След следващата запетая. 20 години етнология в Пловдивския университет. Сборник от юбилейна научна конференция, Пловдив2012
After the Next Comma Collection. 20 Years of Ethnology at the University of Plovdiv. Jubilee Scientific Conference
Contributor(s): Meglena Zlatkova (Editor), Borislava Petkova (Editor), Stoyan Antonov (Editor)
Subject(s): History, Social Sciences, Cultural history, Ethnohistory, Sociology of Culture
Published by: Пловдивски университет »Паисий Хилендарски«
Keywords: ethnology; humanities; social sciences; culture
Summary/Abstract: The book presents texts from the scientific conference "After the next comma", held in 2012. It marked twenty years since the establishment of academic ethnology at Plovdiv University "Paisii Hilendarski". The focus of the conference is on the applications of ethnological knowledge - in research, expertise, education, project work, etc .; in their local, national and global forms.
- Print-ISBN-13: 978-619-7249-02-6
- Page Count: 465
- Publication Year: 2015
- Language: Bulgarian
Обучението по етнология и социална антропология в Пловдивския университет
Обучението по етнология и социална антропология в Пловдивския университет
(Education in Ethnology and Social Anthropology at the University of Plovdiv)
- Author(s):Maria Schnitter, Krasimira Krastanova
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Anthropology, Social Sciences, Education, Cultural Anthropology / Ethnology, Higher Education
- Page Range:9-16
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:social sciences; humanities; ethnology; education
- Summary/Abstract:Over the last half century, a special trend in the development of social sciences and humanities may be observed: they go beyond the boundaries of the disciplines and do not obey the order created with the establishment of modern science. Ethnology starts with the interest in ethnos and ethnies, people and nations, and it researches the socio-anthropological realization of the man through the mechanisms of cultural phenomena and facts. An important characteristic is the researcher’s commitment which arises from his/her understanding of the scholarship’s role in meeting the cultural, social and economic needs and its close partnership with entrepreneurship. Based on the contemporary scholarly achievements and using the experience of the European universities, the education in Ethnology and Social Anthropology at the University of Plovdiv during the period from 1994 to 2010, emphasized on its applied nature and the optimal intertwining between the academic theory and social practice.
- Price: 4.50 €
Етнологията и предизвикателствата на днешния ден
Етнологията и предизвикателствата на днешния ден
(Ethnology and the Contemporary Challenges)
- Author(s):Krasimira Krastanova
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Anthropology, Social Sciences, Cultural Anthropology / Ethnology
- Page Range:17-27
- No. of Pages:11
- Keywords:ethnology; cultural practices; policies
- Summary/Abstract:Ethnology is situated in that research area with its problematic nodes and nuclei, where it interacts with the ethnic and social, political, economic, historical, technological and semiotic fields. The aim of the text is to seek the commitment of the ethnological societal needs and to indicate its place in the studies of Bulgarian society today in terms of the dynamics of cultural interactions and the pursuit of sustainable development of the community.The author looks at the beginnings of Ethnology, where this science has a role to play in the political projects for the development of the states in the 19th and 20th centuries. The cultural, historical, political context in the new millennium requires the Ethnology to build new tools for research and analysis of the contemporary societies, outlining the main axes of interest and discussing the contribution of Ethnology to contemporary cultural practices and policies - an important means of maintaining identity and improving the quality of life in modern times. Addressing these problems makes it possible to trace how the changing contexts and concepts of societies for their own future modifies the tools and approaches of science, as well as the role of the ethnologist in contemporary society.
- Price: 4.50 €
Приложната етнология в работата с деца
Приложната етнология в работата с деца
(The Applied Ethnology Approach While Working with Children)
- Author(s):Anelia Avdzhieva
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Anthropology, Social Sciences, Education, Cultural Anthropology / Ethnology, School education
- Page Range:28-35
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:ethnology; children/high-school students; boundary; dialog with the Other
- Summary/Abstract:Marc Augé (1994) emphasizes on the expertise of the ethnologist for solving specific political problems, for evaluation and implementation of various social and cultural projects, for planning activities in the third sector, as well as, for cultural mediation between the different social and cultural communities. Roger Bastide (1973), on his side, denotes the role of the ethnologist not simply as a mediator or a researcher, but as a part of the community that seeks to build its future life. This outlines the image of the ethnologist as an active researcher – a theoretician, who is still a practitioner. Therefore, Ethnology is a resource for developing society. The practical approach could be depicted in diverse aspects and activities on many levels – socially as well as politically, economically, religiously, culturally, etc. The ethnological knowledge could be applied not only while working with vulnerable groups or when facing a challenging situation, but also in a wide range of projects. The project of the National High School for Humanitarian Sciences and Arts “Konstantin Preslavski” – Varna and the involvement of Ethnology M.A. and B.A. students therein exemplifies how an ethnologist can work with children/high-school students. An activity focused on ensuring better understanding of Otherness, transparency between cultural boundaries, acquiring skills and knowledge to develop a dialog with the Other, ability to co-work with this Other person, engaging with the problems of the cultural diversification of faces, preserving and safeguarding the heritage and practices of the Others as much as our own ones.
- Price: 4.50 €
Етномузикология за етнолози
Етномузикология за етнолози
(Ethnomusicology for Ethnologists)
- Author(s):Natalia Rashkova
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Anthropology, Social Sciences, Education, Fine Arts / Performing Arts, Music, Cultural Anthropology / Ethnology, Higher Education
- Page Range:36-40
- No. of Pages:5
- Keywords:ethnomusicology; music; education
- Summary/Abstract:The focus of this paper is on the specific thematic aspect of the author's lecture course on Ethnomusicology among the Ethnology specialty disciplines at the Paisiy Hilendarski University of Plovdiv. The conceptual contribution of Prof. Todor Iv. Zhivkov to the systematic development of the teaching program for this university specialty is highlighted. Teaching ethnologists Ethnomusicology focuses on the most recent and up-to-date scientific progress in this area related to the anthropological approach to music. In the course of education, the students create competences for recognition, observation, and analysis of the ways of expressing basic parameters of culture through the music. The mechanisms and the meaning of the musical activities in a particular type of culture (the traditional one) and in the contemporary events of musical cultural inheritance are outlined.
