Dzieła. Tom 8. Recepcja i oddziaływanie Marka Siemka w Europie
Works. Volume 8. The Reception and Influence of Marek Siemek in Europe
Author(s): Marek J. Siemek
Contributor(s): Ewa Nowak (Editor)
Subject(s): Philosophy, History of Philosophy, Philosophical Traditions, Social Philosophy
Published by: Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego
Keywords: transcendentalism; German philosophy; social philosophy; epistemology; hermeneutics
Summary/Abstract: This volume contains articles written by eighteen representatives of the philosophical continental Europe, that bear witness to the fact that the concepts that made Professor Siemek famous worldwide – especially the epistemico-epistemological difference and late-modern socialization – are now more relevant than ever. Without referring to these concepts it is impossible to determine, where to find reason presently and what it should be concerned with.
Series: Dzieła Marka Siemka
- E-ISBN-13: 978-83-235-3676-5
- Print-ISBN-13: 978-83-235-3668-0
- Page Count: 462
- Publication Year: 2019
- Language: Polish
Prawda empiryczna i prawda transcendentalna w ontologii Kanta
Prawda empiryczna i prawda transcendentalna w ontologii Kanta
(Empirical truth and transcendental truth in Kant's ontology)
- Author(s):Jarosław Rolewski
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Philosophy
- Page Range:23-37
- No. of Pages:15
- Keywords:Kant; ontology; truthfulness; empirical truth; transcendental truth
- Summary/Abstract:The chapter presents selected themes of the theory of truth that are particularly relevant to Kantian ontology and are mainly related with notions such as: empirical truth (classically defined) and transcendental truth (in terms of coherence) and the relationship between them; the metaphysical and pre-veritative unity of the knowledge-of-the-world and the “world in the transcendental sense”, which enable all forms of truth.
- Price: 4.50 €
Teoria przejawów i pięć poglądów na świat w Teorii Wiedzy Johanna Gottlieba Fichtego
Teoria przejawów i pięć poglądów na świat w Teorii Wiedzy Johanna Gottlieba Fichtego
(The manifestation theory and five world views in Johann Gottlieb Fichte's Theory of Knowledge)
- Author(s):Jacinto Rivera de Rosales
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Philosophy
- Page Range:39-58
- No. of Pages:20
- Keywords:Science of Knowing 1804 (Wissenschaftslehre); theory of appearances (Erscheinungslehre); five world views; Johann Gottlieb Fichte; transcendental philosophy
- Summary/Abstract:The author offers a systematic overview of the central issues of Fichte‘s Science of Knowing 18042. He focuses on how Fichte developed his phenomenology of the Absolute, conceptualized as intelligible life. The culmination of this life, that is a manifestation or an image of the absolute Being, is the same Science of Knowing in specie that is deduced as necessary final moment of the system in the last three lessons of the Science of Knowing 18042. The closing section refers to Fichte‘s five world views (Standpunkte des Lebens) which all originate from the absolute and transcendental „Bild“, and comprise naturalism, legality, morality, religion and, finally, the Science of Knowing itself.
- Price: 4.50 €
Transcendentalne pryncypium prawa: samozobowiązanie versus przymus
Transcendentalne pryncypium prawa: samozobowiązanie versus przymus
(The transcendental principle of law: self-obligation versus coercion)
- Author(s):Ewa Nowak
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Philosophy
- Page Range:59-90
- No. of Pages:32
- Keywords:Kant; transcendental principle of public law; hybrid notion of law; coercion; unity of Metaphysics of Morals; critique of the criticizing reason; Marek J. Siemek
- Summary/Abstract:The chapter revises the foundations of Kant’s transcendental principle of public law. It formulates the following critical argument against the most controversial component of this principle, i.e. coercion: if the Doctrine of Law is to remain an integral part of the Metaphysics of Morals, neither reciprocal nor universalized real coercion can be justified by transcendental practical reason. A public legal order can be legitimised if and only if it meets three transcendental prerequisites discussed in the chapter. Simultaneously, the “hybrid” composition of Kant’s concept of law (deliberately) allows nontranscendental components. Can the transcendental legal theory be effectively protected as governing the way in which the law is made, or it rather ends up as a „transcendental nonsense”?
