Durable Development of Euroregions with
Moldovan-Romanian Participation: Challenges,
Achievements and Perspectives
Durable Development of Euroregions with
Moldovan-Romanian Participation: Challenges,
Achievements and Perspectives
Author(s): Aliona Rozovel
Subject(s): Environmental Geography
Published by: Presa Universitara Clujeana
Keywords: across-borders cooperation; regional development; border regions; Euroregions; European integration;
Summary/Abstract: This article offers us a dynamic vision of cross-border cooperationwithin the Euroregions with Moldovan-Romanian participationin which the degree of ethnic homogeneity is the focal point in order toestablish an intelligible space for scientific, cultural, economic development,etc., with the aim of also analyzing the role of these cross-borderinstitutions in solving common challenges with all the advantages anddisadvantages arising from them. Although there are some lapses in thecollaboration between the Republic of Moldova and Romania, we canstill state that based on the analysis presented in the given article, thereexists even at the level of possibilities a real collaboration between thesignatory states with a positive impact on the development of all areas ofactivity of daily life. In order to deepen cross-border relations, it wouldbe logical to return to collaboration in the western border area fromthe perspective that the idea is practically accepted by the Romanianside, although positive results are also recorded in the eastern borderarea, where the indicated Euroregions are practically positioned below.Taking into account that the Republic of Moldova has obtained the statusof a candidate country and the accession negotiations to the EU havebegun, this state of affairs would be a considerable step in this regard.
Book: Green Deal Challenges for a Sustainable Future of the EU
- Page Range: 95-116
- Page Count: 20
- Publication Year: 2024
- Language: English
- Content File-PDF