Prawda i fałsz w nauce i sztuce
Truth and Falsehood in Science and the Arts
Contributor(s): Barbara Bokus (Editor), Ewa Kosowska (Editor)
Subject(s): History, Social Sciences, Fine Arts / Performing Arts, Cultural history, Psychology, Cognitive Psychology, History of Art
Published by: Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego
Keywords: truth; falsehood; science; art; subjectivity; forgery
Summary/Abstract: The authors discuss truth and falsehood in science and the arts. They view truth as an irreducible point of reference, both in striving for elementary knowledge about the world and in seeking methods and artistic means of achieving this goal. The multilevel and multiple-aspect research presented here, conducted on material from different periods and different cultures, shows very clearly that truth and falsehood lie at the foundation of all human motivation, choices, decisions, and behaviors. At the same time, however, it reveals that every bid to extrapolate the results of detailed studies into generalizations aimed at universalization – by the very fact of their discursivation – either subjects the discussion to the rules of formal logic or situates it outside the realm of truth and falsehood.
- E-ISBN-13: 978-83-235-4222-3
- Print-ISBN-13: 978-83-235-4214-8
- Page Count: 302
- Publication Year: 2020
- Language: Polish
Między nauką, sztuką i fałszerstwem. Przypadek łacińskiej krytyki tekstu
Między nauką, sztuką i fałszerstwem. Przypadek łacińskiej krytyki tekstu
(Between science, art and forgery. A case of Latin text critique)
- Author(s):Jerzy Axer
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Cultural history, Cognitive Psychology, History of Art
- Page Range:20-34
- No. of Pages:15
- Keywords:latin text criticism; forgery; scientific editing; intertext; science; art
- Summary/Abstract:The methodology and practice of editing Latin texts is dealt within this article as an example of a humanist's work combining activities scientific work with artistic creativity, including the technique of counterfeiting old works champions. The first part of the text is devoted to presenting the situation methodology in the field of text criticism in the 1960s and 1970s, when the author was a student and aspiring researcher. He then wondersover the reasons for the changes that took place in his editor's workshop in later ones decades, and finally addresses contemporary disputes on the role of a scientific publisher. He is particularly interested in interdisciplinary aspects of the problem.
- Price: 4.50 €
Mechanizmy mistyfikacji i demistyfikacji w nauce na przykładzie sporu o autentyczność tzw. Ewangelii żony Jezusa
Mechanizmy mistyfikacji i demistyfikacji w nauce na przykładzie sporu o autentyczność tzw. Ewangelii żony Jezusa
(Mechanisms of hoax and demystification in science on the example of a dispute over authenticity the so-called The gospel of Jesus' wife)
- Author(s):Przemysław Piwowarczyk
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Cultural history, Cognitive Psychology, History of Art
- Page Range:35-45
- No. of Pages:11
- Keywords:"The Gospel of the Wife of Jesus"; Karen King; papyrology
- Summary/Abstract:In the history of the so-called The gospel of Jesus' wife focuses on the problems related to the study of early Christian manuscripts. We have up to dealing with a manuscript of unknown origin, with a willing owner remain anonymous, the aspiration of the university institution to be public publicity, as well as the ideological perspectives of the researcher. The manuscript itself in the end it turned out to be a forgery. There was, however, a definite establishment of this fact impossible through laboratory tests and traditional palaeographic analyzes or historical. Only the professional journalist became involved and a diligently conducted journalistic investigation resulted in a difficult task rebuttal of evidence. It is the inclusion of this third method in the permanent repertoire manuscript verification methods could prove to be the boon that resulted from a four-year discussion.