- Price: 4.50 €
O tak zwanym prymacie rozumu praktycznego
O tak zwanym prymacie rozumu praktycznego
(About the so-called primacy of practical reason)
- Author(s):Jan Hartman
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Philosophy
- Page Range:91-109
- No. of Pages:19
- Keywords:theory and practice; dialectics; primacy of practical reason
- Summary/Abstract:This chapter provides an analysis of the dialectical relations binding pairs of mutually correlated categories: thinking and acting, as well as the dichotomy between theory and practice, which had always been topical in philosophy. The diagnosis of the limitations and dangers connected to the overuse of the above-mentioned categories, or to a lack of proper reflective control of their dialectical interrelation, leads to the discovery of the moral and heuristic meaning of the so-called primacy of practical reason.
- Price: 4.50 €
Siemek i filozofia techniki: dialektyka oświecenia a chytrość rozumu
Siemek i filozofia techniki: dialektyka oświecenia a chytrość rozumu
(Siemek and the philosophy of technology: the dialectics of enlightenment and the cunning of reason)
- Author(s):Natalia Juchniewicz
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Philosophy
- Page Range:111-133
- No. of Pages:23
- Keywords:reason; instrumentality; dialectic of enlightenment; cunning of reason; intersubjectivity; Siemek; Hegel; Frankfurt School
- Summary/Abstract:The aim of the chapter is the reconstruction of Marek Siemek‘s reflection on the concept of technology, modernization and the meaning of instrumental reason for building the framework of an intersubjective community. Siemek, using the concept of the cunning of reason inherited from the philosophy of G. W. F. Hegel, argues that the dialectic of reason immanently assumes instrumentality as the moment of becoming a subject and obtaining freedom and the ability to control oneself. Polemicizing with the dialectic of enlightenment according to Horkheimer and Adorno, and indicating that Hegel was a thinker who correctly recognized the condition of modernity, Siemek realizes the rehabilitation of the concept of reason as the condition for the possibility of critical reference to modernity.
- Price: 4.50 €
Epistemologia i epistemika po raz wtóry
Epistemologia i epistemika po raz wtóry
(Epistemology and epistemics for the second time)
- Author(s):Jan Woleński
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Philosophy
- Page Range:137-156
- No. of Pages:20
- Keywords:epistemology; epistemics; naturalism; transcendentalism
- Summary/Abstract:Marek Siemek distinguished epistemological level and epistemic level. He argued that epistemics is not epistemology, because the former does notconsider what is transcendental in knowledge. According to the prevailing contemporaryview, the epistemic level leads to naturalism in the theory of knowledge,but, on the other hand, the epistemological point of view denies naturalization.The present paper defends the position that naturalization is possibleat the epistemological level, but it requires a resignation from some traditionalclaims of transcendentalism.
- Price: 4.50 €
Frege jako hermeneuta
Frege jako hermeneuta
(Frege as a hermeneut)
- Author(s):Wolfram Hogrebe
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Philosophy
- Page Range:157-178
- No. of Pages:22
- Keywords:Gottlob Frege; hermeneutics; semantics; meaning; radical comprehension; courtesy-based comprehension; entgegenkommendes Verstehen; presumable meaning
- Summary/Abstract:The author reveals the final period of Gottlob Frege’s philosophical activity to be that of a hermeneutical thinker. His logic, semantics and philosophy of language are beloved by analytical philosophy. However, Frege explored several types of comprehension, including implicit, guessing and creative comprehension. According to his hermeneutical propedeutics, the so-called „protreptic” elucidation will be required when our mind faces nondefinable primitive terms. Defining them results in nonsense (kommt Unsinn heraus). Hence we have to find another way to their meaning, either based on „good will” and „courtesy-based” interpretation (entgegenkommendes Verstehen). Also first language acquisition requires „radical comprehension” from preverbal infants. The author compares corresponding approaches in Frege and Quine, and delivers a systematic overview of Frege’s late theoretical attempts.
- Price: 4.50 €
Transcendentalizm Fichtego w perspektywie Marka J. Siemka
Transcendentalizm Fichtego w perspektywie Marka J. Siemka
(Fichte's transcendentalism in the perspective of Marek J. Siemek)
- Author(s):Marco Ivaldo
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Philosophy
- Page Range:179-199
- No. of Pages:21
- Keywords:Kant; Fichte; transcendentalism; epistemic subject–object relationship; epistemological field; Science of Knowing; Marek J. Siemek
- Summary/Abstract:The chapter presents Marek J. Siemek’s original interpretation of the Fichtean ontology of knowing and knowledge, as developed on the basis of a radical reading of Kant’s transcendental philosophy. According to Siemek, the ‘object’ of transcendental reflection is human knowledge itself, hence, transcendentalism broke with the old-fashioned subject–object dualist schema and replaced it with the power of the human mind’s activity, which gives structure and shape to all the results of human intelligence. In his book "The idea of transcendentalism by Fichte and Kant" (German edition 1984), Siemek expounded his groundbreaking transition from the epistemic to epistemological “field” as a result of the Science of Knowing (Wissenschaftslehre), already implicitly pioneered by Kant. The author systematically examines the foundations of Siemek’s epistemological approach and emphasizes its topicality.
