Antropologia praktyk językowych
The Anthropology of Language Practice
Contributor(s): Grzegorz Godlewski (Editor), Agnieszka Karpowicz (Editor), Marta Rakoczy (Editor)
Subject(s): History, Fine Arts / Performing Arts, Cultural history, Sociology of Art
Published by: Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego
Keywords: language practice; cultural practice; word anthropology; linguistic anthropology
Summary/Abstract: Development and concretisation of the original perspective concerning the word anthropology, which was formed at the Institute of Polish Culture at Warsaw University and used in language practice research. The perspective is considered the best method to perceive the language as cultural phenomenon. An extensive theoretical introduction justifies this approach and puts the undertaken research into the context of contemporary changes in cultural studies. The volume contains twelve articles which present study cases of language practice seen as cultural practice in historical context: from antiquity to modern times, from the forms of word art to swearing and searching the web.
- E-ISBN-13: 978-83-235-2182-2
- Print-ISBN-13: 978-83-235-2174-7
- Page Count: 412
- Publication Year: 2016
- Language: Polish
Antropologia praktyk językowych: wprowadzenie
Antropologia praktyk językowych: wprowadzenie
(Anthropology of language practices: introduction)
- Author(s):Grzegorz Godlewski
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Cultural history, Essay|Book Review |Scientific Life
- Page Range:7-80
- No. of Pages:74
- Keywords:language practice; cultural practice; word anthropology; linguistic anthropology
- Summary/Abstract:Development and concretisation of the original perspective concerning the word anthropology, which was formed at the Institute of Polish Culture at Warsaw University and used in language practice research. The perspective is considered the best method to perceive the language as cultural phenomenon. An extensive theoretical introduction justifies this approach and puts the undertaken research into the context of contemporary changes in cultural studies. The volume contains twelve articles which present study cases of language practice seen as cultural practice in historical context: from antiquity to modern times, from the forms of word art to swearing and searching the web.
- Price: 4.50 €
Teksty praktyki. Początki tekstualizacji doświadczenia... w antycznych praktykach piśmiennych
Teksty praktyki. Początki tekstualizacji doświadczenia... w antycznych praktykach piśmiennych
(Practice texts. The beginnings of texturing experience ... in ancient writing practices)
- Author(s):Paweł Majewski
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Fine Arts / Performing Arts, Cultural history
- Page Range:81-102
- No. of Pages:22
- Keywords:language practice; cultural practice; word anthropology; linguistic anthropology
- Summary/Abstract:Development and concretisation of the original perspective concerning the word anthropology, which was formed at the Institute of Polish Culture at Warsaw University and used in language practice research. The perspective is considered the best method to perceive the language as cultural phenomenon. An extensive theoretical introduction justifies this approach and puts the undertaken research into the context of contemporary changes in cultural studies. The volume contains twelve articles which present study cases of language practice seen as cultural practice in historical context: from antiquity to modern times, from the forms of word art to swearing and searching the web.
- Price: 4.50 €
Pre-teksty i proto-teksty. Tekstualizacja praktyk językowych... jako praktyka kultury druku
Pre-teksty i proto-teksty. Tekstualizacja praktyk językowych... jako praktyka kultury druku
(Pre-texts and proto-texts. Texturing of language practices ... as a print culture practice)
- Author(s):Agnieszka Karpowicz
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Fine Arts / Performing Arts, Cultural history
- Page Range:103-130
- No. of Pages:28
- Keywords:language practice; cultural practice; word anthropology; linguistic anthropology
- Summary/Abstract:Development and concretisation of the original perspective concerning the word anthropology, which was formed at the Institute of Polish Culture at Warsaw University and used in language practice research. The perspective is considered the best method to perceive the language as cultural phenomenon. An extensive theoretical introduction justifies this approach and puts the undertaken research into the context of contemporary changes in cultural studies. The volume contains twelve articles which present study cases of language practice seen as cultural practice in historical context: from antiquity to modern times, from the forms of word art to swearing and searching the web.
- Price: 4.50 €
Od sztuki działania do procedury, czyli o przemianach metarefleksji. nad epistolografią w XVIII i na początku XIX wieku
Od sztuki działania do procedury, czyli o przemianach metarefleksji. nad epistolografią w XVIII i na początku XIX wieku
(From the art of action to the procedure, that is, about metareflex transformation. above epistolography in the eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries)
- Author(s):Agata Sikora
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Fine Arts / Performing Arts, Cultural history
- Page Range:131-149
- No. of Pages:19
- Keywords:language practice; cultural practice; word anthropology; linguistic anthropology
- Summary/Abstract:Development and concretisation of the original perspective concerning the word anthropology, which was formed at the Institute of Polish Culture at Warsaw University and used in language practice research. The perspective is considered the best method to perceive the language as cultural phenomenon. An extensive theoretical introduction justifies this approach and puts the undertaken research into the context of contemporary changes in cultural studies. The volume contains twelve articles which present study cases of language practice seen as cultural practice in historical context: from antiquity to modern times, from the forms of word art to swearing and searching the web.
