Oriental Encounters. Language, Society, Culture / Spotkania orientalistyczne. Język, społeczeństwo, kultura
Oriental Encounters. Language, Society, Culture / Spotkania orientalistyczne. Język, społeczeństwo, kultura
Contributor(s): Ireneusz Kida (Editor), Agnieszka Solska (Editor)
Subject(s): Language and Literature Studies, Theoretical Linguistics, Applied Linguistics
Published by: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego
Series: Nauki społeczne
- E-ISBN-13: 978-83-226-3528-5
- Print-ISBN-13: 978-83-226-3527-8
- Page Count: 192
- Publication Year: 2019
- Language: English, Polish
Loliness and solitude in Bian Zhilin’s poems [Samotność i osamotnienie w poezji Bian Zhilina]
Loliness and solitude in Bian Zhilin’s poems
[Samotność i osamotnienie w poezji Bian Zhilina]
(Loliness and solitude in Bian Zhilin’s poems
[Samotność i osamotnienie w poezji Bian Zhilina])
- Author(s):Jarosław Zawadzki
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies
- Page Range:17-33
- No. of Pages:17
- Keywords:Loneliness; concepts; Chinese poetry; Bian Zhilin
- Summary/Abstract:The concepts of loneliness and solitude (which for the purpose of this article I will call conceptemes) may take the forms of alloconcepts, similarly to morphemes deriving their physical shapes from morphs. Many distinct alloconcepts may express a single concepteme, some of them being antagonyms of the concepteme. Each alloconcept gives the concepteme a unique flavor, which determines the function of the concepteme. I will analyze what alloconcepts have been used by Bian Zhilin to express the conceptemes of loneliness and solitude in his poems. I will also provide an explanation of what such presentations may portend for the semantic and cultural meanings of the text, that is, what function they serve. The manner, time and place of being lonely or alone may reveal interesting cultural facts about a given community or society and give insight into the feelings experienced by the loners, be they the protagonists of a poem’s “story” or the lyrical voice itself.
- Price: 4.50 €
Dùzi bǎole or tùzǐ pǎole? The perception of Mandarin word-initial stops by Poles [Dùzi bǎole czy tùzǐ pǎole? Postrzeganie nagłosowych spółgłosek zwartych w mandaryńskiej chińszczyźnie przez Polaków]
Dùzi bǎole or tùzǐ pǎole? The perception of Mandarin word-initial stops by Poles
[Dùzi bǎole czy tùzǐ pǎole? Postrzeganie nagłosowych spółgłosek zwartych w mandaryńskiej chińszczyźnie przez Polaków]
(Dùzi bǎole or tùzǐ pǎole? The perception of Mandarin word-initial stops by Poles
[Dùzi bǎole czy tùzǐ pǎole? Postrzeganie nagłosowych spółgłosek zwartych w mandaryńskiej chińszczyźnie przez Polaków])
- Author(s):Katarzyna Knoll
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies
- Page Range:34-50
- No. of Pages:17
- Keywords:Voice Onset Time (VOT); perception; Mandarin stops; voicing contrasts
- Summary/Abstract:This paper concentrates on the perception of voicing contrasts in Mandarin Chinese stops by Polish speakers: advanced adult learners of Mandarin, and adults and children who have no knowledge of this Asian language. The results indicate that short-lag stops (0–20 ms VOT) pose a difficulty for Poles, and that the perception of voicing contrasts is both age- and experience-dependent. Advanced learners consistently divide stops into lenis (/p t k/) and fortis (/ph th kh/), and identification of the place of articulation of a given stop is relatively easy for them. Adults who do not know Mandarin, on the other hand, do not have such a strong categorisation effect, their voicing judgments are more ambiguous, and making distinction between labials, denti-alveolars and velars appears to be more difficult for them. Recognition of stops is also difficult for the youngest Poles, who tend to identify lenis /p t k/ and fortis /ph th kh/ as belonging to the same, fortis, category.
