Być w mniejszości. Być mniejszością
To Be in the Minority. To Be a Minority
Contributor(s): Tomasz Kaczmarek (Editor), Joanna Raźny (Editor)
Subject(s): Social Sciences, Language and Literature Studies, Gender Studies, Studies of Literature, Sociology, Ethnic Minorities Studies
Published by: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
Keywords: social minority;ethnic minority;artistic minority;cultural minority;national minority;language minority
Summary/Abstract: The authors of the articles represent various scientific centers, diverse fields of knowledge; and view the issue of minorities from different perspectives. They want to speak on behalf of all who, for various reasons, are on the margin of majority groups. According to Albert Camus, the writer's role is to defend the excluded who have been deprived of that accusatory voice. Harold Pinter wants to discover “reality through art” to rebuild human dignity. These actions are intended, as Emma Goldman pointed out in her essay under the telling title “Minorities versus Majorities”, to “divide and break up” the majority, because “always, at every period, the few were the banner bearers of a great idea, of liberating effort. Not so the mass, the leaden weight of which does not let it move.” This advocate of women’s rights and sexual freedom does not want to express contempt for the common people, but rather draws attention to the driving force of a thinking human being, ready to change a rotten and unfair system for a truly democratic society of free people: “the living, vital truth of social and economic well-being will become a reality only through the zeal, courage, the non-compromising determination of intelligent minorities, and not through the mass.”Tomasz Kaczmarek
- E-ISBN-13: 978-83-8142-320-5
- Print-ISBN-13: 978-83-8142-319-9
- Page Count: 422
- Publication Year: 2019
- Language: Polish
Indeks osób, Informacje o Autorach
Indeks osób, Informacje o Autorach
(Index, About the authors)
- Author(s):Not Specified Author
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Social Sciences
- Page Range:397-420
- No. of Pages:24
Jak wyrazić siebie w języku? Przypadek szalonej Ofelii
Jak wyrazić siebie w języku? Przypadek szalonej Ofelii
(How to express oneself in the language?
The case of mad Ophelia)
- Author(s):Edyta Janiak
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies, Gender Studies, Theoretical Linguistics, Studies of Literature
- Page Range:15-22
- No. of Pages:6
- Keywords:Ophelia;Shakespeare;feminism;Jakobson;linguistics;discourse
- Summary/Abstract:Ophelia in the discourse of humanities is mostly presented as an object and mentally inferior to the protagonist of the drama — Hamlet. The feminist critics noticed that the heroine could be regarded as a symbol of femininity and actually a symbol of the inability to fully express its subjectivity due to the domination of male logos. In my article, I would like to briefly introduce the form of Ophelia’s reception and to analyze the language of the heroine by using methodological tools of linguistics (Jakobson — poetic function of language, aphasia as a language disorder). To introduce a broader perspective of my research I will also refer to cultural figure of an outsider.
- Price: 4.50 €
O zapomnianym źródle do studiów nad twórczością rosyjskich pisarek doby oświecenia (rekonstrukcja zamysłu i etapów pracy nad pierwszym w Rosji słownikiem kobiet pióra)
O zapomnianym źródle do studiów nad twórczością rosyjskich pisarek doby oświecenia (rekonstrukcja zamysłu i etapów pracy nad pierwszym w Rosji słownikiem kobiet pióra)
(About the forgotten source for the studies on the literary output of the Russian women writers in the Enlightenment period (reconstruction of the concept and stages of working on the first dictionary of the women writers in Russia))
- Author(s):Magdalena Dąbrowska
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies, Studies of Literature, Russian Literature
- Page Range:23-34
- No. of Pages:12
- Keywords:periodical;woman writer;Enlightenment;Russia;dictionary;Mikhail Makarov;Materials for the history of the women writers
- Summary/Abstract:The article presents the conception of the Materials to the history of the Russian women writers by Mikhail Makarov (published in the periodical “Damskij zhurnal” 1830, 1833), including the structure (main part and annex), contents of the entries (time frames, sources of the information, mistakes etc.) and the reception in the 19th century (criticism for the mistakes). The interpretive context are the Bibliographical catalogue of the Russian women writers (1826) by Stepan Russov, Biographical dictionary of the Russian women writers (1889) by Nikolai Golitsyn and other texts on the women writers (among others Catherine II) published in the periodical “Damskij zhurnal”.
