Ubuntu: the End of African Ways Cover Image

Ubuntu: the End of African Ways
Ubuntu: the End of African Ways

Author(s): Theoneste Bimenyimana
Subject(s): Environmental Geography
Published by: Presa Universitara Clujeana
Keywords: Ubuntu diplomacy; ethical framework; African ways; inherent law;
Summary/Abstract: Ubuntism-making is challenging for international and inter-continentaldiplomats, particularly transnational approaches engaging in inner-building for binding connections, recognition, and governance. In theVienna Convention of 1961 and 1963, the relations approach appears inthe following genres: absence of inherent rights, diplomats’ secrets, andlegal ambiguity in diplomacy. I argue that Ubuntu philosophy’s inherentlaw that includes others provides a flexible concept to make our naturalintellect visible and foster diplomats to ultimately do good to others asa means of a more unified community. Traversing problem formulationand gap spotting requires philosophical exploration and complex literacies.We use an introspective approach by interviewing a philosophymaster. The method allows diplomats to begin simply and build complexity.Thus, attempting to explain Ubuntism solely in African terms isargued to be epistemically costlier than framing it in the context of socialvirtue. This article underscores the primacy of perceptual societal relationsover abstract human legal theory on both epistemic and ontic levels.

  • Page Range: 31-44
  • Page Count: 14
  • Publication Year: 2024
  • Language: English
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