Człowiek w sytuacji – nie tylko z perspektywy psychologa. Studia inspirowane teorią Tadeusza Tomaszewskiego
Humans in Situations – Not Only from a Psychologist’s Perspective. Studies Inspired by the Theory of Tadeusz Tomaszewski
Contributor(s): Barbara Bokus (Editor), Ewa Kosowska (Editor)
Subject(s): Social Sciences, Psychology
Published by: Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego
Keywords: Tadeusz Tomaszewski; theory of action; model of a situation; existential vs. behavioral situations; normal vs. difficult situations; multidisciplinary approach
Summary/Abstract: A collection of essays from different areas of psychology as well as cultural anthropology, paleogeography and geology, sociology, political philosophy, philosophy of religion, theology, history, Oriental studies, cultural studies, lexicography, pedagogy, genetics and archeology, inspired by Professor Tadeusz Tomaszewski’s theory of action and the related model of a situation. The authors show what contemporary research contributes to our understanding of the notion of a situation and what there is new to say today, almost half a century since the publication of the Professor’s text (Człowiek w sytuacji, PWN, 1975), about humans in the multitude of situations in which they are agents.
- E-ISBN-13: 978-83-235-3446-4
- Print-ISBN-13: 978-83-235-3438-9
- Page Count: 470
- Publication Year: 2018
- Language: Polish
Sytuacja psychologiczna i zmiana psychologiczna
Sytuacja psychologiczna i zmiana psychologiczna
(Psychological situation and psychological change)
- Author(s):Wiesław Łukaszewski
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Psychology
- Page Range:29-41
- No. of Pages:13
- Keywords:psychological situation; psychological change; defense of the status quo; innovation
- Summary/Abstract:In Tadeusz Tomaszewski’s approach, a psychological situation is an interaction of the requirements someone faces, the circumstances in which they have to act, and their possibilities. A situation is normal when this triad is in equilibrium. It becomes difficult when an imbalance occurs, e.g. between requirements and possibilities. It inclines a person to make changes either reproducing the status quo or leading to a change in circumstances, requirements or competence. This is a universal mechanism of human action.
- Price: 4.50 €
Kontekst sytuacyjny a kontekst kulturowy
Kontekst sytuacyjny a kontekst kulturowy
(Situational context versus cultural context)
- Author(s):Ewa Kosowska
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Psychology
- Page Range:42-58
- No. of Pages:17
- Keywords:situation; Tadeusz Tomaszewski; situational context; cultural context; documentation of situations
- Summary/Abstract:From a cultural anthropology perspective, any attempt to describe “humans in situations” immediately raises questions about the planned field of research and the anticipated mode of interpretation: it is hard to imagine “humans as such” in “situations assuch,” even if we do know that everyone is always in some kind of situation. Every human situation is modified by the cultural context. Based on these assumptions, the author conducts an anthropological interpretation of Tadeusz Tomaszewski’s theory.
- Price: 4.50 €
Przyrodnicze elementy egzystencjalnej i behawioralnej sytuacji łowcy paleolitycznego (na przykładzie badań na północno-wschodnim przedpolu Karpat)
Przyrodnicze elementy egzystencjalnej i behawioralnej sytuacji łowcy paleolitycznego (na przykładzie badań na północno-wschodnim przedpolu Karpat)
(Natural elements of the existential and behavioral situation of Paleolithic hunters (on the example of studies in the north-eastern Carpathian foreland))
- Author(s):Maria Łanczont, Teresa Madeyska
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Psychology
- Page Range:59-72
- No. of Pages:14
- Keywords:natural environment; ecosystems; Paleolithic settlement; Pleistocene
- Summary/Abstract:The Paleolithic hunter was part of the ecosystems of his time (forest, forest-steppe, steppe and tundra), capable of conscious, intentional and effective activity within them. The location of archeological sites and the repeatability of location types over time is proof of the intentional choice of camp locations and excellent knowledge of nature. These issues are presented based on paleogeographic and paleoecological studies covering the last 200,000 years in the loess zone of the Carpathian foreland.