- Price: 4.50 €
Strach w Zameczku Anny Mostowskiej jako narracja destabilizująca
Strach w Zameczku Anny Mostowskiej jako narracja destabilizująca
(Anna Mostowska’s Strach w Zameczku as destabilising narration)
- Author(s):Weronika Pawlik-Kwaśniewska
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies, Gender Studies, Studies of Literature, Polish Literature
- Page Range:35-43
- No. of Pages:9
- Keywords:Enlightenment;second-wave feminism;destabilising discourse;dominating discourse
- Summary/Abstract:The research methodology involves an experimental combination of two different discourses within one interpretation: a philological method and second-wave feminism. Exa¬mined in the context of logic of tosamość and écriture féminine, Strach w Zameczku is a women’s writing. I have analysed Mostowska’s novel as a subversive act. The author reviews the myth of male rationality. The paradigm of a character as a depositary and subject of mind is confronted in the article with a paradigm of an irrational female protagonist with the characteristics of Otto Weininger’s absolute woman. The isomorphism of knowledge and masculinity and the isomorphism of absence and femininity are undermined.
- Price: 4.50 €
Retoryka rewolucyjna w zderzeniu z mniejszościami seksualnymi. Analiza czterech pamfletów z okresu Wielkiej Rewolucji Francuskiej
Retoryka rewolucyjna w zderzeniu z mniejszościami seksualnymi. Analiza czterech pamfletów z okresu Wielkiej Rewolucji Francuskiej
(When the revolutionary rhetoric meets sexual minorities
An analysis of four pamphlets of the French Revolution)
- Author(s):Przemysław Szczur
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies, Gender Studies, Studies of Literature
- Page Range:45-55
- No. of Pages:11
- Keywords:French Revolution;pamphlet;sexuality;sexual minority
- Summary/Abstract:The paper discusses the way the rhetoric of liberation and human rights, characteristic of the French Revolution, deals with the subject of sexual minorities. The Revolution can be seen as a transition period in which the revolutionary rhetoric collides some ancient images of sexual minorities. The limits of this new rhetoric are tested in pamphlets where these minorities appear and that are also full of ancient images: Les Enfans de Sodome à l’Assemblée Nationale, Requête et décret en faveur des putains, des fouteuses, des macquerelles et des branleuses contre les bougres, les bardaches et les brûleurs de paillasses, Les Petits Bougres au Manège and La Liberté ou Mlle Raucourt.
- Price: 4.50 €
Libertynizm w dziele Jewdokii Nagrodskiej
Libertynizm w dziele Jewdokii Nagrodskiej
(The libertinage in the work of Evdokia Nagrodskaia)
- Author(s):Luc Leguérinel
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies, Gender Studies, Studies of Literature, Russian Literature
- Page Range:57-68
- No. of Pages:12
- Keywords:the Silver Age;Russian writer;libertinism;adultery;homosexuality;lesbianism
- Summary/Abstract:The author aims to present the work of Evdokia Nagrodska, a Russian author now fallen into oblivion. To do this, he briefly discusses the literary context of the time and her biography, before analyzing in greater depth her book The Wrath of Dionysus, which was a bestseller in Russia in the early 20th century. He tries, through the analysis of this novel, to rediscover a novelist both despised by the Russian intelligentsia for writing popular literature, and strongly criticized by the former censors for treating themes related to female adultery, homosexuality and lesbianism. By that he is trying to show that Nagrodska is primarily an avant-garde novelist who deals with libertinism far more than pornography and that her freethinking is both sexual and political.
- Price: 4.50 €
Transowe obecności w literaturze ponowoczesnej
Transowe obecności w literaturze ponowoczesnej
(Transgender presences in post-modern literature)
- Author(s):Mateusz Król
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies, Gender Studies, Studies of Literature
- Page Range:69-77
- No. of Pages:9
- Keywords:Trans literature;queer;trans positive/negative literature
- Summary/Abstract:This article is an attempt to describe the most important problems faced by the contemporary trans(gender) literature in Poland. The analysis was carried out on two main axes: with the distinction of texts identified as (1) heteronormative and non-heteronormative, and (2) homonormative and non(hetero/homo)normative. Moreover, author provides some interesting examples of trans negative and trans positive literature. An important element of this article is the analysis of the autobiographical texts inscribed in the axis of non(hetero/homo)normative literature and trans positive literature. In the last part of the article, the author highlights the importance of the first transgender children book published in Poland “Kim jest ślimak Sam?” by Maria Pawłowska and Jakub Szamałek.
