Green Deal Challenges for a Sustainable Future of the EU
Green Deal Challenges for a Sustainable Future of the EU
Contributor(s): Melania-Gabriela Ciot (Editor)
Subject(s): Geography, Regional studies, Environmental Geography
Published by: Presa Universitara Clujeana
Keywords: energy security; renewable energy; sustainable development;
Summary/Abstract: The present volume gathered the best studies presented at the first conference organized by Jean Monnet Chair Green Deal and European Negotiations and Doctoral School International Relations and European Studies of Babeș-Bolyai University (Faculty of European Studies), continuing the tradition of the conferences initiated 5 years ago. The conference brought together young researchers, Ph.D students of doctoral schools from the best Romanian universities, such as University of Bucharest, University of the West in Timișoara, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University in Iași, National School of Political and Administrative Sciences, Lucian Blaga Universityin Sibiu, Transilvania University in Brașov, as well as participants from7 doctoral schools from Babeș-Bolyai University: Population Studies and History of Minorities; Education, reflection and development; Doctoral School of Economic Sciences and Business Management; Doctoral School of Communication, Public Relations and Advertising; Doctoral School of Geography; Doctoral School of Law and Doctoral School of International Relations and European Studies. There were 43 participants presented their studies on four sections: Sustainable Development and challenges on the Contemporary International System’s restructuring; European Green Deal Implementation – new perspectives; Research and Innovation toward Green and Digital Transition and Varia. From all the papers presented,19 were selected from all sections for the present volume.
- E-ISBN-13: 978-606-37-2332-2
- Page Count: 295
- Publication Year: 2024
- Language: English
Energy Security: Challenges and Opportunities for the African Union
Energy Security: Challenges and Opportunities for the African Union
(Energy Security: Challenges and Opportunities
for the African Union)
- Author(s):Kudzai Cathrine BINGISAI
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Environmental Geography
- Page Range:11-30
- No. of Pages:20
- Keywords:energy security; renewable energy; sustainable development;
- Summary/Abstract:Over the last decade, energy demand and accessibility havebeen significant concerns for AU energy security as a strategic approachto ensure the region’s sustainable development. This study sought toevaluate the challenges and opportunities for the AU in ensuring energysecurity. Energy security is essential to AU’s sustainable developmentamidst competing unfolding challenges in the global arena. The studyused the resource curse theory to analyse the region’s energy securityimplications. The accelerated concern of resource abundance versus energyscarcity alerted the researcher that AU energy security needs a criticalreview. Using qualitative methodology, the study used secondarydata sources and interviews to determine AU energy security. The empiricalresults show that transitioning to renewable energy sources couldenhance energy accessibility and promote sustainable development.Additionally, securing energy confirms the potential achievement ofthe United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs), whichaddress climate change and infrastructure development. Despite theUnion’s efforts to strengthen socioeconomic channels through energystrategy, limited finance, infrastructural development and member statecommitment constrain progress towards achievement of sustainable development.In this case, achieving energy security can be challengingdespite having the resources. Nevertheless, the results presented thatthe potential for sustainable development and energy security lies in renewableenergy sources and trade relations in regional and internationalintegration.
Ubuntu: the End of African Ways
Ubuntu: the End of African Ways
(Ubuntu: the End of African Ways)
- Author(s):Theoneste Bimenyimana
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Environmental Geography
- Page Range:31-44
- No. of Pages:14
- Keywords:Ubuntu diplomacy; ethical framework; African ways; inherent law;
- Summary/Abstract:Ubuntism-making is challenging for international and inter-continentaldiplomats, particularly transnational approaches engaging in inner-building for binding connections, recognition, and governance. In theVienna Convention of 1961 and 1963, the relations approach appears inthe following genres: absence of inherent rights, diplomats’ secrets, andlegal ambiguity in diplomacy. I argue that Ubuntu philosophy’s inherentlaw that includes others provides a flexible concept to make our naturalintellect visible and foster diplomats to ultimately do good to others asa means of a more unified community. Traversing problem formulationand gap spotting requires philosophical exploration and complex literacies.We use an introspective approach by interviewing a philosophymaster. The method allows diplomats to begin simply and build complexity.Thus, attempting to explain Ubuntism solely in African terms isargued to be epistemically costlier than framing it in the context of socialvirtue. This article underscores the primacy of perceptual societal relationsover abstract human legal theory on both epistemic and ontic levels.
