jiřiny Salaquardové
(Fairy tales by Ludmila Klukanová and Jiřina Salquardová)
- Author(s):Jiří Poláček
- Language:Czech
- Subject(s):Comparative Study of Literature, Czech Literature, Theory of Literature
- Page Range:237-248
- No. of Pages:12
- Keywords:Fairy tales; Ludmila Klukanová; Jiřina Salquardová;
- Summary/Abstract:Jiří Poláček in the chapter Pohádky Ludmily Klukanové a Jiřiny Salaquardové [Fairy tales by Ludmila Klukanová and Jiřina Salquardová] analyzes two fairy tales by Ludmila Klukanová (Z pohádkových končin [From fairy tale parts], 1993) and Jiřiny Salaquardové (Pohádky ze stříbrných hor [Fair tales from silver mountains], 1996) within the context of their all production aimed especially at adult readers. First, he interprets individual fairy tales and then he defines their general features while comparing the analyzed books.
- Price: 4.50 €
Antropomorfizace jako prostředek komunikace (Nad pohádkovými příběhy Pavla Brycze)
Antropomorfizace jako prostředek komunikace (Nad pohádkovými příběhy Pavla Brycze)
(Anthropomorphization as a means of communication (Fairy tales by Pavel Brycz))
- Author(s):Miroslav Chocholatý
- Language:Czech
- Subject(s):Comparative Study of Literature, Czech Literature, Theory of Literature
- Page Range:251-258
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:Pavel Brycz; Fairy tales; Anthropomoriphization; communication; The wonder world of Gabriela;
- Summary/Abstract:Pavel Brycz is among authors writing books for both adults and children. The subject of Miroslav Chocholatý’s chapter Antropomorfizace jako prostředek komunikace (Pohádky Pavla Brycze) [Anthropomorphization as a means of communication (Fairy tales by Pavel Brycz)] is the fairy tales Kouzelný svět Gabriely [The wonder world of Gabriela] (2006) that were originally broadcast as a radio series, the book Dětský zvěřinec [The children’s menagerie] (2008) on the basis of which Brycz wrote a script for a TV series of bedtime stories, and the latest publication Bílá paní na hlídání [The white lady as a baby-sitter] (2010).
- Price: 4.50 €
Na rozhraní poznání a zábavy v tvorbě Daniely Krolupperové
Na rozhraní poznání a zábavy v tvorbě Daniely Krolupperové
(On the boundary between knowledge and entertainment in Daniela Krolupperová’s works)
- Author(s):Jitka Zítková
- Language:Czech
- Subject(s):Czech Literature, Theory of Literature
- Page Range:259-270
- No. of Pages:12
- Keywords:Daniela Krolupperova; Storytelling methods;
- Summary/Abstract:Jitka Zítková’s chapter Na rozhraní poznání a zábavy v tvorbě Daniely Krolupperové [On the boundary between knowledge and entertainment in Daniela Krolupperová’s works] deals with the authoress’ varied works that regularly shift between slightly didactic realistic stories and publications of instructive character with varied uses of storytelling methods. Zítková deals with books of the former type and books with ephemeral aesthetic effects as well as with publications focused on knowledge.
- Price: 4.50 €
Tematizace dětské hry v pohádkových prózách Olgy Černé
Tematizace dětské hry v pohádkových prózách Olgy Černé
(The topic of child play in fairy tales by Olga Černá)
- Author(s):Milena Šubrtová
- Language:Czech
- Subject(s):Czech Literature, Theory of Literature
- Page Range:271-278
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:Olga Černa; Fairy tales; literary heroes; Czech literature;
- Summary/Abstract:Milena Šubrtová analyzes three fairy tale books by Olga Černá in the chapter Tematizace dětské hry v pohádkových prózách Olgy Černé [The topic of child play infairy tales by Olga Černá]. Play is the basic child activity in which literary heroes withstand emotions of loneliness, sadness or boredom. Play is not only connected with socializing and cognitive processes but it also carries strong catharsis effects. In addition, the authoress adds a certain amount of instructiveness from which activizations of the literary character and the child recipient gradually follow.
- Price: 4.50 €
Pohádková kouzla ve službách formativních cílů (Nad pohádkovou tvorbou Ivony Březinové)
Pohádková kouzla ve službách formativních cílů (Nad pohádkovou tvorbou Ivony Březinové)
(Fairy tale magic serving the purpose of formative goals (Towards the fairy tales by Ivona Březinová))
- Author(s):Milena Šubrtová
- Language:Czech
- Subject(s):Customs / Folklore, Czech Literature, Theory of Literature
- Page Range:279-286
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:Fairy tale; Ivona Brezinova; didactics of fairy tales; fictional world of fairy tales;
- Summary/Abstract:The paper by Milena Šubrtová Pohádková kouzla ve službách formativních cílů (Nad pohádkovou tvorbou Ivony Březinové) [Fairy tale magic serving the purpose of formative goals (Towards the fairy tales by Ivona Březinová)] deals with fairy tales by Ivona Březinová. The authoress follows a few simple models differing in the degree of didactics and its implementation into the fairy tale. The first one is based on connecting the modern fairy tale and updated didactics. Fairy tales take place in a fictional world (which is often very close to the real life) retaining their basic genre characteristics including anthropomorphizing and poeticizing tendencies but their plots are motivated by outspoken educational intention.
- Price: 4.50 €
Výběr z českých pohádkových titulů 1990–2010
Výběr z českých pohádkových titulů 1990–2010
(A selection of Czech fairy tale titles 1990–2010)
- Author(s):Milena Šubrtová
- Language:Czech
- Subject(s):Czech Literature, Transformation Period (1990 - 2010)
- Page Range:287-296
- No. of Pages:10
- Keywords:Czech fairy tales; 1990-2010;
- Price: 4.50 €
Jmenný rejstřík a použitá literatura
Jmenný rejstřík a použitá literatura
(Name index and bibliography)
- Author(s):Author Not Specified
- Language:Czech
- Subject(s):Editorial
- Page Range:297-312
- No. of Pages:16
- Price: 4.50 €
- Author(s):Author Not Specified
- Language:Czech
- Subject(s):Editorial
- Page Range:313-318
- No. of Pages:6
- Price: 4.50 €
- Author(s):Author Not Specified
- Language:Czech
- Subject(s):Czech Literature, Editorial, Theory of Literature
- Page Range:319-325
- No. of Pages:7
- Keywords:Folklore; Czech literature; Fairy tales;
- Price: 4.50 €