- Price: 4.50 €
Literatura w krótkich spodenkach…, ale pod krawatem. O niemasowych wytworach rynku wydawniczego dla dzieci i młodzieży w kontekście problemów z określeniem adresata intencjonalnego
Literatura w krótkich spodenkach…, ale pod krawatem. O niemasowych wytworach rynku wydawniczego dla dzieci i młodzieży w kontekście problemów z określeniem adresata intencjonalnego
(Literature in shorts... but under a tie
Non-mass products of the publishing market for children and youth in the context of problems with determining the intentional addressee)
- Author(s):Marta Szymor-Rólczak
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies, Studies of Literature, Polish Literature
- Page Range:79-101
- No. of Pages:23
- Keywords:Publishing market;book for children;intentional addressee
- Summary/Abstract:The introduction of the article presents the state of research on the book market for children and youth and the basic problems related to this issue. One of the types of non-mass publications cataloged for children and youth — the so-called picture books — was analyzed in more detail. A review of examples of the picture book implementation and selected strategies for displaying the text and its correlation with illustrative material are presented. Particular attention was focused on the problem of the intentional recipient and adult participation in the reading process of child inculturation.
- Price: 4.50 €
Francuski teatr feministyczny na przełomie XIX i XX wieku
Francuski teatr feministyczny na przełomie XIX i XX wieku
(The French feminist theater at the turn of 19th and 20th centuries)
- Author(s):Tomasz Kaczmarek
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies, Gender Studies, Studies of Literature, French Literature
- Page Range:105-121
- No. of Pages:17
- Keywords:Vera Starkoff;Nelly Roussel;feminist theater;anarchy;didactic drama
- Summary/Abstract:Until recently not many people recognized the feminist theater movement existing in the end of the 19th century. For almost a century it was condemned to oblivion for above all political reasons. Most scholars were focused on anarchist authors while in this the article works of the two feminine authors are analyzed, these include: Vera Starkoff and Nelly Roussel. Starkoff, the Russian Jew, was inspired by Tolstoy, Zola and Ibsen, and wrote the didactic dramas in which she discussed gender inequality between men and women at that time. She in her works seems to be more moderate then Russel who is more uncompromising in her works. Russell ridicules canonic values represented by the Roman-Catholic Church enslaving not only women but each individual’s thinking.
- Price: 4.50 €
Wątki paryskie w twórczości powieściowej Włodzimierza Perzyńskiego (na przykładzie Wiosny)
Wątki paryskie w twórczości powieściowej Włodzimierza Perzyńskiego (na przykładzie Wiosny)
(Parisian themes in the novel of Włodzimierz Perzyński
(on the example of Spring))
- Author(s):Joanna Raźny
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies, Studies of Literature, Polish Literature
- Page Range:123-149
- No. of Pages:27
- Keywords:Włodzimierz Perzyński;Spring;Paris;modernist novel;migration;city
- Summary/Abstract:The subject of the work are selected spatial aspects of the novel Spring (1911) by Włodzimierz Perzyński. The Paris sequence of the story of the novel, representative of the modernist period in the writer’s work, was discussed. The focus of attention was on the cultural image of Paris at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries in the context of contemporary migration processes and poetics of space, examined by the tools of contemporary reflection on the role of space.
