Auto-belay principle and safety in sport climbing Cover Image

Автоосигуровката – принцип и безопасност в спортното катерене
Auto-belay principle and safety in sport climbing

Author(s): Mariya Georgieva
Subject(s): Social Sciences, Education, Sociology, Sports Studies
Published by: Университет за национално и световно стопанство (УНСС)
Keywords: auto belay; sport climbing; mass sports
Summary/Abstract: In recent years, the successes in the sports-competitive aspect, sports-tennis results and innovations require the use of new approaches and technologies, which have a particular impact on better, purposeful work and on reaching significant sports results. Sport climbing is one of the sports in which the influence of the opponent is almost eliminated, and each competitor realizes his own possibilities. It increasingly occupies a place, both strategically and as a socially significant factor. There is a modern tendency to enter and occupy an increasingly large share among the mass sports activities of sport climbing practitioners in their free time. This report aims to analyze data on the characteristics of auto- 171 belay, which enhances the extreme and fun nature of sports activity, this, in turn, irrevocably leads to opportunities for the development of diverse sports activity in everyday life and in modern technological world.