Aktuální problémy pedagogiky ve výzkumech studentů doktorských studijních programů XV: Výzvy pro učitele v 21. století
Current Issues of Education in Ph.D. Students' Researches XV: Challenges for Teachers in the 21st Century
Contributor(s): Pavla Vyhnálková (Editor), Jitka Plischke (Editor)
Subject(s): Social Sciences, Education, Higher Education , Individual Psychology, Pedagogy
Published by: Univerzita Palackého v Olomouci
Keywords: education; conference papers; teachers; psychology;
Summary/Abstract: The reviewed proceedings present twenty-five contributions from the international conference 'Current Issues of Education in Ph.D. Students' Researches XV: Challenges for Teachers in the 21st Century, held at the Faculty of Education, Palacký University Olomouc, on November 6-7, 2019. The contributions are focused on the field of education, namely the issue of personality of a teacher, didactic questions, psychological aspects of education and other actual issues.
- E-ISBN-13: 978-80-244-5886-1
- Page Count: 225
- Publication Year: 2021
- Language: Slovak, Czech
Strategie zvládání kázně u začínajících učitelů tělesné výchovy
Strategie zvládání kázně u začínajících učitelů tělesné výchovy
(Strategies of mastering discipline in novice physical education teachers)
- Author(s):Vlado Balaban
- Language:Czech
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Education, School education, Pedagogy
- Page Range:6-13
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:primary school; physical education; novice teacher
- Summary/Abstract:The challenges and problems faced by novice teachers at the beginning of their careers are numerous. Šimoník (1995) showed that a total of 75 % of novice teachers at primary school had problems with the pupils‘ discipline during teaching. Research from abroad shows that similar situation also applies to novice physical education teachers. The main aim of this paper is to present and analyze strategies for maintaining discipline among novice physical education teachers at primary school. Semi-structured interviews were used as the main research method. The grounded theory was used as a tool for analysis of acquired data.
Zisťovanie úrovne historickej empatie u vysokoškolských študentov
Zisťovanie úrovne historickej empatie u vysokoškolských študentov
(The determination of level of historical empathy among university students)
- Author(s):Eva Baumann
- Language:Slovak
- Subject(s):Education, Psychology, Social history, Higher Education , Social psychology and group interaction
- Page Range:14-21
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:historical empathy; presentism; scale questionnaire; historical context
- Summary/Abstract:Historical empathy is one of the concepts of historical thinking, and at the same time a specific ability that enables a better understanding of the actions, starting points and attitudes of historical personalities without the risk of presentism. The subject of the research is the level of historical empathy in students of teaching the academic subject of history and students of one-subject pedagogical study programs. It was measured using a scale questionnaire. The results of the two groups were compared and analyzed against predetermined criteria.
Aktivizační metody přispívající k rozvoji čtenářské gramotnosti u žáků na prvním stupni českých základních škol
Aktivizační metody přispívající k rozvoji čtenářské gramotnosti u žáků na prvním stupni českých základních škol
(Activating teaching methods which contribute to the development of the reading literacy of pupils at the Czech elementary schools)
- Author(s):Hana Blažková, Martina Fasnerová
- Language:Czech
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Education, Applied Linguistics, School education
- Page Range:22-27
- No. of Pages:6
- Keywords:Czech elementary school; activating teaching method; reading literacy; research
- Summary/Abstract:In this article we will focus on the application of the activating methods to the classes of the Czech elementary schools. The purpose of the application of these methods is to lead the pupils to a higher participation in the lessons. Thanks to these methods pupils gain more active competencies in the field of the reading literacy. The aim of this article is to find out by means of qualitative research methods (analysis of preparation documents of teachers for their lessons, direct classes observation and interview with the Czech teachers) if they know and use activating methods developing reading literacy in their lessons.
Tvorba učebních úloh z edukační robotiky pro podporu výuky na prvním stupni základní školy
Tvorba učebních úloh z edukační robotiky pro podporu výuky na prvním stupni základní školy
(Designing learning tasks in educational robotics for primary education)
- Author(s):Lucie Bryndová, Petr Mališ
- Language:Czech
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Education, School education, Distance learning / e-learning, Pedagogy
- Page Range:28-35
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:computational thinking; learning tasks; educational robotics
- Summary/Abstract:This article summarizes the issue of designing learning tasks using the support of the programmable robotic aids used in the primary level pedagogy, presents specific learning tasks created in accordance with the concept of development of computational thinking, which follows new trends in this area, and summarizes the experiences of selected teachers with the implementation of these aids into classes.
