The Sound of Place. Local Music Contexts in Teaching Polish as a Foreign Language and Polish Culture as Foreign Cover Image
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Brzmienie miejsca. Lokalne konteksty muzyczne w nauczaniu języka polskiego jako obcego i kultury polskiej jako obcej
The Sound of Place. Local Music Contexts in Teaching Polish as a Foreign Language and Polish Culture as Foreign

Author(s): Tomasz Wegner
Subject(s): Language studies, Theoretical Linguistics, Applied Linguistics, Studies of Literature, Polish Literature, Theory of Literature
Published by: Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego
Keywords: music in teaching Polish as a foreign language and teaching Polish culture as foreign; intercultural education; local musicians
Summary/Abstract: For several years, the author has been wondering how to include topics related to music and music itself in teaching Polish and Polish culture effectively and in accordance with the principles of methodology, maintaining a balance between the transmission of content relevant to the understanding of Polish culture and stimulating the interest of the learners. The article is a continuation of this research and reflections. The text asks whether the relationship between music and a given place matters in teaching Polish and Polish culture. The review of the latest texts on glottodidactics and author’s own experience allow to confirm that it is worth recalling topics related to local music as part of Polish language classes. Locality helps to acclimatize the space, build various connotations, establish ties with the region. The author, continuing his research, firstly, aims to identify more precisely to what extent local musical themes are already present in glottodidactics, and secondly, to encourage the exchange of experiences and mapping of phenomena and topics worth highlighting in glottodidactics outside the region of origin. The article is in part an invitation to participate in a study that will help to make such mapping.

  • Page Range: 71-88
  • Page Count: 18
  • Publication Year: 2024
  • Language: Polish
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