- Price: 4.50 €
„Aspołeczna towarzyskość” i ludzkie pożądanie: Kant, Herder i Hemsterhuis o antagonizmie władającym światem i ludzkim duchem
„Aspołeczna towarzyskość” i ludzkie pożądanie: Kant, Herder i Hemsterhuis o antagonizmie władającym światem i ludzkim duchem
("Asocial sociability" and human desire: Kant, Herder and Hemsterhuis about antagonism ruling the world and the human spirit)
- Author(s):Mario Marino
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Philosophy
- Page Range:201-216
- No. of Pages:16
- Keywords:Immanuel Kant; Frans Hemsterhuis; Johann Gottfried Herder; unsocial sociability (ungesellige Geselligkeit); human nature and freedom vs. domination; philosophy of history; metaphysics of desire
- Summary/Abstract:Immanuel Kant’s well known formulation of „unsocial sociability”(ungesellige Geselligkeit) stands in the history of philosophy for an actually larger question – the coexistence in nature, human beings and history of two opposite tendencies: i.e. that towards unification and that to self-relationship – involving not only practical philosophy and the philosophy of history but also psychology, ontology and the metaphysics of nature. After showing on the basis of unpublished manuscripts Herder’s deep awareness of both Kant’s philosophy of history and the related theory of unsocial sociability, the chapter focuses on some of these aspects, by analyzing on the one hand Kant’s and Herder’s dispute about history, and on the other hand Hemsterhuis’ metaphysics of desire and Herder’s commentary. Special attention is devoted to issues such as: 1) the anthropological foundation of both political domination vs. human freedom; 2) the essence and necessity of state institutions; 3) the controversy over the superiority of law or culture in human life; and 4) the ontological and moral primacy of the individual over abstract norms and totalizing institutions.
- Price: 4.50 €
„Nigdy nie byliśmy podmiotami”: uwagi w kwestii „śmierci podmiotu”
„Nigdy nie byliśmy podmiotami”: uwagi w kwestii „śmierci podmiotu”
("We have never been subjects": remarks on "subject's death")
- Author(s):Andreas Arndt
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Philosophy
- Page Range:217-235
- No. of Pages:19
- Keywords:death of the subject; subjectivity; Hegel; Nietzsche; Heidegger; Foucault; Latour
- Summary/Abstract:Going against the mainstream, the author claims the postmodern slogan announcing the „death of the subject” to be unfounded. To justify his hypothesis that we have never been subjects, the author argues along with Nietzsche, Heidegger and Foucault, as iconic contributors to the idea of eroding subjectivity. According to Nietzsche, each deed requires its agent, so the latter must be invented. Heidegger introduced his notion of hypokeimenon. Foucault first refused – and then reintroduced – the subject: the author is more than a projection, he said. The second part of the chapter addresses Hegel’s notion of the subject from a broad perspective. In Hegel, the individual subject is not just sublated by the universal spirit or the Absolute. Rather, the individuality only appears in the universality, it is subjective and, simultaneously, it is not. What is essential in Hegel’s concept of subjectivity is that unlike the object, the subject does not incorporate stability and persistency. She does not even ‘objectify’ herself as an artist/author; she just puts her entire individual character into her artwork. To Hegel, the subject is only a formal aspect of acting. The author shows that Hegel was the very first protagonist of the „death of the subject”.
- Price: 4.50 €
Marks a teoria wiedzy odzwierciedlonej
Marks a teoria wiedzy odzwierciedlonej
(Marx and the theory of reflected knowledge)
- Author(s):Tom Rockmore
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Philosophy
- Page Range:237-252
- No. of Pages:16
- Keywords:Marx; Marxism; Engels; dialectic; reflection theory; Hegel
- Summary/Abstract:Marx’s position emerges in an ongoing dialogue with Hegel whom he never leaves behind. It is hence false to think that Marx’s overall position, specifically including Marxian economics, is, as is sometimes claimed, independent of his reading of Hegel. It is false as well that at a certain point in his intellectual trajectory, as Engels implies, and many Marxists, for instance Althusser, believe, Marx was finally able to free himself from philosophy in simply leaving Hegel behind. It is finally false to believe that Marx relies on what many Marxists call a reflection theory of knowledge. This view, which was adopted by Engels and Lenin, is a central element in Marxist theory of knowledge. Though this view is often attributed to Marx, it is never defended by him. This paper argues that, if our interest lies in understanding Marx’s position, since the reflection theory of knowledge has no basis at all in Marx’s writings, we should turn away from this Marxist myth.