- Price: 4.50 €
Sprawcza siła sytuacji
Sprawcza siła sytuacji
(The agentive power of a situation)
- Author(s):Maria Materska
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Psychology
- Page Range:75-82
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:situation; indicators of situation features; agentive power of a situation
- Summary/Abstract:The agentive power of a situation lies in initiating and shaping different aspects of behavior: “a situation is not only a source of stimuli but also an area in which a person is active. It is defined both by the features and states of its elements and by the features and states of the acting subject” (Tomaszewski, 1978, p. 20). The objective state of affairs and its perception by the subject should both be taken into account. Two people in identical physical circumstances could be in very different situations.
- Price: 4.50 €
Definicje społecznych sytuacji zadaniowych a ideologia
Definicje społecznych sytuacji zadaniowych a ideologia
(Definitions of social task situations versus ideology)
- Author(s):Janusz Reykowski
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Psychology
- Page Range:83-99
- No. of Pages:17
- Keywords:situations; ideologies; social tasks; market order; authoritarian order
- Summary/Abstract:One original feature of Tadeusz Tomaszewski’s theory of situations is the idea that a situation does not unequivocally determine people’s behavior – they retain their agentivity, because they actively construct their perception, judgment and understanding of the situation. This process of active construction occurs individually and socially. The author discusses phenomena of social construction of certain prototypical social task situations (economic, civic, caregiving and culture-building ones).
- Price: 4.50 €
Człowiek w niewoli nienawistnych narracji
Człowiek w niewoli nienawistnych narracji
(Humans imprisoned in hateful narratives)
- Author(s):Iwona Jakubowska-Branicka
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Psychology
- Page Range:100-117
- No. of Pages:18
- Keywords:definition of a situation; language; narrative; knowledge; totalitarianism
- Summary/Abstract:The text analyzes how language affects people’s knowledge of reality, and thus their definition of the situation they find themselves in and to which they respond as to a set of stimuli, making decisions related to their own responses and actions. The author assumes that a situation in which an individual takes part is not an objective but a subjective phenomenon. The text’s theoretical assumptions reference the theories of sociology of knowledge, sociolinguistics and political psychology.
- Price: 4.50 €
Podmiotowość w sytuacjach przemian społecznych. Emocje jako wyznaczniki niezależności podmiotu od nacisków sytuacji
Podmiotowość w sytuacjach przemian społecznych. Emocje jako wyznaczniki niezależności podmiotu od nacisków sytuacji
(Self-agency in situations of social changes: Emotions as determinants of personal independence from situational pressure)
- Author(s):Maria Jarymowicz
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Psychology
- Page Range:118-144
- No. of Pages:27
- Keywords:social norms; external versus internal gratifications; reflective mind; axiological standards; dominance of reflective processes over automatic ones
- Summary/Abstract:A resistance to populism – stimulating the primary system of regulation – is analyzed in relation to the emotional brain model of LeDoux. It is argued that the primary system (which evokes egotistic motivation and mindless behavior) can be dominated – if a subject develops a reflective system of evaluation. This requires the subject’s intellectual activity: 1) deliberative thinking and analyses, 2) understanding of abstract concepts, 3) verbalization of conceptual evaluative standards.
- Price: 4.50 €
Człowiek w sytuacji granicznej w kontekście ekspozycji muzealnych
Człowiek w sytuacji granicznej w kontekście ekspozycji muzealnych
(People in extreme situations in the context of museum exhibitions)
- Author(s):Anna Ziębińska-Witek
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Psychology
- Page Range:145-156
- No. of Pages:12
- Keywords:history exhibition; museum; representation; trauma; history-based politics
- Summary/Abstract:Museum exhibitions present a vision of the past that fits in with a given country’s history-based politics. This also applies to events placing people in an extreme situation, namely in sudden and direct contact with their own death. The author discusses this problem on the example of museums that are sites of memory and museums devoted to World War II. She analyzes the museums’ missions, the image of victims, how objects are used, general exhibition strategies and the potential responses of the public.