- Price: 4.50 €
Етномедицина (или медицинска антропология) - възможна и необходима перспектива пред етноложките четения в България
Етномедицина (или медицинска антропология) - възможна и необходима перспектива пред етноложките четения в България
(Ethnology and Medicine – Reflections in the Present)
- Author(s):Violeta Kotseva
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Anthropology, Social Sciences, Cultural Anthropology / Ethnology, Culture and social structure
- Page Range:41-50
- No. of Pages:10
- Keywords:culture; medicine; approach
- Summary/Abstract:The article aims to present a conceivable prospect in front of academic ethnological readings in Bulgaria. The main stages of the emergence and development of the studies are discussed. The main areas of research in Medical anthropology are addressed. The attention is also drawn to the principal approaches as well as to the intersection between culture and medicine with references to the Bulgarian cultural environment.
- Price: 4.50 €
Храните в ракурса на етноложкото изследване или какво е българско кисело мляко
Храните в ракурса на етноложкото изследване или какво е българско кисело мляко
(Foods in the View of Ethnological Research or What is This Bulgarian Yogurt)
- Author(s):Elitsa Stoilova
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Anthropology, Social Sciences, Cultural Anthropology / Ethnology
- Page Range:51-64
- No. of Pages:14
- Keywords:food; technology; identity
- Summary/Abstract:The article introduces the main objectives of the Anthropology of food and it further presents the correlations between food, food technologies, local and national identity. In order to demonstrate the importance of food research as part of the ethnological research objectives, the paper presents the case study of the Bulgarian yoghurt. It questions the attribution of “Bulgarian identity” to that product tracing back its technological development from early twentieth centuries until present. It shows the development of the international yoghurt market, the industrialization and modernization of the Bulgarian dairy industry. The article offers a critical analysis of yoghurt production and export in communist Bulgaria. Combining a wide array of sources, this article unravels the story of yoghurt becoming an authentic product through the interaction among citizens, consumers, producers, scientists, and politicians.
- Price: 4.50 €
Ракурси към славянското в съвременните преподавания по антропология и етнология в България и Чехия
Ракурси към славянското в съвременните преподавания по антропология и етнология в България и Чехия
(Perspectives to the Slavic in Teaching Contemporary Anthropology and Ethnology in Bulgaria and in the Czech Republic)
- Author(s):Vladimir Penchev
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Anthropology, Social Sciences, Cultural Anthropology / Ethnology
- Page Range:65-77
- No. of Pages:13
- Keywords:Slavic culture; Czech universities; comparative approach
- Summary/Abstract:This text tracks the development of Anthropology and Ethnology teaching centered on Slavic cultures in Bulgarian and Czech universities, from the XIXth century to the present day, focusing on their contemporary state. A detailed analysis is made on the teaching curriculum in different educational institutions, based on the comparative approach. So, we come to the conclusion that these disciplines are taught not only in cultural but also in linguistical majors. In both countries they are not, with few exceptions, widespread and in the Czech universities, unlike in Bulgarian, there are practically no separate courses on these topics. Another conclusion is made on the fact that in Bulgaria, the majors and master programs related to Anthropology don't usually include such courses, while they are present in the Czech Republic, although narrowed down to specific topics and historical direction. A third conclusion is that both in Bulgaria and in the Czech Republic, the majors and master programs related to Ethnology don't, as a rule, include such courses. Finally, they are best represented in the linguistical majors in both countries (although it is hardly to observe common principles), which demonstrates the preservation, to this day, of the "classical" XIXth century model.
- Price: 4.50 €
Алтернативните образователни методи и ролята на етнолога в тях по примера на един проект в село Аспарухово
Алтернативните образователни методи и ролята на етнолога в тях по примера на един проект в село Аспарухово
(Alternative Educational Techniques and the Role of the Ethnologist Played)
- Author(s):Svoboda Stoeva
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Education, Customs / Folklore, Cultural Anthropology / Ethnology, Higher Education
- Page Range:78-85
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:school system; education; generations
- Summary/Abstract:This paper describes some methods and ideas that could lead to a better understanding of the “other” and the “otherness” if applied in the school system. The fiеld is a school project from 2012 named “Asparuhovo – Future for the Folklore World”. Almost every year since 2008, children from the National High School for Humanitarian Sciences and Arts “Konstantin Preslavski” (city of Varna) visit Asparuhovo. The main idea of the project is to create a bridge between generations and cultures. Every year the children have specific topics, ideas and aims during their stay there. Most of them are related to traditional problems of Ethnology, such as “how to understand others and the values of otherness?”, “how to communicate with people that are very different from us?”, “how to gather information, how to analyze and realize it?” etc. M.A. students from the Ethnology department of the University of Plovdiv have been invited to help the participants in the project. This article describes the approach that we, in our role as “trainers” use to give the children a better understanding of different problems in the field.
- Price: 4.50 €
Музеят и децата или какво предлага етнографската експозиция при Регионален исторически музей Бургас на своите малки посетители
Музеят и децата или какво предлага етнографската експозиция при Регионален исторически музей Бургас на своите малки посетители
(The Museum and the Children, or What the Ethnographic Exhibition at RHM - Burgas Offers to its Small Visitors or How Does it Go When Children Visit the Museum)
- Author(s):Plamena Kirova
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Anthropology, Social Sciences, Cultural Anthropology / Ethnology
- Page Range:86-92
- No. of Pages:7
- Keywords:museum; children; heritage
- Summary/Abstract:By addressing this topic, I would like to draw the attention to the relationship between the children and the museum. It’s the curator’s point of view, the person who welcomes them and introduces them into the history of our traditions. There is a great deal of talk about the living museum and the different presentation of expositions. But is this possible in our working conditions?The two main aspects of our work with children will be presented in the text: as visitors on one hand and as learners on the other. For we know that according to the ICOM statutes, the museum is a permanent, non-profit institution serving the public and its development, open to the public and conducting research on the tangible evidence we have of man and the environment. I would add here intangible testimonies such as songs, rituals and customs, legends, tales that the specialist can also provide for scientific and educational purposes. We will present the children's visits to the ‘Uspeh’ Project of the Ministry of Education and Sciences and the results of our Ethno workshop held in the yard of the Ethnographic Complex.