From Silt to City: Sustainability Concerns of Land Reclamation in Post-2017 Hong Kong
From Silt to City: Sustainability Concerns of Land Reclamation in Post-2017 Hong Kong
(From Silt to City: Sustainability Concerns of Land Reclamation in Post-2017 Hong Kong)
- Author(s):Carmen Ștefania Duță
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Environmental Geography
- Page Range:45-59
- No. of Pages:14
- Keywords:Hong Kong; sustainability; land reclamation; Lantau, Tung Chung; 2017;
- Summary/Abstract:Hong Kong has a long history of land reclamation to ensure thespace for an expanding population and economic activity. Authoritiesrely on the expansion along the shoreline and the creation of artificial islands,yet these processes raise questions regarding the sustainability ofthe long-term development of the HKSAR. By analyzing the case studyof the already-completed Tung Chung New Town extensions and theLantau Tomorrow Vision proposed by CE Carrie Lam, this paper provesthe grave consequences of land reclamation on the local ecosystem.
The Neptun Deep Project: A Catalist for the Redesign of Regional Energy Security
The Neptun Deep Project: A Catalist for the Redesign
of Regional Energy Security
(The Neptun Deep Project: A Catalist for the Redesign
of Regional Energy Security)
- Author(s):Mihai Melintei
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Environmental Geography
- Page Range:59-68
- No. of Pages:10
- Keywords:energy; energetic security; Neptun Deep; Romania; gas;
- Summary/Abstract:Against the background of changes in the global securityarchitecture of the supply of energy resources and volatile changesin the natural gas market, the offshore sector in the Black Sea experienceda redesign regarding energy security. In the last ten years, theuse of natural gas has increased significantly, according to IEA data.Thus, the development of the Neptun Deep project becomes a necessaryvariable for strengthening the energy security of Romania andthe Southeastern Europe region, including achieving a sustainable andfair energy transition. The debate on the evolution of offshore activitiesin Romania is a topic of strategic importance for the state authorities,mainly due to the undeniable impact on Romania’s economy andenergy security, but also against the background of the complexity ofthe changes in the European energy market. Considering the significantpotential of the natural gas reserves, which could become commercialexploitations, large-scale investments will be made withinthis project in the coming years. For this reason, a more careful examinationand analysis is required of natural gas as a resource and theeconomic consolidation and industrial growth potential that theseinvestments can bring to Romania as a whole. Also, considering thatnatural gas is declared as a source of energy transition, according tothe UE advice, the Neptun Deep project can contribute to a sustainableand intelligent transition in Romania. Energy must, first and foremost,be safe. At the same time, there is no energy transition withoutinfrastructure and pragmatism. Thus, through the proposed article,an analysis is proposed regarding the new opportunities in the energysector, namely the Neptun Deep project, which can contribute toRomania’s economic and technological development and mitigate theimpact related to the energy transition.
The Relevance of The Emotional Impact of Social Media Users on The Content Shared Online
The Relevance of The Emotional Impact of Social
Media Users on The Content Shared Online
(The Relevance of The Emotional Impact of Social
Media Users on The Content Shared Online)
- Author(s):Oana Rațiu
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Environmental Geography
- Page Range:69-82
- No. of Pages:12
- Keywords:social media; emotional impact; online content; social media users;
- Summary/Abstract:The emotional impact of social media users on online contentis an increasingly important research topic in the digital era. This studyexplores how users’ emotional reactions influence the content createdand distributed on social media platforms. The motives and behavioursof users in relation to emotional content, the impact of virality on distribution,and the responsibility of content creators in managing thisaspect are analysed. Additionally, the effects on users’ mental healthand the necessity of promoting responsible use of social media are examined.The findings indicate that the emotional impact of social mediausers can be significant, influencing not only how content is created anddistributed but also the users’ emotional state. Thus, a balanced andconscious approach is essential to manage this aspect and promote ahealthy and responsible online environment.