- Price: 4.50 €
Shuangguan: Linguistic and cultural aspects of the Chinese art of punning [Shuangguan: językowe i kulturowe aspekty chińskiej sztuki posługiwania się kalamburami]
Shuangguan: Linguistic and cultural aspects of the Chinese art of punning
[Shuangguan: językowe i kulturowe aspekty chińskiej sztuki posługiwania się kalamburami]
(Shuangguan: Linguistic and cultural aspects of the Chinese art of punning
[Shuangguan: językowe i kulturowe aspekty chińskiej sztuki posługiwania się kalamburami])
- Author(s):Agnieszka Solska
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies
- Page Range:51-66
- No. of Pages:16
- Keywords:puns; shuangguan; ambiguity; homophony; high context culture; face; social harmony
- Summary/Abstract:With only 405 distinct syllables, Mandarin Chinese is particularly rich in homophones. Not surprisingly, this peculiarity of the language is exploited in wordplay, which is encountered in all manner of communicative settings, including poetry and prose, cultural symbols, jokes, advertisements and even public service posters and telegram messages. Interestingly, while speakers of English would use the term ‘pun’ to identify most instances of ambiguity-based wordplay, the speakers of Chinese take a much narrower view of what constitutes shuangguan, the term which is typically treated as the equivalent of the English word ‘pun.’ This article examines both more and less prototypical shuangguan, encountered in contexts representative of both high and low culture. It identifies three qualities of the Chinese language which make it particularly well suited for punning wordplay as well as three cultural factors underlying both the partiality Chinese speakers have for the ambiguity-based language play and the ways in which this partiality manifests itself.
- Price: 4.50 €
Living the abhinaya: Sensory-somatic approaches to rasa-bhāva in Odissi dance [Przeżywanie abhinaya: zmysłowo-somatyczne sposoby podejścia do rasa-bhāva w tańcu Odissi]
Living the abhinaya: Sensory-somatic approaches to rasa-bhāva in Odissi dance
[Przeżywanie abhinaya: zmysłowo-somatyczne sposoby podejścia do rasa-bhāva w tańcu Odissi]
(Living the abhinaya: Sensory-somatic approaches to rasa-bhāva in Odissi dance
[Przeżywanie abhinaya: zmysłowo-somatyczne sposoby podejścia do rasa-bhāva w tańcu Odissi])
- Author(s):Sabina Sweta Sen-Podstawska
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies
- Page Range:67-81
- No. of Pages:15
- Keywords:Odissi; Indian classical dance; rasa-bhāva; sensory-somatic
- Summary/Abstract:Odissi, one of the Indian classical dance forms, involves stylised and codified movements built upon a set of grammar and vocabularies that are interconnected with body-mind philosophy and the aesthetic theory of bhāva (mood, feeling, emotion) and rasa (essence, sentiment). In this expressive and dynamic performance a dancer internalises certain bhāvas within herself/himself and performs them with her/his entire body-mind to touch the audience’s body-mind by evoking rasa in both the performer and the audience. While learning and performing, the dancers carefully attend to their psychophysical sensations alongside the socio-cultural and aesthetic influences which together create meanings for the performer, and then become a point of reference for the audience. In this paper, I discuss the sensory-somatic approaches taken by contemporary Odissi dancers to explore the transformations in training and performance methodology. Drawing from my ethnographic fieldwork in India and my personal experience as an Odissi dancer, I analyse examples from abhinaya, expressive dance items, to demonstrate how rasa-bhāva can be re-interpreted as an enactive, embodied and animated aesthetic experience of the dancer.
- Price: 4.50 €
Projekt e-ma: pobudzanie nadziei – spojrzenie na pedagogikę krytyczną Freire’a poprzez wgląd w społeczność Belfastu w oparciu o sztukę
Projekt e-ma: pobudzanie nadziei – spojrzenie na pedagogikę krytyczną Freire’a poprzez wgląd w społeczność Belfastu w oparciu o sztukę
(Project e-ma: Engaging hope – An exploration of Freire’s Critical Pedagogy through arts-based inquiry with a Belfast community)
- Author(s):Andrew R. Woollock
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies
- Page Range:82-102
- No. of Pages:21
- Keywords:E-ma [絵馬]; Critical Pedagogy; Visual Arts; Arts-based Educational Research (ABER);Belfast;
- Summary/Abstract:This paper sets out to present project e-ma, a doctoral research project carried out within the school of education at the Queen’s university of Belfast. Project e-ma explores the potentiality of the shin-tou artefact e-ma [絵馬] as a means to discuss and engage hope within a specific deprived working-class community of south Belfast; the Donegall Pass. Using the theoretical frame of Paulo Freire’s (1970, 1974) Critical Pedagogy and an arts-based educational research approach (ABER), which incorporates the methodological frame of Mertens’s (2007, 2010) “transformative paradigm,” project e-ma sets out to examine whether the key tenets of Freire’s Critical Pedagogy: dialogue, praxis, transformation, problem-posing, disruption, conscientização, undergirded by democracy and social justice can be explored via the conduit of the votive tablet e-ma, and if so what that might look like.