Školský špeciálny pedagóg v súčasných podmienkach edukačného systému Slovenskej republiky
Školský špeciálny pedagóg v súčasných podmienkach edukačného systému Slovenskej republiky
(Special education teacher in the current conditions of the educational system of the Slovak Republic)
- Author(s):Oleh Dorozhovets
- Language:Slovak
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Education, Inclusive Education / Inclusion
- Page Range:36-43
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:special education teacher; inclusion; competence; professiogram
- Summary/Abstract:The contribution focuses on the issue of building an inclusive environment of kindergartens and elementary schools through inclusive teams in which professional staff, especially school special pedagogues, play a key role. The author will analyze legislative background of the researched issue in the Slovak Republic with an emphasis on the profession of a professional employee – a school special pedagogue, on his tasks in the current education system. Special attention will be paid to the impact of the school special educator on the educational process and their contribution to the support of inclusive education in kindergartens and primary schools
Multiperspektívny prístup k analýze dokumentárnych filmov použiteľných pri výučbe dejepisu
Multiperspektívny prístup k analýze dokumentárnych filmov použiteľných pri výučbe dejepisu
(Multiperspective approach to analysis of documentary films applicable for teaching history)
- Author(s):Petra Gereková
- Language:Slovak
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Education, Film / Cinema / Cinematography, Pedagogy
- Page Range:44-51
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:teaching history; multiperspective approach; documentary film
- Summary/Abstract:Nowadays, documentary film is one of the alternatives that could make the teaching lessons more attractive to students. At the same time, we consider it important to teach students that views of historical events and their interpretation sometimes differ. Therefore, the aim of this study is to point out the use of the documentary films in teaching the subject of history, while the emphasis is on a multiple-perspective analysis. In this study, we have created the theoretical foundations for the experimental research that we will carry out next year and we verify the effectiveness of this method. We see its contribution primarily in the fact that students will look at history in a broader connections.
Multikulturní výchova v inkluzivním pojetí vzdělávání
Multikulturní výchova v inkluzivním pojetí vzdělávání
(Multicultural education in inclusive concept)
- Author(s):Veronika Ivánková
- Language:Czech
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Education, Social development
- Page Range:52-58
- No. of Pages:7
- Keywords:cross-sectional themes; Multicultural eduacation; multiculturalism;
- Summary/Abstract:Tento příspěvek se zaměřuje na realizaci Multikulturní výchovy jako průřezového tématu RVP ZV ve výuce na základních školách. V teoretické části jsou popsány klíčové pojmy příspěvku. Hlavním cílem výzkumu je srovnat uplatňování Multikulturní výchovy na dvou odlišných plně organizovaných základních školách v ČR. Dílčím cílem je popsat, jakým způsobem se Multikulturní výchova na těchto školách realizuje.
Pojetí didaktických kategorií v prostředí základní školy na Ukrajině
Pojetí didaktických kategorií v prostředí základní školy na Ukrajině
(The concept of didactic categories in primary school environment in Ukraine)
- Author(s):Pavlína Kobzová
- Language:Czech
- Subject(s):Education, School education, Social development, Sociology of Education
- Page Range:59-66
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:didactic categories; different socio-cultural environment; pupils; teachers; value formation
- Summary/Abstract:The paper deals with the concept of selected didactic categories in elementary school environment in Ukraine. The aim of the research was to find out how these didactic categories (goals, organizational forms, methods, evaluation of pupils, teaching style and didactic aids) are viewed and applied by teachers in elementary schools in Ukraine. Furthermore, we investigated the relation between the concepts of these categories by teachers in shaping the value of education in pupils in the context of a given socio-cultural environment. The data were obtained using the technique of structured observation teaching of fifteen lessons in elementary schools and four semi-structured interviews with Ukrainian teachers.
Úzkosť vo vzťahu ku kvalite vzťahovej väzby u adolescentov
Úzkosť vo vzťahu ku kvalite vzťahovej väzby u adolescentov
(Anxiety in relationship to the quality of attachment in adolescence)
- Author(s):Hana Kocurová, Kristína Hroncová
- Language:Slovak
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Education, Psychology, School education
- Page Range:67-74
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:anxiety; attachment; elementary school students; secondary school students;
- Summary/Abstract:The aim of the research is to clarify the relationships between surviving anxiety and the relationship of adolescents to their parents. One of the possible causes of anxiety in pupils is their relationship with their parents. We used the STAI (Spielberger, 1983) to identify anxiety, and we used a questionnaire on parental rearing behaviour (Arrindell et al., 1999) to determine the relationship between pupils and parents. There search sample consisted of 219 primary and secondary school pupils. The results show that there are statistically significant relationships between the experienced anxiety and the attachment of primary and secondary school pupils.
