Genocid nad Bošnjacima, Srebrenica 1995–2020: Uzroci, razmjere i posljedice. Zbornik radova s Međunarodne naučne konferencije održane 19. oktobra 2020. u Sarajevu
Genocide against Bosniaks, Srebrenica 1995–2020: Causes, Scales and Consequences. Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference Held on October 19, 2020 in Sarajevo
Contributor(s): Muamer Džananović (Editor), Zilha Mastalić-Košuta (Editor), Merisa Karović-Babić (Editor)
Subject(s): Politics / Political Sciences, Politics, History, Social Sciences, Sociology, Local History / Microhistory, Recent History (1900 till today), Studies in violence and power, Victimology, Transformation Period (1990 - 2010), Identity of Collectives, Peace and Conflict Studies
Published by: Institut za istraživanje zločina protiv čovječnosti i međunarodnog prava Univerziteta u Sarajevu
Keywords: Srebrenica; genocide against Bosniaks; Bosnia and Herzegovina; ethnic and religious identity; civil war; 1992-1995; memory of victims; denial of genocide; international courts and judgments; human rights; war crimes; refugees; prosecution of civilians;
Summary/Abstract: Povodom obilježavanja dvadeset pete godišnjice genocida nad Bošnjacima u „sigurnoj zoni“ Ujedinjenih nacija Srebrenica i oko nje, 19. oktobra 2020. godine u Sarajevu (Vijećnica) održana je Međunarodna naučna konferencija pod nazivom “GENOCID NAD BOŠNJACIMA, SREBRENICA 1995–2020: Uzroci, razmjere i posljedice“ u organizaciji četiri obrazovno-naučne institucije: Univerziteta u Sarajevu, Univerziteta u Tuzli, Instituta za istraživanje zločina protiv čovječnosti i međunarodnog prava Univerziteta u Sarajevu i Instituta za historiju Univerziteta u Sarajevu. Događaji u Srebrenici i oko nje od 6. do 19. jula 1995. godine, bez obzira na mnogobrojne pokušaje, neprevodivi su na jezik stvarnosti koju poznajemo. Kao čovječanstvo naivno smo vjerovali da se poslije Aušvica i holokausta nigdje, nikada i nikome ne može dogoditi genocid takvih razmjera, da su za samo nekoliko dana ugašena nasilnom smrću 8372 ljudska života, a ugašena su samo zato što su imala drugačiji etnički i vjerski identitet. To nam govori da ljudski rod kroz historiju u moralnom pogledu od Drugog svjetskog rata i pobjede nad fašizmom nije nimalo napredovao. [...]
- Print-ISBN-13: 978-9958-028-37-3
- Page Count: 1022
- Publication Year: 2021
- Language: Bosnian
- Author(s):Rifat Škrijelj
- Language:Bosnian
- Subject(s):Local History / Microhistory, Political history, Government/Political systems, Studies in violence and power, Victimology, Transformation Period (1990 - 2010), Identity of Collectives
- Page Range:9-10
- No. of Pages:2
- Keywords:Srebrenica; genocide against Bosniaks; Bosnia and Herzegovina; ethnic and religious identity; civil war; 1992-1995; foreword;
- Summary/Abstract:Povodom obilježavanja dvadeset pete godišnjice genocida nad Bošnjacima u „sigurnoj zoni“ Ujedinjenih nacija Srebrenica i oko nje, 19. oktobra 2020. godine u Sarajevu (Vijećnica) održana je Međunarodna naučna konferencija pod nazivom “GENOCID NAD BOŠNJACIMA, SREBRENICA 1995–2020: Uzroci, razmjere i posljedice“ u organizaciji četiri obrazovno-naučne institucije: Univerziteta u Sarajevu, Univerziteta u Tuzli, Instituta za istraživanje zločina protiv čovječnosti i međunarodnog prava Univerziteta u Sarajevu i Instituta za historiju Univerziteta u Sarajevu. Događaji u Srebrenici i oko nje od 6. do 19. jula 1995. godine, bez obzira na mnogobrojne pokušaje, neprevodivi su na jezik stvarnosti koju poznajemo. Kao čovječanstvo naivno smo vjerovali da se poslije Aušvica i holokausta nigdje, nikada i nikome ne može dogoditi genocid takvih razmjera, da su za samo nekoliko dana ugašena nasilnom smrću 8372 ljudska života, a ugašena su samo zato što su imala drugačiji etnički i vjerski identitet. To nam govori da ljudski rod kroz historiju u moralnom pogledu od Drugog svjetskog rata i pobjede nad fašizmom nije nimalo napredovao. [...]
Riječ urednika
Riječ urednika
(A Word from the Editor)
- Author(s):Author Not Specified
- Language:Bosnian
- Subject(s):Local History / Microhistory, Studies in violence and power, Victimology, Transformation Period (1990 - 2010), Identity of Collectives
- Page Range:11-13
- No. of Pages:3
- Keywords:Srebrenica; genocide against Bosniaks; Bosnia and Herzegovina; ethnic and religious identity; civil war; 1992-1995; collective work; proceedings;
- Summary/Abstract:Zbornik radova s Međunarodne naučne konferencije pod nazivom GENOCID NAD BOŠNJACIMA, SREBRENICA 1995–2020: Uzroci, razmjere i posljedice predstavlja izuzetno važan doprinos naučnom sagledavanju namjera, uzroka, ciljeva, razmjera i posljedica izvršenog genocida kao i drugih zločina protiv vrijednosti zaštićenih međunarodnim pravom. Međunarodni kao i drugi naučni skupovi neophodni su kako bi se sagledale i sublimirale činjenice iz perioda agresije, a zbornik radova ostaje u naslijeđe budućim generacijama kao opomena da se zločini nikada i nikome ne ponove. Zbornik sadrži 39 radova u kojima su predstavljena nova istraživanja i saznanja koja s interdisciplinarnog, odnosno društveno-političkog, historijskog, sociološkog, psihološkog, demografskog aspekta elaboririraju rezultate istraživanja o događajima u Bosni i Hercegovini u razdoblju 1992‒1995. Posebnu vrijednost daju i radovi koji tematiziraju društveno-političke posljedice nakon 1995. godine. Zbog obima naučnih radova, zbornik je podijeljen u dva jednako vrijedna i značajna dijela (I i II tom). Koncepcija strukture sadržaja sistematizirana je u šest tematskih cjelina. Prvi tom obuhvata 15 radova, a drugi 24 rada. Zbornik počinje predgovorom prof. dr. Rifata Škrijelja, rektora Univerziteta u Sarajevu, a završava Zaključcima s Konferencije, koje u ime Naučnog odbora potpisuje akademik, prof. dr. Mirko Pejanović.
Genocidna ideologija antibosanstva
Genocidna ideologija antibosanstva
(Genocidal Ideology of Anti-Bosnianism)
- Author(s):Rusmir Mahmutćehajić
- Language:Bosnian
- Subject(s):Local History / Microhistory, Political history, Government/Political systems, Studies in violence and power, Victimology, Transformation Period (1990 - 2010), Politics and Identity, Identity of Collectives
- Page Range:17-101
- No. of Pages:85
- Keywords:Genocide; persecution and killings of Bosnian Muslims; Srebrenica; 1995; ideology;
- Summary/Abstract:Genocid, genocid, genocid! Tom prividno poznatom riječju imenovani su progoni i ubijanja bosanskih muslimana u Srebrenici 1995. godine. Za to djelo osuđeno je više pojedinaca koji su ga domislili, podstakli i/ili proveli. Tom riječju, koju su izrekli suci, koju potomci i srodnici ubijenih ponavljaju kao molitvenu utjehu, užasnuta i ustrašena većina više je anestezirana negoli utješena. Ali riječi nemaju značenja izvan rečenice. Kada su im nametana korištenja u izdvojenosti, one postaju plastične. Čine se neprijeporno shvatljivim, a ipak su sve dalje od tog što njihovi korisnici hoće u žalosti i patnji, u ljubavi i mržnji te u nastojanjima da prežive i budu sretni. [...]
„Nekad smo bili komšije”: dinamika odnosa počinilac‒žrtva u Bosni
„Nekad smo bili komšije”: dinamika odnosa počinilac‒žrtva u Bosni
("We Used to Be Neighbors": The Dynamics of the Perpetrator-victim Relationship in Bosnia)
- Author(s):Arne Johan Vetlesen
- Language:Bosnian
- Subject(s):Ethics / Practical Philosophy, Political Philosophy, Local History / Microhistory, Political history, Studies in violence and power, Victimology, Transformation Period (1990 - 2010)
- Page Range:103-125
- No. of Pages:23
- Keywords:Genocide; Srebrenica; Bosnia and Herzegovina; perpetrator-victim relationship; evil; moral;
- Summary/Abstract:Genocid se definira kao zločin par excellence, najgore što čovjek može uraditi drugom čovjeku u smislu prava i morala. I opet, od Aušvica do Kambodže i od Ruande do Srebrenice, od jedne epohe i kulture do druge, počinilac genocida insistira da je njegov cilj pobjeda dobrog nad zlim te da je stoga moral na njegovoj strani. Ono što vanjski svijet može osuditi kao pogrešno i zlo oslikano je kao suprotno, jer radnje koje se moraju poduzeti da bi se osiguralo ono što je istinski vrijedno nadjačat će sve ono što mu prijeti. Ubijanje je predstavljeno kao legitimna samoodbrana, te želja da se u tome ne učestvuje kao moralni pad, izdaja grupe kojoj pripada i čija je budućnost u pitanju. [...]
