Съвременни тенденции, проблеми и иновации във физическото възпитание и спорта във висшите училища
Modern Trends, Problems And Innovations Of Physical Education And Sports In Higher Schools
Author(s): Ivan Stoilov, Spas Stavrev, Elena Moneva, Miroslav Shishkov, Viktoria Ocheva, Lyudmila Yordanova, Larisa Kasabova, Stela Prezhdarova, Zornica Markova, Sevdelina Stoyanova, Yordanka Zlatarova, Tanya Koleva, Venzislav Jordanov, Ivanka Stavreva, Ilko Iliev, Ivan Valchanov, Lidiya Nanova, Asen Atanasov, Bilyana Rangelova, Zhelyazko Georgiev, Georgi Ignatov, Marina Terziyska, Nikolay Dosev, Mariya Georgieva, Todor Pedev, Doychin Boyanov, Petya Petkova, Iva Dimova, Ivaylo Beev, Ralitza Arsova, Petya Milanova, Danail Ivanov, Krum Lovkov, Iva Ivanova, Georgi Kalaidzhiev, Milena Ignatova, Ekaterina Tosheva, Petar Dilchev, Borislav Alexandrov, Andrey Petrov, Theophanous Masmanidis
Subject(s): Social Sciences, Education, Sociology, Higher Education , Sports Studies
Published by: Университет за национално и световно стопанство (УНСС)
Keywords: Physical education; sport; students; sports training; innovations
Summary/Abstract: In the last few years the Department of "Physical Education and Sports" at the UNWE has consistently made efforts to assert itself not only as a department of applied sports, but also as a department with intensive research activities. The teachers combine their high achievements in sports activity with contemporary and modern research methods to this end. In 2022, the 45th anniversary of the opening of the "Bonsist" sports complex was celebrated. The fifth scientific conference was held, which had international participation. UNWE has one of the most modern university sports facilities in the country. The conference was attended by over 50 sports specialists, teachers from various types of higher education institutions both from our country and abroad. Scientific reports were presented by students and doctoral students. During the conference, achieved results were noted and discussed in the fields of: physical education – learning and teaching issues in study classes, sports improvement – sports capacity to serve as a means of training and improving the motor abilities of students – athletes in the representative teams and promoting the university institution, results of winter and summer sports camps, scientific and methodical achievements and sharing of experience among colleagues, issues related to the Covid pandemic, their overcoming and the subsequent innovations in the education process. All current innovations will help to improve teaching and learning work. At the scientific forum, theoretical and practical knowledge and skills were exchanged for the optimization of educational activities. Experience was exchanged with the foreign participants in the conference in order to borrow and put into practice their good practices, and they, in turn, are dependent on objective and subjective factors - such as the availability of conditions and a base, means and tools for conducting educational and training activities.
- Print-ISBN-13: 978-619-232-700-2
- Page Count: 280
- Publication Year: 2023
- Language: English, Bulgarian
Спортен комплекс „Бонсист“ - част от съоръженията за универсиада София' 77 на 45 години (Големите спортни събития в България в полза на университетския спорт)
Спортен комплекс „Бонсист“ - част от съоръженията за универсиада София' 77 на 45 години (Големите спортни събития в България в полза на университетския спорт)
(Sports complex „Bonsist“ - part of the facilities for the universiade Sofia'77 - 45th anniversary (The major sporting events in Bulgaria for the benefit of university sports))
- Author(s):Ivan Stoilov, Spas Stavrev
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Education, Sociology, Sports Studies
- Page Range:25-41
- No. of Pages:17
- Keywords:sports complex; World student games (Universiade); economic institute; function; perspectives
- Summary/Abstract:The construction and renovation of sports facilities is one of the strategic tasks of a country. It aims to improve and maintain optimal physical condition and improve the level of the working capacity of the population. One of the main contributions when holding such world-class sports events is that after the forum, the sports facilities are available to many who wish to play sports. Such is the enormous contribution of the World student games – Universiade Sofia '77, held in 1977. A total of 24 sports facilities were built or renovated, most of them in the Students City neighborhood. One of which is the SK „Bonsist“, after the event it was provided for the use of the students of the Economics Institute „Karl Marx“, today's UNWE, whose sports classes were held in the gym on „Exarch Yosif“ street, in the pool of the city mineral bathroom and outdoors on the grounds of the „Kolodruma“ in the „Boris garden“ until that point. Later, through a project won by the Ministry of Youth and Sports, the Sports Complex „Bonsist“ was fundamentally renovated. This remains a serious gain for students. During these45 years, SC „Bonsist“ proved its necessity and effectiveness for the development of physical education and sports in the UNWE and is one of the main merits for the exceptional sports successes of the representative teams of the University.