Charakteristické znaky institucionální péče v České republice: přehledová studie
Charakteristické znaky institucionální péče v České republice: přehledová studie
(Characteristics of institutional care in the Czech Republic: literature review)
- Author(s):Jana Krátká
- Language:Czech
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Sociology, Family and social welfare
- Page Range:75-82
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:institutional care; Czech Republic; children’s home for infants; children’ s home; residential school; secure children’ s home; diagnosis institute;
- Summary/Abstract:For children who cannot grow up in a biological family, there are institutional care entities. The aim of this study is to provide readers with characteristics of individual subjects in the Czech Republic with a focus on positive and negative characteristics. The Mongan-Rallis approach (2006) was chosen for the review study. The Czech Republic is a country with a system of care with high-quality social and legal protection for children and adolescents, with a sufficiently developed network of possibilities to secure a child in need. The main benefit of the paper is a comprehensive description of individual devices, which is in literature.
Kontinuita předškolního a základního vzdělávání z pohledu ředitelů mateřských a základních škol
Kontinuita předškolního a základního vzdělávání z pohledu ředitelů mateřských a základních škol
(Continuity of pre primary and primary education from the perspective of teachers and head teachers of kindergartens and primary schools)
- Author(s):Romana Lisnerová
- Language:Czech
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Education, School education
- Page Range:83-91
- No. of Pages:9
- Keywords:continuity; pre-primary education; primary education; management;
- Summary/Abstract:The contribution presents the results from a pilot study and preliminary research surveying the opinions of head teachers of schools and students of school management at the Faculty of Education on continuity of pre-primary and primary education. The data were collected by the method of group interviews and focus groups. The presented results show that head teachers of schools feel the need to grant continuity of pre-primary and primary education but their opinions on strategies of achieving it vary. They lack the support in the form of systematic in-service teacher training and the support from an expert leader.
Role univerzit třetího věku v edukačním a motivačním kontextu
Role univerzit třetího věku v edukačním a motivačním kontextu
(The role of the University of the Third Age in educational and motivational context)
- Author(s):Daniela Nováková
- Language:Czech
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Education, Adult Education
- Page Range:92-99
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:motivation; senior; Universities of the Third Age; lifelong learning
- Summary/Abstract:In modern society, more and more emphasis is placed on lifelong learning, which includes the education of seniors. In the Czech Republic, seniors have many opportunities in lifelong learning. One of them are the Universities of the Third Age. These are educational events, which are offered by university colleges and are conducted in the course of lectures and seminars. In the following article, I am devoted to the motivation of seniors to educate at the Universities of the Third Age. I present why and under what circumstances people in postproductive age choose to study at the Universities of the Third Age. The data were collected through a questionnaire.
Analýza názorů učitelů na úroveň implementace doplňujícího vzdělávacího oboru etická výchova do výuky na prvním stupni základních škol
Analýza názorů učitelů na úroveň implementace doplňujícího vzdělávacího oboru etická výchova do výuky na prvním stupni základních škol
(Analysis of teachers' opinions on the level of implementation of the complementary educational field of ethical education into teaching at the first stage of primary schools)
- Author(s):Michaela Pachelová
- Language:Czech
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Education, School education, Pedagogy
- Page Range:100-108
- No. of Pages:9
- Keywords:ethic education; pedagog; ISCED 1; primary school
- Summary/Abstract:This contribution is focused on the research of the level of implementation of teaching in the complementary educational field of Ethical Education in the environment at Primary school. The aim is to describe the opinions of teachers on the effectiveness of ways of implementing ethical education. Subjective opinions of teachers on selected topics are examined and analyzed on the basis of a survey that was conducted within this issue.
Vzdelávacia metóda koučovanie
Vzdelávacia metóda koučovanie
(Educational method coaching)
- Author(s):Roland Pavlík
- Language:Slovak
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Education, Adult Education
- Page Range:109-116
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:development; education; adult people; coaching; self-concept
- Summary/Abstract:In the article, I present coaching as an educational method which is bringing along a significant profit in fields: increasing of employee engagement and participation, level of job satisfaction, work ethic and teamwork. Essential is the finding that coaching strengthens the individual´s potential as well as their learning and development. The aim of the presentation is to bring closer the development of personal potential in relation to coaching. Coaching as well as education and upbringing, motivation and management should be in touch and should keep up with the development of andragogy, psychology and the knowledge of what enables people to give the best out of themselves.