Genocid u Srebrenici: završni pečat 20. stoljeću
Genocid u Srebrenici: završni pečat 20. stoljeću
(The Srebrenica Genocide: The Final Seal to the 20th Century)
- Author(s):Dželal Ibraković
- Language:Bosnian
- Subject(s):Local History / Microhistory, Political history, Government/Political systems, Studies in violence and power, Victimology, Transformation Period (1990 - 2010), Politics and Identity
- Page Range:127-157
- No. of Pages:31
- Keywords:Genocide; ideology; Bosniaks; Srebrenica; paradigm; denial and negation;
- Summary/Abstract:The crime in Srebrenica completes and completes the barbaric campaign of the two expansionist regimes that created Greater Serbia and Greater Croatia with fire and sword. Srebrenica is a hub of the map and network of crimes against Bosniaks and is only one of the drastic variations of the attitude towards Bosniaks as “others” and over which the medieval anathema and their living space is divided on the Serbia-Croatia route. The basis of the legal legalization of these agreements is the Cvetković Maček agreement, created at the time of open sympathies for fascism and already formed Ustasha and Chetnik organizations. It was through these two fascist offshoots that the Second World War brought the largest percentage of casualties in Yugoslavia, in relation to the number of inhabitants, among Muslims, and these crimes were not prosecuted. For a long time, communist ideology treated Bosniaks as a religious group, not a nation, and the “recognition” of the nation took place under the religious name of Muslim, leaving only Bosnia and Herzegovina without a people whose ethnonym has ties to their homeland. This left the possibility to “legalize” the crime because in 1993 the Assembly of the Serbian people in Bosnia and Herzegovina passed a conclusion: “that Muslims are a communist creation and represent a religious group of Turkish orientation... We do not accept this artificial nation.” We believe that Muslims are a sect, a group, of Turkish orientation... “The pattern of “liberators”, “winners”, “anti-fascists” was established and included in the manuals that were applied in practice in Bosnia and Herzegovina in years 1992–1995. and they refer to the class, religious, ideological and any other opponent, which “someone” officially marked as such. According to the “revolutionary” principle towards such an enemy, which officially does not exist, all means from the arsenal of Lenin’s “revolutionary terror” or Stalin’s gulags, Hitler’s gas chambers and concentration camps, Manjaca, Prijedor, Heliodrom, Srebrenica, whatever they call it, are allowed.
Konvencija o sprečavanju i kažnjavanju zločina genocida: izvor međunarodnih obaveza
Konvencija o sprečavanju i kažnjavanju zločina genocida: izvor međunarodnih obaveza
(Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide: A Source of International Obligations)
- Author(s):Enis Omerović
- Language:Bosnian
- Subject(s):International Law, International relations/trade, Criminology, Studies in violence and power, Victimology
- Page Range:161-217
- No. of Pages:57
- Keywords:genocide; Genocide Convention; international obligations; non-commission; non-participation; prevention; punishment;
- Summary/Abstract:The paper discusses the international obligations of states and international organizations, which derive from the 1948 Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide. Likewise, the Convention is an international instrument that is an expression of general customary international law. Therefore, it binds the contracting state parties and the non-contracting state parties. The paper analyzes the obligations to prohibit the direct commission of the crime of genocide, non-participation in its commission, prevention and punishment of the perpetrators of this international crime. As a separate chapter, the article deals with particular consequences created for states (and international organizations) following the violation of obligations under the Convention. As these are serious breaches of the obligations arising from the peremptory norms of general international law, a separate and aggravated legal regime of responsibility for states (and international organizations) is therefore provided in international law. In addition to three forms of reparations: restitution, compensation and satisfaction, it refers to the application of other sanctions (measures).
Uzroci i posljedice genocida nad Bošnjacima u istočnoj Bosni s naglaskom na zaštićenu zonu Srebrenica
Uzroci i posljedice genocida nad Bošnjacima u istočnoj Bosni s naglaskom na zaštićenu zonu Srebrenica
(Causes and Consequences of Genocide against Bosniaks in Eastern Bosnia with Emphasis on the Srebrenica Protected Zone)
- Author(s):Sakib Softić
- Language:Bosnian
- Subject(s):Local History / Microhistory, Political history, Studies in violence and power, Victimology, Transformation Period (1990 - 2010), Geopolitics, Peace and Conflict Studies
- Page Range:219-239
- No. of Pages:21
- Keywords:aggression; genocide; peace plans; Bosniak enclaves; the consent of the international community;
- Summary/Abstract:This article deals with the causes and outcomes of the genocide against Bosniaks in and around Srebrenica in July 1995. The author’s position is that during the entire period of aggression against the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina in the period from 1992 – 1995. genocide against Bosniaks took place on the territory of the entire State. In its Judgement of 26 February 2007, the International Court of Justice ruled that acts of genocide (actus reus) had been committed against Bosniaks throughout the duration of the international armed conflict. The international armed conflict took place on its territory between the Yugoslav People’s Army on the one and the Army of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina the other hand. But Bosnia and Herzegovina managed to prove the existence of genocidal intent (mens rea) only in and around Srebrenica in July 1995. In this paper, to the extent permitted by the nature and scope of the work, the author briefly explored and analyzed the historical context in which the genocide was committed, the geopolitical reasons for the Serbian aggression on Bosnia and Herzegovina, the goals of the aggression on Bosnia and Herzegovina and the genocide of Bosniaks, situation on the battlefield 1995, peace plans and Bosniak enclaves in Eastern Bosnia, possible consent of the “international community” for the occupation of the enclaves by the Army of the Republika Srpska in order to simplify the maps as a precondition for concluding a peace agreement, the Bosnian Serbs’ historical hatred against Bosniaks and their historical experience of impunity for crimes committed against Bosniaks, as well as the belief that they were given a unique historical opportunity to realize their historical aspirations by genocide against Bosniaks: the elimination of non-Serbs and the annexation to the Serbian state of parts of Bosnia and Herzegovina territory vest of the Drina River. Following this discussion, the consequences of committing genocide in and around Srebrenica are briefly presented and analyzed. The opinion of the author is that each of the mentioned factors was a precondition for genocide to be committed and that all of them together, to a different extent, presented the cause of genocide. The consequence of committing genocide is the demographic collapse of Eastern Bosnia and Podrinje and a temporary change in the ethnic structure of the population in that area.
Zaštita civila i civilnog stanovništva u oružanom sukobu – s posebnim osvrtom na njihovu zaštitu u Srebrenici 1995. godine
Zaštita civila i civilnog stanovništva u oružanom sukobu – s posebnim osvrtom na njihovu zaštitu u Srebrenici 1995. godine
(Protection of Civilians and Civilian Population in Armed Conflict – With Special Reference to Their Protection in Srebrenica in 1995)
- Author(s):Zijad Hasić
- Language:Bosnian
- Subject(s):Human Rights and Humanitarian Law, Civil Society, Local History / Microhistory, Political history, Studies in violence and power, Transformation Period (1990 - 2010), Peace and Conflict Studies
- Page Range:241-266
- No. of Pages:26
- Keywords:armed conflict; protected persons in armed conflict; protection of civilians and civilian populations; international humanitarian law;
- Summary/Abstract:In all wars that were fought up to now, beside soldiers of the combative sides and those serving in the employ of the combatants, a constant follower were also civilians and the civilian populace. That category of participants of every war, participating with no volition of their own, is often the greatest victim of each actual armed conflict. The makers of first international documents, the first humanitarians knew that, and so they tried to humanize armed conflict, putting forth and adopting important humanitarian law conventions and acts, of which most notable are the Geneva and Hague conventions governing these issues. Civilians and civilian populations that, howsoever, is found on the occupied territory or is in and was found in the field of fire of an armed conflict, these international documents provide from protection. There are many kinds of protection, starting with the protection of the greatest values of human kind – protection of human life, and many other human values. In this paper, which I intend to present at the international scientific conference I will be espousing on the numerous rights of civilians and civilian populations in armed conflict, on the norms of international humanitarian law intended to protect civilian populace in armed conflict as governed by the Geneva and Hague conventions and other relevant international instruments, those applying on civilians present in the times of armed conflict, as well as to those interned. Normative determination of the position of protected persons, domiciled populace, foreigners, interned persons and others, through the insurance of their nourishment, accommodation, hygiene, medical care, enactment of religious rites, intellectual and physical activities, protection of personal property and financial instruments, ensuring legal representation, reallocation in times of armed conflict, and in particular in regards to civilian deaths – all of this will be the focus of my work. Special attention I will dedicate to the position of civilians and civilian population in the year 1995 during armed operations by the Army of Republic of Srpska in the United Nations protected enclave Srebrenica, as well as the consequences of violating the norms of international humanitarian law at that time. IN the end, I will give a certain overview of the normative protection of civilians and civilian populations today, the messages that are sent by the deaths of civilians and civilian populations of Srebrenica during war in July of 1995.