Сравнителен анализ на някои изометрични упражнения при студенти от УНСС, участващи в учебно-тренировъчните занятия по тенис на маса и фитнес
Сравнителен анализ на някои изометрични упражнения при студенти от УНСС, участващи в учебно-тренировъчните занятия по тенис на маса и фитнес
(Comparative analysis of some isometric exercises for students from UNWE participating in table tennis and fitness training classes)
- Author(s):Elena Moneva, Miroslav Shishkov
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Education, Sociology, Sports Studies
- Page Range:42-47
- No. of Pages:6
- Keywords:table tennis; fitness; students; isometric qualities
- Summary/Abstract:In the present study, the main goal is to determine the degree of development of the isometric strength of students during training classes and to compare them at the end of the academic year 2021/2022. Methodology: the obtained results were processed through mathematical-statistical analyzes using variance analysis and Student's t-test. The students participating in the study showed improvement in their results significantly in both sports, with the students in the fitness classes giving higher indicators at the end of the study. In conclusion, we found that the methods of training in table tennis and fitness are adequate and help to train 43 students more effectively in the educational process of physical education and sports at UNSS.
Проучване отношението на студентите към заниманията по тенис в учебния процес по физическо възпитание и спорт във висшето училище
Проучване отношението на студентите към заниманията по тенис в учебния процес по физическо възпитание и спорт във висшето училище
(Studying the attitude of students towards tennis activities in the educational process of physical education in universities)
- Author(s):Viktoria Ocheva
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Education, Sociology, School education, Sports Studies
- Page Range:48-57
- No. of Pages:10
- Keywords:survey; tennis; students; university; physical education and sports
- Summary/Abstract:Physical education in in higher education is aimed at the formation of a need for physical improvement, since only such activity, which leads to development in an individual aspect, has properties inherent in modern culture [1]. Physical education and sports in higher schools have health, educational, professional – applied and social importance. Educational functions are directly related to the realization of educational tasks in the educational activity of physical education. An interest in the practice of holding sports classes in higher schools is that students share their wishes for practicing the sport of tennis and their goals for attending the classes. The aim of the present study is to determine the interest of the students from UNWE and Sofia University in the sport of tennis in physical education and sports classes. To achieve the set goal, literature related to the statement of the problem was studied, a survey was conducted, and the results were analyzed with SPSS program [2]. The survey provides information that students would practice the sport of tennis more than once a week. The motives are of a different nature – emotion, beauty, dynamics, pleasure, etc. Students say that they will attend tennis classes even if they are not mandatory and it would have a positive impact on the development of their health and physical condition.
Проучване мнението на студентите от юридическия факултет на УНСС относно дистанционното обучение по дисциплината „физическо възпитание“ в условията на COVID-19
Проучване мнението на студентите от юридическия факултет на УНСС относно дистанционното обучение по дисциплината „физическо възпитание“ в условията на COVID-19
(Research among the UNWE law faculty students concerning the sports education from distance in the COVID-19 conditions)
- Author(s):Lyudmila Yordanova, Larisa Kasabova
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Education, Sociology, Sports Studies
- Page Range:58-71
- No. of Pages:14
- Keywords:attitudes; distance education; students; online test
- Summary/Abstract:Тhe COVID-19 pandemic had enormous impact over the academic community worldwide, and even more specifically here in the University of National and World Economy (UNWE). Many students and lecturers alike were affected by the major changes introduced in the previously established tutoring approach. Accordingly, the following represents an analytical research highlighting the consequences of those changes. This paper examines the different perceptions and personal opinions of the individuals subjected to a survey. Sixty-six UNWE Law 59 students (2nd to 5th year of studies) took part in the survey. The results were mathematically as well as statistically processed. We strongly believe that this information would be of great use in order to fully develop the sports education at the university while social distancing is efficiently implemented.
