Effectiveness of Online Advertising Cover Image

Effectiveness of Online Advertising
Effectiveness of Online Advertising

Author(s): Nikola Vangelov
Subject(s): Social Sciences, Media studies, Communication studies
Published by: Факултет по журналистика и масова комуникация, Софийски университет „Св. Кл. Охридски”
Keywords: ad intrusiveness; advertising efficiency; banner blindness; online advertising; online user experience
Summary/Abstract: The paper discusses the opportunities that lie before online advertising and how its e昀昀ectiveness could be raised through engaging consumers. The theoretical framework of online ad intrusiveness and banner blindness is analyzed, to outline the challenges but also opportunities before online advertising. The main objective is to propose methods for raising the e昀케ciency of online ads about user experience. The methodology uses content analysis and examines the main aspects of online advertising so that a proposition can be made regarding raising ads' visibility and thus their effectiveness. A key component of user engagement regarding mobile advertising is interactivity.It is found to play a vital role in negating the effects of banner blindness and intrusiveness. It also enables users to turn the ads into viral ones and thus raise brand awareness. The paper could be of interest to practitioners, academicians, and students in the field of marketing, advertising, sales promotion, and brand communication.

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