Odluke i stavovi vijeća sigurnosti UN-a o genocidu u Srebrenici
Odluke i stavovi vijeća sigurnosti UN-a o genocidu u Srebrenici
(Decisions and Positions of the UN Security Council on the Genocide in Srebrenica)
- Author(s):Alija Kožljak
- Language:Bosnian
- Subject(s):Human Rights and Humanitarian Law, International relations/trade, Security and defense, Studies in violence and power, Victimology, Peace and Conflict Studies
- Page Range:283-312
- No. of Pages:30
- Keywords:UN Security Council; genocide; Srebrenica; decisions; efficiency;
- Summary/Abstract:The United Nations (UN), as the most representative representative of the international community, was established to ensure international peace and stability, prevent aggression or other violations of peace, and protect human rights and lives, while respecting the principle that every sovereign state is an equally important member. Therefore, the UN has both the right and the responsibility to take appropriate measures and actions against those who do not comply with international regulations in this regard, including sanctions. The genocide, committed in Srebrenica and neighboring municipalities in 1995, is the most heinous example of inhumane behavior and violations of international norms, which has unequivocally confirmed the ineffectiveness of the international community in preserving peace and preventing human suffering. However, in addition, the UN Security Council further confirmed its inconsistent action through the absence of full and adequate sanctioning of organizers and perpetrators of genocide. Of particular concern is the fact that the UN Security Council, as it did not take effective measures to prevent aggression against Bosnia and Herzegovina, and thus the Srebrenica genocide, did not take appropriate decisions and positions even after the genocide, until today. Despite UN International Court of Justice rulings on genocide in and around Srebrenica, the UN Security Council has never adopted a resolution, which formally confirms this. The aim of this text is to analyze the attitude of the UN Security Council on the genocide in Srebrenica. The research is focused on the decisions, attitudes and other activities of this body during and after the commission of genocide.These influences are determined through the analysis of UN Security Council documents, other international documents as well as national documents of member states. The consequences caused by such actions are also elaborated, which have a very wide range of implications, both for the countries concerned, as well as for society and the wider international community. The concluding remarks emphasize the importance of the decisions made and the views expressed, as well as those not adopted, suggesting alternative procedures, which would possibly represent some satisfaction, but to some extent also direct the future actions of the UN Security Council.
Zločin genocida u Srebrenici u rezolucijama Evropskog parlamenta i drugim međunarodnim aktima
Zločin genocida u Srebrenici u rezolucijama Evropskog parlamenta i drugim međunarodnim aktima
(The Crime of Genocide in Srebrenica in European Parliament Resolutions and Other International Acts)
- Author(s):Hoda Dedić
- Language:Bosnian
- Subject(s):Criminal Law, International Law, Local History / Microhistory, Studies in violence and power, Victimology, Transformation Period (1990 - 2010)
- Page Range:313-329
- No. of Pages:17
- Keywords:genocide; Srebrenica; Resolution; European Parliament; Congress; United States of America; United Nations;
- Summary/Abstract:The Srebrenica genocide committed in July 1995 by the Army of the Republika Srpska is the largest mass crime committed in Europe since the Holocaust in World War II. In their verdicts, the Srebrenica massacre was condemned as a crime of genocide by both the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia and the International Court of Justice in a case concerning the application of the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide. During the few days of the massacre after the fall of Srebrenica, which the United Nations Security Council, by its Resolution no. 819 of 16 April 1993 declared a protected zone, more than 8,000 Muslim men and boys were executed, while almost 30,000 women, children and elderly were forcibly expelled in a huge-scale ethnic cleansing campaign. Radovan Karadžić, a former politician who served as the President of Republika Srpska was in March 2019 convicted of genocide, crimes against humanity and war crimes. Earlier, in November 2017, the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia found the wartime commander of the Republika Srpska Army, Ratko Mladić, guilty and sentenced him to life in prison for genocide and crimes against humanity. The European Parliament has adopted several resolutions on Srebrenica. On the occasion of the 20th anniversary of the genocide in Srebrenica, the House of Representatives of the United States Congress unanimously adopted the Resolution on Srebrenica. On the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the Srebrenica genocide, the Unied States Congress adopted a Resolution condemning the genocide and other crimes against Bosniaks committed by Serb forces in Srebrenica in July 1995, and in May 2020 the European Parliament adopted a Resolution on the importance of European remembrance for the future of Europe. This paper will analyze the resolutions of the European Parliament on the Srebrenica commemoration, as well as other international sources on the crime of genocide committed in the UN protected zone in Srebrenica.
Rat i nova politika identiteta
Rat i nova politika identiteta
(War and a New Identity Politics)
- Author(s):Šaćir Filandra
- Language:Bosnian
- Subject(s):Governance, Political history, Victimology, Transformation Period (1990 - 2010), Sociology of Politics, Politics and Identity, Identity of Collectives
- Page Range:785-795
- No. of Pages:11
- Keywords:identity; symbols; politics; Bosniaks; war;
- Summary/Abstract:In the last war against Bosnia and Herzegovina, and as a result of the overall social and political transition, new identity policies were established within all the peoples of Bosnia and Herzegovina. During the war, Bosniak elites did not have a designed and systematically implemented identity policy, but identity expressions and forms were largely spontaneous and contextual. This paper deals with only two segments of the new Bosniak cultural identity policy, namely the use of the term “martyr” and the phrase “victim ideology”, primarily from the aspect of their attitude towards the political identity of Bosniaks.
Rezolucija 819 – Srebrenica, april 1993.
Rezolucija 819 – Srebrenica, april 1993.
(Resolution 819 - Srebrenica, April 1993)
- Author(s):Merisa Karović-Babić
- Language:Bosnian
- Subject(s):International Law, Local History / Microhistory, Political history, International relations/trade, Security and defense, Transformation Period (1990 - 2010), Peace and Conflict Studies
- Page Range:333-360
- No. of Pages:28
- Keywords:Srebrenica; resolutions; UN Security Council; UNPROFOR; genocide; Morillon; Canadian contingent; safe areas; demilitarization;
- Summary/Abstract:Relying on a detailed reconstruction of the “nine days of hell”, as ICTY judges characterized the period after the fall of Srebrenica, the public discourse on the Srebrenica genocide is completely dominated by July 1995 topics. However, the representation of earlier periods in historiography, which refer to very dynamic events within Srebrenica during 1992, 1993 and 1994, also occupies a significant place on the scale of research on topics related to the genocide in Srebrenica. Several important books, scientific and professional papers have been published on these issues, in which, for the most part, documents of military units surrounding and attacking Srebrenica were used as basic source material, primarily documentation of the VRS Drina Corps and the Yugoslavian Užice Army Corps. Based on the cited literature and available documents related to the events in Srebrenica from the beginning of 1993, the paper will present a synthesis of the circumstances that preceded the adoption of Resolution 819 in the United Nations Security Council. Relying mainly on the available documentation of UNPROFOR and the United Nations, the aim of this paper is to clarify what the newly appointed safe zone status has essentially brought to this area. Also, the adoption of resolutions related to safe zones was preceded by a series of discussions in the Security Council, with special reference to the question of what these zones should be called. Safe havens, protected zones, demilitarized zones and ultimately safe areas, were some of the proposals and, each of the above terms implied substantial differences in the status of these areas. In this paper, we will try to explain the essential differences between all these names, and finally, offer explanations why the Security Council opted for this name - safe areas. The paper will analyze the main shortcomings of the mentioned resolutions and other documents of the Security Council, ambiguities on the demilitarization of Srebrenica and Žepa, insufficient presence of UN forces, as well as ambiguity of UNPROFOR’s mandate in this area.
Majka i dijete u zločinu genocida nad Bošnjacima
Majka i dijete u zločinu genocida nad Bošnjacima
(Mother and Child in the Crime of Genocide against Bosniaks)
- Author(s):Adib Đozić
- Language:Bosnian
- Subject(s):Civil Society, Local History / Microhistory, Political history, Criminology, Studies in violence and power, Victimology, Transformation Period (1990 - 2010)
- Page Range:361-407
- No. of Pages:47
- Keywords:mother; child; crime; genocide; national liberation movements; Bosniaks;
- Summary/Abstract:Genocide against Bosniaks of the United Nations Safe Zone Srebrenica, before the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia, verdicts of German courts (Düsseldorf High Regional Court), genocide crimes in Doboj and other places in Bosnia and Herzegovina, and verdicts of the Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina, are paradigmatic evidence of genocidal destruction of Bosniaks, because the analysis of specific socio-historical processes, in the form of national liberation movements and nation-building in South Slavs and the wider Balkans, continuously, as an integral part of the genocide against Bosniaks. There are a lot of evidence of genocide against Bosniaks that are explicit and unquestionable as social, historical and legal facts, but one of them stands out and that is the genocide of mother and child as sources of holiness of life. In this paper, we will work on concrete socio-historical examples of the suffering of mothers and children in the genocide against Bosniaks from the beginning of the so-called “National liberation movements” in the early 19th century, through the Balkan wars, the First and Second World Wars, to the war against Bosnian society and the state in 1992–1995. using only relevant theoretical and methodological postulates, to prove and show that the last genocide against Bosniaks in and around Srebrenica, July 1995, is not an individual and isolated case of genocidal oppression of Bosniaks, but, on the contrary, represents only a paradigmatic example, ie part continuous genocide, as a means of “national liberation movements” from the neighborhood of Bosnia and Herzegovina, carried out according to the Jacobin formula “one state-one (ethnic) community”. By analyzing the suffering of mother and child in the genocide against Bosniaks, we will open the question of the prevailing false narratives (historical, political, “cultural” and others) about national liberation movements from the position of the principles of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, as progressive civilizational achievements.
Zločini nad djecom u Bosni i Hercegovini na primjerima Sarajeva, Mostara i Srebrenice (1992–1995)
Zločini nad djecom u Bosni i Hercegovini na primjerima Sarajeva, Mostara i Srebrenice (1992–1995)
(Crimes against Children in Bosnia and Herzegovina on the Examples of Sarajevo, Mostar and Srebrenica (1992–1995))
- Author(s):Zilha Mastalić-Košuta
- Language:Bosnian
- Subject(s):Political history, Criminology, Studies in violence and power, Victimology, Transformation Period (1990 - 2010)
- Page Range:409-458
- No. of Pages:50
- Keywords:children; siege; Sarajevo; Mostar; Srebrenica; Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina; crimes; 1992–1995;
- Summary/Abstract:Numerous crimes against children were committed in the aggression against the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina (1992–1995). In this paper, the subject of research will be a review of crimes against children in Sarajevo, Mostar and Srebrenica. Numerous documents, data, statements, information, findings and numerous verdicts of convicted war criminals before the ICTY and before domestic courts testify to the crimes committed in these three cities. The mass and manner of committing crimes against children in Sarajevo, Mostar and Srebrenica, as examples of crimes against children throughout the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina, prove that the aggressors did not have a sensitivity to the youngest and most protected category of civilians.