Countertransference of Emotions for Creating a Connection between The Country/City Brand and The Consumer Audience
Countertransference of Emotions for Creating
a Connection between The Country/City Brand
and The Consumer Audience
(Countertransference of Emotions for Creating
a Connection between The Country/City Brand
and The Consumer Audience)
- Author(s):Oana Rațiu, Cosmin Irimieş, Laura Irimieș
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Environmental Geography
- Page Range:83-94
- No. of Pages:11
- Keywords:city brand; country brand; consumers; emotions counter-transfer;
- Summary/Abstract:In modern marketing, emotional brand attachment is one ofthe central pillars of branding strategies, particularly within the contextof country and city branding. This paper delves into the depth and significanceof emotional brand attachment in creating authentic connectionsbetween destination brands and their consumer audience. Beginningwith traditional branding strategies and exploring the innovative conceptof emotional brand attachment, this research unveils how emotionsare reciprocally transferred between consumers and brands. Throughauthentic responses to the emotions and attitudes expressed by consumers,brands can establish genuine and emotional connections, thuscreating deep and valuable bonds. The relevance of emotional brandattachment lies in its ability to generate loyalty and advocacy amongconsumers. When consumers feel understood and valued by a brand,they are likelier to show loyalty through repeated purchases and positiverecommendations to other potential consumers. Through a thoroughanalysis of specialized literature and empirical investigations, thispaper highlights the importance of emotional brand attachment withincountry and city branding.
Durable Development of Euroregions with Moldovan-Romanian Participation: Challenges, Achievements and Perspectives
Durable Development of Euroregions with
Moldovan-Romanian Participation: Challenges,
Achievements and Perspectives
(Durable Development of Euroregions with
Moldovan-Romanian Participation: Challenges,
Achievements and Perspectives)
- Author(s):Aliona Rozovel
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Environmental Geography
- Page Range:95-116
- No. of Pages:20
- Keywords:across-borders cooperation; regional development; border regions; Euroregions; European integration;
- Summary/Abstract:This article offers us a dynamic vision of cross-border cooperationwithin the Euroregions with Moldovan-Romanian participationin which the degree of ethnic homogeneity is the focal point in order toestablish an intelligible space for scientific, cultural, economic development,etc., with the aim of also analyzing the role of these cross-borderinstitutions in solving common challenges with all the advantages anddisadvantages arising from them. Although there are some lapses in thecollaboration between the Republic of Moldova and Romania, we canstill state that based on the analysis presented in the given article, thereexists even at the level of possibilities a real collaboration between thesignatory states with a positive impact on the development of all areas ofactivity of daily life. In order to deepen cross-border relations, it wouldbe logical to return to collaboration in the western border area fromthe perspective that the idea is practically accepted by the Romanianside, although positive results are also recorded in the eastern borderarea, where the indicated Euroregions are practically positioned below.Taking into account that the Republic of Moldova has obtained the statusof a candidate country and the accession negotiations to the EU havebegun, this state of affairs would be a considerable step in this regard.