- Price: 4.50 €
Artyści modernistyczni jako mniejszość
Artyści modernistyczni jako mniejszość
(Modernist artists as a minority)
- Author(s):Gabriela Matuszek
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies, Sociology of the arts, business, education
- Page Range:151-164
- No. of Pages:13
- Keywords:artist;early modernism;bohemians;minority;elitism of art
- Summary/Abstract:In the text Modernist artists as a minority G. Matuszek tries to apply the category of minorities to artistic groups, focusing primarily on the situation of artists of early modernism captured in broader contexts. The author shows that artistic environments are often in a “minority situation”, although this minority fulfills only some elements of the ‘hard’ definitions. Psychological dimension plays a significant role here — the subjective feeling of ‘being a minority’ and the expression of distinctiveness, and the linking factors include recognizing the world in the state of crisis, alienation and (self)exclusion, anthropological similarity (theories of higher evolutionary development) etc
- Price: 4.50 €
Między asymilacją a wykluczeniem, czyli o paradoksach emigracyjnego życia i twórczości artysty kabaretowego
Między asymilacją a wykluczeniem, czyli o paradoksach emigracyjnego życia i twórczości artysty kabaretowego
(Between the assimilation and exclusion, that is about paradoxes
of the emigration life and the works of the cabaret artist)
- Author(s):Lidia Ignaczak
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies, Sociology of the arts, business, education
- Page Range:165-186
- No. of Pages:22
- Keywords:history of the theatre;Paris of the 19th century;fin-de-siècle;modernism;Warsaw of the 20th century;cabaret
- Summary/Abstract:This article presents two cabaret artists, admittedly living in a different historical times, presenting different cabaret styles, whose fate, however, puts them to the similar test. Both Maria Krysińska (Polish Jewess, who successfully joins the life of Parisian bohemian of the late 19th century, the poet of the Club of Hydropathes and the femme chansonnier in the cabaret Chat Noir) and Fryderyk Járosy (arrived from Austria, the legendary conférencier in the cabaret Qui Pro Quo, and in other Warsaw cabarets of the interwar period) experienced the effects of deterritorialization: on the one hand can no longer identify themselves with the cultural order of their old homeland, on the other hand — they cannot fully participate in the artistic life of their new homeland. They both were trapped in the gap of time, between the two different models of life, which did not allow their full assimilation nor full exclusion..
- Price: 4.50 €
Obcość jako kategoria analityczna w badaniach nad polską emigracją artystyczną
Obcość jako kategoria analityczna w badaniach nad polską emigracją artystyczną
(Strangeness as an analytical category in the study
of Polish émigré artist)
- Author(s):Tomasz Ferenc
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Sociology of Culture, Sociology of the arts, business, education
- Page Range:187-206
- No. of Pages:20
- Keywords:strangeness;emigration;the artists;biographical research;artistic carriers
- Summary/Abstract:Biographical interviews conducted among Polish émigré artists revealed several key categories. One of them is the strangeness, which turned out to be a complex and multifaceted category. In “mythologies” of artists the feeling of strangeness, otherness, and even hostility of the outside world reveals itself very often and becomes part of biography and ethos of an artist. Emigration generally exacerbates this condition. However, the emigrant experiences strangeness not only in a new place of residence, the prolonged absence from the home country also has its own consequences. As a result, very often they experience double strangeness: in their left home country and in the new place of residence. However, that does not mean, that feeling of strangeness connects only with suffering. Many artists are able to take advantage of this inconvenience, finding in this state their matter, subject, stimulation for creative work. These artists continually derive inspiration from being a stranger. In the article by referring to the collected biographical data I would like to show different trajectories of foreignness and various creative strategies used by artists emigrants. Strangeness will be shown as a key category in the description of their biographical experience but also as not entirely unambiguous category.
- Price: 4.50 €
Polska mniejszość narodowa a prehistoria nauczania języków i kultur rodzimych we Francji (1919–1939)
Polska mniejszość narodowa a prehistoria nauczania języków i kultur rodzimych we Francji (1919–1939)
(The Polish minority and the prehistoric period of teaching Languages and Cultures of Origin in France (1919–1939))
- Author(s):Jean-Luc Sochacki
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Migration Studies, Ethnic Minorities Studies
- Page Range:209-218
- No. of Pages:10
- Keywords:immigration/emigration;Polonity;Stara emigracja;Polish Minority;Languages and Cultures of Origin (French ELCO) education programme
- Summary/Abstract:In 1919, France and Poland signed a Convention on emigration/immigration in order to expedite the sending of Polish workers to France. No clause in this document provided for the schooling of Polish children. French employers and Polish workers then set up a Polish-speaking education programme. With a view to possible and soon returning to their homeland, maintaining Polish identity was necessary for people and entailed learning not only their native language, but also all about Poland’s history and geography. Faced with the creation of these “Polish classes”, several government circulars were published in the 1920s to regulate these teachings and authorise foreign instructors, thus infringing the principle of non-differentiation of children educated under the French Republican school system. When studying this issue of Polish lessons taught in France between 1919 and 1939, it is interesting to see how the Polish minority held a vital (and enduring) role in the establishment of the Native Languages and Cultures education programme in France (the ELCO, still currently at the heart of a debate).