Genocid u Srebrenici 1995–2020: međunarodna politika i pravo
Genocid u Srebrenici 1995–2020: međunarodna politika i pravo
(The Srebrenica Genocide 1995–2020: International Politics and Law)
- Author(s):Zijad Bećirović
- Language:Bosnian
- Subject(s):International Law, Human Rights and Humanitarian Law, International relations/trade, Victimology
- Page Range:267-281
- No. of Pages:15
- Keywords:Srebrenica; genocide; victims; Dayton Agreement; Bosnia and Herzegovina; USA; ICTY/MICT; ICJ; UN; EU; NATO;
- Summary/Abstract:From a time distance of 25 years since the genocide in Srebrenica, it is possible to additionally look at the events of that time and give a look at international politics and law. Srebrenica is a symbol of the inaction of the international community, especially the UN, which was later admitted. Developments are directly related to international politics and law as well as the work of the ICTY/ MICT. Undoubtedly, the genocide in Srebrenica marked international politics, but it also influenced the development of international law, especially criminal and humanitarian law.
Planiranje i upotreba zabranjenih hemijsko-bioloških sredstava: slučaj sigurna zona UN-a Srebrenica i Bihać
Planiranje i upotreba zabranjenih hemijsko-bioloških sredstava: slučaj sigurna zona UN-a Srebrenica i Bihać
(Planning and Use of Banned Chemical-biological Agents: The Case of the UN Safe Zone Srebrenica and Bihać)
- Author(s):Mujo Begić
- Language:Bosnian
- Subject(s):Political history, Criminology, Studies in violence and power, Victimology, Transformation Period (1990 - 2010), Peace and Conflict Studies
- Page Range:459-482
- No. of Pages:24
- Keywords:UN Protected zones of Srebrenica and Bihać; chemical-biological weapons; special operations;
- Summary/Abstract:During the preparations and aggression against the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Yugoslav People’s Army and the Serbian military and police forces planned and conducted special operations for the use of illicit chemical and biological agents in operations in the UN protected areas of Srebrenica and Bihać. In planning the aggression against the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Yugoslav People’s Army implemented a special program called “BIO-131-S”, which also referred to Srebrenica and Žepa. In 1995, the Serbian Army of Krajina, planned and implemented a special operation “MACH-1” against the civilian population and units of the 5th Corps of the Army of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina of the UN Protected zone of Bihać, in order to poison the population with contaminated food delivered to this area. Using all means, even prohibited means, the aggressor wanted to occupy the territories of these two UN protected zones in all possible ways.
Genocid nad Bošnjacima Srebrenice
Genocid nad Bošnjacima Srebrenice
(Genocide against the Bosniaks of Srebrenica)
- Author(s):Alma Hajrić-Ćaušević, Almir Grabovica
- Language:Bosnian
- Subject(s):Local History / Microhistory, Political history, Studies in violence and power, Victimology, Transformation Period (1990 - 2010), Identity of Collectives
- Page Range:483-500
- No. of Pages:18
- Keywords:Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina; aggression; genocide; crimes; Podrinje; enclave; UN safe zone; July 1995;
- Summary/Abstract:During the aggression against the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina (1992–1995), the most serious form of crime against humanity and international law was committed against Bosniaks - genocide, which was confirmed by the Hague Tribunal for Yugoslavia and the International Court of Justice. According to previous findings, court practice and scientific research, genocide in all its five acts (Article two of the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide from 1948) was committed in and around Srebrenica. In this paper, we will present all the most important events, ie the chronology of the genocide from July 11, 1995 to July 22, 1995. It is important to point out that what happened in Srebrenica in July 1995 has been strategically planned and announced since 1992, and gradually realized in the years that followed. Unfortunately, gaining the status of a UN safe zone on April 16, 1993, did not help Bosniaks in Srebrenica either. Between 11 and 22 July 1995, the Republika Srpska Armed Forces and Police, in co-operation with units from the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia and the Republika Srpska Krajina, and foreign mercenaries, in accordance with Greater Serbia ideology, policy and practice, and the occupation of the United Nations safe zone of Srebrenica, forcibly relocated all Bosniak women and children and captured, imprisoned and executed thousands of men and boys and buried them in mass graves in secret places. In that period, the largest mass murder in Europe after the Second World War took place, while the “international community” did nothing to stop the commission of crimes by monstrous methods. We believe that it is important to point out the genocide and other crimes committed in the period from 1992 to 1995 in different ways on a daily basis, all with the aim that they would never and nowhere be repeated. In this regard, we decided to use this paper to point out chronologically the most important facts of the genocide of Bosniaks in and around Srebrenica in July 1995.
Vjerski život u Srebrenici i Žepi tokom agresije na Republiku Bosnu i Hercegovinu 1992–1995. godine
Vjerski život u Srebrenici i Žepi tokom agresije na Republiku Bosnu i Hercegovinu 1992–1995. godine
(Religious Life in Srebrenica and Žepa During the Aggression on the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina 1992–1995)
- Author(s):Emrah Đozić
- Language:Bosnian
- Subject(s):Local History / Microhistory, Social history, Transformation Period (1990 - 2010), Sociology of Religion
- Page Range:501-516
- No. of Pages:16
- Keywords:Srebrenica; Žepa; siege; UN safe zone; religious life;
- Summary/Abstract:Based on published material, preserved pictures and videos, and the testimonies of survivors and witnesses of everyday life, this paper presents an overview of religious life in Srebrenica and Žepa in the period 1992–1995.
Genocid nad Bošnjacima Srebrenice 1995. godine – pretpostavka za njen poseban društveno-razvojni status
Genocid nad Bošnjacima Srebrenice 1995. godine – pretpostavka za njen poseban društveno-razvojni status
(Genocide against Bosniaks in Srebrenica in 1995 – A Precondition for its Special Social and Developmental Status)
- Author(s):Mirko Pejanović
- Language:Bosnian
- Subject(s):Local History / Microhistory, Political history, Government/Political systems, Studies in violence and power, Victimology, Transformation Period (1990 - 2010)
- Page Range:527-550
- No. of Pages:24
- Keywords:Srebrenica; genocide; Bosnia and Herzegovina; army and police of Republika Srpska; status of Srebrenica; international community; genocide denial;
- Summary/Abstract:A small town Srebrenica, located in the eastern part of Bosnia and Herzegovina became globally known after the genocide of 8372 Bosniaks in July 1995. Three months before the Dayton peace agreement was signed, in November of 1995, the Army of Republika Srpska troops led by General Ratko Mladić committed genocide. Other than killing over 8.000 Bosniak men, they persecuted thousands of Srebrenica inhabitants. The Hague tribunal handed down verdicts for the crime of genocide in Srebrenica in seven separate court proceedings. Radovan Karadzic was sentenced to life imprisonment before the International Residual Mechanism for Criminal Courts, while the Mladic case is on appeal. The attitude towards Srebrenica, as a place of genocide, in international institutions, then in the institutions of the European Union, is positive and proactive. The relationship between the Republic of Serbia and the Republika Srpska is contained in the social and political negation of the crime of genocide in Srebrenica. This is a fact that for the past 25 years has been an obstacle to restoring trust between the Serb and Bosniak people both in Bosnia and Herzegovina and in the Western Balkans region. The city of Srebrenica and the local settlements in the area exist in the absence of wider support: social and financial for the sustainability of the return of the displaced and refugee population from Srebrenica in 1995. Attempts by organizations from Srebrenica and the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina to obtain a special administrative and developmental status within Bosnia and Herzegovina, due to the surviving crime of genocide and the devastation of the economic basis of life, failed in 2007. As part of the elaboration of the selected topic, this paper brings a critical analysis of the insight into the relationship of state institutions of Bosnia and Herzegovina, and then the relationship of neighboring countries, and the relationship of EU institutions and the international community towards the return of refugees to Srebrenica and economic and cultural development of Srebrenica from 1996 to 2020. An attempt will be made to initiate a special social and development status of the city of Srebrenica with the aim of development and sustainability of return in the city and municipality of Srebrenica. The adoption of a special law at the level of Bosnia and Herzegovina will be advocated, which would provide solidarity funds for the development of the city of Srebrenica.
Tranzicijski, posttranzicijski i strateški narativi o genocidu u Bosni i Hercegovini
Tranzicijski, posttranzicijski i strateški narativi o genocidu u Bosni i Hercegovini
(Transitional, Post-transitional and Strategic Narratives about Genocide in Bosnia and Herzegovina)
- Author(s):Nevenka Tromp
- Language:Bosnian
- Subject(s):International Law, Law and Transitional Justice, Political history, Criminology, Studies in violence and power, Victimology, Transformation Period (1990 - 2010)
- Page Range:551-604
- No. of Pages:54
- Keywords:Disintegration of Yugoslavia; ICTY; Genocide; Bosnia-Herzegovina; Srebrenica; Transitional Justice; Post-Transitional Justice; Strategic Narratives;
- Summary/Abstract:This article explores the transitional, post-transitional and strategic narratives about the wars in the former Yugoslavia, more specifically in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The criminal justice narrative created by the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY) dominates the transitional narratives about the Yugoslav wars. It is not uncommon that both sides - the victims and the perpetrators – express dissatisfaction with the justice outcome depending on the verdict. Transitional narratives based on the criminal trials are expected to provide clarity on the distinction between “bad” and “good” guys; between perpetrators and victims; between the criminality of the perpetrating side and the response of the victim’s side. With the passage of time, all transitional narratives will be challenged by post-transitional narratives, launched by various societal and political actors for different reasons with specific objectives behind them. For example, the ruling post-conflict elites can decide to create a post-transitional narrative in which they will try to re-interpret or counter the existing transitional narratives with the goal to exonerate the policies of the predecessor regime that led to the violence by reintroducing the “politics of the past” into the “politics of the present” in the perusal of the still to be achieved political objectives of the predecessor regime. Using the example of the ICTY genocide judgments, this article will explore how its transitional narrative of genocide has been undermined by the post-transitional narratives launched by the Serbian post-conflict elites in the perusal of the unfulfilled strategic goals of the predecessor regimes.