- Price: 4.50 €
Jednostka w sytuacji definiowania społecznych zobowiązań – socjologiczny fenomen interakcji w przestrzeni międzyludzkiej
Jednostka w sytuacji definiowania społecznych zobowiązań – socjologiczny fenomen interakcji w przestrzeni międzyludzkiej
(Individuals in situations of defining social obligations – the sociological phenomenon of interaction in the interpersonal space)
- Author(s):Adam Bartoszek
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Psychology
- Page Range:159-186
- No. of Pages:28
- Keywords:communicative interactions; conflicts of values; cultural matrixes; ethical situations; moral actions; personal responsibility
- Summary/Abstract:The author analyzes social situations as encounters between people of different moral orientations and cultural habits (habitus) that are brought into interactive networks and involve institutional behavior patterns. They place a normative constraint on members, building separate moral matrixes. They can weaken sensitivity to harm done to others. Personal concern means activating responsibility for others as partners of interaction and builds an ethos of encounters with “the Other” or even “the Foreign”.
- Price: 4.50 €
Człowiek w sytuacji niepełnosprawności – nowe spojrzenie
Człowiek w sytuacji niepełnosprawności – nowe spojrzenie
(Humans in situations of disability – a new approach)
- Author(s):Janusz Kirenko, Anna Bieganowska-Skóra
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Psychology
- Page Range:187-198
- No. of Pages:12
- Keywords:social model of disability; Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities; people with disabilities in Lublin; raising social awareness
- Summary/Abstract:The paper analyzes the “new” situation of people with disabilities, the result of changes in defining and understanding the notion of disability and the consequences of Poland’s ratification of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. The theoretical layer of the text is illustrated with four examples of initiatives from Lublin which prove that the convention is not just a dry regulation but is being put into practice.
- Price: 4.50 €
Ludzie pośród rzeczy. Ilu ich potrzebują, by żyć ze sobą zgodnie?
Ludzie pośród rzeczy. Ilu ich potrzebują, by żyć ze sobą zgodnie?
(People among things. How much do they need to live in harmony?)
- Author(s):Andrzej Waśkiewicz
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Psychology
- Page Range:199-215
- No. of Pages:17
- Keywords:utopia; social harmony; rationing of goods; Plato; Thomas More; French Enlightenment
- Summary/Abstract:The author discusses society projects involving just enough goods to satisfy real human needs and not create artificial ones. This is achieved solely through top-down control of production and consumption, but not seen as a form of external constraint. Then, “things” do not create distance between people but unite them into a harmonious community. This is the human situation the author traces in Plato’s "Republic" and "Laws", Thomas More’s "Utopia", and revolutionary visions of the state during the French Enlightenment.
- Price: 4.50 €
Człowiek w sytuacji deprywacji. Badanie uprzedzeń w kontekście kryzysu gospodarczego w Hiszpanii
Człowiek w sytuacji deprywacji. Badanie uprzedzeń w kontekście kryzysu gospodarczego w Hiszpanii
(Humans in situations of deprivation. A study on prejudice in the context of the Spanish economic crisis)
- Author(s):Ewa Romańczuk, Michał Bilewicz
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Psychology
- Page Range:216-231
- No. of Pages:16
- Keywords:deprivation; crisis; Catalonia; anti-immigrant prejudice
- Summary/Abstract:Referencing Tadeusz Tomaszewski’s definition of a situation of deprivation, the authors consider the issue of relative deprivation, which occurs in times of economic crisis. For years this problem has interested social psychologists and sociologists. On the example of studies conducted in Catalonia during the Spanish economic crisis, the authors show that it is the interpretation of a situation of deprivation rather than the situation of deprivation itself that causes increased hostility toward immigrants.
- Price: 4.50 €
Człowiek w obliczu przeciążenia informacyjnego: o sytuacjach trudnych w dobie przemian ogólnoświatowych
Człowiek w obliczu przeciążenia informacyjnego: o sytuacjach trudnych w dobie przemian ogólnoświatowych
(Humans in the face of information overload: difficult situations in a time of global changes)
- Author(s):Maria Ledzińska
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Psychology
- Page Range:232-251
- No. of Pages:20
- Keywords:difficult situations; globalization; information-based global changes; institutional and individual reflexivity
- Summary/Abstract:Based on Tadeusz Tomaszewski’s classification of difficult situations, the author notes that we face multiple and diverse such situations. After a general description of globalization she looks specifically at its information-based aspect, seeing information accumulation (previously treated as a form of pressure and a source of stress) as tension between material and spiritual culture. One of the most difficult human situations in the 21st century, it requires thinking about the environment and one’s own attitude.
