Lucrările conferinţei de cercetare în construcţii, economia construcţiilor, urbanism şi amenajarea teritoriului
Paper proceedings of the research conference on constructions, economy of constructions, architecture, urbanism and territorial development
Contributor(s): Alexandru-Ionuţ Petrişor (Editor)
Subject(s): Politics / Political Sciences, Social Sciences, Economy, Fine Arts / Performing Arts, Architecture, Geography, Regional studies, National Economy, Physical Geopgraphy, Human Geography, Regional Geography, Environmental Geography, Applied Geography, Governance, Sociology, Policy, planning, forecast and speculation, Tourism, Socio-Economic Research, Transport / Logistics
ISSN: 2393-3208
Keywords: URBAN-INCERC; conferinţă; conference; urbanism; amenajarea teritoriului; spatial planning; construcţii; buildings; constructions
Summary/Abstract: This volume represents the Paper Proceedings of the research conference on constructions, economy of constructions, architecture, urbanism and territorial development.
- Page Count: 66
- Publication Year: 2021
- Language: English, Romanian
Cercetarea ştiinţifică, împlinire a unei vocaţii
Cercetarea ştiinţifică, împlinire a unei vocaţii
(Scientific research as accomplishment of a vocation)
- Author(s):Mircea-Ioan Pastrav
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Editorial
- Page Range:5-6
- No. of Pages:2
- Keywords:scientific research; civil engineering; architecture; urban planning; URBAN-INCERC
- Summary/Abstract:This Editorial is a message of Dr. Eng. Mircea-Ioan PĂSTRAV, Senior Researcher I, the new General Director of the National Institute for Research and Development in Constructions, Urbanism and Sustainable Spatial Development URBAN-INCERC, defining his vision on research.
Regenerarea urbană a oraşelor dunărene. Studiu de caz Vukovar (Croaţia)
Regenerarea urbană a oraşelor dunărene. Studiu de caz Vukovar (Croaţia)
(Urban regeneration of the Danube towns. Vukovar case study (Croatia))
- Author(s):Andreea Catalina Popa
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Human Geography, Regional Geography, Applied Geography, Governance
- Page Range:7-14
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:tourism; restoration; war's consequences
- Summary/Abstract:The war had a devastating economic and social impact on the city of Vukovar. After the end of the war, urban regeneration began, both the city and the port, which had a vital role in the local economy. From an economic point of view, the war determined the closure of the most important factories, which had thousands of employees until the beginning of the conflict. The restoration of the city of Vukovar was based on the creation, in 2001, of the Fund for Reconstruction and Development by the Croatian government. The fund became operational in 2002 and aimed to provide loans, stimulate investment, and support collaboration with other public authorities and private companies. This paper follows the most important measures taken to support the urban regeneration of the city. It was also highlighted the impact of Croatia's accession to the European Union on the Vukovar projects.
Evaluarea durabilităţii materialelor de construcţie expuse condiţiilor de laborator prin testare în mediu simulat
Evaluarea durabilităţii materialelor de construcţie expuse condiţiilor de laborator prin testare în mediu simulat
(Evaluation os sustainability of construction materials exposed to lab conditions by testing in simulated environments)
- Author(s):Marius MÂRŢ, Florina FILIP, Monica Cherecheş,, Adrian-Alexandru Ciobanu, Aurelia Bradu
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Architecture
- Page Range:15-22
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:building envelopes; thermal conductivity; aging; thermal behavior
- Summary/Abstract:In the context of the built environment, the energy consumption of a building is strongly dependent on the characteristics of its envelope. The thermal performance of external walls represents a key factor that can improve the energy efficiency of buildings. Thermal insulation materials play an important role in this scenario, by taking into account the characteristics of the insulation layer. High-quality materials must retain their characteristics as in the early stages, not only in terms of thermal insulation properties, but also through the ability to withstand long-term operating loads without a significant change throughout lifetime. This concept is applied at the material level, at the system level and at the building level. Materials obtained from petrochemicals as polystyrene or from natural sources processed with high-energy consumptions such as glass and rock wools, are commonly utilized for the insulation of buildings. From the perspective of sustainable development, the lack of durability of the insulation materials can lead to the failure of the envelope system, so that must be understood in quantitative terms. The aim of the paper is to establish the evolution of deterioration over time (long-term decrease in thermal resistance) and how the durability of insulating materials is influenced in supporting a long-term performance regime. The study also evaluates current research on the durability of insulating materials in the context of the technical aspects of laboratory tests.