Percepcije genocida u Srebrenici – između istine i revizionizma i poricanja
Percepcije genocida u Srebrenici – između istine i revizionizma i poricanja
(Perceptions of Genocide in Srebrenica - Between Truth and Revisionism and Denial)
- Author(s):Zijad Šehić
- Language:Bosnian
- Subject(s):Political history, International relations/trade, Transformation Period (1990 - 2010), Historical revisionism, Politics of History/Memory, Peace and Conflict Studies
- Page Range:605-626
- No. of Pages:22
- Keywords:Bosnia and Herzegovina; Srebrenica; diplomacy; genocide; denial; truth; justice; reconciliation; USA; EU; Russia;
- Summary/Abstract:Based on the reference literature, the author observes the perception of the Srebrenica genocide in the domestic and foreign public, concluding that the Srebrenica genocide is a “blood stain on the conscience of humanity”. The author paid special attention to the views of those who deny genocide and glorify war crimes and promote the ideology of hatred. In Serbia, RS and in the international community there are political actors at all levels of state and government as well as in the academia, journalism and all other institutions who are turned in sharing revisionistic narratives about genocide in Srebrenica. Despite the campaign of denial of genocide in Srebrenica which appears in different forms with an aim to revise history and to remove the indisputable facts those efforts mostly stayed without success. Evidences, expert reports, primary sources of varying provenance support the verdicts of the International tribunal for former Yugoslavia and International residual mechanism for criminal courts in Den Hague. Based on these evidences which were thoroughly verified ICTY, Mechanism and International Court of Justice in the Hague confirmed undoubtedly that genocide was committed in Srebrenica in July 1995. The 25th anniversary of genocide in Srebrenica is still performed in the shadow of political games and on the diplomatic stage of international community.
Cinizam poricanja genocida: Uradili smo sve što smo naumili, negirajmo sve što smo uradili
Cinizam poricanja genocida: Uradili smo sve što smo naumili, negirajmo sve što smo uradili
(The Cynicism of Genocide Denial: We Have Done Everything We Planned, Let Us Deny Everything We Have Done)
- Author(s):Esad Bajtal
- Language:Bosnian
- Subject(s):International Law, International relations/trade, Politics and law, Politics of History/Memory, Peace and Conflict Studies
- Page Range:627-651
- No. of Pages:25
- Keywords:spoils of war; genocide; denial; pure lie; crimes; remake;
- Summary/Abstract:Denying and systematically killing the truth of the war is the programmatic, starting position of Slobodan Milosevic’s criminal great-state crypto-policy. With the sentence “Everything about Bosnia and Herzegovina is a pure lie”, uttered on the first day of the trial in The Hague (in front of cameras around the world), the principle of “pure lies” was presented to the world as a key methodological principle of great state strategy and Serbian policy which culminates in the systematic denial of the judicially established genocide in Srebrenica. Instead of genocide, according to the logic of that denial ideology, it is a “great crime” committed by individuals. And when these individuals finally arrive in The Hague, then, by the logic of that same principle, it is not a trial of them, executioners, contractors, orderers... but, God forbid - of the entire Serbian people. Accordingly, the uncritical and encouraged public, celebrating with huge stadium banners “Knife, wire, Srebrenica”, threateningly announces the repetition of exactly what the Serbian authorities persistently hide and openly deny. In short, in its reduced performance, the Greater Serbia ideology of denial tempers its public appearances on an unspoken phantasmatic principle: It was not as it was, but it was as we say it was.
Zaboraviti zlo – put ka pomirenju ili jedan od specifičnih načina negiranja genocida nad Bošnjacima
Zaboraviti zlo – put ka pomirenju ili jedan od specifičnih načina negiranja genocida nad Bošnjacima
(Forget Evil – The Path to Reconciliation or One of the Specific Ways to Deny Genocide against Bosniaks)
- Author(s):Muamer Džananović
- Language:Bosnian
- Subject(s):Studies in violence and power, Victimology, Philosophy of History, Politics of History/Memory, Politics and Identity, Peace and Conflict Studies
- Page Range:653-675
- No. of Pages:23
- Keywords:Bosnia and Herzegovina; continuity of crimes; genocide against Bosniaks; denial of genocide; forgetting evil; memory of evil;
- Summary/Abstract:It is not a novus in scientific and public discourse to insist on forgetting the “burdening” past. Just as Friedrich Nietzsche did not find anything valuable in the memory of evil, believing that turning back turns us against life, so also lately, at the time of the strongest wave of genocide denial against Bosniaks, there are tendencies in public discourse that victims should forget evil committed against them. The oblivion is presented as a precondition for the way forward, the way to a common and better future, the way to development of the state and society of Bosnia and Herzegovina. It is forgotten that evil is “repetitive” as Hannah Arendt says regardless of the punishment. Once a specific crime occurs, its recurrence is much more likely than the possibility of its occurrence. The continuity of the centuries-long recurrence of crimes against Bosniaks, which is in fact a matter of the identity of the state and society of Bosnia and Herzegovina, but also of Bosniaks as victims, is an adequate example and proof of this attitude. The continuity of the centuries-long recurrence of crimes against Bosniaks, which in fact represents a matter of the identity of the Bosnian state and society, but also of Bosniaks as victims, is an adequate example and proof of this attitude. Consequently, in this paper we will look at (un)conscious ways and methods of denying genocide against Bosniaks, identify new methods of denial, certain deviance dealing in the aftermath genocide, but also to give recommendations in which direction the study of genocide in Bosnia and Herzegovina should go in order to adequately remember it, and finally stop the evil of genocide against Bosniaks that has lasted for several centuries.
Strategija negiranje genocida: od Markala do Srebrenice
Strategija negiranje genocida: od Markala do Srebrenice
(Genocide Denial Strategy: From Markal to Srebrenica)
- Author(s):Hikmet Karčić
- Language:Bosnian
- Subject(s):Political history, Studies in violence and power, Victimology, Transformation Period (1990 - 2010), Politics of History/Memory, Peace and Conflict Studies
- Page Range:677-691
- No. of Pages:15
- Keywords:genocide denial; Markale; Srebrenica; Bosnia and Herzegovina;
- Summary/Abstract:Denial of genocide and mass crimes committed by Serb forces has been in progress since the 1992–95 war in Bosnia and Herzegovina. To gain sympathy from the western forces and have them intervene, after the first massacres in occupied Sarajevo, Serb propaganda machinery accused the government of RBiH of shelling and sniper fire over its citizens. Notorious massacres in the streets Vase Miskina, Markale I, and Markale II, as well as the square known as ‘Gate’ in Tuzla, were subjected to ridicule by the Serb media. News about the concentration camp in Krajina during the summer of 1992 and the news about mass rape were dismissed as propaganda. Genocide in Srebrenica has since been denied and was subjected to conspiracy theories. A quarter of a century after the genocide, despite numerous judicial processes and vast forensic evidence, the denial of genocide and other crimes grows ever stronger. Notable western writers have also denied the genocide and other crimes including Jessica Stern, Noam Chomsky, Diana Johnstone, and Peter Handke. During the last decade, genocide denial has become the official strategy of the Republic of Serbia and Republika Srpska. In this paper, I will focus on key actors and their arguments in genocide denial and mini- mization of genocide and other crimes committed. I will demonstrate the sophistication of genocide denial developed over the years.
Srbijanska politika kršenja međunarodnog prava i negiranja sudskih presuda o počinjenom genocidu nad Bošnjacima (2007–2020)
Srbijanska politika kršenja međunarodnog prava i negiranja sudskih presuda o počinjenom genocidu nad Bošnjacima (2007–2020)
(Serbia's Policy of Violating International Law and Denying Court Verdicts on Genocide against Bosniaks (2007-2020))
- Author(s):Denis Bećirović
- Language:Bosnian
- Subject(s):International Law, Government/Political systems, Politics and law, Studies in violence and power, Politics of History/Memory
- Page Range:693-727
- No. of Pages:35
- Keywords:Bosnia and Herzegovina; Federal Republic of Yugoslavia; Serbia; aggression; genocide; Bosniaks; Srebrenica;
- Summary/Abstract:Consideration of Serbia’s policy of denying the final judgments of the International Court of Justice and the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia is one of the most important issues in the scientific understanding of contemporary political processes in the Western Balkans, especially in the first two decades of the XXI century. The author analyzes the reasons, motives and course of manifestation of the anti-civilization policy of denying and minimizing the committed genocide against Bosniaks.
Lokalizacija genocida nad Bošnjacima
Lokalizacija genocida nad Bošnjacima
(Localization of Genocide against Bosniaks)
- Author(s):Ermin Kuka, Hamza Memišević
- Language:Bosnian
- Subject(s):Local History / Microhistory, Studies in violence and power, Victimology, Transformation Period (1990 - 2010), Politics of History/Memory
- Page Range:729-744
- No. of Pages:16
- Keywords:localization; genocide; Srebrenica; Bosniaks; Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina;
- Summary/Abstract:The commemoration of the genocide against Bosniaks only in the area of Srebrenica can be interpreted as a way to localization the genocide and accept that the genocide against Bosniaks committed in the period 1992–1995 is reduced to a local level. Reducing genocide to just six days in July 1995 is a kind of trap. The genocide against Bosniaks in the Srebrenica area cannot be separated from the genocide committed between 1992 and 1995 in all occupied cities and cities under siege. The perpetrators of the Srebrenica genocide are the same structures that committed genocide in the rest of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina. The Greater Serbia policy, inspired by ideology, which aims to exterminate the Bosniak population and annex Bosnian territory to neighboring Serbia, pursued a genocidal policy towards the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina and Bosniaks continuously in the period from 1992 to 1995. The goals of this paper are to show the genocidal character of the aggressive war against the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina and to point out the mistake, which is reflected in localization of the genocide against Bosniaks.
