Krytyka metodologiczna w praktyce tworzenia wiedzy
Methodological critique in the practice of knowledge creation
Contributor(s): Jacek Piekarski (Editor), Danuta Urbaniak-Zając (Editor), Sławomir Pasikowski (Editor)
Subject(s): Social Sciences, Education
Published by: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
Keywords: creation; konwledge
Summary/Abstract: Publikacja powstała w związku z VII Seminarium Metodologii Pedagogiki Polskiego Towarzystwa Pedagogicznego, które odbyło się w czerwcu 2018 roku na Wydziale Nauk o Wychowaniu Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego. Jego tematem przewodnim uczyniliśmy krytykę metodologiczną, spostrzegając, że leży ona u podstaw praktyk społecznych zachodzących w środowisku nauki, a także reagując na powszechnie dostrzegany problem, jakim jest słabość czy wręcz zanik krytyki metodologicznej w praktyce życia naukowego. Pytanie – czym jest współcześnie pojmowana krytyka metodologiczna – stanowiło najogólniejsze zagadnienie, na którym zamierzaliśmy oprzeć szczegółowe rozważania i całość dyskusji. Zdawaliśmy sobie sprawę ze złożoności sformułowanego tematu, licząc się z tym, jak kontrowersyjny jest obecnie ogólny wizerunek nauk społecznych – wyobrażenie ich funkcji, społecznego zaangażowania – oraz jak problematyczny staje się status podstawowych kategorii określających właściwości krytycznego myślenia metodologicznego ( rozumienie samej metodologii, praktyki nauki czy jej metody). W przypadku dyscyplin wiedzy traktujących o wychowaniu – kształtowaniu ludzkiej praktyki – przeczuwane i dostrzegane wątpliwości miały i nadal mają szczególnie istotne znaczenie.
Series: Uniwersytet Łódzki
- E-ISBN-13: 978-83-8142-716-6
- Print-ISBN-13: 978-83-8142-715-9
- Page Count: 194
- Publication Year: 2019
- Language: Polish
Krytyka metodologiczna jako praktyka tworzenia wiedzy (dziedziny problemowe – próba rekonstrukcji)
Krytyka metodologiczna jako praktyka tworzenia wiedzy (dziedziny problemowe – próba rekonstrukcji)
(Methodological critique as a practice of knowledge creation (problem areas – an attempt of reconstruction))
- Author(s):Jacek Piekarski
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Education
- Page Range:15-64
- No. of Pages:50
- Keywords:methodology;critique;methodological critique;practice;patterns of practicing scientific critique
- Summary/Abstract:The aim of the study is to reconstruct various ways of understanding methodological critique as a practice of knowledge creation and to indicate, revealed in connection with the reconstruction, the possibility of identifying cognitive obstacles that arise in this practice. Methodological critique is understood as a kind of practice – the field of thinking and acting – related to the experience and rationalization of the gap between the obviousness (faith) and the uncertainty of beliefs about reality. Various ways of formulating critique, related to the treatment of critique as the value underlying the ideal of rationality of science as well as a communication strategy, are discussed. Different ways of understanding critique legitimated under the distinguished concepts of methodology (as the theory of the application of laws of logic in various areas of research and a specialized discipline concerning the place of science in the system of human knowledge), are also discussed. On this basis, the possibilities of practicing a "critical methodology", designed as a study of methods for criticizing scientific practice in the changing cultural framework, are considered. In connection with the identified processes of their change (institutionalization of science, corporatization and networking of research), patterns of practicing critique justified by methodological premises (dogmatism, conventionalism and tactical discretion) were reconstructed and confronted with the cultural patterns of critique formed on their basis (inhibition, tolerantism and presentism).
Theoria – praxis – poiesis jako wyzwanie i perspektywy krytyki metodologicznej w pedagogice
Theoria – praxis – poiesis jako wyzwanie i perspektywy krytyki metodologicznej w pedagogice
(Theoria – praxis – poiesis as a challenge and perspective of methodological critique in pedagogy)
- Author(s):Marian Nowak
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Education
- Page Range:65-77
- No. of Pages:13
- Keywords:critical analysis;methodological critique;theory;practice;theoretical cognition (theoria);practical cognition (praxis);poetic understanding (poiesis);truth;good;beauty
- Summary/Abstract:Considering the theme of the 7th Seminar on Pedagogical Methodology, the chapter focuses on issues related to three categories (theoria, praxis, and poiesis) and the values appropriately assigned to them (truth, goodness, and beauty). By characterizing the role of these categories as the criteria of critical analysis applied to pedagogical knowledge outcomes, this chapter points to their continuing relevance and the special meaning of the value of truth. Truth is an important criterion for critical analysis, as well as the goal of human cognition, an initial and fundamental value, checking the value of all other human personal activities. It constitutes a human individuality composed of three types of truths 1 / the truth, which exists (TRUTH); 2 / the truth, which becomes (GOOD); and 3 / the truth, which is to be (BEAUTY). These are the three spheres of human existence in which the types occur and, at the same time, they can be a criterion of methodological critique used in creating and analysing pedagogical knowledge, indicating human potentialities, which are understood as the things possible to lift humans to the highest possible level ( the optimum potentiae) as the top capabilities of a human being. In the Christian context, one can think of some state of a perfect virtue that "makes both the having person and his work good" (Krąpiec, 1990, p. 41).