Спорт по време на ковид пандемията във ВУЗ
Спорт по време на ковид пандемията във ВУЗ
(Sport during the time of the COVID epidemic in universities)
- Author(s):Stela Prezhdarova
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Sociology, Sports Studies
- Page Range:72-77
- No. of Pages:6
- Keywords:students who play sports; regular form; COVID; physical activity
- Summary/Abstract:For a better analysis of the development of physical education and sports in higher schools during quarantine, the object of research is the student youth at the University of National and World Economy. The study was carried out on a non representative sample of 50 students who play sports and are in regular education. The developed questionnaire is attached online. The content of the questionnaire was used for data analysis. The results of the research will show how the young people felt during the online training and how much priority sport was for them. 73 The students who filled out the survey are between 19 – 25 years of age, involved in various types of sports, amateur, and some professionally. Young people who have been affected by COVID explain whether it has hindered their physical activity and in what way and what kind of form of training they prefer along with arguments for their answer.
Емоционалната интелигентност като детерминант при избора на специалност
Емоционалната интелигентност като детерминант при избора на специалност
(Emotional intelligence as a determinant in career choise)
- Author(s):Zornica Markova, Sevdelina Stoyanova
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Education, Sociology
- Page Range:78-86
- No. of Pages:9
- Keywords:emotional intelligence; major; career decision; students
- Summary/Abstract:The role of emotional intelligence in career decision-making has been actively researched in the past few years. For the most part, empirical results support the idea that better abilities to perceive, use, understand and manage emotions in oneself and other people lead to higher self-efficacy for career decisions, less hesitation in choosing and using more rational decision-making strategies in life in general. The aim of the study is to verify at an empirical level to what extent EI or emotionally self-perceived characteristics influence the personal mechanism for regulating career choice. More specifically, research efforts are aimed at uncovering the particularities, variations, and interrelationships between motivations and factors influencing career choice and emotional intelligence in a university setting. The results of the study indicated a direct positive effect of emotional intelligence in general on the interrelationship with motives for choosing a profession. The influence of emotional intelligence as an important personality characteristic was established. The study traces the factors that influence the choice of a career path in individuals in early adulthood.
Проучване на двигателния опит и знания на студентки, избрали да посещават занимания по каланетика
Проучване на двигателния опит и знания на студентки, избрали да посещават занимания по каланетика
(Study of the movement experiences and knowledge of female students who chose to take callanetics classes)
- Author(s):Yordanka Zlatarova
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Education, Sociology, Sports Studies
- Page Range:87-96
- No. of Pages:10
- Keywords:survey; female students; knowledge and motor skills for fitness disciplines
- Summary/Abstract:One of the guidelines for increasing the effectiveness of physical education in the educational system is the formation of one's own sport and movement experience and the education of independence in its use. We set a goal to study the availability of knowledge and motor skills obtained in school education about fitness disciplines. The main data collection methods are pedagogical observation 88 and questionnaire survey. The questionnaire contains 11 questions with 32 sub questions. The number of sports practiced by the surveyed persons in the last three years of the school degree is limited. Female Students define their knowledge of targeted motor activity as minimal and mostly related to the technique of the types of sports they studied at school. It was found that the loads applied at the beginning of the semester with motor activity characteristic of callanetics exceeded the current physical capabilities of almost half of the female students.
За някои проблеми на физическото възпитание и спорта във ВУЗ
За някои проблеми на физическото възпитание и спорта във ВУЗ
(About some problems of physical education and sports in higher schools)
- Author(s):Tanya Koleva
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Education, Sociology, Higher Education , Sports Studies
- Page Range:97-100
- No. of Pages:4
- Keywords:physical education; sport problems
- Summary/Abstract:The purpose of the study is to specify some problems of physical education in higher education institutions in order to solve them and improve the existing situation. For this purpose, the curricula of all specialties at the Agricultural University – Plovdiv were examined and the following problems were identified: - non-compliance with the sports law; - ignorance of the need for regular sports competitions, etc.