Prínos myšlienok Friedricha Wilhelma Augusta Fröbela pre predškolskú pedagogiku
Prínos myšlienok Friedricha Wilhelma Augusta Fröbela pre predškolskú pedagogiku
(The contribution of Friedrich Wilhelm August Froebel´s thoughts to preschool education)
- Author(s):Ivana Prachárová
- Language:Slovak
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Education, History of ideas, Preschool education, 18th Century
- Page Range:117-123
- No. of Pages:7
- Keywords:Froebel; Education of Man; play; Froebel´s gifts; Kindergartens
- Summary/Abstract:The paper deals with the delimitation and access to the historical bases of pre-school education, whose author is the momentous German pedagogue F. W. A. Froebel and points to the importance of his pedagogical work for contemporary pedagogy. Article presents eminent thoughts influencing the establishment of kindergartens, which have become the principal fundamentals of institutional education of preschool children around the world. In the paper are 1. delineated documents that deal with the topic and present the state of the issue in Slovakia as well as abroad; 2. formulated bases of projected research in the area in question from the acquired knowledge.
Využití přístupu založeného na aplikované behaviorální analýze při vzdělávání žáků s PAS v základní škole speciální
Využití přístupu založeného na aplikované behaviorální analýze při vzdělávání žáků s PAS v základní škole speciální
(Using an Applied Behavior Analysis approach in the education of pupils with ASD in special education schools)
- Author(s):Zuzana Prokopová
- Language:Czech
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Education, Psychology, Behaviorism, Inclusive Education / Inclusion
- Page Range:124-131
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:applied behavior analysis; autism spectrum disorder (ASD); special education primary school; self-injurious behavior; behavioral interventions; escape behavior; social attention;
- Summary/Abstract:The aim of this paper is to present partial results of research focused on the use of applied behavior analysis in the education of pupils with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) in a special education primary school. This paper presents data collected on the frequency of self-injurious behaviors of two participants. Using information obtained from a functional behavioral assessment, suitable behavioral interventions were applied according to the identified behavioral functions: social attention and escape from demand.
Komparatívna analýza vzdelávacieho systému primárneho vzdelávania vybraných krajín
Komparatívna analýza vzdelávacieho systému primárneho vzdelávania vybraných krajín
(Comparative analysis of primary education system in selected countries)
- Author(s):Alexandra Punčová
- Language:Slovak
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Education, School education, State/Government and Education, Pedagogy
- Page Range:132-139
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:primary education; Poland; Slovenia; Singapore; comparative analysis
- Summary/Abstract:The education system of each country has its own specifics. It was preceded by long-term historical development, influenced by culture and traditions, has undergone changes, reforms and is constantly evolving. Although each country has developed its school culture in different economic, political and social conditions, they have a common goal. The paper is focused on description and comparison of primary education systems. It briefly characterizes the education system of Poland, Slovenia and Singapore, with particular attention being paid to the primary level of education. Selected attributes of primary education are compared with each other and subsequently analyzed.
Akademická úspěšnost vysokoškolských studentů
Akademická úspěšnost vysokoškolských studentů
(Academic achievement among university students)
- Author(s):Eva Sedláková
- Language:Czech
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Education, Higher Education , Sociology of Education
- Page Range:140-146
- No. of Pages:7
- Keywords:academic achievement; student; university; men; women
- Summary/Abstract:Academic achievement is one of the most widely used terms in foreign research in university education and its indicators are most often considered grades and average. This contribution focuses on the study of the difference in academic achievement of university students in the context of gender. Differences between men and women have been addressed in a number of studies and will certainly bring many interesting results in relation to academic achievement, especially because academic achievement is a relatively new concept in the Czech research. Students participated in the research was 422. The results show that the academic achievement of women and men differs in the scale of social adaptation.