- Price: 4.50 €
Dlaczego filozofia jest zła dla duszy? Komentarz do krytyki filozofów Al-Ġazālego
Dlaczego filozofia jest zła dla duszy? Komentarz do krytyki filozofów Al-Ġazālego
(Why is philosophy bad for the soul? Commentary on the criticism of philosophers Al-Ġazālego)
- Author(s):Karol Wilczyński
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Cultural history, Cognitive Psychology, History of Art
- Page Range:46-62
- No. of Pages:17
- Keywords:Al-Ġazālī; Islam; philosophy; going astray
- Summary/Abstract:In this text, two concepts included in the two are analyzed in the works of Al-Ġazāli - the concept of dispersion (Arabic: tahāfut) and the concept of attachmentto authority (Arabic: taqlīd), which are described in Tahāfut al-falāsifa ("The Dispersion of the Philosophers") and in Al-Munqiḏ min al-ḍalāl (Righteous Scales. Rescue from getting lost). The author tries to show that Al-Ġazālī in his the criticism of philosophy focused not only on theoretical issues, but that one of the key parts of his criticism is also the practical issues concerningway of life. Pointing to specific examples of the use of the two of these concepts to overthrow philosophy, the author proposes a different interpretation the two later works of Al-Ġazāli mentioned above.
- Price: 4.50 €
Jeden tylko poeta nigdy nie kłamie... Maciej Kazimierz Sarbiewski o przywileju poetów
Jeden tylko poeta nigdy nie kłamie... Maciej Kazimierz Sarbiewski o przywileju poetów
(Only one poet never lies ... Maciej Kazimierz Sarbiewski on the privilege of poets)
- Author(s):Maria Łukaszewicz-Chantry
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Cultural history, Cognitive Psychology, History of Art
- Page Range:63-69
- No. of Pages:7
- Keywords:Mimesis; probability; poetry; fiction; alegoresis
- Summary/Abstract:Maciej Kazimierz Sarbiewski in his treatise De perfecta poesi, sive Vergiliuset Homerus, reflecting on the art of poetry, assures that the poet never lies. This privilege comes from the belief that the poet creates in imitation of God, as if giving a new existence to his heroes. That's why "Can talk about what is not as if it really existed." Poetic fictions are also often a veil hiding a precious truth to which one can to arrive using the appropriate allegorical interpretation.
- Price: 4.50 €
Iluzja i prawda w teatrze od baroku po romantyzm
Iluzja i prawda w teatrze od baroku po romantyzm
(Illusion and truth in the theater from baroque to romanticism)
- Author(s):Izabella Zatorska
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Cultural history, Cognitive Psychology, History of Art
- Page Range:70-89
- No. of Pages:20
- Keywords:truth; illusion; theater in theater; self-referentiality; mimesis
- Summary/Abstract:What does theater represent as a metonymy of literature and art in the turning centuries? The difficulty in applying Aristotle's principle of mimesis was known to French classicist theater. The problem of the elusiveness of the essence of things in times when post-truths were unknown, he presented both figuratively and practically baroque theater: from the theatrum mundi perspective, through the construction of 'theaterin the theater ” (Shakespeare, Pierre Corneille, Molière) showed another, disturbing one the bottom of the "norm of the day". The issue of appearances (Lesage, Marivaux) has brought about Diderot's aesthetic and moral reform, drama theoretician and practice. Radicalin their rebellion, the heroes of Schiller and Musset rejected such a compromise with an illusion, like the possibility of reform, while longing to embody the ideal pure love, ready to destroy others and even themselves if they had that ideal turn out to be a lie. Goodness and responsibility, this is, according to Fr. Tischner - the values on which the supported drama promises that Abel's choice will prevail Cain's election.
- Price: 4.50 €
Uczciwość jako cecha człowieka nieucywilizowanego we francuskim obrazie Słowian Południowych na przełomie XVIII i XIX wieku
Uczciwość jako cecha człowieka nieucywilizowanego we francuskim obrazie Słowian Południowych na przełomie XVIII i XIX wieku
(Honesty as a human trait uncivilized in French image of the South Slavs at the turn of the 18th and 19th centuries)
- Author(s):Wojciech Sajkowski
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Cultural history, Cognitive Psychology, History of Art
- Page Range:90-100
- No. of Pages:11
- Keywords:Morlacy; Montenegrins; sincerity; falsehood; enlightenment; Dalmatia; Illyrian provinces
- Summary/Abstract:The considerations concern the French view of the morality of recognized peoples for uncivilized - South Slavs living in the area of today Croatia and Montenegro. The problem of morality is analyzed primarily all in the context of the natural honesty attributed to peoples considered uncivilized. The analysis uses more than just testimonials French authors, but also French-language descriptions, popular in France days of enlightenment. This is especially true of the relationship between Alberto Fortis and Stefan Zanovic. These sources (shaping the images of Morlaks - Slavic shepherds living in the Dalmatian province - or Montenegrins) that were popular in the second half of the 18th century, they were combined with documents related to the French rule in Dalmatia (1806–1813). The analysis made it possible indicate what place in the Enlightenment discussion of morality civilized and savage peoples occupied communities Slavic families living on the outskirts of Europe at that time.