Взаимовръзка между колективната ефективност и представянето на отборите в националния университетски шампионат по баскетбол 3х3 в Благоевград, 2022
Взаимовръзка между колективната ефективност и представянето на отборите в националния университетски шампионат по баскетбол 3х3 в Благоевград, 2022
(Correlation between collective efficiency and performance of the teams on the national 3x3 basketball university championship in Blagoevgrad, 2022)
- Author(s):Venzislav Jordanov, Ivanka Stavreva
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Education, Sociology, Higher Education , Sports Studies
- Page Range:101-110
- No. of Pages:10
- Keywords:Collective efficiency; basketball 3x3; ranking
- Summary/Abstract:The current study follows the relationship between collective efficiency and the performance of the 3X3 basketball teams competing in the National University Championship of Bulgaria. Contingent of the study are 59 players (37 male and 22 female) from 10 universities (10 men’s teams and 7 women’s teams). The results obtained reveal a statistically significant correlation between collective efficiency and team rankings. Gender differences were found in the teams at the bottom of the ranking, with women experiencing lower values on all scales of 102 collective efficiency compared to men. Such gender differences are not observed in the teams that took prizes in the championship.
Взаимозависимости при показателите, характеризиращи психическите качества и тактическите действия в нападение на студенти, спортуващи баскетбол
Взаимозависимости при показателите, характеризиращи психическите качества и тактическите действия в нападение на студенти, спортуващи баскетбол
(Interdependencies in indicators characterizing mental qualities and tactical actions in attack of students playing basketball)
- Author(s):Ilko Iliev
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Education, Sociology, Sports Studies
- Page Range:111-120
- No. of Pages:10
- Keywords:Interdependencies; mental qualities; tactical actions; students; basketball
- Summary/Abstract:The purpose of the research is to establish the strength and nature of the relationships between the indicators determining the mental qualities and tactical actions in attack of students playing basketball. The present research was conducted in 2016. To establish the level of tactical actions, testing was carried out in laboratory conditions of a total of 10 indicators. Pedagogical observation and recording of game actions from video recording of basketball meetings are applied.
Комуникационна ангажираност на аудиторията на студентските първенства от НСАА (NCAA)
Комуникационна ангажираност на аудиторията на студентските първенства от НСАА (NCAA)
(Communication engagement of the NCAA championships’ audience)
- Author(s):Ivan Valchanov
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Education, Sociology, Sports Studies
- Page Range:121-129
- No. of Pages:9
- Keywords:college sports; audience; social media
- Summary/Abstract:The National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) championships, which bring together high schools from the United States, Canada, and Puerto Rico, are becoming an increasingly sought-after media product among sports fans. With heavy investments in promotion and coverage, the NCAA competes in viewership with even some of the major professional sports leagues. This paper explores the role of the audience and its engagement during the championships through the most popular social networks. The main research method is secondary data analysis, and the aim is to draw conclusions about the communication engagement and participation of the audience during the key events of the college championships.
Ние сме продукт на нашите избори и навици. Спортът – ключът към успеха
Ние сме продукт на нашите избори и навици. Спортът – ключът към успеха
(We are a product of our choices and habits. Sport – the key for success)
- Author(s):Lidiya Nanova
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Education, Sociology, Sports Studies
- Page Range:130-139
- No. of Pages:10
- Keywords:cross-country skiing; competitors; survey; state of emergency; conclusion
- Summary/Abstract:The early 2020s saw many changes, the most significant of which was the coronavirus pandemic. There was hardly any area of life that was not affected, but with my report I aim to trace and analyze the impact of the pandemic on sporting 131 life and competitions. More specifically, the life and career of cross-country skiers from the „Atlas“ sports club, the city of Velingrad. The survey contains 10 questions and was conducted through an electronic platform. Twenty competitors took part in it, ten boys and ten girls each. The results of the survey were processed mathematically and statistically. The analysis shows that despite the developed situation, the motivation of the competitors has not been lost and they commendably manage to compensate for the training. This leads to the conclusion that the months under quarantine did not have a detrimental effect on their sports form. The skiers of the sports club realize the seriousness and importance of not completely stopping their physical activity, and the results prove it. The respondents are an example of the fact that when sport is a way of life, one can always find a way to practice it, regardless of the circumstances and conditions in which they find themselves. They show that achievements and good results are achieved with tireless work, deprivation and perseverance. These three components are the key to success.