Service learning ako nástroj pre spájanie vzdelávania so službou v komunite
Service learning ako nástroj pre spájanie vzdelávania so službou v komunite
(Service learning as a means for linking education with community service)
- Author(s):Anna Sujová
- Language:Slovak
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Education, Social development, Sociology of Education
- Page Range:147-151
- No. of Pages:5
- Keywords:service learning; teaching strategy; community service
- Summary/Abstract:The article focuses on innovative teaching strategy service-learning where the learning takes place thanks to the service in the community. The aim of the article is to show the overview of the research results focused on the impact of the service learning activities on the partners in the community. The review study includes the research results from foreign countries during the years 1993–2017 which mainly point out to the positive impact of the service-learning activities for the community. For example the satisfaction of the community partners with the student´s services, the strengthening of the relationships between the university and the community or the positive impact on the several areas in the organisation.
Připravenost studentů oboru Zdravotnický záchranář na nároky bakalářského studijního programu
Připravenost studentů oboru Zdravotnický záchranář na nároky bakalářského studijního programu
(Preparedness of students of the scientific health saver for the claims of bachelor study program)
- Author(s):Pavla Svobodová
- Language:Czech
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Education, Sociology, Higher Education , Health and medicine and law
- Page Range:152-157
- No. of Pages:6
- Keywords:medical rescuer/paramedic; study; university student; education; difficulty; preparedness;
- Summary/Abstract:Contribution draws attention to a pilot research survey of preparedness of paramedics students for bachelor study program from the perspective of full-time bachelor study program of one foreign university, which took place in April academic year 2019/2020 as a part of scientific-research internship. The main aim of the pilot research was to find out how students perceive their readiness for the demands of the study of paramedic. The research sample consisted of students of the paramedic branch of the 1st – 3rd year of the Faculty of Health of the University, using the method of qualitatively oriented research by means of case studies.
Hudební a pedagogický odkaz amerického skladatele Lowella Masona
Hudební a pedagogický odkaz amerického skladatele Lowella Masona
(Lowell Mason and his musical and pedagogical legacy)
- Author(s):Adéla Šarmanová
- Language:Czech
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Education, Fine Arts / Performing Arts, Music, Pedagogy
- Page Range:158-163
- No. of Pages:6
- Keywords:Lowell Mason; music education; Bethany
- Summary/Abstract:Lowell Mason had a strong influence on the development of American Music Education in the 19th century. As an organist and a choirmaster, he devoted the most of his live to arranging and publishing songs for the liturgy. Many of these melodies stay as the core repertoire of the American and European hymn books. In the field of education, Lowell Mason is known as „the father of the music education“ in the United States. His contribution lies in the inclusion of music education into the American school system. In favor of the entire American educational society, Lowell Mason made the overall development and the change of existing system.
Profesní přesvědčení začínajících učitelů a self-efficacy
Profesní přesvědčení začínajících učitelů a self-efficacy
(Professional beliefs of beginning teachers and self efficacy)
- Author(s):Jaroslava Ševčíková
- Language:Czech
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Education, Psychology, Psychology of Self, Pedagogy
- Page Range:164-170
- No. of Pages:7
- Keywords:beliefs; self-efficacy; beginning teacher
- Summary/Abstract:We present the issue of beliefs and self-efficacy as part of a long-term research on Selected aspects of professional beliefs of beginning teachers. The link between the teacher's professional beliefs and self-efficacy proves to be important, especially in the mutual empowerment and positive self-evaluation of the teacher. The use of these relationships in practice seems to be beneficial for increasing individual satisfaction and comfort of beginning teachers in the profession and for eliminating the opposite phenomena.
Recepce mezigeneračních vztahů v knize Babička drsňačka
Recepce mezigeneračních vztahů v knize Babička drsňačka
(Reception of intergenerational relationships in the book Gangsta Granny)
- Author(s):Adéla Štěpánková
- Language:Czech
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Language and Literature Studies, Education, Studies of Literature, Social development
- Page Range:171-178
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:intergenerational relationships; a double-entry diary method; Gangsta Granny; pupils of the 6th grade of elementary school;
- Summary/Abstract:Initial research for the dissertation called Reception of intergenerational relationships in the book Gangsta Granny identifies the percentage of children that are interested in intergenerational relationships occurred in the text. For this purpose, there is used one chapter of the book which is primarily intended for the child reader and the double-entry diary method. The survey respondents are pupils of the 6th grade of elementary school.