Ethical and Technical Aspects Related to Automated Vehicles and the Green Deal to Ensure Efficient, Safe and Low-pollution Transport
Ethical and Technical Aspects Related to Automated
Vehicles and the Green Deal to Ensure Efficient,
Safe and Low-pollution Transport
(Ethical and Technical Aspects Related to Automated
Vehicles and the Green Deal to Ensure Efficient,
Safe and Low-pollution Transport)
- Author(s):Doru-Laurean Băldean
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Environmental Geography
- Page Range:117-130
- No. of Pages:12
- Keywords:full self-driving; automated vehicles; automated technology; autonomous vehicles;
- Summary/Abstract:We are going through a stage of civilisation in which there are simultaneouslyautomatic systems that provide us with water, electricity, gasand the Internet at any level of the housing buildings, as well as ruralsettlements that do not benefit from all these utilities. In isolated communitiesin Romania, a member country of the European Union, just likein some more primitive communities in Palestine and in African countries,opening a tap to which clean water flows is only a luxury that somepeople only dream about without being able to enjoy this automatic watertransport system. On certain social networks, paid video spots arebeing run by organisations dedicated to implementing automatic waterextraction and pumping systems in isolated communities in Africa to relievethe daily effort of children and women in those communities whoare charged with bringing water into their communities. Why did I startcontextualising the study topic with these contextual details that havenothing to do with motor vehicles? Even if, from a philosophical pointof view, the answers can be multiple, one of the explanations can be thatthe metaphor thus created leads us to think of the similarities in the situations.
Green Transition in the Arctic Region
Green Transition in the Arctic Region
(Green Transition in the Arctic Region)
- Author(s):Iohana-Georgia Burcea
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Environmental Geography
- Page Range:131-144
- No. of Pages:12
- Keywords:Arctic; green transition; European Union; natural resources;
- Summary/Abstract:Global warming is taking hold in the Arctic region. The rapidice melt and increasingly less hostile temperatures have created new opportunitiesto exploit the region’s natural resources and the promise ofnew transport routes. In the context of the profound changes the regionis currently facing, the green transition becomes a necessary pillar forthe region’s development and the protection of its unique ecosystem.Climate change issues are at the core of the European agenda, as theEuropean Union has exercised its leadership in global environmentalpolicy for several years. The overall objective underlying this paper isto analyse the European Union’s approach towards the European sideof the Arctic and the whole region in terms of implementing the GreenDeal and achieving a just green transition. This paper also addressesthe potential of the High North in facilitating a global green transitionthrough the natural resources found in the area. In this respect, responsibilityand prudence are needed in their exploitation. For this research,I will use a qualitative research method of documents belonging toSweden and Finland and their Arctic strategies. Furthermore, I will takeinto account strategic documents and communications belonging to theEuropean Union that refer to the Arctic region and its green transition.
Ecological Trends in Cyprus: The Impact of the European Green Deal
Ecological Trends in Cyprus: The Impact
of the European Green Deal
(Ecological Trends in Cyprus: The Impact
of the European Green Deal)
- Author(s):Valeriu Șargarovschi
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Environmental Geography
- Page Range:145-158
- No. of Pages:13
- Keywords:European Green Deal; EuroAsia Interconnector; renewable energy; energetic efficiency; emissions reduction;
- Summary/Abstract:The European Green Deal, aiming to make Europe the firstclimate-neutral continent by 2050, significantly impacts all EU memberstates, including Cyprus. Cyprus has adopted measures such as investingin renewable energies, promoting sustainable transport, improvingenergy efficiency in buildings, separate waste collection, and protectingbiodiversity. A key project is the EuroAsia Interconnector, connectingCyprus to the EU’s power grid. However, meeting the greenhouse gasemission reduction targets remains a challenge. Rigorous monitoringand evaluation of progress, and continuous policy and measure adaptationare essential for a successful green transition.
Connecting Creative and Digital Economies for the Benefit of the Green Transition: A Theoretical Approach
Connecting Creative and Digital Economies
for the Benefit of the Green Transition:
A Theoretical Approach
(Connecting Creative and Digital Economies
for the Benefit of the Green Transition:
A Theoretical Approach)
- Author(s):Mihaela Clincu, Paula Cobzaru
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Environmental Geography
- Page Range:159-180
- No. of Pages:20
- Keywords:creative economy; digital economy; green transition; environmental policies; innovation;
- Summary/Abstract:The ecological transition towards a green economy has met agrowing interest in the contemporary economic discourse. Our paperexplores how the interconnection between creative and digital economiescan contribute to this transition through a bibliometric study onScopus and Web of Science, along with a qualitative analysis. Our paperalso analyses the role of policy and collaboration in strengtheningthe synergy between creative and digital industries. Our theoreticalapproach identified the need for an integrated perspective on creative,digital, and green economies through interdisciplinary research andcross-sectoral strategies.
