The Capital (Un)known. Warsaw and the Concepts of Urban Development in Teaching Polish and Polish Culture to Foreigners Cover Image
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Stolica (nie)znana. Warszawa i koncepcje rozwoju miast w nauczaniu języka polskiego i kultury polskiej cudzoziemców
The Capital (Un)known. Warsaw and the Concepts of Urban Development in Teaching Polish and Polish Culture to Foreigners

Author(s): Barbara Łukaszewicz
Subject(s): Language studies, Theoretical Linguistics, Applied Linguistics, Studies of Literature, Polish Literature, Theory of Literature
Published by: Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego
Keywords: glottodidactics of Polish language; didactics of culture; urban space; locality
Summary/Abstract: The text aims to presents a didactic proposal allowing foreigners learning Polish to broaden their knowledge about Warsaw and simultaneously develop language and cultural competences. It recommends using selected concepts of urban development in Polish language classes and referring them to the issues concerning Warsaw. The following ideas have been presented: smart city, 15-minute city, green city, city for people and creative city. The author has also indicated the possibilities for discovering Warsaw referring to the subject of the above-mentioned concepts of urban development such as: facilities for the inhabitants, opportunities for self-development, cultural activities, recreational grounds or areas inhabited by many people. Individual and group work techniques were chosen to help improve intercultural competence and build autonomy in the process of learning about foreign culture, such as group discussion, comparing Warsaw to other cities or individual answers to the questions asked by the teacher. So far, no coursebook whose main cultural goal would be to bring Warsaw closer to foreigners has been developed and the topics related to the capital of Poland are relatively rare in glottodidactic materials. Therefore, there is a need to indicate didactic solutions helpful in spreading knowledge about the capital of Poland and to encourage foreigners to search independently for answers to questions related to its culture, history and development.

  • Page Range: 31-50
  • Page Count: 20
  • Publication Year: 2024
  • Language: Polish
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