Countertransference of Emotions for Creating
a Connection between The Country/City Brand
and The Consumer Audience Cover Image

Countertransference of Emotions for Creating a Connection between The Country/City Brand and The Consumer Audience
Countertransference of Emotions for Creating a Connection between The Country/City Brand and The Consumer Audience

Author(s): Oana Rațiu, Cosmin Irimieş, Laura Irimieș
Subject(s): Environmental Geography
Published by: Presa Universitara Clujeana
Keywords: city brand; country brand; consumers; emotions counter-transfer;
Summary/Abstract: In modern marketing, emotional brand attachment is one ofthe central pillars of branding strategies, particularly within the contextof country and city branding. This paper delves into the depth and significanceof emotional brand attachment in creating authentic connectionsbetween destination brands and their consumer audience. Beginningwith traditional branding strategies and exploring the innovative conceptof emotional brand attachment, this research unveils how emotionsare reciprocally transferred between consumers and brands. Throughauthentic responses to the emotions and attitudes expressed by consumers,brands can establish genuine and emotional connections, thuscreating deep and valuable bonds. The relevance of emotional brandattachment lies in its ability to generate loyalty and advocacy amongconsumers. When consumers feel understood and valued by a brand,they are likelier to show loyalty through repeated purchases and positiverecommendations to other potential consumers. Through a thoroughanalysis of specialized literature and empirical investigations, thispaper highlights the importance of emotional brand attachment withincountry and city branding.

  • Page Range: 83-94
  • Page Count: 11
  • Publication Year: 2024
  • Language: English
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