- Price: 4.50 €
Етнология на планината
Етнология на планината
(Ethnology of the Mountain)
- Author(s):Irena Bokova
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Anthropology, Social Sciences, Cultural Anthropology / Ethnology
- Page Range:93-109
- No. of Pages:17
- Keywords:mountain; fieldwork; local communities
- Summary/Abstract:The paper presents some basic problems on the research of the mountain as a specific natural and living environment for the students’ summer fieldworks and following projects. There are three interconnected problems in the fieldwork: the connection of the local community with the local space, the building of this connection during the time, the changes in the way of life of the local communities during the last two decades – mobility dynamics, the building of heritages and new images of the mountain, connected with the road/s, traveling and crossing the borders. The analysis is based on observations, field notes, academic papers and anthropological movies from the author’s individual or teamwork research during a long period of time. The local communities, local and regional authorities, experts and professionals helped a lot for the different aspects of the research.
- Price: 4.50 €
Завръщане в Родопите - за "пловдивския" терен и проф. Тодор Ив. Живков
Завръщане в Родопите - за "пловдивския" терен и проф. Тодор Ив. Живков
(Return to the Rhodope Mountain – the fieldwork of "Plovdiv" and Professor Todor Iv. Zhivkov)
- Author(s):Borislava Petkova
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Anthropology, Social Sciences, Customs / Folklore, Cultural Anthropology / Ethnology
- Page Range:110-117
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:fieldwork; Rhodope Mountain; students
- Summary/Abstract:The text follows the processes of arranging and conducting field researches on Ethnology and Folklore studies for Ethnology students, focusing on the research of second-year students. Summer practices are an integral part of the Ethnology curriculum. Prof. Todor Iv. Zhivkov laid down the basis, concept and methodology. The research has been carried out every year since 1994 without interruption. The text tracks the different villages, small towns and big cities, where the local urban culture studies are conducted in its variety of forms, as well as the themes and highlights in the fieldwork of the young people. It is emphasized on the fact that most of the 19 successful summer practices, 11 of them are held in the Rhodope mountain (village of Davidkovo (1994), village of Petkovo (1996), village of Zagrazhden (1995, 2000, 2005, 2006, 2007 and 2012), town of Kardzhali (2004), city of Smolyan (2010.) The settlements in the Middle Rhodope are becoming one of the "preserved" fieldworks for students and professors from the Department of Ethnology.
- Price: 4.50 €
Обредните песни от Гора, Албания
Обредните песни от Гора, Албания
(Ritual Songs from the Gora Region, Albania)
- Author(s):Veselka Toncheva
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Anthropology, Social Sciences, Customs / Folklore, Cultural Anthropology / Ethnology
- Page Range:118-131
- No. of Pages:14
- Keywords:Albania; ritual songs; ethnomusicological approaches
- Summary/Abstract:The Gora region is located in the territory of three countries – Republic of Kosovo (19 villages), Republic of Albania (9 villages) and Republic of Macedonia (2 villages). The part of this community, living in Albania, is incompletely studied, but the ritual songs of the Goranians are preserved with their music features and are still in use. The division of the area less than 100 years ago, the specific trajectory of the Albanian Gora and the "closed" and isolated way of life is a factor for the preservation of the ritual song. The text presents the calendar ritual songs performed on St. George's Day and the wedding songs as a part of this family ritual. Nazif Docle, a local researcher publishes a lot of song lyrics from his native village of Borje, but this does not give any details on the musical language and musical thinking of this group. The text analyzes the ritual song repertoire from the Gora region (Albania) using ethnomusicological approaches.
- Price: 4.50 €
Теренен метод за спечелване доверието на информаторите "Вграждане в социума"
Теренен метод за спечелване доверието на информаторите "Вграждане в социума"
("Embedding into Society" Field Method for Winning the Credibility of the Informants)
- Author(s):Goran Stefanov
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Anthropology, Social Sciences, Customs / Folklore, Cultural Anthropology / Ethnology
- Page Range:132-138
- No. of Pages:7
- Keywords:Sakar mountain; fieldwork; anthropological method
- Summary/Abstract:In 2009 I started a field research on the territory of Sakar Mountain in order to write my master’s thesis. During my stay in the region of Topolovgrad I collected information and conducted field research regarding the local folklore, especially the legends, traditions and songs related to the area of Sveta Troitsa (Holy Trinty) convent, the cave named “Karakolyovata dupka” as well as the annual Folklore Fair. I chose the method of structured and semi-structured interviews following questionnaires prepared in advance. I must say that I did not obtain much ethnological material from the interviews. But they revealed something else which, although not included in the questions, should be taken into consideration as a major factor for the population of the region concerned. Local people are extremely suspicious and distrustful of strangers and avoid direct contact. I think that they were worried because of the sheets of paper and the pen I was holding, as well as of the fact that their words would be recorded on a voice recorder or written down on paper. According to the ethnological terminology I had gotten into what is called a "difficult terrain”. "Embedding into society” is a method that produces the most fruitful results in Sakar Mountain and it was developed by me. It is very similar to two other methods, through which the researcher approaches the society and wins the credibility of the people therein - "research-action" and "observation included". The difference being the use of local musical and mythological folklore by the researcher, in dynamics through provocation while conducting the research.