- Price: 4.50 €
Czy polityka jest w stanie poskromić ekonomię?
Czy polityka jest w stanie poskromić ekonomię?
(Can politics tame the economy?)
- Author(s):Wolfdietrich Schmied-Kowarzik
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Philosophy
- Page Range:255-276
- No. of Pages:22
- Keywords:polis; logos; oikos; politics versus economics; Plato; Aristotle; Hegel; Marx; Siemek
- Summary/Abstract:In his book Vernunft und Intersubjektivität [Reason and Intersubjectivity] Marek Siemek tried to elaborate the “foundations of European identity”, which originated from reasonable intersubjectivity. This identity emerged from the times of ancient Greek, above all in practical philosophy, especially in ethics, pedagogy and politics. These are the domains that Siemek shed light on through the prism of fundamental Greece concepts, such as polis and logos, to then – mainly within the topos of classical German philosophy – address the contemporary question of the unity of Europe. This chapter explores the issues of political philosophy from this perspective.
- Price: 4.50 €
W poszukiwaniu prawości. Analiza filozoficzna dialogu Sokratesa z Kefalosem w I księdze Politei Platona (328b–331d)
W poszukiwaniu prawości. Analiza filozoficzna dialogu Sokratesa z Kefalosem w I księdze Politei Platona (328b–331d)
(In search of righteousness. Philosophical analysis of Socrates' dialogue with Kefalos in Book 1 of Plato's Politea (328b – 331d))
- Author(s):Piotr W. Juchacz
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Philosophy
- Page Range:277-330
- No. of Pages:24
- Keywords:Platos’ Republic; Socrates; Cephalus; dikaiosyne; righteousness
- Summary/Abstract:The chapter provides a detailed philosophical analysis of the dialogue between Socrates and Cephalus in the first book of Plato’s The Republic (328b–331d). In the first part of the paper, this dialogue between the philosopher Socrates and the merchant Cephalus is considered in a broad context, in which the following issues are tackled, firstly: public culture as the backbone of moral philosophy; secondly, the genealogy of the concept of dikaiosyne in Greek thought; and thirdly, the place of this dialogue in the structure of the first book of The Republic. Next, the considerations focus on the significance of the setting, the political context of the dialogue and the people participating in it. In the subsequent sections the analysis focuses on the four questions that Socrates poses to Cephalus: What is old age like? What is the importance of having wealth in old age? How did he come by his fortune? And what was the greatest advantage he got from being wealthy? In the last section of the chapter, the definition of righteousness provided by Cephalus is first juxtaposed with the considerations on just or right conduct from the earlier tradition (Herodotus), and then Socrates’ criticism of this definition is analyzed.
- Price: 4.50 €
Od miłości do uznania. Historyczna ewolucja Heglowskiej koncepcji intersubiektywności
Od miłości do uznania. Historyczna ewolucja Heglowskiej koncepcji intersubiektywności
(From love to recognition. Historical evolution of Hegel's concept of intersubjectivity)
- Author(s):Erzsébet Rózsa
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Philosophy
- Page Range:331-363
- No. of Pages:33
- Keywords:Hegel; Frankfurt period in Hegel’s thinking; concept of love; reciprocal recognition; evolving intersubjectivity; Marek Siemek
- Summary/Abstract:The author firstly refers to Marek Siemek’s book Von Marx zu Hegel. Zum sozialphilosophischen Selbstverständnis der Moderne as moving her to reflect on t he two kinds of modern intersubjectivity found in Hegel, namely on the love explored in Hegel´s writings in his Frankfurt period, and, then, on reciprocal recognition as the core foundation of modern society and its legal framework. The author claims that love is Hegel´s very original and powerful approach to the intersubjectivity. Later (beginning with the Jena writings, including The Phenomenology of Mind) love will be clouded by other aspects of intersubjective relationships, e.g., ontological, phenomenological, economic, civic, legal etc. which no longer expose the immediate nature of love.