- Price: 4.50 €
Na marginesie słów Xaviera Gralla: dlaczego kultura francuska jest „macochą” dla Bretończyków?
Na marginesie słów Xaviera Gralla: dlaczego kultura francuska jest „macochą” dla Bretończyków?
(In relation to Xavier Grall’s words: why is the French culture
“a stepmother” for the Bretons?)
- Author(s):Grażyna Olszaniec
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Ethnic Minorities Studies
- Page Range:209-237
- No. of Pages:19
- Keywords:Breton language;language minority;language policy;sense of injustice
- Summary/Abstract:The starting point is the title of the essay by Breton author Xavier Grall, entitled “French culture is our stepmother”. It serves as a basis for analysis concerning France’s language policy in relation to the Breton minority. The Author answers the questions of why the Bretons consider themselves as a distinct culture, as well as of why they feel harmed. In relation to the former problem, she points to the Celtic roots of contemporary Bretons, whereas in relation to the latter one, she looks for reasons in the policy of the French republic and little influence of the international law on the language policy of France. An optimistic element, on the other hand, is young Bretons’ growing interest in their own culture and language.
- Price: 4.50 €
Kozacy — naród, etnos, stan społeczny? Problem tożsamości Kozaków z terytorium Federacji Rosyjskiej (XX–XXI wiek)
Kozacy — naród, etnos, stan społeczny? Problem tożsamości Kozaków z terytorium Federacji Rosyjskiej (XX–XXI wiek)
(Cossacks — nation, ethnos or state? Question of Russian Cossack’s identity in the 20th and 21st centuries)
- Author(s):Daria Ławrynow
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Ethnic Minorities Studies
- Page Range:239-255
- No. of Pages:17
- Keywords:Cossacks;identity;Russia;The Russian Civil War (1917–1922)
- Summary/Abstract:This article is devoted to the question of Russian Cossacks’ identity in the 20th and 21st centuries. The 20th century was crucial in Russian history because of some historical events. For Cossacks it was a time of pivotal decisions. Cossacks were fighting against Bolsheviks, but many of them didn’t support the idea of having one and indivisible Russia. Some of them had aspirations to create independent Cossacks’ state — Cossackia. The main question was: ‘Who are we?’ Russian history provides various theories of the Cossacks’ origin: Slavic theory (“Cossacks come from Russian fugitives”), Mongol and Tatars Cossacks genealogy, Caucasian genealogy, Scythians, Sarmatians or other ancient Cossacks genealogy, Theory of Cossack’s independent Nation.
- Price: 4.50 €
Lampedusa — drzwi do Europy. Kiedy większość staje się mniejszością… Współczesna emigracja afrykańska na kontynent europejski
Lampedusa — drzwi do Europy. Kiedy większość staje się mniejszością… Współczesna emigracja afrykańska na kontynent europejski
(Lampedusa — the door to Europe. When the majority becomes the minority... Modern African emigration to the European continent)
- Author(s):Sylwia Szarejko
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Migration Studies
- Page Range:257-274
- No. of Pages:18
- Keywords:emigration;immigration to the European continent;Africa;the Apennine Peninsula;island;Lampedusa
- Summary/Abstract:Islands have always played a special role in migration processes. A long memory and historical experience of the 19th and 20th centuries emigration to the United States has created a cultural paradigm of island as a phenomenon of uncertain. The island was a place Sylwia Szarejko of welcome and hope, but at the same time the constituting elements of an island — isolation at sea and division from the continent — were terrifying to migrants. Migrations between continents, despite the passage of time, reproduce the patterns known from the past. Analysis of the phenomenon of the island is inseparably linked with the analysis of contemporary African migration to Lampedusa. Over the last 25 years, Lampedusa, which constitutes the aim of migrants’ journeys, surely extends the paradigm of Ellis Island and is at the same time shaping a new model of immigrant / the African / the European.