- Price: 4.50 €
Człowiek w sytuacji. Wyznaczniki teologiczne
Człowiek w sytuacji. Wyznaczniki teologiczne
(Humans in situations. Theological indicators)
- Author(s):Andrzej Draguła
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Psychology
- Page Range:255-266
- No. of Pages:12
- Keywords:prodigal son; theological situation; salvation
- Summary/Abstract:To a theologian, “humans in situations” are humans perceived sub specie aeternitatis (from the point of view of eternity) and sub specie salvationis (in terms of their salvation). Every situation is a chance to obtain salvation or risk losing it. It is a challenge and demands that a person take specific action. According to Tadeusz Tomaszewski’s concept, that action can be a response to the situation or a way of resolving it. One example of a “theological situation” is the parable of the prodigal son.
- Price: 4.50 €
Droga do Emaus: człowiek w sytuacji zwątpienia
Droga do Emaus: człowiek w sytuacji zwątpienia
(The road to Emmaus: people in situations of doubt)
- Author(s):Zbigniew Mikołejko
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Psychology
- Page Range:267-285
- No. of Pages:19
- Keywords:Emmaus; Jesus Christ; doubt; crisis; faith; paradox
- Summary/Abstract:The text analyzes the pericope from the Gospel of Luke (Luke 24:13-25) about the meeting on the road to Emmaus. It is interpreted here as a special lesson of faith that the resurrected Jesus teaches his grieving and doubting apostles. Thus, according to the author of this analysis, it is a kind of performance through which Jesus shows the radically illusory nature of sensory testimony in such matters, and proves that faith is never obvious by its very nature, which does not mean it loses its consolatory value.
- Price: 4.50 €
Strategie kontaktu z sacrum w sytuacji niepewności i zagrożenia (na podstawie chrześcijańskich źródeł z obszaru późnoantycznego Egiptu)
Strategie kontaktu z sacrum w sytuacji niepewności i zagrożenia (na podstawie chrześcijańskich źródeł z obszaru późnoantycznego Egiptu)
(Strategies of contact with the sacred in situations of insecurity and danger (based on Christian sources from late ancient Egypt))
- Author(s):Przemysław Piwowarczyk
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Psychology
- Page Range:286-301
- No. of Pages:16
- Keywords:monasticism; “holy man”; ancient magic; ancient Egypt
- Summary/Abstract:The paper presents the strategies that people in late ancient Egypt used when they could not cope with danger by themselves. They resorted to the mediation of an ascetic monk (“holy man”) or used ritual power. Holy men are well documented in hagiographic literature as well as in papyrus materials. The latter also provide numerous examples of incantations used by Christians. What both practices have in common is the belief that ordinary people need the help of a mediator to contact God.
- Price: 4.50 €
Muzułmanie w Europie a dżihadystyczny islam
Muzułmanie w Europie a dżihadystyczny islam
(Muslims in Europe versus jihadist Islam)
- Author(s):Katarzyna Pachniak
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Psychology
- Page Range:302-318
- No. of Pages:17
- Keywords:Islam; Europe; re-Islamization; jihadism; converts
- Summary/Abstract:The author outlines the causes of the social failure and radicalization of Muslims living in Europe. Their ambitions, plans and possibilities clash brutally with the policies of their new countries. They are pushed into ghettos, deprived of access to better jobs, persecuted for the way they look, which causes a desire for vengeance. The text briefly discusses the doctrines of modern-day extreme Muslim fundamentalism from the jihadist trend, which are drawing a growing response among European Muslims.
- Price: 4.50 €
Człowiek w sytuacji. Uwagi do manifestu Juliana Ochorowicza "Naprzód!"
Człowiek w sytuacji. Uwagi do manifestu Juliana Ochorowicza "Naprzód!"
