Orientări actuale în cercetarea doctorală. Materialele Colocviilor științifice ale doctoranzilor din 4 decembrie 2015 și 2 decembrie 2016. Ediția V-VI
Current guidelines in doctoral research. Papers of the scientific conference of PHD students - December 2015 and December 2016. Edition V-VI
Contributor(s): Nicolae Leahu (Editor)
Subject(s): Social Sciences, Language studies, Language and Literature Studies, Economy, Education, Communication studies, Philology, Theory of Literature
Published by: Biblioteca Ştiinţifică a Universităţii de Stat Alecu Russo
Keywords: științe naturale; științe umaniste; științe exacte; cercetări ştiinţifice; colocvii ştiinţifice; doctoranzi; Universitatea de Stat „Alecu Russo” din Bălţi
Summary/Abstract: Lucrarea include comunicările prezentate în cadrul Colocviului ştiinţific al doctoranzilor, „Orientări actuale în cercetarea doctorală”, care a avut loc pe 4 decembrie 2015 şi 2 decembrie 2016 în incinta Universităţii de Stat „Alecu Russo” din Bălţi.
- Print-ISBN-13: 978-9975-3145-8-9
- Page Count: 187
- Publication Year: 2017
- Language: English, Romanian, French, Russian
Tehnologii informaționale și moderne în instruire
Tehnologii informaționale și moderne în instruire
(Information and modern technologies in training)
- Author(s):Lidia Popov
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Education, Inclusive Education / Inclusion
- Page Range:25-37
- No. of Pages:13
- Keywords:modern technologies; interactive whiteboard; teaching; learning; assessment;information technologies (IT);
- Summary/Abstract:This article describes some modern information technologies used in training by both university professors and teachers in secondary education. The accent is upon the modern instrument appeared in our country in recent years – the interactive whiteboard.
Mijloacele de finanţare şi limitele acestor finanţări
Mijloacele de finanţare şi limitele acestor finanţări
(Means of financing and limits of these financing)
- Author(s):Lilia Dumbravanu
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Economy, Financial Markets
- Page Range:38-46
- No. of Pages:9
- Keywords:besoins de financement; moyens de financement; possibilités de financement; limites de financement; investissements
- Summary/Abstract:Basé sur le fait que l'entreprise est une entité économique, combinant les facteurs de production (travail, capital, matières premières) dans le but de produire des biens et services destinés à être vendus sur un marché solvable, le financement peut être défini comme lui permettant de disposer des ressources qui lui sont nécessaires sur le plan pécuniaire. Ce financement conditionne la survie de l’entreprise. Dans cet article, nous étudirons où et quand financement permet à l'entreprise d'assurer la pérennité de l'entité économique. Donc nous aborderons les possibilités de financement pour une entreprise, puis nous développons des limites de ces fonds. Dans la deuxième partie de l'article nous exposons un ensemble de contraintes de qui doivent tenir compte toutes les entreprises visant le choix des moyens pour financer leurs activités.
Termeni creştini de origine grecească
Termeni creştini de origine grecească
(Christian terms of Greek origin)
- Author(s):Lucian Jitaru
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Theology and Religion, Religion and science , History of Religion
- Page Range:55-64
- No. of Pages:10
- Keywords:termeni creștini; limbaj religios; limba greacă; christian terms; religious language; greek language
- Summary/Abstract:L´auteur de cet article propose de présenter les termes religieux d´origine grecque les plus fréquents qui sont entrés dans la langue roumaine au cours des siècles dès les premiers contacts des Romains avec les Grecques jusqu´au XVIII-ème siècle quand la Moldavie était dirigée par les Grecques phanariotes. Le grecque comme une langue appartenant ȧ une civilisation de prestige (en philosophie, en littérature, en rhétorique) a eu une grand influence sur la langue roumaine grâce ȧ sa position géographique et aux contacts politiques économiques, culturelles et religieux.
Multiple intelligences to support task based language Learning in EFL
Multiple intelligences to support task based language Learning in EFL
(Multiple intelligences to support task based language Learning in EFL)
- Author(s):Ana Muntean
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Language and Literature Studies, Education
- Page Range:80-89
- No. of Pages:10
- Keywords:învăţare bazată pe sarcini; inteligenţe multiple; metoda comunicativă; scopul învăţării
- Summary/Abstract:Language teachers are concerned about the inefficiency of the teaching act as long as students do not speak the language fluently and without mistakes. This makes them look for new methods and approaches, studying the experience of scientists and practitioners in the field. This article describes the characteristics of task-based learning when supported by Howard Gardner's theory of multiple intelligences.