- Price: 4.50 €
Църквата като институция за българите в чужбина
Църквата като институция за българите в чужбина
(The Church as an Institution for the Bulgarians Living Abroad)
- Author(s):Mariyanka Borisova, Lina Gergova, Yana Gergova, Tanya Matanova
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Anthropology, Social Sciences, Cultural Anthropology / Ethnology, Culture and social structure
- Page Range:139-152
- No. of Pages:14
- Keywords:Bulgarian church; migration; community
- Summary/Abstract:The Bulgarian church in migration has been studied in the text as an institution created by and for the Bulgarians living in six European countries (Germany, Great Britain, Italy, Greece, Czech Republic and Ireland) with a specific religious context. The main focus is on the history and function of the temple, the church community and the church board, as well as the Metropolitan and the archdioceses. The church cannot be regarded on its own but as a network of migrant institutions in general. The analysis reveals the significance of the church as a community centre, a symbol of the Bulgarian community, an announcement of the community and a state representation.
- Price: 4.50 €
Град и наследства: градът-разказ, сцена, културен пейзаж
Град и наследства: градът-разказ, сцена, културен пейзаж
(City and Heritages: the City – Narration, Stage, Cultural Landscape)
- Author(s):Valentina Ganeva-Raycheva
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Anthropology, Social Sciences, Geography, Regional studies, Regional Geography, Cultural Anthropology / Ethnology, Culture and social structure
- Page Range:153-169
- No. of Pages:17
- Keywords:Lithuania; heritage; landscape
- Summary/Abstract:The paper presents a field research discourse on the city as a territory. The analysis is based on the thesis that the territory and the heritage are not given a priori, but they are an essential part of the activities of the local communities and state policies for construction, valorization and instrumentalization of resources. The paper presents not only particular objects, considered as a heritage, but the city as a territory that is inherited. The field of the inheritance is enlarging from the undeniable heritage (the historical center with UNESCO sign) to the places and neighborhoods, defined as distinctive for certain type of space, as well as those, valorized as a way of life. Particular consideration is given to the practices and the creation of heritage sites that emphasis on the problem about the city as a stage of cultural activities, human relationships and interaction with the environment (the urban landscape).
- Price: 4.50 €
Летописът на село Старо село, Тутраканско. Идеологизация на паметта
Летописът на село Старо село, Тутраканско. Идеологизация на паметта
(The Chronicle of the Village of Staro Selo, Tutrakan. Ideologization of Memory)
- Author(s):Nikolay Nenov
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Anthropology, Social Sciences, Cultural Anthropology / Ethnology, Culture and social structure
- Page Range:170-181
- No. of Pages:12
- Keywords:chronicle; community; memory
- Summary/Abstract:The Chronicle of the village of Staro Selo, near Tutrakan, Northern Bulgaria, was compiled in the years between 1967 and 1972. For this short period, the chronology includes significant events from the world and national history. Among them, we will spot the Moon landing, the Prague Spring of 1968 and the adoption of a new Constitution of the People's Republic of Bulgaria in 1971. The text almost does not include a local chronicle, thus showing the impression of the ideological framework in which it has been created.In the texts of the chronicle, the local community is described as "labor", "socialist-international", "progressive-technical". These desired existential parameters of self-identification do not show the possession of markers for a different description of the local community from what is generally accepted - in the norm of the socialist community. Being institutionally supported and having recorded not only local events, but important ones for the Socialist Bloc, the Chronicle is a testimony of the attempts to ideologize and instrumentalize memory.
- Price: 4.50 €
Сакрумът на село Боженица, община Ботевград
Сакрумът на село Боженица, община Ботевград
(The Sacrum of the Village of Bozhenitsa, Municipality of Blagoevgrad)
- Author(s):Rossen Malchev
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):History, Anthropology, Social Sciences, Cultural history, Cultural Anthropology / Ethnology
- Page Range:182-191
- No. of Pages:10
- Keywords:Orthodox Christianity; mythology; history
- Summary/Abstract:The article presents the personal observations of the author on the sacral space of the village of Bozhenitsa, municipality of Botevgrad, that were made during the field ethnological researches of the Ongal Association in 2000-2001. The analysis reveals the local dimensions of two of the most important cultural processes within the Bulgarian society during the first half of the XX c.: 1) The religious orthodox revival; 2) The mythologization of the history and its application as a state-forming potential.
- Price: 4.50 €
Регионални измерения на православната менталност: град Самоков
Регионални измерения на православната менталност: град Самоков
(Regional Dimensions of the Righteous Mentality: Town of Samokov)
- Author(s):Konstantin Rangochev
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Anthropology, Social Sciences, Customs / Folklore, Geography, Regional studies, Regional Geography, Cultural Anthropology / Ethnology
- Page Range:192-197
- No. of Pages:6
- Keywords:religion; church; mentality
- Summary/Abstract:The article examines the dedication of the main thrones (nomination) of several churches in Samokov: the Metropolitan Church of the Assumption of the Most Holy Mother of God, „Babite – The Protection of the Mother of God” Convent, Dolna Mahala’s church of the Most Holy Mother of God, the Belyova church of the Nativity of the Most Holy Mother of God. The town's cemetery church is dedicated to St. Nicholas, the Wonderworker, Archbishop of Myra.The chronological frameworks of the study are limited from the beginning of the 17th century to the end of the 19th century (with some exceptions - for example, the Church of St. Nicholas in the village of Maritsa (15th-16th century), the Belyova church of the Nativity of the Most Holy Mother of God (end of 4th century). Most of the churches in Samokov are built on old temples, which the patrons have known, but have probably changed over the centuries. It is suggested that each of the dedications that give the name of the temple achieve a certain spiritual need of the community that has initiated the construction of the temple. The model of organization of the sacred space of the town of Samokov is "The Virgin Mary - St. Nicholas", as the Virgin Mary nominates our world, the world of the living, and St. Nicholas - the afterworld, the world of the dead. The main thesis of the text states that the metropolitan center of Samokov, with its system of churches, monasteries, metropolises and chapels, has influenced the villages of the Samokov region and has played the role of a peculiar model.
