Green Transition in the Arctic Region
Green Transition in the Arctic Region
Author(s): Iohana-Georgia Burcea
Subject(s): Environmental Geography
Published by: Presa Universitara Clujeana
Keywords: Arctic; green transition; European Union; natural resources;
Summary/Abstract: Global warming is taking hold in the Arctic region. The rapidice melt and increasingly less hostile temperatures have created new opportunitiesto exploit the region’s natural resources and the promise ofnew transport routes. In the context of the profound changes the regionis currently facing, the green transition becomes a necessary pillar forthe region’s development and the protection of its unique ecosystem.Climate change issues are at the core of the European agenda, as theEuropean Union has exercised its leadership in global environmentalpolicy for several years. The overall objective underlying this paper isto analyse the European Union’s approach towards the European sideof the Arctic and the whole region in terms of implementing the GreenDeal and achieving a just green transition. This paper also addressesthe potential of the High North in facilitating a global green transitionthrough the natural resources found in the area. In this respect, responsibilityand prudence are needed in their exploitation. For this research,I will use a qualitative research method of documents belonging toSweden and Finland and their Arctic strategies. Furthermore, I will takeinto account strategic documents and communications belonging to theEuropean Union that refer to the Arctic region and its green transition.
Book: Green Deal Challenges for a Sustainable Future of the EU
- Page Range: 131-144
- Page Count: 12
- Publication Year: 2024
- Language: English
- Content File-PDF