- Price: 4.50 €
„Ten sobie mówi, a ten sobie mówi”. Ballady Adama Mickiewicza... – literatura czy partytura
„Ten sobie mówi, a ten sobie mówi”. Ballady Adama Mickiewicza... – literatura czy partytura
("He talks to himself and he talks to himself." Adam Mickiewicz's ballads ... - literature or score)
- Author(s):Małgorzata Litwinowicz-Droździel
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Fine Arts / Performing Arts, Cultural history
- Page Range:150-180
- No. of Pages:31
- Keywords:language practice; cultural practice; word anthropology; linguistic anthropology
- Summary/Abstract:Development and concretisation of the original perspective concerning the word anthropology, which was formed at the Institute of Polish Culture at Warsaw University and used in language practice research. The perspective is considered the best method to perceive the language as cultural phenomenon. An extensive theoretical introduction justifies this approach and puts the undertaken research into the context of contemporary changes in cultural studies. The volume contains twelve articles which present study cases of language practice seen as cultural practice in historical context: from antiquity to modern times, from the forms of word art to swearing and searching the web.
- Price: 4.50 €
Litewskie kalendarze w drugiej połowie XIX wieku...: inicjacje wspólnoty praktyków słowa drukowanego
Litewskie kalendarze w drugiej połowie XIX wieku...: inicjacje wspólnoty praktyków słowa drukowanego
(Lithuanian calendars in the second half 19th century ...: initiations of a community of practitioners printed word)
- Author(s):Marcin Niemojewski
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Fine Arts / Performing Arts, Cultural history
- Page Range:181-207
- No. of Pages:27
- Keywords:language practice; cultural practice; word anthropology; linguistic anthropology
- Summary/Abstract:Development and concretisation of the original perspective concerning the word anthropology, which was formed at the Institute of Polish Culture at Warsaw University and used in language practice research. The perspective is considered the best method to perceive the language as cultural phenomenon. An extensive theoretical introduction justifies this approach and puts the undertaken research into the context of contemporary changes in cultural studies. The volume contains twelve articles which present study cases of language practice seen as cultural practice in historical context: from antiquity to modern times, from the forms of word art to swearing and searching the web.
- Price: 4.50 €
Pismo, ciało, gest: o szkolnych praktykach grafomotorycznych
Pismo, ciało, gest: o szkolnych praktykach grafomotorycznych
(Writing, body, gesture: on school graphomotoric practices)
- Author(s):Marta Rakoczy
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Fine Arts / Performing Arts, Cultural history
- Page Range:208-231
- No. of Pages:24
- Keywords:language practice; cultural practice; word anthropology; linguistic anthropology
- Summary/Abstract:Development and concretisation of the original perspective concerning the word anthropology, which was formed at the Institute of Polish Culture at Warsaw University and used in language practice research. The perspective is considered the best method to perceive the language as cultural phenomenon. An extensive theoretical introduction justifies this approach and puts the undertaken research into the context of contemporary changes in cultural studies. The volume contains twelve articles which present study cases of language practice seen as cultural practice in historical context: from antiquity to modern times, from the forms of word art to swearing and searching the web.
- Price: 4.50 €
„Sekretarka” Dzienniczka Faustyny Kowalskiej lektura antropologiczna
„Sekretarka” Dzienniczka Faustyny Kowalskiej lektura antropologiczna
("Secretary" of the Diary of Faustyna Kowalska
anthropological reading)
- Author(s):Piotr Kubkowski
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Fine Arts / Performing Arts, Cultural history
- Page Range:232-260
- No. of Pages:29
- Keywords:language practice; cultural practice; word anthropology; linguistic anthropology
- Summary/Abstract:Development and concretisation of the original perspective concerning the word anthropology, which was formed at the Institute of Polish Culture at Warsaw University and used in language practice research. The perspective is considered the best method to perceive the language as cultural phenomenon. An extensive theoretical introduction justifies this approach and puts the undertaken research into the context of contemporary changes in cultural studies. The volume contains twelve articles which present study cases of language practice seen as cultural practice in historical context: from antiquity to modern times, from the forms of word art to swearing and searching the web.