- Price: 4.50 €
Град и миграции - визуализации на пространството
Град и миграции - визуализации на пространството
(The Town and Migrations: Visualization of Space)
- Author(s):Meglena Zlatkova
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Anthropology, Social Sciences, Geography, Regional studies, Regional Geography, Sociology, Cultural Anthropology / Ethnology, Culture and social structure , Ethnic Minorities Studies
- Page Range:198-214
- No. of Pages:17
- Keywords:urban space; migration; borders; heritage
- Summary/Abstract:The paper problematizes on the urban spaces, analyzing the discourses of: (national) majority, minorities, the newcomers (migrants), the others, emphasizing on the forms of visualization. The case of the towns of Tsarevo and Pomorie in Bulgaria and Edirne in Turkey are presented by the two migrant groups that have crossed the Bulgarian-Turkish border and settled in particular urban neighbourhoods. The visual approach in the urban anthropology requires a specific methodology starting from the material environment of the city and its public spaces to the social and cultural relationships of the urban inhabitants and the invisible aspects of their symbolic layer as memory and heritage. The paper analyzes the strategies and valorization and legitimation of the heritage of migration and heirs, who trace their places of everyday life and festivity. The fieldwork research was done among the heirs of the so called “Thracian Bulgarians”, living in Tsarevo and Pomorie and the Turks, born in Bulgaria and resettled in Turkey in Edirne.
- Price: 4.50 €
"Всичките са маскари!" Политика, култура и карикатура
"Всичките са маскари!" Политика, култура и карикатура
("They are all Rotters!" Politics Culture, and Caricature)
- Author(s):Dobrinka Parusheva
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Anthropology, Social Sciences, Cultural Anthropology / Ethnology, Culture and social structure
- Page Range:215-228
- No. of Pages:14
- Keywords:politics; (political) culture; and (political) caricature
- Summary/Abstract:The aim of this text is to elaborate on the relationship between the caricature (and cartoonists) and the objects of caricature, on the one hand, and between the caricature (and cartoonists) and their audience, on the other hand. Using this elaboration I offer a possible entanglement of all three components of the title: politics, (political) culture, and (political) caricature. The interest is focused on Bulgaria during the first decades of the twentieth century.
- Price: 4.50 €
Българската възрожденска фотография - конструиране на информационната повърхност
Българската възрожденска фотография - конструиране на информационната повърхност
(Bulgarian Revival Photography - Designing the Information Surface)
- Author(s):Petko Georgiev
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Anthropology, Social Sciences, Fine Arts / Performing Arts, Photography, Cultural Anthropology / Ethnology
- Page Range:229-238
- No. of Pages:10
- Keywords:archival photography; Bulgarian Revival photography; critique
- Summary/Abstract:The report focuses our attention on the need to decypher and critique the archival photography. The possibility of being misunderstood comes out of its function to create and reflect reality itself. For that purpose, several examples of Bulgarian Revival photography are presented here, which we call „retouched reality and illusion“.
- Price: 4.50 €
"Игра на Етнология" - филм без сценарий
"Игра на Етнология" - филм без сценарий
(“Game of Ethnology” – a Movie Without a Screenplay)
- Author(s):Mariya Slavcheva
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Anthropology, Social Sciences, Fine Arts / Performing Arts, Cultural Anthropology / Ethnology, Film / Cinema / Cinematography
- Page Range:239-246
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:visual anthropology; ethnographic work; film
- Summary/Abstract:The access to technical devices that can take pictures and videos with is nothing new for a long time. Moreover, they are used more frequently during the ethnological fieldwork. The aim of the article is to inform and to enlighten the reader with the steps and the difficulties one can face while creating a student ethnological film. It focuses on the decision-making methodology while the movie is made, as well as the problem-solving of the missing screenplay. The Game of Ethnology movie is a result of the common fieldwork of me – Mariya Slavcheva, and Aneliya Avdzhieva, Svetoslava Mancheva, Svoboda Stoeva, Zornitsa Prandzheva – B.A. and M.A. students in Ethnology from the Paisiy Hilendarski University of Plovdiv.
- Price: 4.50 €
Субкултурни начини на живот в гр. Пловдив
Субкултурни начини на живот в гр. Пловдив
(Subcultural Lifestyles in the City of Plovdiv)
- Author(s):Vihra Barova
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Anthropology, Social Sciences, Sociology, Cultural Anthropology / Ethnology, Culture and social structure , Sociology of Culture, Identity of Collectives
- Page Range:247-259
- No. of Pages:13
- Keywords:youth subcultures; transition; post-transitional generation
- Summary/Abstract:This article aims to present the first results of an anthropological fieldwork carried out in 2012 in the city of Plovdiv, Bulgaria. The investigation studies youth subcultures in times of transition. The main carrier of the subculture nowadays is the generation of those born in the late 80's and early 90's. This generation builds its identity in the years of political and economic transition and faces problems that are unknown to the previous generations. The main research interest is focused on the stylistic orientations, ideologies, norms of behavior, and political beliefs of the post-transitional generation.
- Price: 4.50 €
Възникване и характерни практики на рок културата в малкия град
Възникване и характерни практики на рок културата в малкия град
(Occurrence and Practices of the Rock Culture in a Small Town)
- Author(s):Yana Yancheva
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Anthropology, Social Sciences, Culture and social structure
- Page Range:260-274
- No. of Pages:15
- Keywords:rock culture in the 1960s and early 70s in Bulgaria; youth culture ideology; socialism
- Summary/Abstract:This article aims to show the trends in the occurrence and development of the rock culture in a small town in Northwest Bulgaria in the 1960s and early 70s. The focus is on how it is perceived by young people and what place it has in their lives. The article is part of a larger study, interested in how rock culture fits into the cultural, social and political life of the town subject to the study for several decades from the 1960s to the 21st century.Using the analysis of the biographical and thematic interviews with representatives of this generation, I’ve tried to present their everyday practices, passions and ideas that are perceived as decisive for their belonging to rock culture; what place it occupies in the life of young people. Local community research aims to reveal on a reflexive level the existence and functioning of youth culture that contradicts or is stigmatized by the norms and ideology of the socialist regime and appears as a counterculture of the socialist everyday culture.