Development of ,,green skills” of preschoolers through the Erasmus+ School Accreditation (KA1)
Development of ,,green skills” of preschoolers
through the Erasmus+ School Accreditation (KA1)
(Development of ,,green skills” of preschoolers
through the Erasmus+ School Accreditation (KA1))
- Author(s):Vasilica Găzdac , Mușata Bocoș
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Environmental Geography
- Page Range:181-192
- No. of Pages:11
- Keywords:Erasmus+; green skills; preschoolers; accreditation; #ErasmusAmbassador;
- Summary/Abstract:Erasmus+ Accreditation in the field of school education hasthe role of impacting students and teachers differently by realising thatlearning experiences in European schools are particularly valuable andcontribute to the growth of democratic citizenship skills, care for theenvironment and green examples presented by students and Europeanteachers, all of this contributes to the formation of responsible, sustainablebehaviours for Romanian teachers and students and the awarenessof the young generation on the importance of green transport and theEuropean Green Pact. This article presents Erasmus+ project in KA1action: ”Accreditation Erasmus+, Scoala Profesională Tiberiu MorariuSalva” (2021-2024), educational policies presented in Erasmus+ program,elements of the National Curriculum for Early Childhood Education inRomania (2019), results obtained in accreditation project in collaborationwith educational kindergartens institutions from Bulgaria, CzechRepublic, Turkey, Poland and Slovakia.
Research and innovation, Digital Transition, Future of Management with the help of GenAI
Research and innovation, Digital Transition, Future
of Management with the help of GenAI
(Research and innovation, Digital Transition, Future
of Management with the help of GenAI)
- Author(s):Alexandru Silviu Goga
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Environmental Geography
- Page Range:193-202
- No. of Pages:8
- Keywords:digital transformation; GenAI integration; strategic innovation; data-driven decision making; ethical AI governance;
- Summary/Abstract:In an era where digital transformation is pivotal, integratingGeneral Artificial Intelligence (GenAI) in management practices presentsunprecedented opportunities for innovation and efficiency. Thispaper explores the symbiotic relationship between GenAI and management,focusing on how GenAI can be leveraged to foster a digitaltransition that reshapes the future of management. We delve into thecore aspects of GenAI, including its adaptive algorithms, predictiveanalytics, and decision-making capabilities, which can streamline operations,enhance strategic planning, and foster a culture of continuousinnovation. Reviewing current practices, we identify key trendsand challenges in integrating GenAI within organisational structures.Furthermore, we propose a framework for successfully adopting GenAI,emphasising the importance of ethical considerations, employee engagement,and a shift towards data-driven cultures. Our findings suggestthat GenAI augments and redefines managerial tasks, paving theway for a new paradigm in research and innovation within the digitallandscape.
The role of EU's education agenda in managing the impact of AI in external relations
The role of EU's education agenda in managing
the impact of AI in external relations
(The role of EU's education agenda in managing
the impact of AI in external relations)
- Author(s):Cristina Macé
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Environmental Geography
- Page Range:203-216
- No. of Pages:12
- Keywords:EU; AI; education; innovation; external relations;
- Summary/Abstract:The EU’s external relations are at a crossroads between constitutionaltransformation and AI development. In this critical contextthat will define the future of global governance, the EU’s narrative onAI is reshaping the dynamics of the world order. So far, studies regardingAI’s influence in external relations have outlined a rather unilateralapproach to geopolitical power, observing AI as an instrument of statepower that ensures national security and wins the global power competition.Conversely, my research provides a framework for investigatingthe EU’s external relations and finds that the EU is building a differentnarrative about AI centred on a strategic education agenda to ensuregood governance of AI and thus elevate its leadership on the globalstage. Using a qualitative analysis of the current scholarship on AI governancecomparatively, my thematic analysis of the EU’s external relationshighlights the role of the EU’s education agenda in managing theimpact of AI in this field.
