Nauki społeczne wobec zmiany – alternatywa scalania (inspiracje dla współczesnej pedagogiki)
Social Sciences in the Face of Change – Prospect of Integration. Inspirations for Contemporary Pedagogy
Author(s): Krystyna Marzec-Holka, Andrzej Radziewicz-Winnicki, Anna Wiłkomirska
Subject(s): Social Sciences, Education
Published by: Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego
Keywords: globalization; transformation; social change; social capital; social poverty
Summary/Abstract: The monograph is a kind of compendium of knowledge in the field of social sciences primarily dedicated to all educators. In addition, the book contains the studies on various aspects and consequences of social changes corresponding with the discourse on trauma of change and includes analysis of the issues regarding subjectivity of the individual, social capital, social justice, and ecology.
- E-ISBN-13: 978-83-235-3500-3
- Print-ISBN-13: 978-83-235-3492-1
- Page Count: 276
- Publication Year: 2018
- Language: Polish
Ewolucjonizm i neoewolucjonizm
Ewolucjonizm i neoewolucjonizm
(Evolution and neo-evolution)
- Author(s):Anna Wiłkomirska
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Education
- Page Range:23-40
- No. of Pages:18
- Keywords:globalization; transformation; social change; social capital; social poverty
- Summary/Abstract:The monograph is a kind of compendium of knowledge in the field of social sciences primarily dedicated to all educators. In addition, the book contains the studies on various aspects and consequences of social changes corresponding with the discourse on trauma of change and includes analysis of the issues regarding subjectivity of the individual, social capital, social justice, and ecology.
- Price: 4.50 €
Zmiana w głównych perspektywach teoretycznych
Zmiana w głównych perspektywach teoretycznych
(Change in the main theoretical perspectives)
- Author(s):Anna Wiłkomirska
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Education
- Page Range:41-52
- No. of Pages:12
- Keywords:globalization; transformation; social change; social capital; social poverty
- Summary/Abstract:The monograph is a kind of compendium of knowledge in the field of social sciences primarily dedicated to all educators. In addition, the book contains the studies on various aspects and consequences of social changes corresponding with the discourse on trauma of change and includes analysis of the issues regarding subjectivity of the individual, social capital, social justice, and ecology.
- Price: 4.50 €
Teorie modernizacji
Teorie modernizacji
(Theories of modernization)
- Author(s):Anna Wiłkomirska
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Education
- Page Range:53-80
- No. of Pages:28
- Keywords:globalization; transformation; social change; social capital; social poverty
- Summary/Abstract:The monograph is a kind of compendium of knowledge in the field of social sciences primarily dedicated to all educators. In addition, the book contains the studies on various aspects and consequences of social changes corresponding with the discourse on trauma of change and includes analysis of the issues regarding subjectivity of the individual, social capital, social justice, and ecology.
- Price: 4.50 €
Postmodernizm-ponowoczesność – w walce z modernizacją
Postmodernizm-ponowoczesność – w walce z modernizacją
(Postmodernism-postmodernity - in the fight against modernization)
- Author(s):Anna Wiłkomirska
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Education
- Page Range:81-97
- No. of Pages:17
- Keywords:globalization; transformation; social change; social capital; social poverty
- Summary/Abstract:The monograph is a kind of compendium of knowledge in the field of social sciences primarily dedicated to all educators. In addition, the book contains the studies on various aspects and consequences of social changes corresponding with the discourse on trauma of change and includes analysis of the issues regarding subjectivity of the individual, social capital, social justice, and ecology.
- Price: 4.50 €
Rewolucje, ruchy społeczne i transformacje
Rewolucje, ruchy społeczne i transformacje
(Revolutions, social movements and transformations)
- Author(s):Anna Wiłkomirska
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Education
- Page Range:98-118
- No. of Pages:21
- Keywords:globalization; transformation; social change; social capital; social poverty
- Summary/Abstract:The monograph is a kind of compendium of knowledge in the field of social sciences primarily dedicated to all educators. In addition, the book contains the studies on various aspects and consequences of social changes corresponding with the discourse on trauma of change and includes analysis of the issues regarding subjectivity of the individual, social capital, social justice, and ecology.
- Price: 4.50 €
Względnie trwałe czynniki sprawcze towarzyszące dobie transformacji w obszarze upośledzenia społecznego. Symptomy anomii, chaosu i dezorientacji a rehabilitacja publiczna
Względnie trwałe czynniki sprawcze towarzyszące dobie transformacji w obszarze upośledzenia społecznego. Symptomy anomii, chaosu i dezorientacji a rehabilitacja publiczna
(Relatively persistent causative agents accompanying the era of transformation in the area social disability. Symptoms of anomy, chaos and confusion and public rehabilitation)
- Author(s):Krystyna Marzec-Holka, Andrzej Radziewicz-Winnicki
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Education
- Page Range:121-148
- No. of Pages:28
- Keywords:globalization; transformation; social change; social capital; social poverty
- Summary/Abstract:The monograph is a kind of compendium of knowledge in the field of social sciences primarily dedicated to all educators. In addition, the book contains the studies on various aspects and consequences of social changes corresponding with the discourse on trauma of change and includes analysis of the issues regarding subjectivity of the individual, social capital, social justice, and ecology.