- Price: 4.50 €
Интеуркултурен диалог и културен обмен: изследване на младежката краткосрочна трудова миграция по програмата "Work and Travel"
Интеуркултурен диалог и културен обмен: изследване на младежката краткосрочна трудова миграция по програмата "Work and Travel"
(Intercultural Dialogue and Cultural Exchange: a Study on the Youth Short-term Labor Migration in the Framework of the Work and Travel Program)
- Author(s):Zlatina Bogdanova
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Anthropology, Social Sciences, Culture and social structure
- Page Range:275-290
- No. of Pages:16
- Keywords:short-term labor migration; post-socialist transition in Bulgaria; students; intercultural communication
- Summary/Abstract:This paper is based on interviews with Work and Travel USA participants (the initial interviews were taken in Sofia back in 2003) and materials from the fieldwork carried out in the campus of the American University in Bulgaria (AUB) in Blagoevgrad in 2012. The author focuses on a cultural phenomenon accompanying the so-called post-socialist transition in Bulgaria – the short-term labor migration of Bulgarian students to the US. The research emphasizes on the role of the intercultural communication in a rapidly expanding work environment where young people are compelled to endure multiple intercultural interactions and face significant social and personality effects. The intercultural aspects of the migration include perceptions of intercultural differences, cultural subordination, and behavioural patterns expressing cultural relativism, manifestations of ethnocentrism, culture collision and culture shock. Identity and adaptation problems experienced by the participants are given special consideration.
- Price: 4.50 €
"Играта" като проявление на социо-културни модели на поведение и средство за изследване на терен
"Играта" като проявление на социо-културни модели на поведение и средство за изследване на терен
(The “Play” as an Expression of Socio-cultural Behavioural Patterns and as a Research Tool for Fieldwork)
- Author(s):Svetoslava Mancheva
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Anthropology, Social Sciences, Cultural Anthropology / Ethnology
- Page Range:291-299
- No. of Pages:9
- Keywords:fieldwork play; social and cultural dialogue
- Summary/Abstract:According to Huizinga (Hyoyzinha 2000) "play" is an integral part of the social and cultural processes in which a person is involved. He claims that the socio-cultural reality is created in and through the manifestations of play elements. The comprehensive review of a person's everyday practices helps to understand the reality and the processes therein. The play elements can be observed in the work of the ethnologist and his/her social roles in the fieldwork. The researcher adopts different roles according to the specifics of the reality "there" and "then" and this allows him/her to "play" in his/her research. In the present work, I focus on the manifestations of "play" as an important element of the social and cultural dialogue between groups of people, including the ethnologist as an actor in different situations. The aim is to show a possible view of the results from the fieldwork and the researcher's approach and methods using "play" as an instrument.
- Price: 4.50 €
Запознаване, усвояване и предаване на фолклорното знание в училищния проект "Аспарухово - бъдеще за фолклорния свят"
Запознаване, усвояване и предаване на фолклорното знание в училищния проект "Аспарухово - бъдеще за фолклорния свят"
(Acquiring, Learning and Passing on the Knowledge of Folklore in the "Asparuhovo - Future of the Folklore World" School Project)
- Author(s):Zornitsa Prandzheva
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):History, Anthropology, Social Sciences, Education, Cultural history, Cultural Anthropology / Ethnology, Higher Education
- Page Range:300-305
- No. of Pages:6
- Keywords:cultural heritage; education; identity
- Summary/Abstract:This research examines one unusual perspective towards the preservation of the cultural heritage through the Bulgarian educational system. It traces the possible mechanisms for inheritance and identification, that relate to the opportunity given to the children to get to know their roots (through fieldwork expeditions), to preserve the knowledge of their own ethnic community (and to become its heralds) and to pass it on to their coevals. The article examines the fact whether it is possible to give an opportunity to familiarise the children with their ethnicity, to preserve their knowledge of it and become heralds of the folklore knowledge, through projects in the realm of education. This research presents one practical attempt in the village of Asparuhovo, to find the answer of the above question. It reviews how the folklore is present in the "Asparuhovo - Future of the Folklore World" school project, what environment it creates, what it means for the participants and how important is it in the educational process. It defends the proposition, that after taking part in it the students change their understanding of the ethnic knowledge and have a basis for a different type of identification.
- Price: 4.50 €
Да би младо знаело, да би старо можело
Да би младо знаело, да би старо можело
(If Only the Young Were Wise Enough, If Only the Old Were Strong Enough)
- Author(s):Diana Radoynova
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Anthropology, Social Sciences, Customs / Folklore, Cultural Anthropology / Ethnology
- Page Range:306-314
- No. of Pages:9
- Keywords:age; lifetime; memories
- Summary/Abstract:The concept of age viewed as a lifetime through which one builds memories, remembrances and competence is a largely unexplored area in the Bulgarian ethnology. Age in the traditional culture depends much more on a person’s social status than on the number of years they have lived. Moreover, in the folklore world one could paradoxically grow up over a night following certain changes in their social status. That particular understanding, typical for the traditional Bulgarian culture, has generated a complicated system of relationships, contradictions and substitutions such as young – old, strong – weak, able – unable, competent - incompetent, ignorant – wise. Possessing one of the above characteristics usually excludes its opposite i.e. being young you are strong but ignorant, being old you are wise but weak; being a child you are carefree but have no rights, etc. In the contradiction between the biologically inevitable old age and the culturally credited wisdom, a person is both an achiever and a loser because one can have the best of the two, but at different moments in their lifetime.