Genocid u Srebrenici i njegova (zlo)upotreba u sportskom životu Bosne i Hercegovine i okruženja
Genocid u Srebrenici i njegova (zlo)upotreba u sportskom životu Bosne i Hercegovine i okruženja
(Genocide in Srebrenica and its (mis)use in the Sports Life of Bosnia and Herzegovina and its Surroundings)
- Author(s):Alen Borić
- Language:Bosnian
- Subject(s):Local History / Microhistory, Crowd Psychology: Mass phenomena and political interactions, Studies in violence and power, Victimology, Transformation Period (1990 - 2010), Sports Studies
- Page Range:745-782
- No. of Pages:38
- Keywords:Football; genocide; Srebrenica; fan subculture; fans; stadiums; sports;
- Summary/Abstract:The subject of this paper is the denial and glorification of genocide in Srebrenica on sports fields in Bosnia and Herzegovina and surrounding countries, following the behavior of members of the fan subculture. In this paper, we will present and analyze their views, which they send to the public through slogans, banners, songs designed just for the occasion. We also asked about the place and role of criminals on sports fields and what kind of popularity they enjoy among fans. How fans in Serbia see Ratko Mladic will be presented on the examples of two fan groups of the biggest Serbian clubs “Partizan” and “Red Star”. Graffiti is a frequent occurrence on the streets of our cities, and we will also look at the messages that decorate the walls and buildings in places with a majority Bosniak population. The characteristic of the sport is reflected in its massiveness. Sports actors are divided into two categories, observers and active participants. In the past decade, some athletes, those who should be an example of behavior in society, have “shaken” the public with their attitudes, and we will talk about them and the way the public and fans reacted to their statements about the Srebrenica genocide and glorification of war criminals.
Bol – centralni fenomen ljudske egzistencije u kontekstu počinjenog genocida nad Bošnjacima u Srebrenici
Bol – centralni fenomen ljudske egzistencije u kontekstu počinjenog genocida nad Bošnjacima u Srebrenici
(Pain – A Central Phenomenon of Human Existence in the Context of the Committed Genocide against Bosniaks in Srebrenica)
- Author(s):Rasim Muratović, Ermin Kuka
- Language:Bosnian
- Subject(s):Social Philosophy, Local History / Microhistory, Victimology, Transformation Period (1990 - 2010), Philosophy of History
- Page Range:797-817
- No. of Pages:21
- Keywords:pain; torture; evil; sadism; victim; culture; Srebrenica;
- Summary/Abstract:Many will claim that life without pain is not a life. Yet, pain makes life so much harder to bear. In its fullness, pain takes life away from the present moment leading it into a longing for a time of its absence (even if this would mean the end of life itself). If life is defined by pain is it worth living? After all, we may not be experiencing pain in every moment but every moment carries a potentiality for pain. While its presence may vary from person to person, we all share this intimate exposure and vulnerability to pain and it is part of what defines us as humans. How we deal with pain on an individual level is not entirely in our control. Culture and the society we are embedded in provide us with the vocabulary for communicating pain and the stance on its value. The question then arises: How do we treat pain on a cultural and individual level? Bodily, sensory pain is perceived spontaneously, directly. Our bodies and their senses make us vulnerable to pain as well as susceptible to the pleasures of its opposites. Pain is defined as exclusively negative making our attitude one of resistance and the desire to be rid of it. This is, in itself, a result of a historically and culturally shaped vision. Simultaneously with avoiding it, however, we encourage and stimulate it, we seek it and it fascinates us. In any case, there is no indifference in or towards pain. When we are the ones inflicting it (torture, sadism), usually we seek explanations and further insight into this behavior. This paper aims to provide this insight. Torture and sadism, extreme forms of inflicting pain, were one of the instruments of committing genocide of Bosniaks in Srebrenica, July 1995. Our general conclusion is that pain, especially in its extreme form, cannot be perceived as anything other than pure negativity of human suffering.
Posttraumatska i dehumanizacijska dimenzija srebreničke boli
Posttraumatska i dehumanizacijska dimenzija srebreničke boli
(Posttraumatic and Dehumanization Dimension of Srebrenica Pain)
- Author(s):Srđan Vukadinović
- Language:Bosnian
- Subject(s):Local History / Microhistory, International relations/trade, Studies in violence and power, Victimology, Transformation Period (1990 - 2010)
- Page Range:819-831
- No. of Pages:13
- Keywords:Posttraumatic Dimension; Dehumanization Dimension; Srebrenica Pain; Universal Values; Justice; Failure;
- Summary/Abstract:The doctrine of the Srebrenica genocide is a painful example for humanity that will forever serve as a warning wound to the world towards this, once, protected zone of the United Nations. One of the two great-power projects, which had a devastating effect on the South Slavic area, and which is the creator and performer of the Srebrenica pain, is basically deeply anticivilization and dehumanizing. Genocide in Srebrenica happened in spite of everything the international community, whatever they meant by that phenomenon, knew about the project and its actors. Especially since certain international values occurred and formed after the Second World War, it has been shown that an international arbiter is possible who can prevent the occurrence of genocidal intentions. The Srebrenica experience is astonishing in the heart of Europe, which has done almost nothing to prevent it from happening. And twenty-five years after him, he is just as unsuccessfully working to regain life in something that should be the eternal wound of the international community. Most responsible address as to why the Srebrenica genocide took place is the international one. And no “washing” of the unclean and dishonest conscience of international officials is and cannot be effective. And two and a half decades later, the same address bears the sole responsibility that everything that erases the memory of this monstrous act is erased, that crimes are kept silent, that convicted war criminals are glorified in certain parliaments that are bearers or those who were mere supporters of the mentioned projects. Such a sense of injustice, under the auspices of the international community, is stifling Srebrenica society, and thus Bosnia and Herzegovina and South Slavic. Political groups, power and, finally, the human nature of the universal code are to blame for everything that is happening in Srebrenica after two and a half decades. It is well known that often times large-scale media manipulations cause smart and determined individuals, as well as highly developed social and moral consciousness, to sink. That is not why justice should be done. There is no justice in the face of crime. And he may have an understanding. The only elementary justice that anyone who has committed a crime can try to establish is: first to realize that he did it, second to be sorry for what he did, third to repent for what he did, fourth to admit that he did it and fifth to finally bear all the consequences of every possible justice for what he has done. However, Srebrenica carries one dimension that is much larger than what is called a mass crime. It carries a postgenocidal dimension. The greatest sacrifice made by an innocent man in relation to his ethnic, religious or racial affiliation should carry planetary condemnation. If, even twenty-five years after the crime, there is no such condemnation, based on universal values, but many things are covered with a veil of oblivion, remembrance and non-confrontation, then it is a warning example for society and the international community, which is just as dehumanizing. And anticivilization, as much as the project that produced it.
Kako dalje u rememoriji genocida u Bosni i Hercegovini – komunikološki aspekti
Kako dalje u rememoriji genocida u Bosni i Hercegovini – komunikološki aspekti
(How to Proceed in the Remembrance of Genocide in Bosnia and Herzegovina – Communication Aspects)
- Author(s):Fahira Fejzić Čengić
- Language:Bosnian
- Subject(s):Local History / Microhistory, Theory of Communication, Studies in violence and power, Victimology, Transformation Period (1990 - 2010), Politics of History/Memory
- Page Range:833-843
- No. of Pages:11
- Keywords:genocide; rememoria; world; Bosnia; Srebrenica; communicology of genocide;
- Summary/Abstract:After a quarter of a century, the past 25 years since the genocide of Srebrenica Bosniaks will be analyzed in this text through three aspects of observing Bosnian society, the state and its citizens, and especially like-minded people - who should continuously consider how to permanently heal the open wounds of postgenocidal the state of Bosnia and Herzegovina. The first aspect concerns the evident division in the international community - the so-called of the civilized world to those who condemn genocide and the so-called an insidious world that denies it even after the final judgments of the International Court of Justice in The Hague; the second aspect is the division within Bosniaks into those who, as survivors of genocide, suffer the terror of the usurpation of basic human rights and those non-Bosniaks for whom every remembrance of war suffering is a terror of remembrance. Finally, the third division arises on the ideas and practices of how to proceed in the entity of Republic of Srpska and Srebrenica and Bosnia and those who ruthlessly flee from any such thought. All three circles, all three envelopes are especially important how to place them in the educational system, in home education, in personal understanding and socialization. There is no doubt that all citizens of Bosnia and Herzegovina, and intellectuals in particular, are responsible and that some jobs are well done. But the year 2020 just showed how irresponsible and lost it is in this group of people.