- Price: 4.50 €
Kapitał społeczny i jego funkcje. Kontrowersje wokół kapitału społecznego zbiorowego i indywidualnego
Kapitał społeczny i jego funkcje. Kontrowersje wokół kapitału społecznego zbiorowego i indywidualnego
(Social capital and its functions. Controversy around social capital collective and individual)
- Author(s):Krystyna Marzec-Holka
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Education
- Page Range:149-171
- No. of Pages:23
- Keywords:globalization; transformation; social change; social capital; social poverty
- Summary/Abstract:The monograph is a kind of compendium of knowledge in the field of social sciences primarily dedicated to all educators. In addition, the book contains the studies on various aspects and consequences of social changes corresponding with the discourse on trauma of change and includes analysis of the issues regarding subjectivity of the individual, social capital, social justice, and ecology.
- Price: 4.50 €
Kapitał społeczny w perspektywie indywidualnej i rodzinnej oraz możliwości stymulacji kapitału zbiorowego
Kapitał społeczny w perspektywie indywidualnej i rodzinnej oraz możliwości stymulacji kapitału zbiorowego
(Social capital in perspective individual and family and the possibility of stimulating collective capital)
- Author(s):Krystyna Marzec-Holka
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Education
- Page Range:172-220
- No. of Pages:49
- Keywords:globalization; transformation; social change; social capital; social poverty
- Summary/Abstract:The monograph is a kind of compendium of knowledge in the field of social sciences primarily dedicated to all educators. In addition, the book contains the studies on various aspects and consequences of social changes corresponding with the discourse on trauma of change and includes analysis of the issues regarding subjectivity of the individual, social capital, social justice, and ecology.
- Price: 4.50 €
Komunitaryzm na tle teorii sprawiedliwości społecznej Johna Rawlsa. Utopijna próba obniżenia poczucia względnej deprywacji we współczesnej polskiej rodzinie
Komunitaryzm na tle teorii sprawiedliwości społecznej Johna Rawlsa. Utopijna próba obniżenia poczucia względnej deprywacji we współczesnej polskiej rodzinie
(Communitarianism on the background of theory social justice of John Rawls. Utopian attempt to lower the relative sense deprivation in the contemporary Polish family)
- Author(s):Andrzej Radziewicz-Winnicki
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Education
- Page Range:221-234
- No. of Pages:14
- Keywords:globalization; transformation; social change; social capital; social poverty
- Summary/Abstract:The monograph is a kind of compendium of knowledge in the field of social sciences primarily dedicated to all educators. In addition, the book contains the studies on various aspects and consequences of social changes corresponding with the discourse on trauma of change and includes analysis of the issues regarding subjectivity of the individual, social capital, social justice, and ecology.
- Price: 4.50 €
Magia rewitalizacji w dobie niepokojącej współczesności
Magia rewitalizacji w dobie niepokojącej współczesności
(The magic of revitalization in the age of disturbing modernity)
- Author(s):Andrzej Radziewicz-Winnicki
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Education
- Page Range:235-247
- No. of Pages:13
- Keywords:globalization; transformation; social change; social capital; social poverty
- Summary/Abstract:The monograph is a kind of compendium of knowledge in the field of social sciences primarily dedicated to all educators. In addition, the book contains the studies on various aspects and consequences of social changes corresponding with the discourse on trauma of change and includes analysis of the issues regarding subjectivity of the individual, social capital, social justice, and ecology.
- Price: 4.50 €
Ekologia społeczna. Podmiotowość człowieka a inwestowanie w naturę w refleksjach ekspertów
Ekologia społeczna. Podmiotowość człowieka a inwestowanie w naturę w refleksjach ekspertów
(Social ecology. Human subjectivity and investing in nature in expert reflections)
- Author(s):Andrzej Radziewicz-Winnicki
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Education
- Page Range:248-256
- No. of Pages:9
- Keywords:globalization; transformation; social change; social capital; social poverty
- Summary/Abstract:The monograph is a kind of compendium of knowledge in the field of social sciences primarily dedicated to all educators. In addition, the book contains the studies on various aspects and consequences of social changes corresponding with the discourse on trauma of change and includes analysis of the issues regarding subjectivity of the individual, social capital, social justice, and ecology.
- Price: 4.50 €