- Price: 4.50 €
Pokusy rozumu. Romantyzm w tradycjach europejskiej Nowoczesności – na przykładzie Niemiec i Polski
Pokusy rozumu. Romantyzm w tradycjach europejskiej Nowoczesności – na przykładzie Niemiec i Polski
(The temptations of reason. Romanticism in the traditions of European Modernity - on the example of Germany and Poland)
- Author(s):Rainer Adolphi
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Philosophy
- Page Range:365-391
- No. of Pages:27
- Keywords:modernisation; Germany and Poland’s neighborhood; transition 1989/1990; charismatic situation; romanticism; „Sonderweg”; cultural identities; reciprocal comprehension; intellectual-as-a-romanticis
- Summary/Abstract:Germany’s and Poland’s historical and experiential being side by side and, at the same time, juxtaposed with cultural and political differences makes the content of this chapter. The transformations of 1989/90 led to a new situation in which different cultures could finally hear each other and confront their identities. The sudden increase in the importance of „culture” – which in public debates, attempts at a new self-determination, and in science, replaced the term „society”/„civil society” – also was expression of these changes. The new, reciprocal attentiveness rediscovered what had been common for a long time, namely „Europe”. 1989 was a unique event, which I refer to as a charismatic situation. At the same time, various forms of „romanticism” were revived, above all in its kathartic and perfecting function – but also other forms, which were similarly manifested in Polish and German context. In my chapter, I discuss these, with explicit reference to the ideas of Marek Siemek.
- Price: 4.50 €
Wschód w nas
Wschód w nas
(East in us)
- Author(s):Ellen Drünert
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Philosophy
- Page Range:393-403
- No. of Pages:11
- Keywords:East–West tension; Wende; German Reunion; European institutions; Marek Siemek; Loccum Statement; East as a state of mind; East as a measure of social institutions’ rationality and credibility
- Summary/Abstract:The chapter refers to an autobiographical event, namely the meeting of the author with Marek Siemek at the conference entitled „Das eine und das andere Deutschland”, organized by Evangelische Akademie Loccum in 1993. It was here that Siemek delivered his important Statement, in which he argued that the only way forward for Eastern European citizens after „Die Wende” is rationality, normativity and institutions guaranteed by the common United Europe. At that historical moment, the author herself had her own parallele xperiences with the reunion of Eastern and Western Germany, and she witnessed transformations in African, Asian, and Latin-American countries. The author grounded and guided an international organisation in The Free State of Thuringia for the sake of integration across East–West divisions. The passionate discussions at Loccum cemented this new friendship for good. Siemek’s Statement gave rise to a series of articles that illustrate the relativity and fluidity of the border between East and West in all of us, for the East is a state of mind and the measure of social institutions’ rationality and credibility.
- Price: 4.50 €
Czy istnieje filozofia polityczna zjednoczonej Europy?
Czy istnieje filozofia polityczna zjednoczonej Europy?
(Is there a political philosophy of a united Europe?)
- Author(s):Ludger Kühnhardt
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Philosophy
- Page Range:405-425
- No. of Pages:21
- Keywords:European Union; united Europe; political philosophy
- Summary/Abstract:The future will show whether or not the European Union is developing a political philosophy of its own. But the current trend indicates several interesting features which are structurally different, or asymmetric, to experiences with the evolution of key notions of political philosophy today, comparing them to the historical dynamics of statehood in the European context. The chapter gives examples which call for deepened research and provides stimulating material for a new and innovative reflection on the process and substance of European integration, this most unique feature of political history in the course of the 20th century.
- Price: 4.50 €
Od obywatelstwa minimalnego do obywatelstwa kosmopolitycznego. Refleksje nad tożsamością obywatela w kulturze Zachodu
Od obywatelstwa minimalnego do obywatelstwa kosmopolitycznego. Refleksje nad tożsamością obywatela w kulturze Zachodu
(From minimal citizenship to cosmopolitan citizenship. Reflections on the identity of the citizen in Western culture)
- Author(s):Otfrid Höffe
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Philosophy
- Page Range:427-447
- No. of Pages:21
- Keywords:citizenry; citizenship; minimal citizen; world citizen; active citizen; rebel citizen; disobedient citizen; interculturalism; politics
- Summary/Abstract:For a long time, political philosophy was mainly concerned with social institutions and systems. Politics was thus treated as a quarrel over interests and power. However, this neglected the fact that there are subjects from which, at least in democracies, all political authority emanates. This negligence leads us to the topic of civic identity. The crucial subject in question, the citizen, shall not be limited to a narrow conception of the citizen as the political citizen (Staatsbürger). Even those who think that being a political citizen is the most important aspect of being a citizen should not forego other aspects of civic identity, especially because these aspects have a bearing on the notion of being a political citizen. The author revisits all kinds of citizenry today.
- Price: 4.50 €