Media and Communication: Transformations and Development in the Digital Age Cover Image

Медиите и комуникацията: трансформации и развитие в дигиталната ера
Media and Communication: Transformations and Development in the Digital Age

Contributor(s): Vesselina Valkanova (Editor), Nikolai Mihailov (Editor)
Subject(s): Social Sciences, Media studies, Communication studies, Theory of Communication
Published by: Факултет по журналистика и масова комуникация, Софийски университет „Св. Кл. Охридски”
Keywords: media; communication; transformation; digital
Summary/Abstract: This volume “Media and Communication: Transformations and Development in the Digital Age” collects the reports of the 4th International Scientific Conference on Media and Mass Communication held on October 26 and 27, 2023 in Sofia under the same title and organized by the Faculty of Journalism and mass communication at Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”. It was a great pleasure for us, the hosts, to welcome a large number of participants to this forum, which emphasized the challenges and perspectives in front of communication, media, and journalism in a digital environment. The conference took part 93 researchers and colleagues from 14 countries: USA, India, the Republic of Korea, Germany, Italy, Spain, Portugal, the Netherlands, Kosovo, Hungary, Poland, Lithuania, Norway and Ukraine. Bulgarian participants came from the leading universities and departments, institutions, organizations, and media. Academic partners of the International Conference are prestigious foreign universities: Eastern Kentucky University, USA, Vilnius University, Lithuania, Vytautas Magnus University, Lithuania, the Polytechnic Institute of Lisbon, Portugal, Batumi Shota Rustaveli University, Georgia, University of Bucharest, Romania

  • Print-ISBN-13: 978-619-7567-25-0
  • Page Count: 392
  • Publication Year: 2024
  • Language: English, Bulgarian
Communication and Digital Change − Challenges, Contemporary Dimensions and New Media Culture

Communication and Digital Change − Challenges, Contemporary Dimensions and New Media Culture
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Media Studies and Transformations in the Media Environment in Bulgaria

Media Studies and Transformations in the Media Environment in Bulgaria
(Media Studies and Transformations in the Media Environment in Bulgaria)

The Hard Way To Tell The Story: Literacy Challenges for Media and News Narratives

The Hard Way To Tell The Story: Literacy Challenges for Media and News Narratives
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Влияние на теорията „използване – удовлетворение“ върху активната аудитория
(Influence of the "use-satisfaction" theory on the active audience)

Незащитено слово

Незащитено слово
(Unprotected speech)

The Political Communication Export of the Hungarian Government

The Political Communication Export of the Hungarian Government
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Communication of Information Services of Martynas Mažvydas National Library of Lithuania in Social Media
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Newsworthiness for Television and Digital Journalism in Kosovo

Newsworthiness for Television and Digital Journalism in Kosovo
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Are Films More Effective than Sledgehammer: Soft Power of the Wagner Group

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Internet Blackouts as Political Means: the Case of the Islamic Republic of Iran

Internet Blackouts as Political Means: the Case of the Islamic Republic of Iran
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Посредникът в политиката – от традиционните медии до „алгоритъмкрацията“

Посредникът в политиката – от традиционните медии до „алгоритъмкрацията“
(The mediator in politics - from traditional media to "algorithmocracy")

Неудобната истина: проблеми и предизвикателства пред регионалната журналистика

Неудобната истина: проблеми и предизвикателства пред регионалната журналистика
(The inconvenient truth: issues and challenges for regional journalism)

Теорията за медийния дневен ред в дигиталната ера – трансформации и развитие

Теорията за медийния дневен ред в дигиталната ера – трансформации и развитие
(Agenda Setting Theory in the Digital Era - Modifications and Adjustments)

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Модели на адаптация на класически текст през епохата на социализма и днес
(Models of adaptation of a classical text during the socialist era and today)

Видеоефекти и обработка на видеоизображения

Видеоефекти и обработка на видеоизображения
(Video effects and video image processing)

Динамика и тенденции в PR на възобновяеми енергийни източници

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(Dynamics and Tendencies in PR for Renewable Energy Sources)

Comparative Analysis of The Recruitment Strategies on the Bulgarian and Swiss Markets

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„Хуморът не е шега работа!“. Дигиталното отсъствие на ефирното забавно
("Humor is no joke!". The digital absence of on-air fun)

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Комуникационната сила на церемониала: Как Европа посрещна президента Зеленски през юли 2023 г
(The communicative power of ceremonial: How Europe welcomed President Zelensky in July 2023)

Новините на БНТ, bTV и Nova телевизия в социалните мрежи: диспозитивен анализ

Новините на БНТ, bTV и Nova телевизия в социалните мрежи: диспозитивен анализ
(The news of BNT, bTV and Nova TV on social networks: a dispositive analysis)

Журналистическо късогледство в перспективата на държавния преврат от 9 юни 1923 г..

Журналистическо късогледство в перспективата на държавния преврат от 9 юни 1923 г..
(Journalistic nearsightedness in the historical perspective of the coup of 9 June 1923.)

Situating Visual Journalism in the Age of Digitalization

Situating Visual Journalism in the Age of Digitalization
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Традиционното книгоиздаване и новите дигитални възможности

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(Traditional book publishing and the new digital opportunities)

Freedom of Expression Online – New Legal Instruments within the European Union

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Critical Junctures for Journalism in the 21st Century

Critical Junctures for Journalism in the 21st Century
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Медийни дискурси на институционалната криза в България (Изследване на три онлайн издания за периода януари – юни 2023 г.).

Медийни дискурси на институционалната криза в България (Изследване на три онлайн издания за периода януари – юни 2023 г.).
(Media Discourses of the Institutional Crisis in Bulgaria (Study of three online editions for the period January - June 2023).)

Комуникационни аспекти на „уязвимостта“ сред младите хора, напускащи алтернативна грижа

Комуникационни аспекти на „уязвимостта“ сред младите хора, напускащи алтернативна грижа
(Communication aspects of 'vulnerability' among young people leaving alternative care)

Кризисна комуникация в дигиталната епоха – ролята на изкуствения интелект

Кризисна комуникация в дигиталната епоха – ролята на изкуствения интелект
(Crisis communication in the digital era - the role of artificial intelligence)

Интеграция на изкуствения интелект в графичната комуникация и дизайн

Интеграция на изкуствения интелект в графичната комуникация и дизайн
(Integration of artificial intelligence in graphic communication and design)

Делиберативната комуникация – рискове и възможности

Делиберативната комуникация – рискове и възможности
(Deliberative communication - risks and opportunities)

Effectiveness of Online Advertising

Effectiveness of Online Advertising
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Digital Transformation in Content Management and Customer Engagement – the Omnichannel Approach

Digital Transformation in Content Management and Customer Engagement – the Omnichannel Approach
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Digital Approaches for Book Reading Promotion

Digital Approaches for Book Reading Promotion
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