Needs and virtual threats of high school youth in the 21st century Cover Image

Potreby a virtuálne ohrozenia stredoškolskej mládeže v 21. storočí
Needs and virtual threats of high school youth in the 21st century

Author(s): Karina Zošáková
Subject(s): Social Sciences, Education, Psychology, Educational Psychology
Published by: Univerzita Palackého v Olomouci
Keywords: prevention; teacher; pupils; risky behavior; virtual space;
Summary/Abstract: Virtual space is a big part of a person's life nowadays and brings with it advantages and risks. The most common users of electronic media today are mainly children and young people, who are also the most vulnerable group, because the information that the media offers is not always critically received. Increased attention needs to be paid to virtual space as it can easily create different forms of risky behavior. The aim of this work is to analyze the needs, but also the threats in the virtual space of high school youth with the conclusions to improve the preventive-educational effect of pedagogical employees.

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