- Price: 4.50 €
Czy istnieje filozofia japońska? [Does Japanese philosophy exist?]
Czy istnieje filozofia japońska?
[Does Japanese philosophy exist?]
(Czy istnieje filozofia japońska?
[Does Japanese philosophy exist?])
- Author(s):Zuzanna Fluder
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies
- Page Range:107-116
- No. of Pages:12
- Keywords:Japanese philosophy; Eastern philosophy; Buddhism; Shintoism; Zen
- Summary/Abstract:The article addresses the issue of whether philosophical thought had existed in Japan before the arrival of what the Japanese call tetsugaku. The term, coined from the words tetsu (“wisdom”) and gaku (“learning”), was introduced in 1874 by Amane Nishi to refer to Western philosophy. The need for such a term arose in the Meiji period, when Japan opened to the Western world and the Japanese started to study philosophical disciplines. The article presents the peculiarities of the Japanese way of thinking, which has been inspired by other cultures (especially the Chinese, Korean and starting from 20th century, the European one) and affected by the ideas grounded in Buddhism, Confucianism as well as the native Shintoism. It examines the development of the native Japanese thought and attempts to determine whether there is a specifically Japanese philosophy, exhibiting its own characteristic features, distinct from the foreign influences and clearly distinguishable from religion and mythology.
- Price: 4.50 €
Fenomen haragei – japońska tradycja w komunikacji interpersonalnej oraz w biznesie [The phenomeon of haragei – A Japanese tradition of interpersonal and business communication]
Fenomen haragei – japońska tradycja w komunikacji interpersonalnej oraz w biznesie
[The phenomeon of haragei – A Japanese tradition of interpersonal and business communication]
(Fenomen haragei – japońska tradycja w komunikacji interpersonalnej oraz w biznesie
[The phenomeon of haragei – A Japanese tradition of interpersonal and business communication])
- Author(s):Ewa Tomporek-Fukuoka
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies
- Page Range:117-130
- No. of Pages:14
- Keywords:haragei; nemawashi; Japanese culture;interpersonal communication;
- Summary/Abstract:The Japanese term haragei (literally, “the art of the stomach” or “the art of the belly”) refers to a special sensitivity that allows people with similar experiences and cultural backgrounds to exchange thoughts and feelings and to achieve mutual understanding by relying on empathy and/or emphasis instead of resorting to verbal communication. The article attempts to present the uniqueness of the haragei-based Japanese way of communicating and to describe how in the Japanese high-context culture haragei is used in everyday life, in the sphere of politics and especially in the business world, where it functions as a method of assessing people and situations and as a way of avoiding potential confrontations and the resulting problems.
- Price: 4.50 €
Trywializacja kultury japońskiej w mediach masowych [The trivialization of the Japanese culture in mass media]
Trywializacja kultury japońskiej w mediach masowych
[The trivialization of the Japanese culture in mass media]
(Trywializacja kultury japońskiej w mediach masowych
[The trivialization of the Japanese culture in mass media])
- Author(s):Marcelina Mrowiec
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies
- Page Range:131-141
- No. of Pages:11
- Keywords:trivialisation; Japanese culture; mass media; media discourse
- Summary/Abstract:The article aims to discuss the ongoing banalization of the Japanese culture in the Polish mass media. Especially Polish television limits its portrayal of Japan to stereotypes and simplifications, giving the viewers practically no opportunity to get acquainted with Japanese thought patterns and turning them into passive consumers of programmes whose informative content is questionable. Japanese feature movies (such as The Ring), offered on prime time TV, are nearly exclusively horror shows of dubious quality. Morning shows (such as Dzień Dobry TVN), presented on breakfast television, depict Japan as an exotic country full of peculiar people. The article argues that this banalization of the Japanese culture results from the spread of infotainment, the ever-increasing tendency for the mass media to treat presenting information merely as a pretext for providing entertainment and thus attracting and keeping an audience.