Осведоменост на студентите относно спорта футзал
Осведоменост на студентите относно спорта футзал
(Student awareness of the sport of futsal)
- Author(s):Asen Atanasov
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Sociology, Sports Studies
- Page Range:140-146
- No. of Pages:7
- Keywords:futsal; students
- Summary/Abstract:The huge interest in football leads to the need for the emergence and establishment of new and attractive varieties of the football game. The purpose of the research is to determine the level of awareness of students about the sport of futsal. The survey was conducted with students from Veliko Tarnovo University. The results of the research give us reason to recommend a greater initiative on the part of the student council in the organization and implementation of futsalrelated events; the inclusion of futsal as an optional discipline at an earlier stage of education.
Плуването в извънучилищната дейност като средство за подобряване на гъвкавостта при 16-годишни момчета
Плуването в извънучилищната дейност като средство за подобряване на гъвкавостта при 16-годишни момчета
(Swimming as an extracurricular activity as a means of flexibility improvement for boys at age of 16)
- Author(s):Bilyana Rangelova
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Education, Sociology, Sports Studies
- Page Range:147-153
- No. of Pages:7
- Keywords:swimming; extracurricular activities; motor skills; flexibility
- Summary/Abstract:A Static lifestyle is possibly the most significant problem of modern physical education nowadays, which leads to several issues for the physical and mental development of the young generation. The age between 12 – 16 years is one of the most complicated periods in human development. This is the period of transition from childhood to adulthood. To lead a physically active life at that age and do different exercises is the most significant part to prevent the possibility of negative changes in physical and psyche health conditions. The hours of physical education 148 at school are extremely insufficient to cover the WHO recommendations for health prevention and physical activity. Carrying out the extracurricular activity of physical education and sports with the students is the only possibility for additional motor activity.
Университетски зимни игри – Пампорово 2022
Университетски зимни игри – Пампорово 2022
(2022 Pamporovo winter university games)
- Author(s):Zhelyazko Georgiev, Georgi Ignatov, Marina Terziyska
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Education, Higher Education
- Page Range:154-162
- No. of Pages:9
- Keywords:Winter university games; students; results; rankings; medals; conclusions and recommendations
- Summary/Abstract:The Tenth Winter University Games were held in the Rhodope ski resort of Pamporovo from March 20 to 23, 2022. The organizers of the event were the multi-sport university federation AUS „Academik“ together with the National Assembly of Students׳ Councils. The purpose of this article is to introduce us in detail with the organization, results and ranking of the Winter University Games. During the games, the National University Championships in alpine skiing, snowboarding and cross-country skiing from the state sports calendar of AUS „Academik“ were held. The University of Forestry Students׳ became the complex champion in the huge competition from 27 universities with over 350 participants. They won a total of six gold, five silver and three bronze medals. Technical University of Sofia ranked second with 6 gold, 4 silver and 7 bronze medals, and 155 in third place was the NSA „Vassil Levski“ with 3 gold, 8 silver and 4 bronze medals.
Цели за устойчивото развитие на спорта в България
Цели за устойчивото развитие на спорта в България
(Goals for the sustainable development of sports in Bulgaria)
- Author(s):Nikolay Dosev
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Education, Sociology, Sports Studies
- Page Range:163-169
- No. of Pages:7
- Keywords:goal; learners; health; physical activity
- Summary/Abstract:The main goal in the development of sports is to increase the physical activity and participation in sports activities of the population. A special focus is placed on learners. The repair and reconstruction of sports facilities in schools is a prerequisite for optimizing the motor mode of young people and forming their social qualities. Providing conditions for physical exercise and sports for people of all ages and social groups of the population helps to improve health, increase the quality and length of life. The construction of small-scale sports infrastructure aimed at providing an environment for daily physical exercise, amateur sports and recreation is a prevention against diseases related to insufficient physical activity and immobilization.