Kršenje ljudskih prava u Srebrenici nakon 25 godina od genocida
Kršenje ljudskih prava u Srebrenici nakon 25 godina od genocida
(Human Rights Violations in Srebrenica 25 Years after the Genocide)
- Author(s):Mirsad Cvrk
- Language:Bosnian
- Subject(s):Constitutional Law, Human Rights and Humanitarian Law, Civil Society, Politics and law, Victimology
- Page Range:845-868
- No. of Pages:24
- Keywords:human rights; rule of law; violation of human rights; Srebrenica;
- Summary/Abstract:In Bosnia and Herzegovina, human rights are enshrined in the Dayton Constitution of Bosnia and Herzegovina and in the constitutions of the entities: the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina and the Republika Srpska. According to the Constitution of Bosnia and Herzegovina, the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms has priority over national legislation in the field of human rights protection. The exercise of human rights and freedoms of citizens in the municipality of Srebrenica in the period from 1995 to 2020, which are guaranteed by the Dayton Peace Agreement and relevant international conventions and other positive instruments for the exercise of human rights, was impossible, especially for Bosnian citizens in Srebrenica who were in the process of exercising the rights of returnees. This research analyzes the forms of human rights violations in the municipality of Srebrenica from 1996 to 2020. The paper presents proposals for the institutional protection of human rights of returnees to the city and municipality of Srebrenica.
Načelo upisa i načelo povjerenja u postupku uspostave katastra nekretnina u Republici Srpskoj
Načelo upisa i načelo povjerenja u postupku uspostave katastra nekretnina u Republici Srpskoj
(The Principle of Registration and the Principle of Trust in the Procedure of Establishing a Real Estate Cadaster in the Republic of Srpska)
- Author(s):Faruk Đozić
- Language:Bosnian
- Subject(s):Public Administration, Public Law, Administrative Law
- Page Range:869-886
- No. of Pages:18
- Keywords:cadaster of the real estate; land registries; principle of constitutive effect; the principle of public thrust; ownership; Republika Srpska;
- Summary/Abstract:Constituting the Cadaster, a unified system of data on real properties and information about holders of possession rights to the real properties implies that the data from land registries will no longer be public. Law on Survey and Cadaster of Republika Srpska left the administration in charge of constituting the cadaster, providing for court jurisdiction only in the case a party actively denies a right inscribed into the cadaster. Other than leaving the administration in charge of the cadaster, this law has limited judicial decision-making regarding property rights thus leaving room for manipulation notably concerning property rights of returnees, refugees, and displaced persons. Principles of constitutive effect and public trust, valid through the previous system, have been breached despite being included in the new legal framework by the administration through the Rulebook on the manner of establishing and maintaining the real estate cadaster of Republika Srpska. Establishing cadaster in such a way opens the possibility of annulment of rights inscribed in land registries and the possibility for the persons who are not in fact owners to inscribe themselves as such based on the factual state of affairs.
Nekažnjavanjem ideologije nastavlja se genocidna politika
Nekažnjavanjem ideologije nastavlja se genocidna politika
(Not Punishing the Ideology Continues the Genocidal Politics)
- Author(s):Selman Selhanović
- Language:Bosnian
- Subject(s):Civil Society, Governance, Political behavior, Victimology, Sociology of Politics, Politics and Identity
- Page Range:887-900
- No. of Pages:14
- Keywords:Ideas; ideologues; social evil; criminals and doings; responsibility;
- Summary/Abstract:The causes of genocide, of course we find in nationalist ideology and heads of those which are projected hatred and conflicts which is ultimately turned into genocide as the greatest degree of social evil. Primarly in this work we emphasize intellectuals who planned in their works and encouraged direct perpetrators. Their responsibility is thus greater, because they know what they were doing. The perpetrators that is, their followers they were less aware of it. Basically, the basic intention of the ideologue was to belittle, to dehumanize and deny the identity of Bosniaks as a people, deny bosnian individuality. Greatpower ideas, they speak best of those and such intentions. This is testified to us, and for this purpose the works of many intellectual and cultural workers as well as ecclesiasstical credentials are used. Works of Petar Petrovic Njegos, Stojan Protic, Matije Beckovica, Milorada Ekmecica, Rajka Petrova Noge and others point to that. It is only necessary to analyze them and present the truth about them to the public,but also to transfer them to the education system. Such acts, for sure, will show the ways in which the agression of one people over another was mentally carried out. Many documents and experts determined that agressor s goal was: to conquer territory, reduce the birth through ethnic cleansing, and disintegrate society, which resulted in the breakup of the family and the imminent killing of the male population, the emergence of more single-parent families. The victims of this idea were Bosniaks and Bosnia and Herzegovina as a state. The intention of this work and thus the general hypothesis is to illuminate the significance of ideas and the role of an ideology that propagates fascism and the ascension of one people, the heavenly one over another. That idea was conceived in the minds of those who, unfortunately, remained outside the verdicts of the Hague Tribunal. They will be judged by humanity.
Razmjere i posljedice devastirane demografske slike bosanskog Podrinja
Razmjere i posljedice devastirane demografske slike bosanskog Podrinja
(The Scale and Consequences of the Devastated Demographic Picture of the Bosnian Podrinje)
- Author(s):Fikret Bečirović
- Language:Bosnian
- Subject(s):Local History / Microhistory, Social history, Criminology, Studies in violence and power, Demography and human biology, Victimology, Transformation Period (1990 - 2010), Migration Studies, Identity of Collectives
- Page Range:901-919
- No. of Pages:19
- Keywords:aggression on Bosnu i Hercegovinu; crimes; genocide; “ethnic cleansing”; homogeneous demography; migrations; depopulation; demographic consequences;
- Summary/Abstract:In order to territorially expand and create a homogeneous demographic picture, “ethnic cleansing” and genocide against the non-Serb population of Podrinje was prepared first in academic, then in military circles, in our neighboring country of Serbia. The goal was to ethnically cleanse (brutally remove) the Bosniak population in every possible way from an area that covers at least fifty kilometers from the Drina River to the central part of Bosnu i Hercegovinu. The “ethnic cleansing” of that area from non-Serbs also had the intention of a “final showdown” with the undesirable, unpopular element, the remnants of the Turkish conqueror, as they labeled the Bosniak corps. Thus, the first aggressor strikes began on the eastern border and during April 1992, the entire Podrinje area was occupied, with great destruction, expulsions, imprisonment, terrorism and the cruelest crimes that reached their peak with the Srebrenica genocide. Permanent crimes and complete “ethnic cleansing” throughout the war period completely devastated the prewar demographic picture of the entire Bosnian Podrinje area. In this paper, we will analyze the causes, extent and consequences of the devastated demographic picture in 10 Podrinje municipalities, comparing the post-war census from 2013 with the pre-war census from 1991. Comparative analysis will show that war destruction, crimes, “ethnic cleansing” and genocide against Bosniaks in Srebrenica and other Podrinje municipalities caused large demographic, quantitative and qualitative changes in ethnic structure, gender, age, working age, education, culture and all other segments of life.
Demografski gubici u općini Glamoč 1992‒1995.
Demografski gubici u općini Glamoč 1992‒1995.
(Demographic Losses in the Municipality of Glamoč 1992‒1995.)
- Author(s):Nerminka Hadžić
- Language:Bosnian
- Subject(s):Local History / Microhistory, Social history, Studies in violence and power, Demography and human biology, Transformation Period (1990 - 2010), Migration Studies
- Page Range:921-945
- No. of Pages:25
- Keywords:Municipality of Glamoč; 1992-1995; demographic losses; migrations; prosecturion; war;
- Summary/Abstract:Glamoč je mjesto u jugozapadnom dijelu Bosne i Hercegovine. Okružen je općinama Drvar, Bosansko Grahovo, Livno, Kupres, Šipovo, Mrkonjić-Grad i Ribnik. Kroz historiju bio je važna strateška teritorija i područje sukobljavanja različitih vojski, te političkih, nacionalnih i vjerskih interesa. Prije agresije na Bosnu i Hercegovinu bio je solidno razvijen privredni grad poznat i u cijeloj Jugoslaviji posebno zbog prehrambene i drvne industrije, a danas je najnerazvijeniji grad u Kantonu 10 ili, poznatije, Livanjskom kantonu. Tome su uglavnom doprinijeli ratni događaji, pustošenja, razaranja, deportacije stanovništva te mnogi izvršeni zločini na ovom području. Danas glamočki poligoni koriste oružanim snagama Bosne i Hercegovine i NATO-u za vježbe i isprobavanje različitog naoružanja te za uništavanje neeksplodiranih ubojitih naprava i sredstava.
Kontinuitet ovisnosti naučne teorije i prakse za uspješno istraživanje genocida u Bosni i Hercegovini
Kontinuitet ovisnosti naučne teorije i prakse za uspješno istraživanje genocida u Bosni i Hercegovini
(Continuity of Dependence of Scientific Theory and Practice for Successful Research of Genocide in Bosnia and Herzegovina)
- Author(s):Omer Gabela, Edin Malkić
- Language:Bosnian
- Subject(s):Local History / Microhistory, Political history, Studies in violence and power, Victimology, Transformation Period (1990 - 2010)
- Page Range:949-972
- No. of Pages:24
- Keywords:Genocide; theory; scientific theory; research; scientific research; practice;
- Summary/Abstract:The biggest and most serious crime is the crime of genocide. Precisely because of the severity and complexity of genocide, as a social and security phenomenon, its research must be approached with special care and with the application of scientific theoretical and methodological procedures and concepts. In that way, modern scientific-theoretical knowledge and insights based on their concretization are obtained in empirical research of the crime of genocide. Namely, only through a continuous combination of scientific theory and practice we can gain valid and adequate knowledge about the crime of genocide, its essential characteristics manifested through various forms and methods of execution. If there is a dysfunctionality of the combination of scientific theory and practice, it will inevitably affect the results of research, regardless of the type of research, whether it is scientific, professional-methodical or specifically operational research. In order for such phenomena not to occur, it is necessary to critically and in-depth consider the previous theoretical-empirical research in order to understand the stated problems and overcome possible problems that may arise because the practice does not follow the theory. On the other hand, the interdependence and interdependence of theory and practice is not easy to see. If the separation from each other is real, spatial and temporal, then there is no unity between them, which leaves a trace on the success of the research and the results obtained on the actual scale of the crime of genocide.