- Price: 4.50 €
Współcześni samurajowie? Ewolucja modelu społecznego salarymana w Japonii XX i pierwszych lat XXI wieku [Present-day samurai? The evolution of the social model of the salaryman in the Japan of the 20th century and the beginning of the 21st century]
Współcześni samurajowie? Ewolucja modelu społecznego salarymana w Japonii XX i pierwszych lat XXI wieku
[Present-day samurai? The evolution of the social model of the salaryman in the Japan of the 20th century and the beginning of the 21st century]
(Współcześni samurajowie? Ewolucja modelu społecznego salarymana w Japonii XX i pierwszych lat XXI wieku
[Present-day samurai? The evolution of the social model of the salaryman in the Japan of the 20th century and the beginning of the 21st century])
- Author(s):Julian Marcinów
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies
- Page Range:142-161
- No. of Pages:20
- Keywords:Japan; society; work culture;salaryman;
- Summary/Abstract:The article discusses the Japanese model of the salaryman, which has been present in the culture of the Land of the Rising Sun since mid-twentieth century and which has formed a prominent element of the Japanese workplace and educational system. The author analyzes the emergence of the model on the wave of the social changes at the turn of the 19th and 20th century. He presents its subsequent evolution and the reasons why it became such an important component of the Japanese mentality. He draws attention to the connections of the model to the values which the Japanese society holds dear and mentions the claims that it has been inspired by the moral code of the samurai, the former Japanese warrior caste. Finally, he discusses the changes that are currently affecting the world of the Japanese whitecollar workers, changes which result from the crisis of this type of employment and the emergence new models of masculinity.
- Price: 4.50 €
Yoroshiku onegaishimasu – koncepcja „twarzy” czy „stanowiska”? Rodzaje grzeczności w japońskiej formule grzecznościowej [Yoroshiku onegaishimasu – The concept of ‘face’ or ‘social standing’? Types of politeness in a Japanese politeness formula]
Yoroshiku onegaishimasu – koncepcja „twarzy” czy „stanowiska”? Rodzaje grzeczności w japońskiej formule grzecznościowej
[Yoroshiku onegaishimasu – The concept of ‘face’ or ‘social standing’? Types of politeness in a Japanese politeness formula]
(Yoroshiku onegaishimasu – koncepcja „twarzy” czy „stanowiska”? Rodzaje grzeczności w japońskiej formule grzecznościowej
[Yoroshiku onegaishimasu – The concept of ‘face’ or ‘social standing’? Types of politeness in a Japanese politeness formula])
- Author(s):Maria Spiechowicz
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies
- Page Range:162-171
- No. of Pages:10
- Keywords:aisatsu; yoroshiku onegaishimasu; politeness formula; behavitive
- Summary/Abstract:Brown and Levinson (1987) described politeness as a face-saving strategy and distinguished between its positive and negative variety. Supposedly universal, their model of politeness does not seem to be fully applicable to the way politeness is realized in the Japanese culture. For instance, it cannot completely account for the Japanese politeness formula yoroshiku onegaishasu. The way it is translated into other languages is heavily affected by the context of its use and researchers do not agree on how to describe the kind of politeness that the formula is meant to convey, describing it as a “form of dependence” (Matsumoto 1988), a “concept of a situation” (Fukushima 2000), “positive face behavior” (Pizziconi 2003) or the “tachiba concept” (Obana 2010). By examining selected examples of its use and contrasting them with the relevant Polish equivalents the article attempts to describe the formula at semantic-pragmatic and meta-pragmatic levels.
- Price: 4.50 €
Paradoks (acintyatva) w filozofii Dźiwy Goswamina [Paradox (acintyatva) in Jiva Goswami’s philosophy]
Paradoks (acintyatva) w filozofii Dźiwy Goswamina
[Paradox (acintyatva) in Jiva Goswami’s philosophy]
(Paradoks (acintyatva) w filozofii Dźiwy Goswamina
[Paradox (acintyatva) in Jiva Goswami’s philosophy])
- Author(s):Dagmara Wasilewska
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies
- Page Range:172-191
- No. of Pages:20
- Keywords:Indian philosophy; paradox; Bengali Vishnuism; Jīva Gosvāmī
- Summary/Abstract:The article deals with the role of the paradox in the philosophical thought and mysticism of Jiva Goswami. This sixteenth-century Vaishnava theologian placed his system within the Vedanta school, in which the relation of the Absolute to the phenomenal world and to the man functions as the main criterion underlying the distinction into various Vedantic sub-traditions. These range from strict monism, which assumes total unity of the world and the Absolute, to a strict dualism, where they always constitute separate entities. Jiva Goswami’s system, whose full exposition can be found in the Sanskrit treatise Sat Sandarbhas, is based on the innovative concept of acintya-bhedābheda – the paradoxical simultaneous identity and separateness of God and creation. Although the term acintya (“incomprehensible”, “paradoxical”) seems merely a specification of the ontological relation referred to by earlier thinkers and theologians as dvaitādvaita (“unity in diversity”), the consequences of its application are enormous both for philosophy in general and for the model of mysticism as well as the concept of liberation postulated in the Bengali school of Vishnuism, which Goswami represents.
- Price: 4.50 €