Автоосигуровката – принцип и безопасност в спортното катерене
Автоосигуровката – принцип и безопасност в спортното катерене
(Auto-belay principle and safety in sport climbing)
- Author(s):Mariya Georgieva
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Education, Sociology, Sports Studies
- Page Range:170-176
- No. of Pages:7
- Keywords:auto belay; sport climbing; mass sports
- Summary/Abstract:In recent years, the successes in the sports-competitive aspect, sports-tennis results and innovations require the use of new approaches and technologies, which have a particular impact on better, purposeful work and on reaching significant sports results. Sport climbing is one of the sports in which the influence of the opponent is almost eliminated, and each competitor realizes his own possibilities. It increasingly occupies a place, both strategically and as a socially significant factor. There is a modern tendency to enter and occupy an increasingly large share among the mass sports activities of sport climbing practitioners in their free time. This report aims to analyze data on the characteristics of auto- 171 belay, which enhances the extreme and fun nature of sports activity, this, in turn, irrevocably leads to opportunities for the development of diverse sports activity in everyday life and in modern technological world.
Повишаване ефективността на работа на техническия ръководител на състезания по ориентиране посредством анализ на времената на победителите в държавните първенства за мъже и жени 2012 – 2021 години
Повишаване ефективността на работа на техническия ръководител на състезания по ориентиране посредством анализ на времената на победителите в държавните първенства за мъже и жени 2012 – 2021 години
(Improving the efficiency of the course setter of orienteering competitions by analyzing the times of the winners of the national championships for men and women 2012 – 2021)
- Author(s):Todor Pedev
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Education, Sociology, Sports Studies
- Page Range:177-182
- No. of Pages:6
- Keywords:Course in orienteering; winner's time
- Summary/Abstract:The purpose of the research is to increase the efficiency of the work of the course setter in orienteering, analyzing the dynamics of the winner's time, as the 178 main factor of sports achievement in orienteering. To realize our goal, we set the following tasks: To analyze the times of the winners of the National Orienteering Championships for men and women from 2012 to 2021, To explore the interrelationship between the different competitive disciplines. The subject of the study is the time of the winner, as the main point in drawing a race route. After analyzing the results, we came to the conclusion that when drawing the race route, the technical director should use class competitors to pre-run the distance or interpret information from front starts of the same area (if available) in minutes per kilometer. Greater than 5% deviations from the rules are unacceptable and should not be allowed.
Въздействие и характерни особености на високопланинския трекинг върху туристи
Въздействие и характерни особености на високопланинския трекинг върху туристи
(Influence and characteristic features of high-altitude trekking on tourists)
- Author(s):Doychin Boyanov
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Education, Sociology, Sports Studies
- Page Range:183-191
- No. of Pages:9
- Keywords:trekking; tourism; altitude; heart rate; high mountain
- Summary/Abstract:The study was conducted in the natural environment of the high mountain and with real clients using high-altitude trekking services. The research is aimed at highlighting some characteristics of consumers in this tourism branch. In the analyzed results, a high degree of physical strain was revealed, expressed by the HRmax and HRavg, which suggests that preliminary physical training should be done prior to a planned high-altitude hike. The equal distribution of users by gender and the wide age range of participants confirm the author's preliminary assumption that the service is suitable for a wide age range. 184 The participants' subjective perception of low stress levels was due to the high degree of satisfaction expressed by them. Practical consequences. The data obtained in the course of this study can help providers of this type of service optimize its organization, choose the right target group of users and ensure better security during its implementation.
Гладкото бягане на 400 метра в университетския спорт
Гладкото бягане на 400 метра в университетския спорт
(Study of 400 m dash in university sport)
- Author(s):Petya Petkova, Iva Dimova
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Education, Sociology, Higher Education , Sports Studies
- Page Range:192-201
- No. of Pages:10
- Keywords:sprint; National Universiade; students; results
- Summary/Abstract:The discipline 400 m is part of the sprint group runnings and it can present a great challenge even for the trained athlete. Despite it is still part of the program at competitions for university students. The present study reveals the dynamics of 193 the sport result of students participating in the National university championship (NUC). Track and field in NUC is organized by the Association for University Sports „Academic“ and is part of the National Universiade. The study covers the period from the first official championship in 2014 to 2021. More than 270 university students were analysed. We found inconsistencies in the number of participants in both men and women. The top achievements in both can be characterized as strong results. The women result in 2018 makes a big impression (54,7). In general, the trend in women for average and best achievement is more consistant, while in men there is a greater break in the curve. It is established that there is a permanent presence in the leading places of students from National Sports Academy „Vassil Levski“, University of National and World Economy, Sofia University „St. Kliment Ohridski“, Paisii Hilendarski University of Plovdiv.
