За граматическия статус на композитумите от типа „който ще да е“
On the Grammatical Status of Composites of Type ‘koyto shte da e’
Author(s): Krasimira Aleksova, Petya Osenova
Subject(s): Language studies, Language and Literature Studies, Theoretical Linguistics, Applied Linguistics, Morphology, Philology
Published by: Институт за български език „Проф. Любомир Андрейчин“, Българска академия на науките
Keywords: indefinite pronouns; emphasis; predicative unit; concessive subordinator
Summary/Abstract: The paper presents initial observations on the status of the composite type ‘koyto shte da e’. For this purpose, extensive illustrative material was extracted and considered from Bulgarian corpora and from Internet. The usages of this composite as indefinite pronoun were described as well as its usages as weak subordinator. Due to the weakened subordinator nature, the composite has been interpreted rather as a separate predicative unit in speech. In the first case the composite is a synonym of the pronouns of type ‘(to) i da e’ while in the second case it is synonymous to the expression ‘no matter who’. Attention has been paid also to the contexts, in which the pronoun and predicative usages compete. In both realizations however ‘koyto shte da e’ has been marked with the feature [+absolute arbitrariness of choice] and it expresses higher degrees of emphasis. We suppose that these characteristics of the composite are due to the inclusion of the modal formant ‘shte’. It has been shown that in the process of grammaticalization from the concessive subordinators to indefinite pronouns there exist various transitional stages between the predicative nature and the nominal one.
- Page Range: 92-101
- Page Count: 10
- Publication Year: 2022
- Language: Bulgarian
- Content File-PDF