Metodologia badań pedagogicznych między normatywnością a opisowością
Metodologia badań pedagogicznych między normatywnością a opisowością
(Methodology of pedagogical research between “normativity” and “descriptivity”)
- Author(s):Dariusz Kubinowski
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Education
- Page Range:79-90
- No. of Pages:12
- Keywords:methodology of pedagogical research;normativity;descriptivity;methodological research;global;methodological and methodical emergences
- Summary/Abstract:The author tries to identify, present and explain permanent controversies concerning three key methodological categories used in the methodology of pedagogical research in Poland: “pedagogical dimension” of scientific research; scope of pedagogical research; and methodology in pedagogical research. The author describes the nature of the controversy and emphasizes his own approach to it. The main aim of the chapter is to propose the author’s own concept of understanding the methodology of pedagogical research as philosophical-empirical science that is built and being constantly rebuilt in diachronic and dialectic relationships between normative and descriptive methodologies, as an emergent reaction to radical and dynamic changes of a social reality. The author emphasizes the important role of methodological research (“research on research”) in constructing new scientific knowledge in the field of methodology of pedagogical research.
Badania jakościowe wobec postulatu teoretyczności wiedzy
Badania jakościowe wobec postulatu teoretyczności wiedzy
(Qualitative research in the face of the postulate of knowledge’s theoreticality)
- Author(s):Mieczysław Malewski
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Education
- Page Range:91-98
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:qualitative research;knowledge’s theoreticality;product theory;process theory;autobiography
- Summary/Abstract:An explosion of qualitative research in social sciences is accompanied by doubts as to its theorizing potential. Some voices claim that this type of research is "from the nature" idiographic. The main thesis of this study is that change in the way of seeing scientific theory began in the 1960s, with the move from the sociocentric perspective to the anthropocentric perspective. This had important methodological consequences. The prevailing perspective of methodological holism began to be replaced by methodological individualism. As a result, social researchers abandoned the product theory that had been in force to that point. The concept of process theory took its place.
Od uniwersalności do partykularności metody badawczej
Od uniwersalności do partykularności metody badawczej
(From the universality to the particularity of the research method)
- Author(s):Danuta Urbaniak-Zając
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Education
- Page Range:99-112
- No. of Pages:14
- Keywords:scientific method;research method;normative methodology;ethics in research
- Summary/Abstract:The aim of the chapter is to discuss the conditions for changing the status of the research method and consequences of the change. In the traditional approach, the research method is a refinement of the scientific method, which is an emanation of the ideal of modern science. So, the rules that govern the research method follow the science ideal. As long as one pattern of science existed, the method of natural sciences was considered commonly obligatory and did not require separate justifications. In the chapter, the author signals the genesis of the special position of the method in modern science and draws attention to the consequences of W. Dilthey's exclusion of humanistic sciences (including contemporary social sciences) from empirical knowledge, then focuses on conditions that impaired the autonomy of the research method. She discusses the consequences of this change for the practice of qualitative empirical research. In conclusion, the author refers to the links between the research method, the research subject and the assumptions referring to it; and signals the change of function and position of the method (it does not reflect reality in a realistic way, but shows how it can be understood; and thus it becomes a part of the problem being studied by means of the method). The task of methodological critique is reflection on research practice, reconstruction of contexts and assumptions adopted as parts of various research projects, which may serve to weaken the "methodological separatisms".
Warunki krytyki metodologicznej prac badawczych
Warunki krytyki metodologicznej prac badawczych
(Conditions of methodological critique in research)
- Author(s):Sławomir Pasikowski
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Education
- Page Range:115-130
- No. of Pages:16
- Keywords:critique;legitimization;rigor;methodological rigor;methodological failures;trustworthiness of empirical research
- Summary/Abstract:The chapter presents a model of research critique using the idea of deviations from the pattern of methodological correctness. The author introduces the concept of two categories of such deviations: from the local standard and from the generalized criterion. Both refer to the concept of visibility, which co-determines the scope of the response on the side of the sender as well as of the receiver of the empirical report. As a consequence, the author proposed a model of methodological critique that refers to the awareness of failures, defining the conditions of visibility of deviations, and methodological rigor in the discipline, which determines the scope of environmental legitimacy of these deviations. The model makes it possible to predict the behaviour of the creator, the recipient and the disciplinary community in which the report is presented, as well as to characterize the persuasiveness of scientific communication by the empirical reports.