Noise control in buildings, based on a model for the noise of human conversation
Noise control in buildings, based on a model for the noise of human conversation
(Noise control in buildings, based on a model for the noise of human conversation)
- Author(s):Evert Ph. J. de Ruiter
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Architecture
- Page Range:23-28
- No. of Pages:6
- Keywords:group vocal output; noise control; feed back; speech intelligibility; sound absorption;
- Summary/Abstract:It is a well-known phenomenon, that a (large) group of people in one room can (and often will) produce high sound levels. Even when asked to be quiet, after some time voices become louder and sound levels increase (again) to a certain rather constant value. Can this value be forecast? Can it be controlled to some extent? For this purpose a model was set up, based on the circumstance that people in a gathering tend to start conversations, and want to understand and be understood. Speech intelligibility is the key word, in combination with the fact that people raise their voices in noisy circumstances, the Lombard effect. Of course much will depend on the characteristics of the gathering, the people, the type of occasion etc. The results of the model reflect this spread; nevertheless the results are useful in noise control. Measurements in practice support this.
Procesul de digitalizare și crearea de „smart identity” - guvernarea de tip bottom-up din perspectiva conservării identitare a orașelor viitorului
Procesul de digitalizare și crearea de „smart identity” - guvernarea de tip bottom-up din perspectiva conservării identitare a orașelor viitorului
(The process of digitalization and creation of smart identities; bottom-up governance through the lens of conserving the identity of future cities)
- Author(s):Oana Nadina Nedeianu
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Human Geography, Regional Geography, Applied Geography, Governance, Policy, planning, forecast and speculation, Economic development, Socio-Economic Research
- Page Range:29-42
- No. of Pages:14
- Keywords:digitalisation; smart city; bottom-up approach; governance; smart identity;
- Summary/Abstract:The digital transformation of the 21st century radically changes the way we live together. In addition to the obsessive attachment we have developed to devices that keep us connected every second of our lives, the challenges of this era force us to use technology to our advantage. A term we often hear is Smart City, defined by the European Community as the place where the use of digital solutions streamlines traditional services for the benefit of residents and businesses. These cities use innovation to provide the city with open and transparent governance solutions, where the community is heard, understood and plays an active role in building its own environment. If the designer of the future city will have to take into account identity and if we consider identity a process by which people self-identify with spaces, then in order to design quality spaces we will have to co-opt users as collaborators of the design process. These solutions become possible with the help of information and communication technologies (ICT), which completely change the paradigm of communication between civil society and public administration. This paper aims to capture, through case studies, how administrations and communities use these technologies for open and flexible forms of governance, to identify the challenges in this regard and how certain obstacles could be overcome.
Simulări de evacuare ale persoanelor dintr-un cămin cultural în contextul pandemiei SARS-COV-2
Simulări de evacuare ale persoanelor dintr-un cămin cultural în contextul pandemiei SARS-COV-2
(Simulations of evacuation of people from a cultural home in the context of the SARS-VOC-2 pandemic)
- Author(s):Ion-Cătălin RĂDUICĂ, Ion Anghel, Adrian Simion, Horaţiu Gabriel DRAGNE
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Architecture
- Page Range:43-48
- No. of Pages:6
- Keywords:fire safety; building evacuation; simulation; Pathfinder;
- Summary/Abstract:The management of fire emergency evacuation can be improved by using performance anaysis, based on specific software simulation tools, which lately can give good results, when compared to real evacuations. The program used in this paper is called Pathfinder; it was used to create/ model the geometry of a cultural building and then simulate the evacuation of users from this building. Due to the appearance and spread of the Sars-Cov-2 virus, a set of rules and safety measures have been adopted to prevent and fight its spread. One of these new rules is represented by social distancing. Thus, the issue of evacuation of persons in an enclosure, while respecting the social distance, was approached. Tho different type of scenarios were studied: evacuation with and without social distancing and a comparison was made in the conclusions part of the paper.