- Price: 4.50 €
Prawdziwość sądów estetycznych. George’a Santayany polemika z tradycją
Prawdziwość sądów estetycznych. George’a Santayany polemika z tradycją
(The truth of aesthetic judgments. George Santayana's polemic with tradition)
- Author(s):Adam Grzeliński
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Cultural history, Cognitive Psychology, History of Art
- Page Range:101-115
- No. of Pages:15
- Keywords:aesthetic judgment; aesthetic experience; Kant; Santayana
- Summary/Abstract:The considerations concern the issue of the truthfulness of aesthetic judgments in the concept George Santayana, author of Sense of Beauty and Mind, among others in art. Although Santayana places experience at the center of her analysis aesthetic and explicitly opposed to the recognition that aesthetic judgments have characters upraindividual, the author of the chapter tries to show that this conceptit does not have to contradict the achievements of the 18th century aesthetic that proclaims truth fulness judgments of taste (Shaftesbury, Hume, Burke or Kant). Performance the American aesthetic's multiple understanding of beauty shows what the truth of the limitations of Kant's aesthetics, however, does not contradict her achievements. The distinction made by him in the beauty of matter, form and expression allows at the same time, notice the two fold sense of the truth of aesthetic judgments - on the one handpages pointing to their universality, on the other - referring to ideals reason, the sensual representation of which is available in works of art.
- Price: 4.50 €
Nie naga, lecz nosząca „suknię na sukni”. Metafora prawdy u Johanna Georga Hamanna
Nie naga, lecz nosząca „suknię na sukni”. Metafora prawdy u Johanna Georga Hamanna
(Not naked, but wearing "A dress on a dress." The metaphor of truth at Johann Georg Hamann)
- Author(s):Anna Żymełka-Pietrzak
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Cultural history, Cognitive Psychology, History of Art
- Page Range:116-128
- No. of Pages:13
- Keywords:Johann Georg Hamann; true incarnation
- Summary/Abstract:The author presents a detailed analysis and interpretation of the truth metaphor (appearing in Johann Georg Hamann's letter to Immanuel Kant of July 27, 1759), in which the truth is presented as a woman in layers dresses, and after tearing them off, it turns out to be a ghost. This metaphor remains considered emblematic and interpreted in the theological and ethical context Hamann's model of truth. God's truth is made available to man in communication an act of self-lowering, a specific type of which is embodied. Is it is available to man through its specific historical manifestations, the most important of which is the God-man himself. The truth incarnation is fine terrestrial is realized in man through the creative activities of the author who it imitates God's kenotic action in relation to his own thoughts. Yes the conceived author's activity is also a service to the truth.
- Price: 4.50 €
Bezcenna nieużyteczna. Ekonomie i prawdy poezji
Bezcenna nieużyteczna. Ekonomie i prawdy poezji
(Priceless useless. Economics and the truths of poetry)
- Author(s):Marta Baron-Milian
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Cultural history, Cognitive Psychology, History of Art
- Page Range:129-148
- No. of Pages:20
- Keywords:poetry; truth; economy of literature
- Summary/Abstract:The author attempts to epistemological approach to the status of poetry from a perspective questions asked by the economics of literature. He lists selected theories poetry - Jochen Hörisch, Wiktor B. Szkłowski, Jean Baudrillard and Franco Berardi - which can be considered specific "economies of poetry" due to their proposed description of the properties of the poetic medium in an economic perspective. For each of them, poetry is defined as uneconomical and useless, which at the same time - paradoxically - becomes a condition for its existence as a linguistic breaking are acirculation of signs, a point of resistance to conventionalized communication and the automation of perception, and thus - a medium offering a specific knowledge of reality.
