The Relevance of The Emotional Impact of Social
Media Users on The Content Shared Online Cover Image

The Relevance of The Emotional Impact of Social Media Users on The Content Shared Online
The Relevance of The Emotional Impact of Social Media Users on The Content Shared Online

Author(s): Oana Rațiu
Subject(s): Environmental Geography
Published by: Presa Universitara Clujeana
Keywords: social media; emotional impact; online content; social media users;
Summary/Abstract: The emotional impact of social media users on online contentis an increasingly important research topic in the digital era. This studyexplores how users’ emotional reactions influence the content createdand distributed on social media platforms. The motives and behavioursof users in relation to emotional content, the impact of virality on distribution,and the responsibility of content creators in managing thisaspect are analysed. Additionally, the effects on users’ mental healthand the necessity of promoting responsible use of social media are examined.The findings indicate that the emotional impact of social mediausers can be significant, influencing not only how content is created anddistributed but also the users’ emotional state. Thus, a balanced andconscious approach is essential to manage this aspect and promote ahealthy and responsible online environment.

  • Page Range: 69-82
  • Page Count: 12
  • Publication Year: 2024
  • Language: English
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