(Humans in situations. Remarks on Julian Ochorowicz’s manifesto "Naprzód!")
- Author(s):Anna Gomóła
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Psychology
- Page Range:321-337
- No. of Pages:17
- Keywords:Julian Ochorowicz; Romantic manifesto; Positivist manifesto
- Summary/Abstract:Julian Ochorowicz wrote "Naprzód!" in December 1872. The poem, which he published (under the pen name Julian Mohort) in "Opiekun Domowy" magazine (1873), became a valued Positivist manifesto. Compared to Adam Mickiewicz’s "Ode to Yout" hand seemingly similar, it carried a different message. Ochorowicz did not contrast the young with the old but tried to see people in a situation, restricted by living conditions, and proposed they build relations with others despite differences and superficial divisions.
- Price: 4.50 €
Jak kontekst wpływa na znaczenie przekazu; o rozumieniu pośrednich i niedosłownych wypowiedzi (metafory, ironia, pośrednie akty mowy, wieloznaczności)
Jak kontekst wpływa na znaczenie przekazu; o rozumieniu pośrednich i niedosłownych wypowiedzi (metafory, ironia, pośrednie akty mowy, wieloznaczności)
(How context affects meaning; understanding indirect and non-literal statements (metaphor, irony, indirect speech acts, ambiguity))
- Author(s):Józef Maciuszek
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Psychology
- Page Range:338-359
- No. of Pages:22
- Keywords:metaphor; irony; indirect speech acts; ambiguity; context; pragmatics
- Summary/Abstract:The chapter presents theoretical stances and selected empirical studies on the role of context in processing non-literal, indirect and ambiguous statements. The author considers indirect speech acts, metaphors, irony and ambiguity with the role of context (both linguistic and non-linguistic) in their comprehension. This overview confirms the assumptions of the theory of conversational inference and the interaction of two areas posited by researchers: semantics and language pragmatics.
- Price: 4.50 €
Słownik – refleksje nad sytuacją zadaniową
Słownik – refleksje nad sytuacją zadaniową
(Dictionaries: reflections on a task situation)
- Author(s):Ewa Rudnicka
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Psychology
- Page Range:360-379
- No. of Pages:20
- Keywords:lexicographer’s task situation; metalexicography; dictionary description of a language as a task; situational factors in lexicography; automatic dictionary analysis
- Summary/Abstract:The author invokes Tadeusz Tomaszewski’s concept of a situation and tries to find out whether and how an analysis of the task situation involved in working on a dictionary can be used in metalexicographic studies. Research has shown that similarities in style between dictionaries, observed not only during reading but also discovered by automatic text analysis tools, are quite well correlated with similarities between the factors that make up the task situations of lexicographers.
- Price: 4.50 €
Sytuacja nauczycieli języka polskiego i wiedzy o Polsce w szkołach polskich za granicą
Sytuacja nauczycieli języka polskiego i wiedzy o Polsce w szkołach polskich za granicą
(The situation of teachers teaching Polish and knowledge about Poland at Polish schools abroad)
- Author(s):Grażyna Czetwertyńska
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Psychology
- Page Range:383-394
- No. of Pages:12
- Keywords:emigration; immigration; native language; teachers; teaching aims; curriculum
- Summary/Abstract:Teachers at Polish schools abroad see their task as not just teaching Polish. They want to teach Polishness. Their situation is tough. They teach in a culturally foreign environment, their students represent different levels of knowledge, they lack good text books. Should they prepare students for a return to Poland? Should they help them build an identity open to the native country’s culture? The teaching aims are hard to define and even harder to fulfill. The text analyzes the conditions of these teachers’work.
- Price: 4.50 €
Sytuacyjność doświadczenia pedagogicznego
Sytuacyjność doświadczenia pedagogicznego
(The situational nature of the teaching experience)
- Author(s):Rafał Godoń
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Psychology
- Page Range:396-404
- No. of Pages:9
- Keywords:situation; teaching; essence of education; conversion; school; university
- Summary/Abstract:Pointing to ambiguity about education making sense and the vital place of conversionin the teaching experience, the author shows possibilities and limitations in a learningsituation, invoking the hermeneutic interpretation of a situation as a notion (H.-G. Gadamer)and the philosophical perception of an educational institution (T. Sławek).Placing the discussion within philosophical reflection helps capture the specific natureand complexity of teaching as a pedagogical situation, notably in a personal aspect.