Aspecte ale utilizării situaţiilor didactice în procesul de instruire
Aspecte ale utilizării situaţiilor didactice în procesul de instruire
(Aspects of using didactical situations in university instruction)
- Author(s):Nicoleta Bleandură
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Education, Higher Education , Pedagogy
- Page Range:99-105
- No. of Pages:7
- Keywords:competence; pedagogy of integration; didactical situations; transfer; integration
- Summary/Abstract:In Moldova, the organizing principle of the curriculum is the competence based approach (CBA), which serves as a fundamental guideline for developing curricula. CBA approach can be called situations based approach (SBA) for the simple reason that competences can be developed only in a certain situation. In this context, at the "Alecu Russo" Balti State University, the Faculty SREM, in recent years, students’ training at the course "Generic Applications" is based on didactic situations. Competence development occurs as a result of the actions made by the student through resources mobilization for the successful treatment of a situation (family of situations).During this process, some issues occurred regarding the improvement of the practice of instruction from teachers who taught using didactical situations and the students trained. The article analyzes the results of questioning the involved students and some suggestions received from teachers, adherents of this strategy.
Интериоризация как метод и его значение в формировании восприятия музыки ученика детской музыкальной школы
Интериоризация как метод и его значение в формировании восприятия музыки ученика детской музыкальной школы
(Interiorization as the method and its importance in the formation of student oercepcin of music in children’s music school)
- Author(s):Ana Glebov
- Language:Russian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Education, School education, Pedagogy
- Page Range:142-149
- No. of Pages:7
- Keywords:musical activities; interiorization of music; method; pedagogy of hearing; choral performance
- Summary/Abstract:Method of interiorization of music which was developed by scientist-musicologist I. Gagim, can be considered as one of the most fundamental method in the modern musical education, in particular in the development of musical activity of a pupil. I. Gagim in his works justifys this method from the philosophical, musicological, psychological and pedagogical point of view. This article explores interiorization as a method and its importance in musical education formation of pupil in children’s music school. On the basis of this method presupposes a certain technique of musical perception of pupil in choral class in music school.
Речевой акт как минимальная единица речевой деятельности
Речевой акт как минимальная единица речевой деятельности
(The Speech Act as the Smallest Unit of Speech Activity)
- Author(s):Elena Varzari
- Language:Russian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Education, Communication studies, Theory of Communication
- Page Range:154-159
- No. of Pages:5
- Keywords:speech act theory of the speech act; speech situation; language; speech; speech activity
- Summary/Abstract:The article deals with the problem of defining the concepts of the speech act, speech activity, and speech. Their distinctive features noted in the Russian and foreign linguistics have been identified. The reasons of the debatable character of a number of provisions regarding the mentioned concepts are being analyzed, and the research prospects are outlined.
Semnificaţiile drumului în „Povestea vulturului” de Nicolai Costenco
Semnificaţiile drumului în „Povestea vulturului” de Nicolai Costenco
(The Meanings of the Road in Nicolae Costenco’s „Povestea Vulturului” („The Eagle’s Tale”))
- Author(s):Oxana Stanțieru
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies, Studies of Literature, Romanian Literature
- Page Range:166-170
- No. of Pages:5
- Keywords:implication; meaning; memoirs; symbol; motif; road
- Summary/Abstract:The present article is focused on Nicolai Costenco’s book of memoirs „Povestea Vulturului” (The Eagle’s Tale), pursuing the variety of meanings of the motif „road”. We have attempted to depict not only the multitude of the implications this motif possesses, but to explore the circumstances that stimulate their appearance. Thus „the road” becomes the symbol of shame, disaster, and humiliation. Besides, it functions as a key factor that disintegrates the personality both physically and spiritually.
Receptarea memorialisticii detenţiei lui Alexei Marinat în spaţiul românesc
Receptarea memorialisticii detenţiei lui Alexei Marinat în spaţiul românesc
(Receiving the memorial of Alexei Marinat's detention in Romania)
- Author(s):Svetlana Melnic
- Language:Romanian
- Subject(s):Language and Literature Studies, Literary Texts
- Page Range:177-181
- No. of Pages:5
- Keywords:Alexei Marinat (1924-2008); literarure of detention; memoirs documentary; prose; writer′s identity;personal diary;
- Summary/Abstract:This article highlights the major literary work reviews of Alexei Marinat, a Bessarabian Solzhenitsyn, who excels in the memoirs genre and the documentary prose. For over six decades, with small intermittent periods, the former political prisoner reflects on events and phenomena, records experiences in diaries that were published towards the end of his career. The diarist’s work is characterized, without exaggeration, by its commitment to honesty and literary glory, for which the author endured harsh years of detention.