Influenţa formei probelor asupra rezistenţei la compresiune a cimentului
Influenţa formei probelor asupra rezistenţei la compresiune a cimentului
(Influence of test form on the cement compression strength)
- Author(s):Aurelia Bradu, Adrian-Alexandru Ciobanu, Monica Cherecheş,, Florina FILIP, Marius MÂRŢ
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Architecture
- Page Range:49-54
- No. of Pages:6
- Keywords:cement; mortar; compressive strength;
- Summary/Abstract:Cement has an essential role in concrete composition, its dosage is established for technical and economic reasons. The cement is a mineral powdery material obtained from a chain of operations, which ends by grinding the Portland clinker, together with the addition of 2-4% gypsum to systematize the setting time. The cement quality is influenced by the particle specific surface and the mechanical resistances. The admissible limits of mineralogical composition variation are indicated in SR EN 197-1. In this paper, a comparative study of the cement resistance was performed at 48 hours, 7 days and 28 days on cubic specimens and halves of prisms. The following materials were used to prepare the mortars: cement type CEM II A-M (S-LL) 32.5 R, standardized sand CEN according to SR EN 196-1, water. The mortar was prepared mechanized by mixer ELE designed to mix mortars and cement pastes in accordance with SR EN 196-1. Immediately after mixing the mortar it was placed in the mould and compacted. The samples were immersed in water and kept until the test age: 2 days, 7 days and 28 days. The prismatic specimens were initially subjected to bending to halve the samples. The compressive strength was determined on cubic specimens and on the halves of the prisms resulting from bending. The specimens were removed from the water 15 minutes before perform the tests. The method of destroying cubic and the prism halves specimens corresponds to the prototypes specified in standards. The shape of the samples after the completion of the tests being similar to two overlapping cone trunks, joined by small bases. The values of compressive strength determined on cubic specimens were lower in all test subjects. The results of the experimental study performed, showed lower values for cubic specimens at all test terms. The compressive strength determined at 48 h after casting on the prism halves was with 30.06% higher than that obtained on cubes specimen, this difference being attenuated with the maturation of the cement stone. This phenomenon can be explained by the higher tangential forces developed along the lengths of the prism halves.
Implicare şi participare în planificarea infrastructurilor verzi
Implicare şi participare în planificarea infrastructurilor verzi
(Involment and participation in planning green infrastructures)
- Author(s):Oana Catalina Popescu
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Physical Geopgraphy, Environmental Geography, Applied Geography, Governance, Policy, planning, forecast and speculation, Human Ecology, Political Ecology, Environmental interactions, Socio-Economic Research
- Page Range:55-66
- No. of Pages:12
- Keywords:participatory urban planning; co-participation; urban nature; local community; ecological networks;
- Summary/Abstract:The aim of the research is to identify how the participation of local communities influences the planning process of green infrastructure both at urban and regional level. For that, the existing connections between concepts such as participation, civil society, participatory planning/co-participation - on one side - and the urban planning process / the planning of urban green space and green infrastructures - on the other side - were researched. The actors of participatory urban planning were identified, especially the groups of local actors, involved in green infrastructure planning, as well as the new type of citizen participation through forms of collective action and protests aimed at city development and its local environmental issues. The types of approaches and barriers that occur in participatory planning, and how the community can get involved in the design and planning of ecological networks were presented. The channels through which the inhabitants of the city can get involved in urban design in general and in the case of urban green infrastructure, in particular, with the help of new technologies and online applications, such as VGI, were also researched. One of the conclusions is that participatory planning can improve the quality of urban planning through different approaches. However, regarding the involvement of the community and various social groups in the planning of green infrastructure, the results show, surprisingly, that it is recommended that designers consider the participation of certain stakeholders and a strategy for their participation. Another conclusion is that the involvement of citizens in the planning of urban projects is facilitated by new technologies and online applications and that data from social media give citizens the opportunity to get more involved to protect the environment in which they live and therefore these data can thus be used in a transparent and democratic participatory process.