Мускулно-моторното двигателно действие като система на движението:
Мускулно-моторното двигателно действие като система на движението:
(Muscular-motor action as a movement system:)
- Author(s):Ivaylo Beev
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Sociology, Sports Studies
- Page Range:202-212
- No. of Pages:11
- Keywords:tensengrity conception; vertical oscillation; long run
- Summary/Abstract:The main task of this report is the popularization of the tensengrity concept in the sports-technical training of athletes in long runs. Special attention is paid to the interpretation regarding the vertical oscillation indicator.
Развитието на българския волейбол в 100-годишната му история
Развитието на българския волейбол в 100-годишната му история
(The development of bulgarian volleyball in its 100-year history)
- Author(s):Ralitza Arsova
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Sociology, Sports Studies
- Page Range:213-218
- No. of Pages:6
- Keywords:Volleyball; national teams; a 100-year anniversary
- Summary/Abstract:The most successful collective sport in Bulgaria – volleyball celebrated its 100th anniversary in October this year. The members of the International Olympic Committee, at their meeting in 1967 in Sofia, accepted the sport of volleyball into the Olympic family after seeing the potential and attractiveness of the sport at a tournament at the National „Vasil Levski“ stadium. Bulgaria has hosted World and European championships, Universiades and numerous international tournaments. It would not be an 214 exaggeration to say that Bulgarian coaches have taught volleyball to nations that are now leaders in this sport. A hundred years, during which Bulgarian volleyball had its triumphs and defeats. The purpose of the research was to analyze the development of Bulgarian volleyball in its 100-year history, by tracking the ranking of our national men's and women's teams at major championships. The analysis found that Bulgarian volleyball is moving from its position as a leading force.
Народни танци и йога – практики в свободното време
Народни танци и йога – практики в свободното време
(Folk dances and yoga – practices in free time)
- Author(s):Petya Milanova
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Sociology
- Page Range:219-225
- No. of Pages:7
- Keywords:health condition; motor activity; survey method
- Summary/Abstract:The possibilities for increasing physical activity are diverse and each person could choose a sport or activity according to their desire, capabilities and needs. In recent years, the practice of folk dances by people of different ages has become more and more popular. The purpose of the present study is to reveal the impact of Bulgarian folk dances and yoga practices on the human body. To implement the research, we used a survey method and frequency analysis. We conducted the survey with 20 people involved in Bulgarian folk dances and yoga practices. The results show that half of the respondents have been engaged in folk dancing and yoga practices for 6 months. In conclusion, we can summarize that classes with Bulgarian folk dances and yoga practices improve the overall state of health (physical, mental and emotional) of the participants.
Проучване на представите на футболни специалисти относно прилагането на интегриран и изолиран подход в тренировъчния процес по футбол
Проучване на представите на футболни специалисти относно прилагането на интегриран и изолиран подход в тренировъчния процес по футбол
(Study of the perceptions of football specialists regarding the implementation of an integrated and isolated approach in the football training process)
- Author(s):Danail Ivanov, Krum Lovkov
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Sociology, Sports Studies
- Page Range:226-236
- No. of Pages:11
- Keywords:survey; football; coaches; integrated; isolated
- Summary/Abstract:The aim of the present study is to investigate the conception of football specialists regarding the problem of using an isolated and integrated approach in the training of football players of all ages. The opinions of a total of 183 Bulgarian football coaches were included in a survey. The results show that 63.4% of the respondents share the opinion of the stronger training impact on football players when applying an integrated approach to training. 48.9% of the 227 surveyed football coaches choose the integrated approach over the isolated one because of conditions that are close to the football game and its specific situations. From the research carried out, we found that a clear distinction must be made between an integrated and an isolated approach to player training in order to maximize the impact of funds on players at all levels of football, regardless of player status.
