Revolt Years: Strikes of the Workers of the Wood Processing Industry in Slavonia (1905. – 1907.) Cover Image
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Godine revolta: štrajkovi radnika slavonske drvnoprerađivačke industrije (1905. - 1907.)
Revolt Years: Strikes of the Workers of the Wood Processing Industry in Slavonia (1905. – 1907.)

Author(s): Luka Pejić
Subject(s): Economic history, Labor relations, Pre-WW I & WW I (1900 -1919), Socio-Economic Research
Published by: Hrvatski institut za povijest
Keywords: industrialization; labour movement; strikes; Povischil and Kaiser; Gutmann; Osijek; Belišće; Brod na Savi;
Summary/Abstract: Slavonian forest resources attracted foreign investors who opened a certain number of industrial enterprises modernising the local economy on the basis of the capitalist paradigm in the late 19th and early 20th century. At the beginning, this wood-based industry was developing by employing seasonal workers, relatively uninterested in the organized labour movement. However, with the growing mass-production, population migrations and urbanization, more and more strikes occurred like the one in Osijek’s factory Povischil and Kaiser in 1905 which happened to be the first general strike in the Croatian history. In the following year, in 1906, Gutmann’s workers organized the strike in Belišće, as well as saw-mill workers from Brod na Savi who led the general strike in 1907. While authorities and entrepreneurs, owners of resources and the means of production, saw these actions as intolerable subversion, in the attempt to improve their wages, working hours, housing conditions and other issues workers’ experience ranged from Marxist radicalization to social-democratic reformism. In other words, aim of the article in question is to elaborate the number of conflicting perspectives drawn from three different strikes between 1905 and 1907.