- Price: 4.50 €
Dziennikopisanie jako praktyka codzienności. O notatnikach Edwarda Stachury
Dziennikopisanie jako praktyka codzienności. O notatnikach Edwarda Stachury
(Journalism as a daily practice. About Edward Stachura's notebooks)
- Author(s):Paweł Rodak
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Fine Arts / Performing Arts, Cultural history
- Page Range:261-297
- No. of Pages:37
- Keywords:language practice; cultural practice; word anthropology; linguistic anthropology
- Summary/Abstract:Development and concretisation of the original perspective concerning the word anthropology, which was formed at the Institute of Polish Culture at Warsaw University and used in language practice research. The perspective is considered the best method to perceive the language as cultural phenomenon. An extensive theoretical introduction justifies this approach and puts the undertaken research into the context of contemporary changes in cultural studies. The volume contains twelve articles which present study cases of language practice seen as cultural practice in historical context: from antiquity to modern times, from the forms of word art to swearing and searching the web.
- Price: 4.50 €
Legnickie opowieści o PRL-u. Prowadzenie wywiadu etnograficznego jako praktyka profesjonalna i międzyludzka
Legnickie opowieści o PRL-u. Prowadzenie wywiadu etnograficznego jako praktyka profesjonalna i międzyludzka
(Legnica stories about the PRL. Conducting ethnographic interview as a professional and interpersonal practice)
- Author(s):Zuzanna Grębecka
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Fine Arts / Performing Arts, Cultural history
- Page Range:298-324
- No. of Pages:27
- Keywords:language practice; cultural practice; word anthropology; linguistic anthropology
- Summary/Abstract:Development and concretisation of the original perspective concerning the word anthropology, which was formed at the Institute of Polish Culture at Warsaw University and used in language practice research. The perspective is considered the best method to perceive the language as cultural phenomenon. An extensive theoretical introduction justifies this approach and puts the undertaken research into the context of contemporary changes in cultural studies. The volume contains twelve articles which present study cases of language practice seen as cultural practice in historical context: from antiquity to modern times, from the forms of word art to swearing and searching the web.
- Price: 4.50 €
Legendy o krwi: praktykowanie podziału, wspólnoty i oporu
Legendy o krwi: praktykowanie podziału, wspólnoty i oporu
(Blood legends: practicing division, community and resistance)
- Author(s):Olga Kaczmarek
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Fine Arts / Performing Arts, Cultural history
- Page Range:325-349
- No. of Pages:25
- Keywords:language practice; cultural practice; word anthropology; linguistic anthropology
- Summary/Abstract:Development and concretisation of the original perspective concerning the word anthropology, which was formed at the Institute of Polish Culture at Warsaw University and used in language practice research. The perspective is considered the best method to perceive the language as cultural phenomenon. An extensive theoretical introduction justifies this approach and puts the undertaken research into the context of contemporary changes in cultural studies. The volume contains twelve articles which present study cases of language practice seen as cultural practice in historical context: from antiquity to modern times, from the forms of word art to swearing and searching the web.
- Price: 4.50 €
Na sce-NIE! Przeklinanie jako językowa praktyka (anty)kulturowa. na przykładzie performance’ów punkowych i hiphopowych
Na sce-NIE! Przeklinanie jako językowa praktyka (anty)kulturowa. na przykładzie performance’ów punkowych i hiphopowych
(On the scene! imprecation as a (anti) cultural language practice. on the example of performances punk and hip hop)
- Author(s):Agnieszka Karpowicz
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Fine Arts / Performing Arts, Cultural history
- Page Range:350-380
- No. of Pages:31
- Keywords:language practice; cultural practice; word anthropology; linguistic anthropology
- Summary/Abstract:Development and concretisation of the original perspective concerning the word anthropology, which was formed at the Institute of Polish Culture at Warsaw University and used in language practice research. The perspective is considered the best method to perceive the language as cultural phenomenon. An extensive theoretical introduction justifies this approach and puts the undertaken research into the context of contemporary changes in cultural studies. The volume contains twelve articles which present study cases of language practice seen as cultural practice in historical context: from antiquity to modern times, from the forms of word art to swearing and searching the web.
- Price: 4.50 €
„W Gugle wpisuję swoje nazwisko...”. Społeczne i kulturowe funkcje praktyki wyszukiwania w sieci
„W Gugle wpisuję swoje nazwisko...”. Społeczne i kulturowe funkcje praktyki wyszukiwania w sieci
("I enter my name in Google ..." Social and cultural functions of practice web searches)
- Author(s):Jerzy Stachowicz
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Fine Arts / Performing Arts, Cultural history
- Page Range:381-409
- No. of Pages:29
- Keywords:language practice; cultural practice; word anthropology; linguistic anthropology
- Summary/Abstract:Development and concretisation of the original perspective concerning the word anthropology, which was formed at the Institute of Polish Culture at Warsaw University and used in language practice research. The perspective is considered the best method to perceive the language as cultural phenomenon. An extensive theoretical introduction justifies this approach and puts the undertaken research into the context of contemporary changes in cultural studies. The volume contains twelve articles which present study cases of language practice seen as cultural practice in historical context: from antiquity to modern times, from the forms of word art to swearing and searching the web.
- Price: 4.50 €