Polityczne aspekty uprawiania krytyki metodologicznej
Polityczne aspekty uprawiania krytyki metodologicznej
(Political aspects of practicing methodological critique)
- Author(s):Sławomir Banaszak
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Education
- Page Range:131-141
- No. of Pages:11
- Keywords:general methodology of science;methodological critique;ideologies in science;derivations;critique and apologetics
- Summary/Abstract:The author focuses on the political nature of scientific critique. The author’s theses are inspired by the once-well-known text of Michał Kalecki, one of the most influential Polish economists in the history of the discipline, in which he argued that ideological premises often overcame objective, scientific thinking. Similarly, the classic of modern social sciences, Vilfredo Pareto, calls these false justifications, which replace theses based on real premises, derivations. Sławomir Banaszak attempts to show examples of ideology in social sciences, the necessity of undertaking discussions with adversaries, and the apparent and non-obvious nature of the review of scientific achievements. He asks questions, including those about methodological specialization in the social sciences and the methodology of scientific work. In his opinion, critique, including methodological critique, is in retreat and disappearing. For this reason, he proposes indicators of the "criticality" of the discipline that may show off dominant attitudes in a particular field of science.
Polityczne aspekty metodologii jakościowej w perspektywie krytycznej. W stronę partycypacyjnych badań-działań
Polityczne aspekty metodologii jakościowej w perspektywie krytycznej. W stronę partycypacyjnych badań-działań
(Political aspects of qualitative methodology in a critical perspective: towards participatory research-activities (Participatory Action Research))
- Author(s):Mariusz Granosik
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Education
- Page Range:143-156
- No. of Pages:14
- Keywords:public discourse;governmentality;middle class;exclusion;knowledge-based society;interpretative research
- Summary/Abstract:By adopting the basic assumptions of a "knowledge-based society", the methodology of scientific research can be considered as a kind of political system. It provides procedures for determining who (sampling) and to what extent (the method of data interpretation) has the right to co-create knowledge and therefore society. In this perspective, all research activities, and in particular social research, have a political character. In the text, methodological assumptions and qualitative research procedures are discussed from the perspective of their political consequences. This issue seems to be so important that, as a result, there is an uneven participation in the production of knowledge of representatives of various social classes. The chapter ends with a proposal for a change in the paradigm of qualitative research towards their “full participation”.
Krytyka metodologiczna w ocenie dorobku habilitacyjnego
Krytyka metodologiczna w ocenie dorobku habilitacyjnego
("Methodological critique" in assessing the postdoctoral achievements)
- Author(s):Teresa Hejnicka-Bezwińska
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Education
- Page Range:157-171
- No. of Pages:15
- Keywords:science – para-scientific practices;main (basic) scientific achievement;scientific critique – methodological critique
- Summary/Abstract:"Methodological critique" is a form of scientific critique along with philosophical, empirical, theoretical or logical critique. It does not require any special justification to recognize this form of critique as the most important, the most meaningful and most decisive in assessing the postdoctoral achievements. In the summary, I refer only to one legal argument that obtaining a postdoctoral degree is a kind of "pass", entitling one to adjudicate on the scientific achievements of others and to appear in various roles related to awarding (or refusing to award) the academic degree of a particular person. In the chapter, I present some of the most important questions to which I was seeking answers, assessing the work indicated as the main scientific achievement. This unitary example seems to be a good illustration of the problems, controversies and dilemmas appearing when one is preparing an opinion for a meeting of the Postdoctoral Degree Awarding Committee. Uncovering your own reflection on a specific work can be a contribution to the discussion of the reviewer's role in the postdoctoral degree procedure and the place and role of methodological critique in this procedure, especially when the author of the indicated achievement has not shown due diligence to reliably present and authenticate his/her research concept.
Zjawisko preferencji techniki sondażu w kontekście badań reprezentatywnych w schemacie mieszania technik
Zjawisko preferencji techniki sondażu w kontekście badań reprezentatywnych w schemacie mieszania technik
(Mode preference hypothesis in the context of mixed-mode survey design)
- Author(s):Adam Rybak
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Education
- Page Range:173-194
- No. of Pages:22
- Keywords:mixed-mode survey;representative research;survey mode preference;survey research methodology
- Summary/Abstract:The aim of this chapter is to show the state of knowledge in the field of mixed-mode survey design methodology, the known theoretical and practical issues in its use, and to highlight knowledge gaps on this subject. Inclusion of survey mode preference hypothesis in this context is particularly interesting because of possible positive effects of its proper implementation on increasing response rates and measurement quality and lowering survey costs. However, this phenomenon is still not deeply understood and lacks a well-developed theoretical context. This chapter connects it with a wider range of theories of survey participation and gathers the elements of possible future theory. In conclusion, it presents a possible strategy for the utilization of knowledge about participants’ preferences concerning a mode in survey research.