- Price: 4.50 €
Wpływ deportacji Akadian na estetykę i poetykę francuskojęzycznego teatru w Kanadzie
Wpływ deportacji Akadian na estetykę i poetykę francuskojęzycznego teatru w Kanadzie
(The impact of Acadian deportation on the aesthetics and poetics
of the French-language theater in Canada)
- Author(s):Sebastian Zacharow
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies, Studies of Literature, French Literature
- Page Range:275-286
- No. of Pages:12
- Keywords:Canadian theater;Acadian’s deportation
- Summary/Abstract:This article has two goals. The first goal is to present a historical process which forced the Canadians to become a minority towards the British and to show the complicated relationships in which these two nationalities had to live after the numerous wars waged in North America between the British Crown and the Kingdom of France. The second goal is to show the evolution of the aesthetics of the francophone Canadian theater being the result of the Acadian’s deportation. In this context, three theatrical plays, which are dramatic texts representative of various stages of the difficult Acadian-Canadian history, will be used as examples: Le Théâtre de Neptune (1609) as a representative of the theater of the period of the French dominance in the New France; Le Drame du peuple acadien (1930) as a stage in the poetics of the Acadian martyrology; and La martyrdom Saguine (1971), depicting the aesthetics influenced by the Quiet Revolution, where Acadia becomes a nostalgic place, in a way an open-air museum, where thoughts are returned without a tormenting sense of injustice.
- Price: 4.50 €
Jak Polak widzi Innego? Wpływ mowy nienawiści skierowanej do osób odmiennych kulturowo na społeczną percepcję Innych
Jak Polak widzi Innego? Wpływ mowy nienawiści skierowanej do osób odmiennych kulturowo na społeczną percepcję Innych
(How does a Pole perceive the Other?
The impact of hate speech targeted at culturally different people
on the social perception of Others)
- Author(s):Julita Woźniak, Monika Kopytowska
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies, Ethnic Minorities Studies
- Page Range:287-311
- No. of Pages:25
- Keywords:the Other;stereotypes;prejudice;hate speech;minorities
- Summary/Abstract:The article explores the problem of hate speech targeted at various minority groups in Poland, along with the motivations behind it and the implications it has for the social perception of the Other. Adopting a sociological perspective on intercultural relations in the globalized world and mediatized public sphere, and examining Poland’s national and ethnic composition over the centuries, the authors identify the causes of hostility towards culturally different groups. They also discuss the role of the Internet in facilitating the spread of hateful and radical messages, in particular those exploiting religious, ethnic and cultural differences, as well as definitions and legal provisions concerning hate speech and its particular instances in the Polish context. Some of the findings presented here are based on the analyses conducted within the European project C.O.N.T.A.C.T. exploring various aspects of hate speech and hate crime in ten EU countries.
- Price: 4.50 €
Specyfika działalności społecznej w obszarze trzeciego sektora na przykładzie LGBT
Specyfika działalności społecznej w obszarze trzeciego sektora na przykładzie LGBT
(The specificity of social activities in the area of the third sector shown on the example of LGBT)
- Author(s):Katarzyna Zawadzka
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Gender Studies
- Page Range:313-323
- No. of Pages:11
- Keywords:third sector;LGBT;sexual minorities;non-governmental organizations
- Summary/Abstract:The intention of the research was to demonstrate the similarities and differences in the formulation of the priorities of the third sector. I have analysed NGOs in Poland and in the world. In addition to the notion of sexual minorities, I also used the acronym LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender). I used the abbreviation NGOs (the non-governmental organizations) to describe the third sector.
