The Relationship between Entrepreneurship and Economic Growth Cover Image

Връзката между предприемачеството и икономическия растеж
The Relationship between Entrepreneurship and Economic Growth

Author(s): Viktoriya Todorova
Subject(s): Economy, Business Economy / Management, Socio-Economic Research
Published by: Университет за национално и световно стопанство (УНСС)
Keywords: entrepreneurship; economy; economic growth; GDP; entrepreneurial activity
Summary/Abstract: In the globalizing world economy, the reason for differences in economic growth and inequality between incomes is explained on the basis of technological differences and the degree of development of entrepreneurship. The use of new technologies paves the way for the production of new cheaper goods and for the accumulation of capital and, in this case, for increased international competitiveness of individual countries. The role of entrepreneurs is to contribute to innovation, higher competition and wider economic dynamism. A number of empirical evidences point to the importance of distinguishing the role of entrepreneurship in strong and underdeveloped countries. In other words, in developing economies where production is relatively high, entrepreneurship is found to be positively related to economic growth.