The meaning ‘eat’ as a result of regular metaphorical development: semantic parallelism in aid of etymological analysis Cover Image

Значението ’ям’ като резултат от регулярен развой: семантичен паралелизъм в помощ на етимологичния анализ
The meaning ‘eat’ as a result of regular metaphorical development: semantic parallelism in aid of etymological analysis

Author(s): Krasimira Fuchedzhieva
Subject(s): Language studies, Language and Literature Studies, Theoretical Linguistics, Lexis, Semantics, Historical Linguistics, Cognitive linguistics, Descriptive linguistics, South Slavic Languages
Published by: Институт за български език „Проф. Любомир Андрейчин“, Българска академия на науките
Keywords: etymology; semantic change; semantic parallels; Bulgarian Etymological Dictionary
Summary/Abstract: This paper focuses on a group of Bulgarian verbs with the secondary meaning ‘eat’. On the basis of specific lexical material included in the Bulgarian Etymological Dictionary, we observe the recurrent semantic shifts ‘to tuck, to cram’ → ‘to eat a lot’ and ‘to thrust, to poke’→ ‘to eat greedily (and a lot)’ which emerge as regular.We explain the semantic development as the result of metaphorical change. The identified semantic parallels, albeit in this small fragment of lexis, could add to the empirical evidence in the systematic representation of semantic transitions within semantic typological studies. They could assist semantic analysis in etymologizing other verbs with similar secondary meanings and correctly mapping them to a particular etymological nest.

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