- Price: 4.50 €
Człowiek wobec genów
Człowiek wobec genów
(Humans and genes)
- Author(s):Magdalena Fikus
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Psychology
- Page Range:407-416
- No. of Pages:10
- Keywords:gene; nucleic acids; genetic code; genetic engineering; biotechnology
- Summary/Abstract:The author outlines the situation of researchers and lists high points in geneticists’ work as examples of transgressive actions: 1) providing evidence of the existence of real inheritance particles, 2) showing that genetic information is recorded in twostrand DNA molecules, 3) discovering the universal genetic code in the DNA helix, 4) determining the structure of different genomes, 5) developing genetic engineering techniques, 6) describing the collective human genome, 7) identifying mutations leading to genetic diseases in humans.
- Price: 4.50 €
Sytuacja badacza z perspektywy archeologa – uwikłania nie tylko terminologiczne
Sytuacja badacza z perspektywy archeologa – uwikłania nie tylko terminologiczne
(The situation of a researcher from the point of view of an archeologist: more than just terminological difficulties)
- Author(s):Karol Szymczak
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Psychology
- Page Range:417-427
- No. of Pages:11
- Keywords:archeology; paradigm; research problem
- Summary/Abstract:The author, writing from the point of view of an archeologist studying the earliest history of humankind, shares his doubts regarding the impact of paradigms widely approved in science on the formulation of both detailed and general research problems. This impact has to be recognized as being at least significant. How the attitudes of individual researchers are formed largely depends on the situation in which they have to function. A change in the situation leads to a change in the research perspective.
- Price: 4.50 €
Profesor Tadeusz Tomaszewski z perspektywy młodego pokolenia psychologów
Profesor Tadeusz Tomaszewski z perspektywy młodego pokolenia psychologów
(Professor Tadeusz Tomaszewski from the point of view of the young generation of psychologists)
- Author(s):Łukasz Tanaś
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Psychology
- Page Range:431-437
- No. of Pages:7
- Keywords:Tadeusz Tomaszewski; theory of action; fame; young generation; development of psychology in Poland
- Summary/Abstract:The author cites data from a study on young psychology PhDs and PhD students’ familiarity with Professor Tadeusz Tomaszewski’s name and achievements and their ability to write a short paragraph about his concepts. He lists the most important factors that, according to Roediger, lead to psychologists’ lasting fame and shows that they aptly describe the work of the Professor, who influenced the development of psychology in Poland with his original theory of action, teaching, reviews, and organizational activity.
- Price: 4.50 €
About the book. Humans in situations not only from a psychologist’s perspective. Studies inspired by the theory of Tadeusz Tomaszewski
About the book. Humans in situations not only from a psychologist’s perspective. Studies inspired by the theory of Tadeusz Tomaszewski
(About the book. Humans in situations not only from a psychologist’s perspective. Studies inspired by the theory of Tadeusz Tomaszewski)
- Author(s):Barbara Bokus, Ewa Kosowska
- Language:Polish
- Subject(s):Psychology
- Page Range:441-458
- No. of Pages:18
- Keywords:Tadeusz Tomaszewski; theory of action; model of a situation; existential vs. behavioral situations; normal vs. difficult situations; multidisciplinary approach
- Summary/Abstract:A collection of essays from different areas of psychology as well as cultural anthropology, paleogeography and geology, sociology, political philosophy, philosophy of religion, theology, history, Oriental studies, cultural studies, lexicography, pedagogy, genetics and archeology, inspired by Professor Tadeusz Tomaszewski’s theory of action and the related model of a situation. The authors show what contemporary research contributes to our understanding of the notion of a situation and what there is new to say today, almost half a century since the publication of the Professor’s text (Człowiek w sytuacji, PWN, 1975), about humans in the multitude of situations in which they are agents.
- Price: 4.50 €