Analýza pracovních činností ředitele střední školy v České republice
Analýza pracovních činností ředitele střední školy v České republice
(Analysis of working activities of the secondary school headmaster in the Czech Republic)
- Author(s):Eva Urbanová
- Language:Czech
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Education, Sociology, School education, State/Government and Education, Sociology of the arts, business, education
- Page Range:179-185
- No. of Pages:7
- Keywords:headmaster of school; secondary school; competence; work activities
- Summary/Abstract:In connection with the high autonomy of Czech schools, higher demands are placed on their headmasters than in other OECD countries. It is necessary to look for ways to link their theoretical training with practice in an authentic school environment. The aim of the paper is to identify and analyze the key working activities of the headmaster of the secondary school. A pilot survey was conducted in the form of an in-depth interview with a selected headmaster. Research question: What are the key activities of the headmaster? The results of the pilot investigation are findings of specific key work activities of the headmaster of the secondary school.
Analýza matematickej gramotnosti žiakov primárneho vzdelávania
Analýza matematickej gramotnosti žiakov primárneho vzdelávania
(Analysis of mathematical literacy of primary education pupils)
- Author(s):Lenka Valentová, Mária Jurečková
- Language:Slovak
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Education, School education, State/Government and Education, Pedagogy
- Page Range:186-196
- No. of Pages:11
- Keywords:mathematical literacy; testing; statistical analysis
- Summary/Abstract:The article is focused on monitoring the level of mathematical literacy of the Slovak Republic in the primary level of education. The results of the national testing of primary school pupils in the last three years were used for implementation. Attention is paid to the success of pupils in individual thematic areas and subsequent identification of the causes of failure in selected tasks.
Analýza pregraduálnej prípravy učiteľov pre prácu so žiakmi so špeciálnymi výchovno-vzdelávacími potrebami v základných školách na Slovensku
Analýza pregraduálnej prípravy učiteľov pre prácu so žiakmi so špeciálnymi výchovno-vzdelávacími potrebami v základných školách na Slovensku
(Analysis of the teachers pre gradual training for the work with the pupils with special educational needs at elemantary schools in Slovakia)
- Author(s):Veronika Vrabcová
- Language:Slovak
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Education, Higher Education , State/Government and Education, Pedagogy
- Page Range:197-203
- No. of Pages:7
- Keywords:pre-gradual training; pre-service teacher; teacher's self-efficacy; pupil with special educational needs;
- Summary/Abstract:The aim of this paper is to describe a proposal of a research project dealing with undergraduate training of teachers for work with pupils with SEN in elementary schools in Slovakia. On the basis of the information we consider to compile an optimal composition of courses during five-year teaching studies within the framework of pedagogical-psychological and social science basis at Matej Bel University in Banská Bystrica. The structure of the subjects will include a brief target and content orientation of the individual subjects of teacher training for working with pupils with SEN.
Kooperatívne výučbové stratégie v kontexte rozvoja kľúčových kompetencií
Kooperatívne výučbové stratégie v kontexte rozvoja kľúčových kompetencií
(Cooperative learning strategies in the context of developing key competencies)
- Author(s):Zdenka Zastková
- Language:Slovak
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Education, Sociology, Sociology of the arts, business, education, Pedagogy
- Page Range:204-212
- No. of Pages:9
- Keywords:key competencies; cooperative learning; social relations; coperation; prosocial behavior;
- Summary/Abstract:In this paper, we analyze the issue of key competencies and point out the importance of developing especially interpersonal competencies of students, which we consider necessary to support based on the results of the PISA research. Furthermore, we present the basic assumptions of cooperative learning, the effectiveness of which we verify through research. We assume that cooperative learning is a suitable tool to support the development of students' key competencies, especially in the field of prosocial behavior. In the context of a pedagogical research project, we present initial values from one experimental and one control group, which we obtained through the proposed methods.
Potreby a virtuálne ohrozenia stredoškolskej mládeže v 21. storočí
Potreby a virtuálne ohrozenia stredoškolskej mládeže v 21. storočí
(Needs and virtual threats of high school youth in the 21st century)
- Author(s):Karina Zošáková
- Language:Slovak
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Education, Psychology, Educational Psychology
- Page Range:213-219
- No. of Pages:7
- Keywords:prevention; teacher; pupils; risky behavior; virtual space;
- Summary/Abstract:Virtual space is a big part of a person's life nowadays and brings with it advantages and risks. The most common users of electronic media today are mainly children and young people, who are also the most vulnerable group, because the information that the media offers is not always critically received. Increased attention needs to be paid to virtual space as it can easily create different forms of risky behavior. The aim of this work is to analyze the needs, but also the threats in the virtual space of high school youth with the conclusions to improve the preventive-educational effect of pedagogical employees.