- Price: 4.50 €
В търсене на изгубеното детство
В търсене на изгубеното детство
(In Search of the Lost Childhood)
- Author(s):Petya Bankova
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Anthropology, Social Sciences, Cultural Anthropology / Ethnology
- Page Range:315-321
- No. of Pages:7
- Keywords:childhood; child's play; cultural environment; lifestyle
- Summary/Abstract:This article presents some of the results of a three-year research project on the "Traditional and Contemporary Children's Games". Through the prism of the biographical method and through an interdisciplinary approach, the author shows the changes in the child's play brought by changes in the cultural environment and lifestyle. Childhood is extremely sensitive to changes in both the micro-environment (family and peer group), as well as in the macro-environment (economy, culture) in which society exists. While studying childhood and its components, such as children's play, it is necessary to clarify the changes in society as a whole.
- Price: 4.50 €
Проблемът за смъртта в традиционната и съвременната българска култура
Проблемът за смъртта в традиционната и съвременната българска култура
(The Problem of Death in Traditional and Contemporary Bulgarian Culture)
- Author(s):Maria Dimitrova
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Anthropology, Social Sciences, Cultural Anthropology / Ethnology
- Page Range:322-334
- No. of Pages:13
- Keywords:death; rites of passage; funeral ideology
- Summary/Abstract:A person’s death disorganizes the social group, shakes each community member individually, and prompts the thought of their own future and destiny. The funeral ideology, which includes both certain concepts concerning the end of human life and funeral ritual, interprets death as a necessity for the community itself.How the beliefs and perceptions of the end of human life have been preserved (and respectively changed), to what extent the funeral ritual has been preserved, what part of the tradition is known and when the community resorts to it to solve problems - these are some of the issues that ask for our attention in the text.
- Price: 4.50 €
Символиката на отвъдното - извор за естетиката на романтизма и абсурдизма
Символиката на отвъдното - извор за естетиката на романтизма и абсурдизма
(The Otherworldly Symbolism as a Source for the Aesthetics of Romanticism and Absurdism)
- Author(s):Stefana Mincheva
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Anthropology, Social Sciences, Cultural Anthropology / Ethnology
- Page Range:335-342
- No. of Pages:10
- Keywords:symbolism; aesthetics of romantic; absurdist movements
- Summary/Abstract:This article presents highlights of the influence of otherworldly symbolism over the aesthetics of romantic and absurdist movements. Romantic stories often present a fight for a just cause on a personal, social or an universal scale. The foredoomed clash of ideals and reality gives a tinge of doubt in the very beginning of action in those genres. Thus the imagery of death, destruction and chaos is firmly connected with the romantic setting. On one hand it enhances the contrast of the heroic appearance and deeds, hence making the heroic exploit possible; and on the other – it derives influential strength from the force of chaos. Likewise, through demolition and rejection of possible meanings, the absurd affirms death as the only certain thing. As in mythology, chaos contains all the fragments necessary for the construction of meaningful structures as well as the asemia needed to trigger the creative mind. When an old semantic structure as an ideology or social order has to be replaced with another one, the old one needs to be demolished, leaving its parts but rearranging them in order to build a new stable semantic entity. Popular romantic texts are drawn as practical examples to illustrate the discussed tendency. However, human mind is capable of revealing or making sense in any random piece of information, due to the ancient layers of meanings, which make “being” possible.
- Price: 4.50 €
Културологичният модус на храната
Културологичният модус на храната
(The Culturological Image of Food)
- Author(s):Tencho Derekyuvliev
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Anthropology, Social Sciences, Customs / Folklore, Cultural Anthropology / Ethnology, Culture and social structure
- Page Range:343-354
- No. of Pages:12
- Keywords:food; ritual cuisine; feast; bread; traditional folklore wedding; meals and eating
- Summary/Abstract:The research observes the culturological image of food as a derivative of meanings that belong to the realms of Anthropology, Ethnology and Ethnography. The aspect of Bulgarian traditional culture interprets the ethnocultural significance as well as the functions of the concepts such as: ritual cuisine, feast, bread, traditional folklore wedding, meals and eating. Additionally, the research focuses on some semiotic characteristics of these concepts.
- Price: 4.50 €
Границата в антропологическа перспектива:акценти и преосмисляне на понятия
Границата в антропологическа перспектива:акценти и преосмисляне на понятия
(The Border in Anthropological Perspective: Conceptual Highlights and Redefinitions)
- Author(s):Magdalena Elchinova
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Anthropology, Social Sciences, Cultural Anthropology / Ethnology, Culture and social structure
- Page Range:355-364
- No. of Pages:10
- Keywords:border; ethnic groups; identities; communities
- Summary/Abstract:The paper discusses certain aspects of the conceptualization of the border in Anthropology and, more broadly, in the Social Sciences. The border is viewed as a dynamic social construction. The focus is on the geopolitical borders – their spatiotemporal dimensions and their relations with the construction of political entities, ethnic groups and identities form the basis for the analysis. The major issues of discussion comprise the dialectics between space and social reality in constructing borders; the ambiguity and ambivalence of the border; the temporal dynamics of the border, i.e. the border as a process, practices, and procedures; the interplay between borders and communities.