- Price: 4.50 €
Prawda i fałsz lustra. Podmiotowość – odzwierciedlenie – praktyka
Prawda i fałsz lustra. Podmiotowość – odzwierciedlenie – praktyka
(True and false of the mirror. Subjectivity - reflected - practice)
- Author(s):Paweł Tomczok
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Cultural history, Cognitive Psychology, History of Art
- Page Range:149-161
- No. of Pages:13
- Keywords:mirror; reflection; reflection
- Summary/Abstract:The author discusses the mirror as an important figure in philosophy, literature and the world everyday life, practice. It presents three basic meanings of the mirrorin various discourses. The first part of the text is devoted to the figures of subjectivity, the second - reflected in science and art, and the last - practical use and understanding of the title category.
- Price: 4.50 €
Figura niezaangażowanego badacza. Prawda i prawdopodobieństwo w badaniu myśli religijnej
Figura niezaangażowanego badacza. Prawda i prawdopodobieństwo w badaniu myśli religijnej
(Figure of the disengaged researcher. Truth and probability in the study of religious thought)
- Author(s):Michał Rogalski
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Cultural history, Cognitive Psychology, History of Art
- Page Range:162-172
- No. of Pages:11
- Keywords:truth; objectivity; intellectual dispute; controversy intellectual; history of philosophy; history of ideas; intellectual history; rhetoric; hermeneutics; worldview; Aristotle; Gadamer; Dilthey
- Summary/Abstract:The author deals with the attitude of the historian of ideas to the subject of his research, especially if they are in the form of an intellectual dispute or controversy. Presented the text contains a critical analysis of the possibility of objective occupation, non-valued attitude towards the subject of one's own research. Based on Aristotle's analyzes of rhetoric, the author shows that the presentation of the test results in writing involves an attachment to their positions and giving them a place and meaning in the context of the argument, which is equivalent to the evaluation operation. The empirical context of considerations is an autoanalytical case study: own research on modernism Catholic in Poland. On their basis, the author indicates another source of the impossibility objectivism hidden in the hermeneutic method of research. Gadamer's postulate of writing history again and again with consideration changing context leads to a strong emphasis in the study the world view of the researcher himself.
- Price: 4.50 €
Marańskie matactwa Hanny Arendt a prawda jej kryptoteologii
Marańskie matactwa Hanny Arendt a prawda jej kryptoteologii
(Hanna Arendt's Marian mischief and the truth of its cryptotheology)
- Author(s):Rafał Zawisza
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Cultural history, Cognitive Psychology, History of Art
- Page Range:173-192
- No. of Pages:20
- Keywords:Hanna Arendt; natality; cryptotheology
- Summary/Abstract:The text is a reading of Hanna Arendt's Human Condition in terms of concept natality, showing the relationship between this book from 1958 and the previous one decades of the author's doctorate. The keystone here is the thought of Augustine of Hippo,whose subject matter Arendt translates into a modern language, striving for the ultimate overcoming the gnosis that stems from both Christianity and from modern times. The era of nihilism as modern gnosis degrades life to the biological process that Arendt contrasts with the "divinity of birth", or rather the latent sacredness of spontaneity. However, the operation was overcomegnosis is revealed only in a patient study full of nuances author's language. The hypothesis that Arendt works on concepts as "philosophical maranka”, allows the explanation of the statement that her secular anthropology is cryptotheology.
- Price: 4.50 €
Prawda i fałsz w narracjach: teoria dialogowego Ja w psychoterapii
Prawda i fałsz w narracjach: teoria dialogowego Ja w psychoterapii
(True and false in narratives: the theory of the dialogic self in psychotherapy)
- Author(s):Piotr Kałowski
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Cultural history, Cognitive Psychology, History of Art
- Page Range:193-209
- No. of Pages:17
- Keywords:postmodernism; psychotherapy; dialogue; narration
- Summary/Abstract:Postmodernism negates the universality of values, thus emphasizing the role political power in creating truth. This creates a challenge for psychotherapy, in which the customer's perspective should be both recognized and inscribed into the theoretical framework of a given modality. In this chapter, the author undertakes reflections on the concepts of truth and falsehood in psychotherapy, presenting the theory of the dialogic self as a psychotherapeutic approach responding to this challenge. Comparing them to the dominant cognitive-behavioral approach, presents examples of practical areas of its application, in particular, problems related to the sense of identity and its continuity and the advantages and limitations of the therapeutic work metaphor as dialogue and narrative.