Assimilation Advantages, Disadvantages, Failure. Case Study: Assimilation of the Jewish Ethnicity
Assimilation Advantages, Disadvantages,
Failure. Case Study: Assimilation
of the Jewish Ethnicity
(Assimilation Advantages, Disadvantages,
Failure. Case Study: Assimilation
of the Jewish Ethnicity)
- Author(s):Enikő Balázs-Széles
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Environmental Geography
- Page Range:217-230
- No. of Pages:12
- Keywords:assimilation; Jews; Jewish history; anti-Semitism; minority;
- Summary/Abstract:Cultural assimilation is a complex process by which a minoritygroup adopts the cultural characteristics of the nation within which itlives. This integration may be voluntary or due to social pressures. Thepresent study aims to trace the process of assimilation of Jews startingwith the 18th century in Hungary and Transylvania, respectively, ina European context. The study aims to analyse the elements that facilitatedor hindered this process. It also aims to assess the impact ofassimilation on the cultural and social identity of the Jewish community.Research is based on historical approaches using secondary sourcesand previous studies. The case study focuses on specific periods andregions, the last decades of the 18th century until 1946, in Europe, generallydetailing Hungary and Transylvania. The analysis indicates thatJewish assimilation had advantages, but the magnitude of negative effectsovershadowed privilege.
Powering Progress: Energetic Projects and Sustainable Innovation in the Middle East
Powering Progress: Energetic Projects
and Sustainable Innovation in the Middle East
(Powering Progress: Energetic Projects
and Sustainable Innovation in the Middle East)
- Author(s):Cristina - Alexandra Deffert
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Environmental Geography
- Page Range:231-248
- No. of Pages:16
- Keywords:Middle East; green energy; Saudi Vision 2030; Dubai Clean Energy; energy projects;
- Summary/Abstract:The urgency of sustainable energy solutions in the Middle Eastis paramount as the region seeks to reduce its reliance on petroleumresources. This paper explores the necessity for innovation in energy toaddress environmental concerns and enhance economic resilience. Theresearch delves into key energetic initiatives and projects in the MiddleEast, such as Saudi Vision 2030, Dubai Clean Energy, Qatar’s sustainabilityinitiatives, and numerous others. These projects exemplify a shifttowards renewable energy sources, energy efficiency, and sustainabledevelopment goals. These initiatives aim to enhance energy security, reducecarbon emissions, and stimulate economic growth by leveragingsolar, wind, and other renewable resources. Nevertheless, the MiddleEast’s strategic position as a global energy hub underscores its significancein international energy markets, and closer cooperation betweenthe Middle East and the European Union offers opportunities for energytrade and investment partnerships, contributing to energy security andsustainability goals on both sides. By supporting renewable energy initiativesand fostering collaboration with Middle Eastern countries, theEU can reduce its reliance on fossil fuels and promote a more sustainableenergy mix. Thus, this research explores the potential impact of energeticprojects in the Middle East on the region’s future energy sustainabilityand their implications for international energy dynamics. It underscoresthe importance of innovation and cooperation in shaping a more sustainableenergy landscape in the Middle East and beyond.
The Green Deal and the labour market environment: The future of work in new sustainable economies
The Green Deal and the labour market
environment: The future of work
in new sustainable economies
(The Green Deal and the labour market
environment: The future of work
in new sustainable economies)
- Author(s):Adina-Ioana Hoza
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Environmental Geography
- Page Range:249-264
- No. of Pages:15
- Keywords:European Green Deal; climate change; sustainable economy; labour market; green economy;
- Summary/Abstract:At the policy level, the European Green Deal shall applybroadly; the objective of making Europe climate-neutral by 2050 is transformativeregarding the labour market. In this context, the paper aimsto delineate the spectrum of impacts the Green Deal would have on employmentin general while encompassing both challenges and opportunitiesfor the labour market within the EU. A green economy would spelldeep, indeed, structural changes. Traditional industries must transformcompletely as they become hugely reliant on fossil fuels, which suggestsjob displacement. Society will be able to meet such changes because theGreen Deal will open a new horizon for employment and innovative jobopportunities—such as in green energies, energy efficiencies, and sustainableagriculture. A key challenge among those identified is a skillsgap; some of them need the complementing of the workforce for newcompetencies in response to the green job requirements. This would callfor robust education and transformative training programs buttressedby the European Skills Agenda. A second significant challenge is regionaldisparities; some of the specific locations depending on traditionalindustries will experience marked severe changes. The Just TransitionMechanism is well-recognised as a critical instrument for addressingsuch discrepancies and offering financial and technical support to theregions and communities that are most affected.