- Price: 4.50 €
Бурдийо и "етносоциологическата лаборатория" на Беарн и Кабилия
Бурдийо и "етносоциологическата лаборатория" на Беарн и Кабилия
(Bourdieu and the ‘Ethnosociological Laboratory of Bearn and Kabylia)
- Author(s):Stoika Penkova
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Anthropology, Social Sciences, Sociology, Cultural Anthropology / Ethnology, Sociology of Culture
- Page Range:365-378
- No. of Pages:14
- Keywords:Pierre Bourdieu; socioanalisys; historical sociology of discursive practices
- Summary/Abstract:The article focuses on the meaning of the early texts of Pierre Bourdieu written between 1959 and 1962 and problematizing the destruction of the world of Algerian and Bearnese peasantry. The thesis states that they are a discursive response to two life experience that were important to the establishment of the great French sociologist’s intellectual path – i.e. the experience of his native Bearn and of post-colonial Algeria and Kabylia – and, as such, are crucial for the formation of Bourdieu’s intellectual dispositions. It is in the desire to understand the dramatic social forces that involve and constrain both him and the agents who occupy positions in his own temporal zone, that Bourdieu creates his distinctive approach in the social scientific field. One cannot conceptualize the specificity and originality of this approach, leading to the generation of a new and specific attitude towards the world, without making explicit the essential characteristics of the two primary life experiences of Bearn and Algeria in their quality of forming the basis of the future Bourdieusian epistemological position. Therefore, we cannot overlook their deep socioanalytic dimension and their importance to a historical sociology of discursive practices, whenever we as researchers try to answer the question of how the new and distinctive way of making social science has come to be: the way which – as a form of specific discourse – guarantees to Bourdieu the occupation of a distinctive position in the field of social scientific discursive production and simultaneously facilitates his establishment as one of the most important sociologists who appeared in France after the WWII.
- Price: 4.50 €
Упълномощеният език в традиционното общество
Упълномощеният език в традиционното общество
(Authorized Language in a Traditional Society)
- Author(s):Maria Kisikova
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Anthropology, Social Sciences, Customs / Folklore, Cultural Anthropology / Ethnology
- Page Range:379-388
- No. of Pages:10
- Keywords:Authorized Language; traditional society; ethnosociology; Pierre Bourdieu; Ivan Hadzhiyski
- Summary/Abstract:This paper explores the theory of Authorized Language (Bourdieu) on a specific interdisciplinary research field. This field is outlined by Ivan Hadzhiyski`s ideas and insights. His books represent an image of the Bulgarian society at the end of 19th century and the beginning of 20th century. I focus on certain type of sources he uses as examples and arguments for his ideas – folklore sources (proverbs, sayings, folk songs, rituals, traditional healing practices etc.). In my paper I explore the ethnosociological interpretations on folklore sources in Hadzhiyski`s books. I understand the Ethnosociology as a practice of interdisciplinary analyses bordering on two research fields – Ethnology/folkloristic and Sociology. I interpret here different ordinary and extraordinary situations in a community – healing practices, rites from Christmas rituality etc. – described by Hadzhiyski as examples of authorized language. I analyze different aspects of the authorization process (following Bourdieu`s theory) in order to present how the interplay between different social actors in a community leads to practical outcomes and produce social meaning.
- Price: 4.50 €
Курсът на дискурсите за българските съкровища
Курсът на дискурсите за българските съкровища
(The Course of Discourses on Bulgarian Treasures)
- Author(s):Tsvete Lazova
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):History, Anthropology, Social Sciences, Archaeology, Cultural Anthropology / Ethnology
- Page Range:406-419
- No. of Pages:14
- Keywords:Panagyurishte Gold Treasure; anthropology; archeology
- Summary/Abstract:This analysis is provoked by an event which turned the opening of the “new” home of the treasure found by chance in Panagyurishte in 1949 into a media spectacular performance on Easter (16.04.2012). The problematization of treasure discourses has entered the anthropology agenda as a result of the increased interest in everyday forms of popular historicization. Therefore the focus of the text is on the social life and cultural biography of the most famous Thracian treasure which acquired the status of national icon. It studies the processes of knowledge production about the Thracian-ness of these nine gold vessels from the moment of their discovery to their spectacular return „at home”. They reveal how people understand their remote past through getting in touch with ancient treasures which make them feel ancient and historical. In terms of archaeological ethnography the media representations of the “treasure mania” are just part of multi-layered documentation of the academic knowledge produced by the “official” archaeology. As basic artifact the Panagyurishte treasure enters the Thracian exhibitions organized in a number of world famous museums offering it as a cultural capital and an identity marker associated with the “Bulgarian lands”. Proclaimed as a national value it took a part of the international cultural economy as a cultural currency.The place of its discovery provoked and activated local imagination which triggered local value policies. As a result of pressure from “below” the local institutions enter into institutional arrangements negotiating the return of the Panagyurishte Gold Treasure “at home”. The newly produced two golden copies are placed at the National Museum of History and in the newly built underground treasure exposition in Panagyurishte. Every year in April the original of the treasure is exposed in the city to respond to the local need of feeling authentically ancient. The negotiated national and local imagination of authenticity, the sacred objects contribute to the local tourist industry as well.
- Price: 4.50 €
- Author(s):Nonka Bogomilova
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Anthropology, Social Sciences, Cultural Anthropology / Ethnology, Culture and social structure
- Page Range:420-430
- No. of Pages:11
- Keywords:religion; anthropology; traditional religiosity; neo-magical trends
- Summary/Abstract:The paper examines some anthropological configurations related to the study and the essence of religion. The view that religion is of an ambivalent nature is shared by certain classic, modern, and postmodern thinkers, like F. Schleiermacher, I. Kant, the early Hegel, H. Bergson, S. Kierkegaard, P. Tillich, E. Fromm, etc. These authors refer to two kinds of religion, each of which has a separate definition: traditional, authoritarian, communal on the one hand, and personal, exalted, mystical on the other. The relation of religion to the group identities and to the conflict generating factors is analyzed. The contemporary transformations of traditional religiosity and the neo-magical trends and forms are outlined: their hybrid, syncretic character, including elements of popular religiosity and non-traditional practices of healing, eating, social communication, etc.
- Price: 4.50 €
Изложбата "20 години етнология. Пловдив 2012" в контекста на юбилейната научна конференция на катедра Етнология
Изложбата "20 години етнология. Пловдив 2012" в контекста на юбилейната научна конференция на катедра Етнология
(Exhibition "20 Years of Ethnology. Plovdiv 2012“ in the Context of the Jubilee Scientific Conference of the Department of Ethnology)
- Author(s):Maria Kisikova
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Essay|Book Review |Scientific Life, Conference Report
- Page Range:431-435
- No. of Pages:5
- Price: 4.50 €