Genocid u Srebrenici kao najviši oblik terorizma nad Bošnjacima
Genocid u Srebrenici kao najviši oblik terorizma nad Bošnjacima
(Genocide in Srebrenica as the Highest Form of Terrorism against Bosniaks)
- Author(s):Vahid Karavelić
- Language:Bosnian
- Subject(s):Local History / Microhistory, Political history, Criminology, Studies in violence and power, Victimology, Transformation Period (1990 - 2010), Geopolitics
- Page Range:973-984
- No. of Pages:12
- Keywords:terrorism; genocide; Bosnia and Herzegovina; Srebrenica; state terrorism; international terrorism; aggression; geopolitics;
- Summary/Abstract:Terrorism is one of the social phenomena that threaten the security of states and societies. It is one of the components of war (armed) conflicts. It is a common case that a certain terrorist act was the reason for war and war destruction. The consequences produced by terrorist acts and terrorism include, among others, the commission of numerous individual and mass forms of crimes against humanity and international law, including the crime of genocide. Bosnia and Herzegovina has experienced such fate. There are few places in the world with such a rich history of violence and acts of terror as that of Bosnia and Herzegovina. The latest aggression against the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina resulted in series of crimes against humanity and international law, including the crime of genocide, both in Srebrenica and in all occupied towns and cities under siege. In this context, the analysis of the content of relevant documentation will draw parallels, connections and relations between terrorism and genocide committed in the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina. It will be shown that terrorism (and terrorism) and genocide are phenomena that accompany each other and are an inseparable part of war conflicts, since terrorism has become one of the main features of modern ways and methods of warfare.
Genocid u Srebrenici – tri poruke Srebrenice
Genocid u Srebrenici – tri poruke Srebrenice
(Genocide in Srebrenica – Three Messages of Srebrenica)
- Author(s):Omer Ibrahimagić
- Language:Bosnian
- Subject(s):Local History / Microhistory, Political history, International relations/trade, Studies in violence and power, Victimology, Transformation Period (1990 - 2010), Peace and Conflict Studies
- Page Range:985-993
- No. of Pages:9
- Keywords:Srebrenica; 1992-1995; genocide; peace process; United Nations; international community;
- Summary/Abstract:Nedavno sam u Oslobođenju od 5. juna ove godine polemizirao s dvojicom Pentagonovih analitičara za vanjska vojna pitanja. Naime, ova su gospoda u New York Timesu objavila svoj prijedlog da Ujedinjene nacije, da ne bi rat trajao unedogled, nagrade srpskog agresora predajom Srebrenice, Žepe i Goražda srpskim secesionistima, a u zamjenu da se Sarajevo u cjelini vrati pod kontrolu bosanske vlade. Kao što je poznato, ovaj prijedlog ranije je lansirala agresorska strana, a analitičari Pentagona to su uvrstili u tobožnje rezultate svojih istraživanja situacije u Bosni. Stavljanjem ovih, agresorovih, prijedloga kao svojih u njihovim analizama svakako dobija sasvim druge dimenzije i snagu vjerodostojnosti, kao da su zaista izišli iz laboratorija Pentagonove pameti, koji se potom distribuiraju pod šifrom “strogo pov” najbližim Clintonovim saradnicima i njihovim prijateljima u Kontakt-grupi, a potom šire preko UN-a Ghaliju, Akashiju, Janvieru, Smithu i da ne redam dalje, radi pripreme terena da se u najpovoljnijem trenutku to i realizira. [...]
Stup srama za počinitelje genocida u Srebrenici
Stup srama za počinitelje genocida u Srebrenici
(A Wall of Shame for the Perpetrators of the Srebrenica Genocide)
- Author(s):Ferid Muhić
- Language:Bosnian
- Subject(s):Local History / Microhistory, Criminology, Studies in violence and power, Victimology, Transformation Period (1990 - 2010)
- Page Range:995-1006
- No. of Pages:12
- Keywords:Srebrenica; 1992-1995; genocide; wall of shame for perpetrators; war crimes;
- Summary/Abstract:Više nego išta drugo, zaborav i prešućivanje smiruju savjest zločinaca. Praštanje neoprostivog zločina jeste zazivanje novog zločina. Dužni smo raskrinkati zločince objelodanjenom istinom, ne skidati ih sa stupa srama – nikada. Ponavljajmo riječ “Srebrenica”, podsjećajmo na zločin genocida u svakom trenutku, danju i noću, neprestano, da ga i potomci zločinaca, i potomci žrtava, kao i sve buduće generacije svijeta, uvijek imaju na umu i nikada ne zaborave. Za to su nam potrebni: a. svjedoci; b. dokazi. Jedan od onih koji ovu najveću ljudsku moralnu obavezu svjedoka zločina izvršavaju na najbolji način jeste Kadir Habibović. Umjesto nijeme žrtve, sam Bog kao da je htio da on postane gromoglasni svjedok genocida. Njegova knjiga Život protiv smrti postala je vječni stup srama za sve zločince genocida u Srebrenici i svojom snagom istine pokrenula je klizeće brdo dokaza. Ovo je prilika da još jednom podsjetimo i zločince, i žrtve, kao i cijeli svijet, na zločin genocida u Srebrenici.
Osvrt na preživjelog Fahrudina Muminovića
Osvrt na preživjelog Fahrudina Muminovića
(A View on the Survivor Fahrudin Muminović)
- Author(s):Keith Doubt
- Language:Bosnian
- Subject(s):Local History / Microhistory, Studies in violence and power, Victimology, Transformation Period (1990 - 2010)
- Page Range:1007-1010
- No. of Pages:4
- Keywords:Srebrenica; Genocide; 1992-1995; Fahrudin Muminović; survivors of genocide;
- Summary/Abstract:Svjedočenje ovog počinioca, možda kao nijedno drugo, otkriva lice genocida, njegovo prazno, bezdušno lice. Kad su počinioci ugledali dječaka, vidjeli su ljudsko biće, stali su i spustili automatsko oružje. Prestali su činiti zlo, jer su u tom trenutku shvatili kakvo je to, ustvari, bilo zlo. Moramo se zapitati: Šta se dogodilo s dječakom koji je tražio svoga oca? Je li ubijen? Jesu li ga počinioci poštedjeli? Nihilizam genocida tjera nas da pretpostavimo da je dječak ubijen zajedno sa svojim ocem. Mržnja unutar samog genocida je sveukupna. Njena negativnost tjera nas da mislimo najgore i tjera nas u crnu rupu svoje monstruoznosti. [...]
Pregled institucionalizacije kulture sjećanja u Kanadi
Pregled institucionalizacije kulture sjećanja u Kanadi
(An Overview of the Institutionalization of Memory Culture in Canada)
- Author(s):Emir Ramić
- Language:Bosnian
- Subject(s):Local History / Microhistory, International relations/trade, Studies in violence and power, Victimology, Transformation Period (1990 - 2010), Migration Studies, Politics of History/Memory
- Page Range:1011-1017
- No. of Pages:7
- Keywords:Srebrenica; genocide; 1992-1995; Canada; memory culture; diaspora; refugees;
- Summary/Abstract:Živimo u vremenu sve većeg kršenja ljudskih sloboda i prava, s težnjom da se ona urede i normiraju brojnim i raznovrsnim zakonima, a evidentno je i sve prisutnije njihovo kršenje na najbrutalniji način kroz počinjene brojne oblike zločina protiv čovječnosti i međunarodnog prava. Iz ovoga je više nego jasno da su izvori i subjekti, kako ugrožavanja tako i ugroženih, sve brojniji i raznovrsniji, što se vezuje za ostvarivanje osnovnih ljudskih, civilizacijskih i kulturnih potreba, kao što su potrebe za identifikacijom, pripadanjem i zaštitom od ugrožavanja. To se manifestira kao univerzalni ljudski i društveni problem, koji je i društveno i naučno značajan. [...]
Zaključci Međunarodne naučne konferencije “Genocid nad Bošnjacima, Srebrenica 1995–2020: Uzroci, razmjere i posljedice”
Zaključci Međunarodne naučne konferencije “Genocid nad Bošnjacima, Srebrenica 1995–2020: Uzroci, razmjere i posljedice”
(Conclusions of the International Scientific Conference “Genocide against Bosniaks, Srebrenica 1995–2020: Causes, Scales and Consequences”)
- Author(s):Mirko Pejanović
- Language:Bosnian
- Subject(s):Local History / Microhistory, Political history, International relations/trade, Criminology, Studies in violence and power, Victimology, Transformation Period (1990 - 2010), Politics of History/Memory, Peace and Conflict Studies
- Page Range:1019-1022
- No. of Pages:4
- Keywords:Conclusions of scientific conference; Srebrenica; 1992-1995; Genocide against Bosniaks; war crimes; denial of genocide; Serbia; memory of victims;
- Summary/Abstract:Moralno-pravna i politička obaveza svijeta Evropske unije i Bosne i Hercegovine jeste ne samo spriječiti buduće, civilizacijski katastrofične i neprihvatljive zločine poput genocida nad Bošnjacima u Srebrenici i oko nje nego, i prije svega, spriječiti njegovo planski aktivno i političko, medijsko, kvazinaučno, sistematsko poricanje i negiranje, kakvome svjedočimo danas i svih poratnih godina u Bosni i Hercegovini i njenom susjedstvu. Tačnije Srbiji, koja je imala “političko mentorstvo” nad genocidom, uporno pokušavajući izbjeći ono neizbježno – svoju vlastitu odgovornost za plansko, praktično učešće i političko i vojno saučesništvo koga je potpuno svjesna. [...]