Relation Between Bankruptcy and Civil Proceedings in Terms of Subject Matter and Territorial Jurisdiction: the Need for Establishment of Commercial Courts in FBiH Cover Image

Relation Between Bankruptcy and Civil Proceedings in Terms of Subject Matter and Territorial Jurisdiction: the Need for Establishment of Commercial Courts in FBiH
Relation Between Bankruptcy and Civil Proceedings in Terms of Subject Matter and Territorial Jurisdiction: the Need for Establishment of Commercial Courts in FBiH

Author(s): Viktorija Haubrich, Marija Vidić, Mirjana Kevo
Subject(s): Law, Constitution, Jurisprudence, Civil Law, Law on Economics, Commercial Law
Published by: Правни факултет Универзитета у Источном Сарајеву
Keywords: Court with subject matter jurisdiction for bankruptcy proceedings; Court with territorial jurisdiction for bankruptcy proceedings; Exclusive territorial jurisdiction in civil proceedings;
Summary/Abstract: A bankruptcy proceeding is a special type of civil court proceeding and is conducted by the court which has subject matter and territorial jurisdiction in the area where the registered office of a legal entity or the residence of an individual debtor is located. In this paper, the authors explore the relationship between bankruptcy proceeding and civil proceeding regarding the determination of subject matter jurisdiction and territorial jurisdiction for bankruptcy cases, as well as the attraction of civil proceedings regarding territorial jurisdiction. The paper focuses on the analysis of legal regulations concerning subject matter jurisdiction, general delegation, and comparison with the aim of prescribing de lege ferenda regulations for the establishment of specialized commercial courts for commercial cases and bankruptcy proceedings in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina.

  • Page Range: 392-425
  • Page Count: 34
  • Publication Year: 2024
  • Language: English
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