The strategic importance of the Middle Corridor for the EU as a key partner in Central Asia and the competitive interests in the region
The strategic importance of the Middle Corridor
for the EU as a key partner in Central Asia
and the competitive interests in the region
(The strategic importance of the Middle Corridor
for the EU as a key partner in Central Asia
and the competitive interests in the region)
- Author(s):Paul-Alexandru Sitea
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Environmental Geography
- Page Range:265-274
- No. of Pages:18
- Keywords:Middle Corridor; geopolitical competition; Eurasian connectivity;
- Summary/Abstract:The Middle Corridor, which connects Europe and CentralAsia and spans the South Caucasus and the Caspian Sea, is an essentialgeopolitical and financial route. The EU policy to reduce reliance onRussian energy elements is based on this path, which is becoming morevital in diversifying power sources and improving change flows. Thisstrategy has been emphasized, considering sanctions have been placedon Iran and Russia (with the war on Ukraine). Large-scale infrastructureprojects, such as the “New Baku International Sea Trade Port,” demonstratethe corridor’s capability to guide tremendous alternate volumesand link-local economies. At the same time, boundaries regarding commoditytransit and domestic market effects still exist. The geopoliticalinterest in the Middle Corridor is not entirely European because the corridoris focused on the aid of China’s Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) as acritical part of its broader plan to develop complex geopolitical networksto help China become a global hegemon. That plan includes Eurasiaconnectivity in the first place. On the other hand, the European GlobalGateway challenge is much smaller, and the project that initiatives theEU’s interests in diversifying its energy imports and growing politicallinks within it can play a significant role on the international stage; themain objective for the EU in the competitive race with other great powers(mainly China) from this perspective is to enable the developmentof their regional and global status quo. The Middle Corridor has thepotential to have a major impact on Eurasian connectivity and is moreimportant for stabilizing the energy security sector of the EU’s actors.Its strategic functions are diverse, spanning geopolitical, economic, andenvironmental elements.
The Impact of Strategic Compass on Common Security and Defence Policy
The Impact of Strategic Compass on Common
Security and Defence Policy
(The Impact of Strategic Compass on Common
Security and Defence Policy)
- Author(s):Liviu-Vasile Șerban
- Language:English
- Subject(s):Environmental Geography
- Page Range:275-295
- No. of Pages:19
- Keywords:Strategic Compass; CSDP; security; defence; partnership; strategic culture; NATO’s eastern flank; Black Sea;
- Summary/Abstract:The article reveals the impact of the Strategic Compass onCommon Security and Defence Policy in the light of the contemporarysecurity environment, characterized by unpredictability, complexity andunprecedented dynamism. In this precarious moment of global security,EU member states seek consensus and determination. These realities callfor political actors to reorganize and act united. This article analyses ifthis guide could be the solution for adapting the defence policy to thenew realities, especially at the Black Sea and NATO’s Eastern flank. Inour approach, we used the qualitative research method. We relied onvarious primary and secondary sources to obtain the necessary informationfor this study. Faced with a possible overthrow of the contemporaryliberal system, with a decision-making process marked by friction and aseries of ambiguous and imprecise actions, the EU is trying to overcomethe moment through the Strategic Compass. This new doctrine demonstratesthe ability of the EU to adapt, in advance, to the volatile changesand realities in the security environment. Having the fertile ground tosow tangible and concrete initiatives, we argue that CSDP benefits froman impetus which member states must deepen.