- Price: 4.50 €
Prawda i nieprawda w ironii
Prawda i nieprawda w ironii
(Truth and untruth in irony)
- Author(s):Anna Milanowicz
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Cultural history, Cognitive Psychology, History of Art
- Page Range:210-216
- No. of Pages:7
- Keywords:truth; non-literal language; irony; ambiguity of the message; sex
- Summary/Abstract:The category of truth in irony should be seen through the prism of what the sender does he thinks and what he wants to achieve with his statement. However, a world of emotions and experiences irony recipients are also not insignificant for the interpretation meanings of non-literal language. The essay presents irony as a form of disguiseand camouflage. The irony oscillates between what is said, but not thinks and what you think but don't say. It balances between apparent truthand apparent untrue. Ironic criticism at the literal level does positive tone, ironic praise, and vice versa - negative. From ethical from the point of view, irony is not virtuous and can be clown. In the final part of the essay, the question arises as to whether irony has gender. The author replieson them, summarizing the conclusions of the research on the differences in methods understanding and use of irony/self-irony by men and women.
- Price: 4.50 €
Kiedy symulacja pozwala na adekwatne przypisywanie innym stanów mentalnych?
Kiedy symulacja pozwala na adekwatne przypisywanie innym stanów mentalnych?
(When simulation allows for adequate attribution other mental states?)
- Author(s):Adrianna Smurzyńska
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Cultural history, Cognitive Psychology, History of Art
- Page Range:217-226
- No. of Pages:10
- Keywords:mentalizacja; symulacja; rozróżnianie perspektyw
- Summary/Abstract:The author presents the issues of adopting different perspectives and assigning mental states, with particular emphasis on their criteria adequate ascription. He pays particular attention to taking perspective another person and simulation theory. Uses the results of development research the ability to distinguish between perspectives and research on disorders of this ability in borderline personality disorder. The ability to distinguish one's own and other people's mental states was presented as an element of cognition social enabling adequate mentalization by adopting multiplicity perspectives and recognition of the possible existence of different representations of reality.
- Price: 4.50 €
Muzyka a prawda. Ilustracyjność w kontekście estetyki muzyki
Muzyka a prawda. Ilustracyjność w kontekście estetyki muzyki
(Music and the truth. Illustrativeness in context music aesthetics)
- Author(s):Joanna Barska
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Cultural history, Cognitive Psychology, History of Art
- Page Range:227-238
- No. of Pages:12
- Keywords:musical rhetoric; sound imitation; aesthetics music
- Summary/Abstract:The author's deliberations concern the issue of Renaissance-Baroque musical rhetoric. The sixteenth century in music is the development of the aesthetics of sound imitation (imitazionedella natura), which stabilizes the relationship between the word and music. The function of representing, inspired, becomes the main aspect of many works the ancient idea of properly combining words, harmony and rhythm. The music was there because in ancient times it was a metaphysical key and an important tool of education, in which a given composition was directly related to specific ones states of the soul, characters and emotions. The text continues this way of thinking in the era of humanism, where not only theorists, but also composers, performers and listeners assign specific figures have specific meanings. The author devotes a lot of space examples of musical use of various rhetorical and musical figures and how they function. He emphasizes, however, that despite the specific the universalization of the musical language is a system of rhetorical-musical figures extremely diverse and subject to individual contextual interpretation.
- Price: 4.50 €
Prawda w muzyce – czy jest czego szukać? Rozważania w kontekście nurtu wykonawstwa historycznego
Prawda w muzyce – czy jest czego szukać? Rozważania w kontekście nurtu wykonawstwa historycznego
(The truth in music - is there anything to look for? Considerations in the context of the trend historical performance)
- Author(s):Karolina Kolinek-Siechowicz
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Cultural history, Cognitive Psychology, History of Art
- Page Range:239-250
- No. of Pages:12
- Keywords:early music; historical performance; authenticity
- Summary/Abstract:The author deals with the problem of truth in music from the point of view of the current performances of historical early music. It looks at the various stages development of this phenomenon, asking questions about how much to strive for authenticity the performance or the approximation to the composer's intentions were the result search for historical truth, and how much truth about contemporaries was in the maesthetic attitudes of musicians and listeners.