Изследване на причини за травми и видове лечение на контузии при волейболистките от отбора на УНСС
Изследване на причини за травми и видове лечение на контузии при волейболистките от отбора на УНСС
(Study of the causes of injuries and treatment of injuries in the volleyball players of the UNSS team)
- Author(s):Iva Ivanova
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Sociology, Sports Studies
- Page Range:237-243
- No. of Pages:7
- Keywords:injuries; high – risk; students; volleyball players; treatment; recovery; kinesitherapy
- Summary/Abstract:Sport is an inextricably linked component of many young people's daily lives. Sports injuries are almost unavoidable, difficult to treat, and sometimes determine a person's future as an active athlete, regardless of whether they were introduced to the sport at a young age or at a later stage of development. Participation in various sports is required for the occurrence of specific contusions and injuries. 238 The study will concentrate on some of the most common volleyball injuries, such as a sprained ankle during an attack, shoulder and knee pain, and chronic low back pain. In the month of November 2022, research was conducted on the UNSS women's volleyball team. Diagrams were created based on the questions asked about sports injuries. After the analysis had been made it came clear that regardless of technique or dynamism, the risk of sports injuries is enormous. Compliance with the rules, health care, and proper warm-up prior to each match or practice are critical. The keys to recovery are sufficiency and perseverance.
Методика за ускорено физическо и психическо развитие при деца и младежи със специални образователни потребности
Методика за ускорено физическо и психическо развитие при деца и младежи със специални образователни потребности
(Methodology for accelerated physical and mental development at children and youth with special educational needs)
- Author(s):Georgi Kalaidzhiev
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Sociology, Sports Studies
- Page Range:244-252
- No. of Pages:9
- Keywords:special educational needs; adapted physical activity
- Summary/Abstract:Physical activity in children and youth with special educational needs (SEN) is one of the main factors for physical and mental development. In this article, the results of psychological measurements are presented and the positive changes that have occurred in children and youth with SEN are proven. The purpose of the study is to prove the effectiveness of the methodology for adapted physical activity in children and youth with SEN. The applied complex methodology includes methods: of observation, conversation, study of literary sources, psychological 245 tests. As a result of the systematically applied methodology, positive changes are observed in the physical and mental development of children and youth with SEN. For a period of two years, 46 medals were won from the European Championship in the Czech Republic „Emil open“, and the number of medals increased four times.
Хранене и спорт – основа на здравословния начин на живот
Хранене и спорт – основа на здравословния начин на живот
(Nutrition and sports – the basis of a healthy lifestyle)
- Author(s):Milena Ignatova, Ekaterina Tosheva
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Sociology, Sports Studies
- Page Range:253-264
- No. of Pages:12
- Keywords:Aerobics; calanetics; fitness; healthy eating; bad habits; female students
- Summary/Abstract:Sport, a healthy lifestyle and the fight against bad habits are inseparably linked. A healthy diet combined with appropriate physical activity is considered the safest and most reliable way to reduce the risk of a number of diseases in the long term, achieve and maintain an optimal weight and a beautiful appearance. The aim of the present study is to examine the attitude of female students of UNWE towards a healthy lifestyle and their knowledge about bad habits and their prevention. For the implementation of the study, we used a survey method among female students of UNWE, 1st and 2nd year, who chose aerobics, fitness or calanetics as a sport. The analysis of the results shows that more than 90% of the surveyed girls know that playing sports has a positive effect on their health and 254 lifestyle. As a result of the study, we can summarize that the increased physical activity positively affects the health and lifestyle of the study subjects.
Уеб базирана платформа за обучение „QUEST ROOM“
Уеб базирана платформа за обучение „QUEST ROOM“
(Web based learning platform „QUEST ROOM“)
- Author(s):Petar Dilchev, Borislav Alexandrov, Andrey Petrov
- Language:Bulgarian
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Education, Sociology, Sports Studies
- Page Range:265-277
- No. of Pages:13
- Keywords:web platform; online education; sports events
- Summary/Abstract:QUEST room is a web-based online education platform targeting those involved in the organization of grassroots sports events. The main objective of the platform is to increase the administrative capacity of the target group.
Self knowledge through sports (how can i get to know and improve myself through sports)
Self knowledge through sports (how can i get to know and improve myself through sports)
(Self knowledge through sports (how can i get to know and improve myself through sports))
- Author(s):Theophanous Masmanidis
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Social Sciences, Sociology, Sports Studies
- Page Range:278-279
- No. of Pages:2