- Price: 4.50 €
Nieporozumienia i konflikty personalne między Polakami i cudzoziemcami w środowisku naukowym Uniwersytetu Wileńskiego z lat 1803–1825
Nieporozumienia i konflikty personalne między Polakami i cudzoziemcami w środowisku naukowym Uniwersytetu Wileńskiego z lat 1803–1825
(Disagreements and personal conflicts in the scientific
community of Vilnius University in the years 1803–1825)
- Author(s):Jolanta Kowal
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Language and Literature Studies, Ethnic Minorities Studies
- Page Range:327-337
- No. of Pages:11
- Keywords:Foreigners;„Dziennik Wileński”;Józef Frank;Polish People;Jan Śniadecki;Vilnius University;Vilnius
- Summary/Abstract:Along with the creation of the Imperial Vilnius University in 1803, an extensive action of recruiting foreigners to professorial positions started on the initiative of the Prince Curator — Adam Jerzy Czartoryski. The professors-Poles, gathered around Jan Śniadecki, who opposed to this idea from the very beginning. This division into the Poles and foreigners began to speak for itself within the scientific community of the college from then on. Not only ethnic, but political and economic differences were the reason of a mutual animosity. This obviously had a negative influence on the efficiency of scientific activity of Vilnius University, for example, on publishing magazines whose editors were predominantly recruited exactly from the intellectual circle of Vilnius Alma Mater. These fights between both clans lasted till about 1825 when their chief participants (G.E. Groddeck, J. Frank, J. Śniadecki or S.B. Jundziłł) left the stage.
- Price: 4.50 €
Inny/Obcy jako kategoria mistyfikacji. Galicja w optyce postkolonialnej
Inny/Obcy jako kategoria mistyfikacji. Galicja w optyce postkolonialnej
(The Other/the Stranger as a Category of Mystification
Galicia in postcolonial optics)
- Author(s):Tomasz Nakoneczny
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Ethnic Minorities Studies
- Page Range:339-359
- No. of Pages:21
- Keywords:Galicia;the Other/the Stranger;colonialism;postcolonial studies;orientalism;myth
- Summary/Abstract:The article is an attempt to look at the problem of colonialism of Galicia as a topic that has been masked by the myth of the region, which is too specific to describe it in terms of colonial dependency. This point of view is widespread also in postcolonial studies. The author of this article believes that the basis of this opinion is not literature, which is responsible for its strengthening, but the narratives of the former imperial Habsburg monarchy.
- Price: 4.50 €
Negocjowanie nowoczesności w dyskursach Leszka Dunina Borkowskiego
Negocjowanie nowoczesności w dyskursach Leszka Dunina Borkowskiego
(Negotiating the modernity in Leszek Dunin Borkowski’s discourses)
- Author(s):Tadeusz Półchłopek
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies, Studies of Literature, Polish Literature
- Page Range:361-379
- No. of Pages:19
- Keywords:Leszek Dunin Borkowski;romantic discurses;enfant terrible;Galicia;literature;minority
- Summary/Abstract:Kazimierz Wyka called Leszek Dunin Borkowski is the “enfant terrible” of the Galician society. His entire life (both as an artist and a politician), being an idealistic romantic, he discoursed on constructing the new social reality understood as accomplishment of a romantic image of the world and such a need of directing human actions. Borkowski was in ‘the minority’ of his own sphere (Parochialism, 1843), venal writers (Cymbalada, 1845), religious institutions (Lech’s Prophecies, 1848) and political correctness (The Rakuski Legislative Seym with Special Attention to the Polish Mission, 1849; The First Slavic Seym in Lvov 1865–1866 by an Eyewitness, 1884). He was also in ‘the minority’ as a pertinacious critic of acknowledged authorities (A Little Bit About Stanisław Tarnowski’s Experience and Contemplations, 1892; Because of the Florian Ziemiałkowski’s Open Letter to Józef Szujski, 1867).
- Price: 4.50 €
Być inaczej — być z innymi? Derrida, Nancy i pytanie o wspólnotę
Być inaczej — być z innymi? Derrida, Nancy i pytanie o wspólnotę
(Being Otherwise As Being With Others
Derrida, Nancy and the Question of Community)
- Author(s):Michał Krzykawski
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Ethnic Minorities Studies
- Page Range:381-396
- No. of Pages:16
- Keywords:Nancy;Derrida;community;being;ontology
- Summary/Abstract:The aim of this article is to discuss minorities in a broader context of community. Through a cross-reading of Jacques Derrida and Jean-Luc Nancy, I endeavour to show in what way ontology or, to be more precise, the ontology of being-with, may bring a new perspective on the purely cultural concept of minority. Thus, instead of pondering on what being a minority or being in a minority means today, I rather try to say what if we all were meant to be with minorities, since being as such is always being with all different others (Nancy) and being with something/someone else which/who is (t)here.
- Price: 4.50 €