- Price: 4.50 €
Prawda ucieleśniona w muzyce
Prawda ucieleśniona w muzyce
(Embodied truth in music)
- Author(s):Anna Chęćka-Gotkowicz
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Cultural history, Cognitive Psychology, History of Art
- Page Range:251-255
- No. of Pages:5
- Keywords:music; truth; interpretation; value
- Summary/Abstract:This voice in the discussion of musical truth shows two ways, which the representatives of contemporary Anglo-Saxon philosophy most often follow analytical. The first one is to search for truth/falsehood in the musical work itself and in its structures, the other is related to truth experience of music, and therefore - with sincerity, authenticity the performance itself (and especially with the performer's fidelity to the text music and with its faithfulness to itself). Finally, it appears a literary example of a debate on musical truth. For an aesthetic, it can be he is a source of reflection on the issues of metacriticism of the performance of a musical work, for the critic - an incentive to verify their own interpretation strategies.
- Price: 4.50 €
Prawda obrazu, prawda materii. Robert Rauschenberg, Henryk Streng i historia sztuki
Prawda obrazu, prawda materii. Robert Rauschenberg, Henryk Streng i historia sztuki
(The truth of the picture, the truth of matter. Robert Rauschenberg, Henryk Streng and art history)
- Author(s):Piotr Słodkowski
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Cultural history, Cognitive Psychology, History of Art
- Page Range:256-262
- No. of Pages:7
- Keywords:history of art; modernism; Holocaust; intertextualism; new materialism
- Summary/Abstract:Starting from the problem of truth in painting, the author of the text dedicates it methodological reflection on inter-pictorial relations. Starting point for this idea there is a juxtaposition of two radically different artistic events: the erasure made by Rauschenberg in de Kooning's drawing and scratches of signatures in his own paintings by Henryk Stange. Both of these the interventions provoke an analysis of the transition from the intertextual viewing images for research optics, which - on the contrary - enhances material dimension of visual representation.
- Price: 4.50 €
Polska historia literatury jako miejsce pamięci
Polska historia literatury jako miejsce pamięci
(Polish history of literature as a place of remembrance)
- Author(s):Maciej Junkiert
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Cultural history, Cognitive Psychology, History of Art
- Page Range:263-273
- No. of Pages:11
- Keywords:history of literature; discipline; Adam Mickiewicz; Maria Janion
- Summary/Abstract:The author analyzes the origin and specificity of 19th-century Polish historical and literary research. He compares the context of the birth of a new discipline in the partition Poland and in German states. History considered from this perspective literature appears to be an important factor contributing to the emergence of modern nations, and literary historians are presented as key authoritiesin the field of cultural past and present. The author is interested in the similarities and differences resulting, for example, from the fact that history in German states literature was an important academic discipline, while Polish authors they developed it in much more difficult conditions.
- Price: 4.50 €
Prawda miejsca a prawda ekspozycji – „analiza przypadku” na przykładzie Państwowego Muzeum na Majdanku
Prawda miejsca a prawda ekspozycji – „analiza przypadku” na przykładzie Państwowego Muzeum na Majdanku
(The truth of the place and the truth of the exhibition - "Case study" based on an example State Museum at Majdanek)
- Author(s):Jan Kutnik
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Cultural history, Cognitive Psychology, History of Art
- Page Range:274-292
- No. of Pages:19
- Keywords:Majdanek; Holocaust; museum; truth of a place; exhibition
- Summary/Abstract:The author takes up the problem of the truthfulness of museum exhibitions they refer to the tragedy of the Second World War. In this aspect, he values the value highly Majdanek, Auschwitz-Birkenau, Stutthoff and other museums created on the grounds of the former German camps. Based on own research conducted in 2016–2019 states that shaping the relationship between the truth of the place and the truth of the exhibition, skilful handling of authenticity and finding new forms of speaking to visitors is enormous a challenge facing exhibitors.
- Price: 4.50 €